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Running time 144 minutes Country Japan United States Language English Japanese Budget $25.5 million Box office $29.5 million (domestic) Tora! (: トラ・トラ・トラ) is a 1970 Japanese-American that dramatizes the in 1941.

The film was directed by, and and stars an, including,,,,, and. The 'tora' of the title is the two-syllable Japanese used to indicate that complete surprise had been achieved: 'to' is the initial syllable of ' totsugeki (突撃)', meaning 'assault', while 'ra' stands for ' raigeki (雷撃)' ('torpedo attack'). Being, a language with many, it is a coincidence that ' tora' also means 'tiger (虎)'. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • Plot [ ] In August 1939, a trade embargo imposed by the United States is depriving a belligerent Japan of raw materials. Influential figures and politicians push through an alliance with Germany and Italy in September 1940 and make preparations for war. The newly appointed Commander-in-Chief of the reluctantly orders the planning of a pre-emptive strike on the U.S. Pacific Fleet anchored at, believing that Japan's best hope of achieving control of the is to annihilate the fleet at the outset of hostilities.

Air Staff Officer is chosen to mastermind the operation while his old Naval Academy classmate is selected to lead the attack. Meanwhile, in Washington, American military intelligence has managed to break the Japanese, allowing the Americans to intercept secret Japanese radio transmissions indicating increased Japanese naval activity. Monitoring the transmissions are U. Minecraft Pe Maps Download City on this page. S. Bratton and U.S.

Commander Kramer. At Pearl Harbor itself, Admiral Kimmel and General Short do their best to enhance defenses which include increasing naval patrols around Hawaii and calling for bombers to patrol offshore to provide early warning of any enemy presence.

Short recommends parking all aircraft at the base on the runways and not dispersed around the edges of the airfield to avoid sabotage by enemy agents. Several months pass with diplomatic tensions continuing to escalate between the U.S. As the Japanese ambassador continues negotiations to stall for time, the Japanese fleet sorties into the Pacific and soon is in position to begin the assault. On the day of the attack, Bratton and Kramer learn from intercepts that the Japanese plan to commence a series of 14 radio messages from Tokyo to the Japanese embassy in Washington with an instruction to destroy their code machines after receiving the final message. Deducing that this indicates that the Japanese plan to launch a surprise attack on American forces after the messages are delivered, Bratton attempts to warn his superiors of his suspicions but encounters several obstacles – Chief of Naval Operations is indecisive over notifying Hawaii without first alerting the President while Army Chief of Staff General 's order that Pearl Harbor be alerted of an impending attack is stymied by poor atmospherics that prevent radio transmission and bungling when a warning sent by telegram is not marked urgent.

At dawn on December 7, the Japanese fleet launches its aircraft. Their approach to Hawaii is detected by two radar operators but their concerns are dismissed as the duty officer receiving their alert assumes it is a group of American B-17 Flying Fortresses inbound from the mainland scheduled to land later that day. As a result, the Japanese achieve complete surprise and a joyous commander Fuchida, riding in a 'Kate', sends the code to begin the attack: 'Tora! Meeting no opposition, the Japanese planes savage Pearl Harbor with a series of attacks. General Short's anti-sabotage precautions prove a disastrous mistake that allows the Japanese aerial forces to destroy the U.S. Aircraft on the ground with ease, thereby preventing an effective aerial counter-attack. The damage to the naval base is catastrophic with the Americans suffering severe casualties.

Seven battleships are either sunk or heavily damaged. Hours after the attack is over, General Short and Admiral Kimmel finally receive Marshall's telegram warning of impending danger. How To Install Ubuntu From A Usb Pen Drive. In Washington, the is stunned on learning of the attack and urgently requests confirmation before receiving the Japanese ambassador. The message that was transmitted to the Japanese embassy in 14 parts – a declaration of war – was meant to be delivered to the Americans at 1:00 pm, 30 minutes before the attack.

However, it was not decoded and transcribed in time, with the result that the attack took place while the two nations were technically still at peace. The distraught, helpless to explain the late ultimatum and unaware of the ongoing attack, is bluntly rebuffed by a despondent Hull. Back in the Pacific, the Japanese fleet commander, Vice-Admiral, refuses to launch the scheduled third wave of aircraft for fear of exposing his force to American submarines which he believes are in the area.

