Cooley Munson Debt Raritan

Full text of ' UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH LIBRARY 3 1735 060 728 148 ARCHIVES STATE OF NEW JERSEY FIRST SERIES Vol. Ill OF CALENDAR OF WILLS This volume was prepared and edited by authority of the State of New Jersey, at the request of the New Jersey Histori- cal Society, and under the direction of its Committee on Colon- ial Documents.

Rev Frederick Munson, do. Society will not only be relieved from debt, but during the present year find a great increase in. »Cooke Rev Phineas. Cooley Caleb A. Cooley Rev Henry. Cooley Oramel W. Cooley Timothy M., D. ♢Coombs Philip. Corey Mrs Anna. Couch Rev Paul. 851 SOUTH COOLEY DRIVE. FEDERAL SCHOOL CODE: 031081. TAFT COLLEGE. TAFT, CA 93268. 505 RAMAPO VALLEY ROAD. FEDERAL SCHOOL CODE: 009344. RARITAN VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE. 4300 MUNSON STREET NORTHWEST. FEDERAL SCHOOL CODE: 030778. ART INSTITUTE OF.

Cooley Munson Debt Raritan

That Committee at present is constituted as follows: Edwin R. Walker, Adrian Lyon, Joseph F. Van Doren Honeyman, Hiram E, Beats, W. Lincoln Adams. DOCUMENTS BBLATING TO THB COLONIAL HISTORY STATE OF NEW JERSEY FIRST SERIES— VOL. XXXII CALENDAR OF NEW JERSEY WILLS, ADMINISTRATIONS, Etc. VOLUME III— 1751-1760 EDITED BT A.


1924 V Z s1; 5^-r. Introductory Note t^o^A This, the third volume of Abstracts of Wills of New Jersey, includes wills, administrations and guardianships from Jan. I, 1 75 1, to Dec. 3'i, 1760, a period of ten years. The matter was mostly prepared many years ago. The Editor has had added by another hand such omissions as were found by comparison with the published 'Index of Wills, Inventories,' etc., but has not personally made the Abstracts, and is not responsible for their accuracy. He has simply made the text available for the printer, as the Abstracts were not in the necessary technical shape for that purpose.

As the Abstracts have been made by different persons employed, they are not always uniform in style, but alike give the necessary facts. For the information of the curious it may be stated that Bi- bles, books and looking-glasses of that period, which have come down in families, are now greatly prized by possessors, and it is, doubtless, for that reason that these articles are so often noted in the transcripts made of inventories, and sometimes in wills. The proper names of persons and places are believed to be given as in the originals. This early period was one, however, when names were spelled so indifferently that, in the case of the surnames of persons in heavy boldface type, arranged al- phabetically, the reader may have to consider various ways of spelling in order to discover certain of the various surnames. The Index does not repeat the surnames of those whose wills, etc., are abstracted, except in the instances where alternative spelHngs, in parentheses, are so extremely divergent from the alphabetical arrangement that they may not be otherwise dis- covered. Such alternative spellings, however, are not made by the Editor but by the abstracters and are not always to be con- sidered as correct.

The total number of wills, intestacies, etc., abstracted for this volume is about 2400. This publication is made possible by a Legislative appropria- tion of 1923. Calendar of New Jersey Wills Note.

— The books cited as Libers 1, 2, 3, etc., are of West Jersey wills. Those cited as Libers A, B, C, etc. Are of East Jersey wills. Where matters beside recorded wills, such as inventories, accounts, etc., are noted, the originals may be found in the proper envelopes (arranged by counties), reference to which is made in the volumes (three volumes) entitled 'Index to W^ills,' published by the Secretary of State in 1912 and 1913, which should always be consulted in case originals are to be referred to. Where the chief matter is not of record in books the envelope numbers are given herewith, although in Bergen, Essex, Middlesex, and Monmouth counties, the original papers are bound instead of being in envelopes. All original matters herein abstracted are to be found in the Secretary of State's office at Trenton. Aaronson, John, son of Joseph, dec'd, of Mansfield, Burlington Co.

Petitions to have uncle, John Folwell, of same place, yeoman, made guardian. 1752, June 20. Bond of John Folwell as guardian; James Ham- mell, fellow-bondsman. Wills, 4921 B.

Aaronson, Joseph, Jr„ of Mansfield Twsp., Burlington Co., yeoman; will of. Children — John, Benjamin, Sarah, Mary, Hannah, all under age. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and Joseph Talman.

