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Oct 30, 2017. Warning: is the only legal site for buying the Shanky Technologies Bots! Last revised. – Please redistribute freely. Gradevinski Dnevnik Obrazac Bu. Simply click on one of them and then select Open. (We'd recommend the 6pack profile for cash games, or the MTT profile for any tournament). Download Auden Age Of Anxiety Pdf Reader. The most advanced poker bot ever developed is for sale here. Our Holdem Bot and Omaha Bots have been downloaded more than 250000 times since 2007.

Bonus Bots Download Game

Holdem Bot 8.8.5 has been posted which fixes it for the latest 888 software upgrades. We are fully working here again at 6-max, 9-max, and 10-max tables including tournaments. In addition, bugs have been fixed and improvements have been made at BetOnline, Ignition, and Bet365. And don’t forget the bot download now comes with five profiles plus an easy browse and click profile loading feature. Check it all out in our new Easy Start Guide making our software more newbie-friendly than ever.

Download Holdem Bot version 8.8.5 with five profiles, the new Easy Start Guide, Browse-profile loader, and all the latest fixes and features here: Current site support includes: iPoker support: Titan, Bet365, Betfair, Betclic, Ladbrokes, William Hill, Winner, and Netbet Bodog & Bovada are both still supported, including Bodog88 in Asia and South America USA Players: BetOnline Poker, Ignition Casino Poker, America’s Cardroom, Black Chip, True Poker, and are all “game on” for our bot, baby. France: The bot currently works at in both the French and English language Italy:,, and all now work in both the Italian and English languages, plus the bot now seems to be working on as well 888 Poker & (Spain) are both still supported, although caution is now advised at 888, as it seems they sometimes get moody about their bot-tolerance policies these days – so don’t keep too much in your account here. That’s it for now. If you need a license, there’s a link for buying one on the bot itself – or else feel free to reply to this email for special purchasing instructions. Have fun at the tables and we’ll see you or your bot at the cashier window soon. Cheers, Shanky Technologies Team.

While the US still ignores the tremendous revenue source to be generated by licensing and regulating online gambling, most of the rest of the world moves forward in a wonderful new era of embracing new entertainment technology. Sites like, which helps European sports bettors calculate their risk/reward ratio on wagers, attest to the responsibility most players exhibit in their gambling forays.

Many are winners. The days of the virtual casino operators “fleecing innocent victims” are, largely, behind us.

In Asia, the continent on planet earth with the highest population, online gaming is the fastest growing industry by a wide margin. Many European countries which have decided online gambling is something to keep a tight reign on still allow it, choosing to regulate it more tightly and keep it in-country. An example is Italy, where online poker players are only allowed to play in games with other Italian residents. It isn’t exactly freedom, but at least they let the people play the games they want and don’t try to tell their citizens how to spend their own hard-earned paycheck.

So what’s wrong with the USA situation? When examined closely, we discover the issue is not so much legislation as it is fear of legislation. Contrary to a popular misnomer, there is no federal law addressing online gaming, other than a vague reference tacked on to an unrelated bill preventing banks from completing transactions to “illegal online gambling sites.” There is no law, nor has any high court judge ever dared to rule on, defining “illegal online gambling sites.” But the vague reference was enough to scare all the major banks away, including Paypal. US citizens who wish to place on bet on their favorite football game must seek our creative ways to fund the wager. Meanwhile, a small handful of individual states have wisely officially legalized online poker, in a format where the state gets a cut of the revenue. More states are supposedly lined up to follow, if they can ever get to the issue. Interestingly enough, all Americans can bet to their heart’s content on horse races through several popular online portals.

There are websites that sell Powerball lottery tickets online. So it seems some forms of online gambling are so traditional, so ingrained in our culture, that they are above fear of legislation. The current version of the Holdem Bot is 8.2.5.

If you have a prior version, you should probably download the upgrade, here: 888 Poker finally upgraded in the UK, so the UK 888 Poker setting on this version of the bot is no longer necessary for UK players (and we would advise against activating it now). Our list of supported sites is growing strong again, resulting in these recent unsolicited customer comments: “I’m doing well botting cash games at Bet365 again. Thanks for getting them re-supported.” “I entered the bot in an MTT last night. With a field of 220, I came in 2nd, and cashed $156! The bot lost at HU with pocket KK, and was beat by the villain who had pocket 44.” “My bot has been making frequent final table finishes in large-field MTTs lately (500-2000 players) thanks to the KGB profile.” Speaking of the KGB profile, here is a recent graph posted in our forum showing results from it botting only free-rolls: Starting with a bankroll of zero and letting the bot loose on free-rolls (and then $1 MTTs) is the best risk/reward ratio you’ll find in online poker.

We’ve had members build 4-figure bankrolls this way in the past, without ever making a deposit. You just can’t beat that. Current iPoker support includes: Bet365, Betfair, and Ladbrokes on the new software — and Titan in venues where they still offer the classic iPoker client. 888 Poker is now supported in the UK as well as continental Europe. For our USA players: the bot now supports Ignition Casino, America’s Cardroom, plus three other WPN skins (including 5 Dimes Shark Tank) in addition to Full Flush.