Aboard his flagship, Admiral Yamamoto solemnly informs his staff that their primary targets – the American fleet's aircraft carriers, which had been dispatched into the Pacific days previously to search for Japanese vessels – were not at Pearl Harbor and thus escaped unscathed before lamenting the fact that the declaration of war was not received until after the attack began. Noting that nothing would infuriate the Americans more he concludes, '.'

Cast [ ] The film was deliberately cast with actors who were not true box-office stars, in order to place the emphasis on the story rather than the actors who were in it. The original cast list had included many Japanese amateurs. Cast in credits order. • as,, • as,, • as • Tatsuya Mihashi as, Air Staff, • as, Chief, Far Eastern Section, Military Intelligence Division, • as, Commander, Aircraft Battle Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet • as Commander,, • as, Commander-in-Chief, 1st Air Fleet • as, Commander-in-Chief, • as Alwyn D. Kramer, Cryptographer, • as Admiral, Japanese Ambassador to the United States • as Lieutenant Commander Francis J.

Thomas, Command Duty Officer, • as • as • Junya Usami as Admiral, • as John B. Earle, Chief of Staff, • Kazuo Kitamura as • as, • as, Commander, • as Admiral, • Bontaro Miyake as Admiral, Minister of the Navy • as Lieutenant Harold Kaminski, Duty Officer, 14th Naval District • Ichiro Ryuzaki as Rear Admiral, Chief of Staff, 1st Air Fleet • as Mrs.

Kramer • Asao Uchida as, • as • as, Commanding Officer, • Kazuko Ichikawa as in • as Captain, • Hank Jones as Davey, civilian student pilot • Rick Cooper as, pilot, • Karl Lukas as Captain, Chief of Staff,, U.S. Pacific Fleet • as Ray Cave, secretary, OP-20-G • as Lawrence E.

Ruff, Communications Officer, USS Nevada • as, civilian flying instructor • Shunichi Nakamura as Kameto 'Gandhi' Kuroshima, Senior Staff Officer, Combined Fleet • as Colonel Edward F. French, Chief, War Department Signal Center • Hiroshi Nihonyanagi as Rear Admiral, Commander, • Jerry Fogel as Lieutenant Commander, Commanding Officer, • as Second Lieutenant, pilot, 47th Pursuit Squadron • Elven Havard as, • as, Commander, • Toshio Hosokawa as Shigeharu Murata, Commander, 1st Torpedo Attack Unit, Akagi • Hisao Toake as, Japanese Special Envoy to the United States • as Rear Admiral, Chief of Staff, (uncredited) • Hiroshi Akutagawa as (uncredited) • as Japanese Cook #1 (uncredited) • Harold Conway as Counselor, U.S. Embassy in Tokyo (uncredited) • Dick Cook as Lieutenant Commander Logan C. Ramsey, Chief of Staff, Patrol Wing Two (uncredited) • Jerry Cox as,, and Officer in Charge, Pearl Harbor Intercept Center (uncredited) • Mike Daneen as First Secretary Edward S. Crocker, U.S. Embassy in Tokyo (uncredited) • as Lieutenant Commander Arthur H. McCollum, Head, Far East Asia Section, (uncredited) • Dave Donnelly as Major, Operations Officer, (uncredited) • as Colonel Kendall J.

Fielder, G-2 Intelligence Officer, U.S. Army Forces Hawaii (uncredited) • as Carroll A. Powell, Chief Signal Officer, U.S. Army Forces Hawaii (uncredited) • Charles Gilbert as Lieutenant Colonel William H.

Murphy, Air Warning Development Officer, U.S. Army Forces Hawaii (uncredited) • as Mitsuo Matsuzaki, Fuchida's pilot, 1st Torpedo Attack Unit, Akagi (uncredited) • as Major John H. Dillon, Knox's aide (uncredited) • as Tadao, Japanese messenger boy (uncredited) • as General (uncredited) • as First Secretary Katsuzo Okumura, Japanese Embassy in Washington, D.C. (uncredited) • Dan Leegant as George Street, RCA Honolulu District Manager (uncredited) • as Rear Admiral John H. Newton, Commander, Cruisers, Scouting Force, U.S.

