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Start with the basic greetings. As is the case with most languages, it is useful to begin with greetings and pleasantries that are the most likely to come up in brief interactions with Kannada speakers. Here are some ways to greet, as well as replies to greetings, in Kannada: • Hello - namaste or namaskāra • Welcome - susvāgata • Long time no see - tumba divasagalinda kānisalilla • How are you? • All is well?

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– athavā kshemanā? - nā calō adīni, nīvu hyāngadīr'ri? Or nān cennagiddēne, nīvu hēg'iddīra?

• Pleased to meet you - nimmannu bheti mādiddakke santosha. Use time-specific greetings. In most languages, greetings and salutations change based on the time of day. Kannada is no different. Here are some useful phrases that take the time of the day into account. • Good morning - shubhodaya • Good afternoon- shubha madhyahna • Good evening- shubha sāyankāla • Good night – shubharātri • Introduce yourself. Introducing yourself to strangers is a critical skill to acquire.

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People will be more willing to help you once you have explained who you are. Here are some ways to do that in Kannada. • What is your name? (singular) - ninna hesarēnu?

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• What is your name? (plural) - nimma hesarēnu? Ports Of Call Platinum Keygen.

• My name is - nanna hesaru. • Where are you from? (singular) - nimma ooru yāvudu? • Where are you from? (plural) - athavā nēvu yāva kadeyavaru? • I am from - nā.

Linda bandiddīni • We are from - nā. Linda bandēni • Pleased to meet you - nimmannu bheti mādiddakke santosha. When entering a new area with a different culture and language, it is wise to learn the basic pleasantries and phrases of gratitude so that you can show good manners to your hosts. Here are some Kannada phrases that can help you do just that.

• Excuse me – kshamisi • Sorry - kshamisi • Please - dayaviṭṭu • Thank you – dhanyavāda or dhanyavādagaḷu • Your welcome- yāke summane ṭhanksu? Or parwagilla biḍi • I love you - naa ninna preetisteeni • Get well soon - bega gunamukharaagi anta haaraisuttene • Cheers or good health - tumba santosha athavā khushiyāytu • Enjoy your meal - shubha bhojana athavaa oota enjaay maadi. Inquire about products or purchases. When travelling in southern India, it is likely you will want to buy something at one point or another. Here are some phrases that will allow you do that. • How much is?

– idhu yeshtu? Or bele eshtu • Where can I go shopping?

– naanu shopping maadalu yelli hoga beku • What is this? • Please weigh correctly - dayavittu sariyaagi tooka maadi • Sorry I do not have change - kshamisi nanna hattira change-illa • Give the change - Change-kodi • Please remove damaged / rotten ones - dayavittu damage-aagirodanu thegeyiri • I don't want cover - nanage cover-beda • I have a bag - nanna hathira bag-ide. Give orders to domestic help. In southern India, it is not uncommon to see domestic help in many homes and maids are a standard facet at hotels.

As such, it is important to be able to speak with the domestic help and, when necessary, give them orders. Some phrases that should be helpful include: • How much do you charge? - neevu eshtu duddu thagothiraa? • You are expensive, I can’t afford it - neevu duddu jaasthi keluthira, naanu eshtu koduvudakke aagolla • Which other houses do you work in around here?

- neevu illi bere yaava manegalalli kelsa maaduthiraa? • What is your mobile number?

- nimma mobile number enu? • Take down my mobile number - nanna mobile number thagolli • What time can you come? - neevu yaava time-ge baruthiraa? • Come by in the morning - neevu belagge gantege barabeku • Please be on time - dayavittu time sariyaagi banni • For sweeping - kasa gudisoke • For moping - nela oresoke • For washing clothes - batte ogeyoke • For washing utensils - paatree tholeyoke • For cooking - aduge maadoke • How much would you charge for cooking? - neevu aduge maadoke eshtu duddu thagothiraa? • How much would you charge for sweeping, moping and washing utensils?- neevu kasa gudisoke, nela oresoke matte paatre tholeyoke eshtu duddu thagothiraa? Talk to your cab driver.

When travelling in southern India, you will most likely take a ride in a cab at some point. Some useful phrases for speaking with your cab driver are: • Please drive slowly - dayavittu (gaadiyannu) nidhaanavaagi chalaisi • Turn right - right thirugi • Turn left - left thirugi • Go straight - straight hogi • Stop - nillisi • Do not talk on phone while driving - drive-maaduvaaga phone maadabedi • Wear a seat belt - seat belt haakikolli • Do not jump signals - signal haarisabedi • Mind the road humps - road naliruva humps nodi (gaadi) chalaisi • Please wait for 5 minutes, I will come - dayavittu 5 minutes wait-maadi, naanu baruthene • Come on time tomorrow - naale time sariyaagi banni.