Bodog is now re-supported for the rest of the world as well. We have so many good profiles to choose from in our forum these days, you’re going to be in good shape no matter which game-type you want to bot.

And hey — if you see a move you aren’t thrilled with, it will take you only seconds to tweak the profile to play that situation differently in the future. Poker botting is awesome, man. If you haven’t been doing it lately, now’s the time to get involved again. That’s it for now. If you need a license, there’s a link for buying one on the bot itself. Have fun at the tables and we’ll see you or your bot on a final table very, very soon. Cheers, Shanky Technologies Team.

We just released version 7.9.0 of the Holdem Bot which incorporates a new numeric-valued PPL variable: MaxCurrentOpponentStackSize – The number of big blinds that the live opponent (who is still in the hand and not yet folded) with the largest current stack has in his stack at the moment when it is the bot’s turn to act. Can be used on the left of the% comparators to compare to your own stack size and is useful for identifying short-stacked opponents or determining that all the live opponents have your stack covered. Can be used preflop or post-flop. It works at all supported poker rooms. The new PPL Guide (dated Sept 14) includes examples for using it in sections 3.2.1, 3.5.7, and 3.5.8.

This has been an often-requested feature in the past. So, you can now know your effective stack size – that is, whether your live opponent(s) has a short stack or has you covered at any point during the hand. Many of us are scrambling to update our tournament profiles to push with any two cards against extremely short stacks, and our cash game profiles to draw more liberally for small bets against large stacks. Meanwhile, one of our members recently tested the default “Doodle” profile for 73,000 hands at NL2 cash games. It’s been awhile since someone posted results on this particular basic test. Here is his graph: The default Doodle profile is now on version 108 and, as you can see, is playing better than ever. You can safely use it in full ring cash games up to NL10 (and maybe one step higher) especially to grind rakeback and clear deposit bonuses.

But of course, if you prefer a more aggressive profile for 6-max cash games we have plenty of those available as well and we recommend you check out the 6pack profile or Wild Bill. You can download Holdem Bot version 7.9.0 right now, here: and start updating your own personal profile to include instructions based on your live opponent’s current stack size. That’s it for now. If you need a license, there’s a link for buying one on the bot menu itself, or you can reply to this email for instructions on making a direct Paypal, Bitcoin, or Skrill transfer.

Have fun manipulating your opponents based on their stack size and we’ll see you or your bot at the final table soon. Sincerely, Shanky Technologies Team.

We’ve got news. Our Holdem Bot now works at BetOnline Poker, in all game types and at all table types. This is a big USA-friendly poker room tied to a huge online sports book (which may explain why the games are so soft). The bot multi-tables well at this site. It plays 10-max, 6-max, and 2-max tables. It plays SNG’s and MTT’s, and follows the table changes for you in the MTT’s.

During testing we had quite a bit of enthusiastic feedback, including: “Every cash game I tested so far I tripled my stack in using the 6-pack profile.” “Every SNG and MTT I tested I finished in the money.” If you want to have a go at BetOnline Poker, download Holdem Bot version 7.8.0 here: Also, we’re trying to decide what other sites on this network (Chico) to add support for. We’re thinking PayNoRake looks good.

If you have suggestions, please reply to this email with them. That’s it for now.

If you need a license for the Holdem Bot there’s a link for purchasing one on the bot menu. Have fun at BetOnline and we’ll see you or your bot at the cashier window. Shanky Technologies Team.

Board name Topics Posts Last post Software upgrades, new products, new casinos or poker rooms, political news, industry news. 58 546 December 07, 2017, 05:11:16 PM in by Get poker bot profiles and software support in our 10,000+ member forum. 1 1 November 01, 2010, 11:09:45 PM in by General poker bot related discussions. Moderator: 1418 10925 December 14, 2017, 04:40:02 PM in by Support for PPL (Poker Programming Language).

Learn to code and help us improve the language. Moderator: 1267 8306 December 02, 2017, 06:36:53 PM in by In the spirit of sharing, these free working poker bot profiles were created by members or Bonus Bots admin.

Moderator: 62 4776 December 18, 2017, 11:32:46 PM in by Member created profiles available for free, sale, or trade. 28 6006 December 16, 2017, 05:51:01 AM in by Member created add-on software and services for free, sale, or trade. 20 2685 December 18, 2017, 10:37:33 AM in by Discuss gambling theory principles and what it takes to derive an income from probability games. Moderator: 85 643 September 18, 2017, 12:06:36 PM in by For off-topic discussions and almost-spam posts. Moderator: 334 2769 November 23, 2017, 06:05:10 PM in by Shanky Technologies Poker Bot Support Forum - Info Center Forum Stats Total Topics: 7885 Total Posts: 75122 Latest Post: ' (December 18, 2017, 11:32:46 PM) Total Members: 14748 Latest Member: Users Online 31 Guests, 1 User Users active in past 15 minutes: Login Username: Password: Minutes to stay logged in: Always stay logged in: Login with username, password and session length .