Pacific Fleet and Commander, Task Force 12 (uncredited) • Mitch Mitchell as Colonel Walter C. Phillips, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Forces Hawaii (uncredited) • as Vice Admiral, Commander, Battle Force, U.S.

Pacific Fleet (uncredited) • as, Operations Officer, Aircraft Battle Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet (uncredited) • Edward Sheehan as Howard C.

Davidson, Commander, (uncredited) • Tommy Splittgerber as Ed Klein, RCA telegraph operator (uncredited) • as Commander, Communications Officer, U.S. Pacific Fleet (uncredited) • as Frederick L. Martin, Commander, (uncredited) • as Captain on Flight Line at Hickam Field (uncredited) • as Brigadier General, Chief, War Plans Division, War Department (uncredited) • as, U.S. Ambassador to Japan (uncredited) • David Westberg as Edgar M. Fair, (uncredited) • Bruce Wilson as Joseph L. Lockard, radar operator, Opana Point (uncredited) • as Admiral, Commander-in-Chief, U.S.

Pacific Fleet (uncredited) Production [ ]. Replica models like this ​ 1⁄ 15 scale were used for the overhead shots of. The model survives today in and often appears at local parades.

Veteran executive, who had earlier produced (1962), wanted to create an epic that depicted what 'really happened on December 7, 1941', with a 'revisionist's approach'. He believed that the commanders in Hawaii, and, though scapegoated for decades, provided adequate defensive measures for the apparent threats, including relocation of the fighter aircraft at Pearl Harbor to the middle of the base, in response to fears of sabotage from local Japanese. Despite a breakthrough in intelligence, they had received limited warning of the increasing risk of aerial attack. Recognizing that a balanced and objective recounting was necessary, Zanuck developed an American-Japanese co-production, allowing for 'a point of view from both nations'. He was helped out by his son,, who was chief executive at Fox during this time. Production on Tora!

Took three years to plan and prepare for the eight months of. The film was created in two separate productions, one based in the United States, directed by Richard Fleischer, and one based in Japan. The Japanese side was initially to be directed by, who worked on script development and for two years. But after two weeks of shooting, he was replaced by and, who directed the Japanese sections. Richard Fleischer said of Akira Kurosawa's role in the project: Well, I always thought that even though Kurosawa was a genius at film making and indeed he was, I sincerely believe that he was miscast for this film, this was not his type of film to make, he never made anything like it and it just wasn't his style. I felt he was not only uncomfortable directing this kind of movie but also he wasn't used to having somebody tell him how he should make his film.

He always had complete autonomy, and nobody would dare make a suggestion to Kurosawa about the budget, or shooting schedule, or anything like that. And then here he was, with Darryl Zanuck on his back and Richard Zanuck on him and Elmo Williams and the production managers, and it was all stuff that he never had run into before, because he was always untouchable.

I think he was getting more and more nervous and more insecure about how he was going to work on this film. And of course, the press got a hold of a lot of this unrest on the set and they made a lot out of that in Japan, and it was more pressure on him, and he wasn't used to that kind of pressure. Larry Forrester and frequent Kurosawa collaborators and wrote the screenplay, based on books written by and of the, who served as a technical consultant. Numerous technical advisors on both sides, some of whom had participated in the battle and/or planning, were crucial in maintaining the accuracy of the film., the man who largely planned and led the attack on Pearl Harbor was an uncredited technical advisor for the film. Four cinematographers were involved in the main photography:, Sinsaku Himeda, Masamichi Satoh, and Osami Furuya. They were jointly nominated for the. A number of well-known cameramen also worked on the without credit, including and Rexford Metz.

The second unit doing miniature photography was directed by, while the second unit doing aerial sequences was directed by Robert Enrietto. Noted composer composed the film score and painted several scenes for various posters of the film. The carrier entering Pearl Harbor towards the end of the film was in fact the Iwo Jima-class amphibious assault ship, returning to port.