Witnesses — Benjamin Talman, William White, Isaac De Cow. Inventory, personal, £182.6.3, by David Rockhill and Benjamin Talman. 1758, Nov, 28. Account filed. Wills, 4925 C; 5989 C. Abbett, Abdon, of Piles Grove, Salem Co. Bond of Martha Abbett as Adm'x, Aldon Abit (Abbett) fellowbondsman; both of said place.

Inventory, £99.3.3. A servant man and a right in timber bought, made by George Hildebrand and Samuel Lippincott. Abel, Andres, of 'Rocksberg,' Morris Co.; will of. Sons — Mathias, Paul, Michael and Andreas. Real and personal estate. Executors — Johannes Moelich and Philip Weiss, who also sign as witnesses.

Proved April 23, 1751. Inventory, £183.9.6, by Baltis Bickel and Jacob Ship- man. Abit, Martha, of Piles Grove, Salem Co., widow; will of. Children — Martha Orsborn (eldest daughter), Hannah Abit, Mary Orsborn, Kizia Abit, Benjamin Abit (youngest son, under age) and Joseph Abit; latter sole Executor. Pergonal estate. Legacy to 6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS Elizabeth Thompson.

'Witnesses — Abdon Abit, Benjamin Abit and Abigail Commines. Proved June 6, 1759. 1760, May 13.

Ackerman, David, of Peramus, Bergen Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Margaret.

Children — Abraham (oldest son), Garret, David, Lawrence, Jannetie Ackerman (alias van Voorhis), Altie Ack- erman (alias van Blerkum). Real and personal estate, including 'a great household Bible.' Executors — son David and son-in-law, Ja- cob van Voorhis. Witnesses — Will.

Cairns, Don Cairns and Cor- nelia Cairns. Inventory of personal estate, £107.6.9, by WiU. Cairns and Johannes Ackerman. Ackerman, Johannes, of Peramus, Bergen Co., black- smith; will of. Wife, Rachel. Brothers — Abraham, Garret, David, and Lawrence Ackerman; sisters, Jannite and Altie.

Real and personal estate. Executors — father, David Akerman, and uncle, Alebartus Terhune. Witnesses — Jan van Voorhees, Albert C. Proved August 20, 1751. Inventory of estate — real, £320, personal, £312, incl. A 'decriped' negro, £10; made by Roelof Westervelt and Will.

Ackerman, Johannis, of Bergen Co., (dec'd June 18, 1760). Inventory of personal estate, £85.17.0, made by Executors, Abraham L. Ackerman and Abraham Abraham, and appraised by Allebartis Ter Huyn and Reynier van Giese. Bergen Wills, 400 B. 1758, May 26. Ackerman, Thomas, of Peramus, Bergen Co., wagen maker; will of.

Lot of land on the Plains to brother Abraham Ackerman; also the vest and 'bretches,' mounted with silver but- tons; and bequeath to father a pair of leather 'bretches.' Other leg- acies to Cornelius Demarest and his wife, Marttie (sister to testator), to uncle David Abraham Ackerman, to Abraham Storm, and sister Altie. Brother, Abraham, and Cornelius Demereast.

Wit- nesses — William Hoppe, Antie Hopper and Will. Proved March 27, 1759. 1758, June 29. Inventory by Abraham van Boskerk and Will. Cairns, including 28 acres of land, £45; vest and 'bretches,' with silver buttons, £5; suit of broad cloth, £4; other clothing, £5, and other personal property, £38.9.2.

Adams, John, of Bedminster, Somerset Co.; will of. Wife, Elizabeth. Children — Matthew, William, Margaret, Mackdole, James, Samuel.

Legacy to Ephrem Mackdole (McDowell). Real and personal estate. Son, Mathew, sole Executor. Witnesses — Ephrm. Mackdowel, James O'Harah, William Adams. Addams, Rebecah, of Great Egg Harbour, Gloucester Co., widow; will of. Children — Abigail Somers, Isaac, Sarah Covenover, Eliz- abeth van Gelder, Ester Roberson and Joseph.

Grandchildren — Sarah Roberson, and Ester Hickman. David, son of Jere- miah Addams, dec'd; great-grandson, John Hickman. Personal estate.

Son, Joseph Addams, sole Executor. Witnesses — Richard Devenny, Sarah Ireland, John Lumley. Proved June 28, 1754. CALENDAR OF WILLS I75I-I760 ^ 1754, Feb. 8, Inventory, £31.16.11, made by Edmund Cordeary and John Lee. Account by Executor, Joseph Addams.

