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Ferreira Square in 1920 Republican period [ ] In the twentieth century, Fortaleza underwent significant urban changes, with improvements and the rural exodus to the city, with growth mostly towards the end of the decade of 1910, this made the city the seventh most populated city in Brazil. In 1922, Fortaleza reached its first hundred thousand inhabitants with the annexation of the cities of Messejana and Parangaba, now important districts of the city. In 1954, the first university in the city was created, the (UFC). Aerial view of Iracema Beach Climate [ ] Fortaleza has a typical, specifically a, with high temperatures and relative humidity throughout the year.

However, these conditions are usually relieved by pleasant winds blowing from the ocean. Average temperatures are not much different throughout the year. December is the warmest month, with a high of 30.7 °C (87.3 °F) and low of 24.6 °C (76.3 °F). The rainy season spans from January to June, with rainfall particularly prodigious in March and April. The average annual temperature is 26.6 °C (79.9 °F). The relative humidity in Fortaleza is 79%, with average annual rainfall of 1,608.4 millimetres (63.32 in). There is usually rain during the first seven months of the year from January to July.

During this period, is high. Fortaleza's climate is usually very dry from August to December, with very little rainfall. Rainfall is like all of Northeastern Brazil among the most variable in the world, comparable (for similar average annual rainfalls) to central cities like and.

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In the notorious drought year of 1877 as little as 468 millimetres or 18.43 inches fell, and in 1958 only 518 millimetres or 20.39 inches, but in the Nordeste’s record wet year of 1985 Fortaleza received 2,841 millimetres or 111.85 inches. The prevailing religion of Fortaleza is the Roman Catholic branch of Christianity, due to the influence of Portuguese settlers and missionaries during the colonial rule of Brazil.

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Religious affiliation Percentage Number 79.0% 1,691,487 12.58% 269,469 5.99% 128,190 0.83% 17,780 0. Cooley Munson Debt Raritan. 64% 13,758 Other religions 0.7% 15,923 Source: 2000. According to the census of 2010, 1,664,521 people, 67.88% of the population, followed, 523,456 (21.35%) were, 31 691 (1.29%) represented and 162 985 (6.65%) had no religion whatsoever.

Other religions, such as,, other,,,,,, other Eastern religions, and other Christian churches like had a smaller number of adherents. Politics [ ]. Shopping mall in Fortaleza At the beginning of the decade of 2000, among the capitals of the Northeast, Fortaleza had the third largest Gross Domestic Product (GDP), being surpassed by and. In 2012, the GDP of Fortaleza reached the value of 43.4 billion Reais, the tenth highest of the country.

In the same year, the value of taxes on products net of subsidies at current prices was R $6,612,822,000 and the municipality's GDP per capita was R$17.359,53. Binatone B430 Sat Nav Updates Garmin there. The city's booming economy is reflected in purchasing power, the country's eighth largest, with estimated consumption potential at 42 billion reais in 2014. The main economic source of the municipality is centered in the, with its diversified segments of commerce and service rendering. Next, the secondary sector stands out, with the industrial complexes. In 2012, the percentage contribution of each sector to the municipal economy was 0.07%, 15.8% and 68.8% of the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors, respectively. The wealth of the capital is largely due to activities coming from all over the metropolitan region, whose economy is the third strongest in the North and Northeast regions and whose population is almost four million.

In 2012, the city had 69,605 units and 64,674 companies and active commercial establishments, in addition to 873,746 employees and 786,521 salaried employees. Wages, together with other types of remuneration, amounted to 17,103,562 reais and the average income of the municipality was 2.7 minimum wages. 'Praia do Futuro' redirects here.

For the Brazilian film, see. Fortaleza has about 25 kilometres (16 mi) of urban beaches. From North to South, the urban beaches of Fortaleza are, Meireles, Mucuripe and Praia do Futuro. Each beach has its own peculiarities: [ ] • Iracema is the Bohemian beach, with bars and nightclubs; • Mucuripe is the place where can be found. Still used by fishermen to go into high seas, jangadas can be seen along the way during the afternoon and evenings, and returning from the sea in the morning; part of the catch of the day is sold in an old style fish market. Prominent writer of the.

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