The 'Japanese' aircraft carrier was the anti-submarine carrier. The Japanese fighters, and somewhat longer 'Kate' torpedo bombers or 'Val' dive bombers were heavily modified Harvard () and pilot training aircraft. The large fleet of Japanese aircraft was created by, a well-known aerial action coordinator, who produced a number of conversions. Garrison and Jack Canary coordinated the actual engineering work at facilities in the Los Angeles area. These aircraft still make appearances at air shows.

In preparation for filming, Yorktown was berthed at North Island in San Diego to load all the aircraft, maintenance, and film crew prior to sailing to Hawaii. The night before filming the 'Japanese' take-off scenes she sailed to a spot a few miles west of San Diego and at dawn the film crew filmed the launches of all the aircraft. Since these 'Japanese' aircraft were not actual carrier based aircraft they did not have arresting gear with which to land back on the carrier, and continued on to land at North Island Naval Air Station.

Yorktown sailed back to North Island and re-loaded the aircraft. She then sailed to Hawaii and the aircraft were off-loaded and used to film the attack scenes in and around Pearl Harbor. Aircraft Specialties of Mesa, Arizona performed maintenance on the aircraft while in Hawaii. [ ] A Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress's actual crash landing during filming, a result of a jammed landing gear, was filmed and used in the final cut. [ ] The film crew received word that one of the B-17s could not lower their starboard landing gear so they quickly set up to film the 'single gear' landing. The aircraft stayed aloft to use up as much fuel as possible, which gave the film crew some time to prepare, prior to landing. After viewing the 'single gear' landing footage they decided to include it in the movie.

In the sequence depicting the crash, only the final crash was actual footage. For the scenes leading up to the crash they manually retracted the starboard landing gear on a functioning B-17 and filmed the scenes of its final approach. After touching down on one wheel the pilot simply applied power and took off again. In the movie, all the approach footage was of this aircraft, and then, right at the moment of touchdown, they switch to the actual crash footage. The quality of the crash footage, brief as it is, is noticeably below the final approach footage for which the necessary production time was available. The B-17 that actually landed with one gear up sustained only minor damage to the starboard wing and propellers and was repaired and returned to service.

A total of five Boeing B-17s were obtained for filming. Aircraft used are the and, especially, the (two flyable examples were used). Predominantly, P-40 fighter aircraft are used to depict the U.S. Defenders with a full-scale P-40 used as a template for fiberglass replicas (some with working engines and props) that were strafed and blown up during filming.

Fleischer also said a scene involving a P-40 model crashing into the middle of a line of P-40s was unintended, as it was supposed to crash at the end of the line. The stuntmen involved in the scene were actually running for their lives.

With over 30 aircraft in the air, the flying scenes were complex to shoot, and can be compared to the 1969 film where large formations of period specific aircraft were filmed in staged aerial battles. The 2001 film would use some of the same modified aircraft. Historical accuracy [ ].

During the filming of Tora! Parts of the film showing the takeoff of the Japanese aircraft utilize an, Yorktown, which was in 1943 and modernized after the war to have a very slightly angled.

The ship was leased by the film producers, who needed an aircraft carrier for the film; and as Yorktown was scheduled to be decommissioned in 1970 the Navy made her available. She was used largely in the takeoff sequence of the Japanese attack aircraft. The sequence shows interchanging shots of models of the Japanese aircraft carriers and Yorktown.

It does not look like any of the Japanese carriers involved in the attack, due to its large island and its angled landing deck. The Japanese carriers had small bridge islands, and angled flight decks were not developed until after the war. In addition, during the scene in which Admiral Halsey is watching bombing practice an aircraft carrier with the hull number 14 is shown. Admiral Halsey was on, not the Essex-class carrier, which would not be commissioned until 1944.

This is understandable, however, as both Enterprise and all six of the Japanese carriers from the attack had been scrapped and sunk, respectively. Enterprise was scrapped in 1959, and four of the six, including Akagi, were sunk within six months of the attack at the. Tora!, an error involves the model of. In the film, Akagi 's bridge island is positioned on the side of the ship, which is typical on most aircraft carriers. However, the aircraft carrier Akagi was an exception; its bridge island was on the side of the ship. Despite this, the bridge section appeared accurately as a mirrored version of Akagi 's real port-side bridge. Secondly, all the Japanese aircraft in the footage bear the markings of Akagi 's aircraft (a single vertical red stripe following the red sun symbol of Japan), even though five other aircraft carriers participated, each having its own markings.

