Owncloud Could Not Find Driver Windows

Mar 15, 2016. This guide will have detailed instructions for installing Owncloud 9 to Synology NAS device with DSM 6. Ok -let's get started with the installation. You can also safely remove 'data' and '@eaDir' folders inside '/web/owncloud/' – they are not needed inside there if you created data folder outside the web. On Sunday, North Korea detonated what they claimed to be a hydrogen bomb and the weapon test has prompted serious concern from the U.S. But what makes a.

Owncloud Could Not Find Driver Windows

Forum rules 1) On 12/25, Synology Forums will be getting a new layout. During this time, content will still be accessible but you will be unable to make new threads and posts. Yips Globalization Drivers.

2) This is a user forum for Synology users to share experience/help out each other: if you need direct assistance from the Synology technical support team, please use the following form: 3) To avoid putting users' DiskStation at risk, please don't paste links to any patches provided by our Support team as we will systematically remove them. Our Support team will provide the correct patch for your DiskStation model. I was able to solve the problem.

The problem was caused by a PHP related setting in file ‘user-settings.ini’ at location /usr/local/etc/php56/conf.d. That file contained a setting for the PHP extensions location, which – if I understand it correctly – overrules the standard location set in the php.ini file. The file contained the following setting: ‘extension_dir =/lib/php/modules’. This location seems to belong to an older PHP version, not to the current 5.6 version.

Based on the 5.6 php.ini file, the new location is ‘/usr/local/lib/php56/modules’. I removed the seemingly incorrect setting from the user-settings.ini file and restarted the NAS. After that, Photo Station worked again.

What I am not sure of: what should have been the correct contents of the ‘user-settings.ini’ file? Can someone share the contents of their file?

Hey guys, I tryed to startz this update today. Everything was running fine, then there was an error and oc didn't leave the maintenance mode anymore. I used config.php to set state maintenance to false. Afterwards oc wanted to start the backup again. I couldn't find anything in the logfile until now. Kibyts: Any Idea that could help to fix the problem?

Making sure that your php binary has loaded the correct database driver is the idea which could help to fix the problem as already explained above. As this heavily depends on your environment and tools like plesk are adding an additional layer of complexity to this issue its not really possible to give specific help here. Virtual Valerie Pc Game Downloads. The following command on your command line might help to identify your issue: php -i which needs to show at least the mysql and pdo_mysql drivers (if you're running MySQL). For more support / help with this issue its advised to contact a community dedicated to plesk or your used linux distro. Powered by, best viewed with JavaScript enabled.