In addition, the markings do not display the aircraft's identification numbers as was the case in the actual battle. The white surround on the on the Japanese aircraft was only used from 1942 onwards. Prior to this the roundel was red only. (DD-139) was an old '4-piper' commissioned in 1918; the ship used in the movie, (DE-326), which portrays Ward looked far different from the original destroyer. In addition, in the movie she fired two shots from her #1. In reality, Ward fired the first shot from the #1 4-inch (102 mm) un-turreted gunmount and the second shot from the #3 wing mount. A section of was built that was also used to portray and other U.S..

The (or cage mast) section of the / Maryland-class battleship was built beside the set of the USS Nevada stern section, but not built upon a set of a deck, but on the ground as the footage in the movie only showed the cage tower. The large scale model of the stern shows the two aft gun turrets with three gun barrels in each; in reality, Nevada had two heightened fore and aft turrets with two barrels each while the lower two turrets fore and aft had three barrels each. Another model of Nevada, used in the film to portray the whole ship, displays the turrets accurately. It should be noted that the reason for this anomaly is because the aft section model was used in the film to portray both USS Nevada and USS Arizona.

The ships looked remarkably similar except that Arizona had four triple turrets and a slightly different stern section. Footage and photographs not used in the film show the cage mast as being built on the ground. The USS Nevada/USS Arizona stern section was shown exploding to represent the explosion that destroyed Arizona, although in reality the explosion took place in #2, forward, and Arizona 's stern section remains essentially intact to this day. The film has a Japanese fighter being damaged over a naval base and then deliberately crashing into a naval base hangar.

This is actually a composite of three incidents at: in the first wave, a Japanese Zero crashed into 's ordnance building; in the second wave, a Japanese Zero did deliberately crash into a hillside after U.S. Navy CPO at Naval Air Station at had shot and damaged the aircraft; also during the second wave, a Japanese aircraft that was damaged crashed into the USS Curtiss. During a number of shots of the attack squadrons traversing across Oahu, a white cross can be seen standing on one of the mountainsides. The cross was actually erected after the attack as a memorial to the victims of the attack.

Reception [ ] At the time of its initial movie release, Tora! Was thought to be a box office flop in North America, although its domestic box office of $29,548,291 made it the. It was a major hit in Japan and over the years, home media releases provided a larger overall profit. The 's 's Tora! Team still fly the movie's aircraft simulating the attack at airshows. Felt that Tora!

Was 'one of the deadest, dullest blockbusters ever made' and suffered from not having 'some characters to identify with.' In addition, he criticized the film for poor acting and special effects in his 1970 review. Vincent Canby, reviewer for The New York Times, was similarly unimpressed, noting the film was 'nothing less than a $25-million irrelevancy.' Also found the film to be boring; however, the magazine praised the film's action sequences and production values., however, said it was 'rare for a feature film to attain the trifecta of entertaining, informing, and educating.'

Charles Champlin in his review for the Los Angeles Times on September 23, 1970, considered the movie's chief virtues as a 'spectacular', and the careful recreation of a historical event. Despite the initial negative reviews, the film was critically acclaimed for its vivid action scenes, and found favor with aviation and history aficionados. However, even the team of Jack Hardwick and Ed Schnepf who have been involved in research on aviation films, had relegated Tora!

To the 'also-ran' status, due to its slow-moving plotline. The film holds a 57% 'Rotten' rating on the website, based on 28 critical reviews.

In 1994, a survey at the USS Arizona Memorial in Honolulu determined that for Americans the film was the most common source of popular knowledge about the Pearl Harbor attack. Several later films and TV series relating to World War II in the Pacific have used footage from Tora! These productions include the films (1976; in the Tora! DVD commentary, Fleischer is angry that Universal used the footage), (film 1976),, From Here to Eternity (TV mini-series 1979), (1980), and (2008) as well as the television series episode titled 'Lest We Forget' (first airdate February 12, 1981). Honors [ ] Tora! Was nominated for five, winning one for Visual Effects. • Winner Best Special Effects ( and ) • Nominee (Art Direction:,,, and; Set Decoration:,, and ) • Nominee (, Osamu Furuya, Shinsaku Himeda, and Masamichi Satoh) • Nominee (,, and Shinya Inoue as Inoue Chikaya) • Nominee ( and ).

See also [ ] • • • • • • References [ ] Citations [ ]. • Solomon, Aubrey. Twentieth Century Fox: A Corporate and Financial History (The Scarecrow Filmmakers Series). Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, 1989.. Retrieved: January 9, 2012.

Retrieved 2017-11-22. •, 株式会社 Retrieved 2017-11-22. • Steffen, James. Turner Classic Movies. Retrieved: February 12, 2012. Retrieved: May 5, 2009.

• Doane, Loran. United States Arm, June 12, 2008. Retrieved: March 22, 2013.

•, The Daily Breeze, 24 Jan 2016, retrieved 3 Apr 2016 • ^, pp. • Friis, Christian. Pearl Harbor in the Movies, what to see., November 5, 2002. Retrieved: May 5, 2009. • Galbraith, Stewart. ' interview of Richard Fleischer.'

DVD commentary. Los Angeles: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Inc., 2001, Time stamp: 26:17–27:47.

• ^ ASC Magazine, March 2012. Retrieved: January 19, 2013. • Hanson, David. Dave's Warbirds, July 16, 2008. Retrieved: May 5, 2009.

• Commemorative Air Force. Retrieved: February 12, 2012. • Orris 1984, pp. • Orriss 2014, p. • Retrieved: February 12, 2012.

• Hone, Thomas C., Norman Friedman and Mark D. Newport, Rhode Island: Naval War College Press: 2011.

Retrieved: May 18, 2013. • Storch, Paul S.

Minnesota Historical Society, July 2006. Retrieved: February 12, 2012. • Retrieved: February 12, 2012. Retrieved: February 12, 2012. • The Numbers.

Retrieved: February 12, 2012. • Retrieved: February 12, 2012. •., October 12, 1970. Retrieved: April 1, 2008. • Canby, Vincent. The New York Times, September 24, 1970.

Retrieved: August 27, 2011. • Variety staff. Variety, January 1, 1970.

Retrieved: April 1, 2008. • Berardinelli, James. Movie Reviews. Retrieved: February 12, 2012. Retrieved: January 29, 2012. • japanfocus.

Retrieved: February 12, 2012. • Canby, Vincent. The New York Times, September 24, 1970. Retrieved: March 11, 2009. Bibliography [ ]. • Agawa, Hiroyuki. The Reluctant Admiral: Yamamoto and the Imperial Navy.

Tokyo: Kodansha International, 2000.. • Dolan, Edward F. Hollywood Goes to War. London: Bison Books, 1985.. • Galbraith, Stuart, IV. The Emperor and the Wolf: The Lives and Films of Akira Kurosawa and Toshiro Mifune. New York: Faber & Faber, Inc., 2002..

• Hardwick, Jack and Ed Schnepf. 'A Viewer's Guide to Aviation Movies.' The Making of the Great Aviation Films. General Aviation Series, Volume 2, 1989. • Hathaway, John.

Flying Review, Vol. 3, July 1969. • O'Hara, Bob.

'Tora Tora Tora: A great historical flying film.' Air Classics, Volume 6, No.

1, October 1969. • Carnes, Mark C.

Past Imperfect: History According to the Movies. New York: Holt, 1996.. • Orriss, Bruce. When Hollywood Ruled the Skies: The Aviation Film Classics of World War II. Hawthorn, California: Aero Associates Inc., 2014, first edition 1984.. • Parish, James Robert. The Great Combat Pictures: Twentieth-Century Warfare on the Screen.

Metuchen, New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, 1990.. Reader's Digest, November 1963 and December 1963. • Robertson, Bruce. Aircraft Camouflage and Markings, 1907-1954. London: Harleyford Publications, 1961.. • Shinsato, Douglas and Tadanori Urabe.

For That One Day: The Memoirs of Mitsuo Fuchida, Commander of the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Kamuela, Hawaii: eXperience, inc., 2011.. • Thorsten, Marie and Geoffrey White. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, December 27, 2010. External links [ ] Wikiquote has quotations related to: Wikimedia Commons has media related to. • on • at the • at • at the • at •.

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