Amount — £40.15.9. Addis, Thomas, of Burlington Co. Bond of wid- ow, Ann Addis, as Adm'x; William English, yeoman, fellowbondsman, both of said Co. Inventory, £15.9.9., Incl.

A violin; made by Jacob Haiys (Hayse) and Walter Vanshiver. Afflack, John, of Woodbrldge, Middlesex Co., tailor; will of.

Brothers — William Afflack, living at Rumford; Paul Af- flack, of Rottenton, near White Haven and Robert Afflack. They and Robert's son. (a mason by trade), of the Parish of Cleeter, in the Island of England, made heirs of the personal estate. Executors — brother Robert, William Browon and David Edgar, of Woodbridge. Witnesses — John Rolph, Benjamin Pack, David Inslee. Inventory, £797.8.10%., Incl. Bond of Isaac Latorch for £300, equal to £344.6.8.

Jersey money; of Henry Patterson, £142.15.8. Made by William Jackson and David Inslee. (Afflack died October 6, 1751).

1760, May 29. AgneTr, 'William, of Somerset Co. Sarah, widow, authorizes her brother. Peter Ayers, to administer on late husband's estate. 1760, May 31. Bond of Peter Ayers as Am'r; Levi Ayers fellow- bondsman, both of Somerset Co., yeomen.

1760, June 5. Inventory, £36.4 by John CoUyer and Abraham South- ard. Wills, 237 R. Alkman, John, of Morris Co.; will of. Children — William, Alexander, and three daughters, names not given. Grandson — William Aikman.

Real and personal estate. Executors — Samuel Niblet and Alexander Aikman. Witnesses — William Gamble, Samuel McElrath, Matthew Gillilance.

302, '1760, Jan. Aker, 'William, of Amwell, Hunterdon Co., yeoman; win of. Children — Peter (eldest son), and others not named. Executors — his wife and Peter Moor. Witnesses — Joseph Runyon, Philip Yoger, John Opdyck. Inventory, £186.2.6, by Joseph Runyon and John Opdyck.

Albertson, Isaac, of Newton, Gloucester Co., yeoman; will of. Children — Isaac, Enoch, Nehemiah (under age) and Laetitia. Real and personal estate.

Executors — son Isaac and brother, Jacob Albertson. Witnesses — Achsach Siddons, Jonathan Albertson, J. Inventory, £948.16.4, incl. Bonds and book debts, £278.6. Santa Olivia Carey Mobile. 1; gold buttons, silver teaspoons and silver tongs, £2.10; 8 negroes, £235; made by J. Harrison and John Mickle. O NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1760, June 6. Albertson, Nicholas, of Hunterdon Co.

Inven- tory, £111.12.5., incl. Book debts and notes, £45.3.1, made by Chas.

Hoff, Jr., and Benjamin Opdyke. 1760, June 6. His widow, Anglechea Albertson, relinquishes ad- ministration of estate to her son.

Garret Albertson. 1760, June 17. Bond of Garret Albertson of Bethlehem, said Co., as Adm'r; Constantine ONeill of same place, fellowbondsman.

Albertson, William, of Newton Township, Gloucester Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Hannah. Children — William, Sarah, both under age and an expected child. Sisters — Sarah and Ann Albertson. Brother — Nathan Albertson. The last two under age. Home farm on Newton Creek to go to brother Simeon, Thomas Dennis and John Doron (?); other real and also personal property.

Executors — the wife and Jacob Albertson. Witnesses — Hugh Jones, Wm. Har- rison, Jr., Jos. Proved June 18, 1754. Inventory, £527.0.11, incl. Bonds, book debts and cash, £84.17.1.; a negro woman, £45.; a watch £9.; made by Samuel Harri- son and John Mickle.

Alderman, William, of Salem Co.; will of. Children — William, Joel, Sarah, Mary, Rachel, Elizabeth, all under age, Susanna, Tabitha, and Abigail. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and Jacob Elwell.

Witnesses — James Arans, Richard Stonebanks, Matt'w Jones. Proved April 24, 1759. Inventory, £222.7.8., incL books, £3.5.6., by Jacob Du Bois and Thomas Mayhew.

Alexander, James, of New York City; will of. Real and personal estate in large amounts. Lengthy will. Mentions wife, Mary; son-in-law, John Provost; sons, James, deceased and Wil- liam; daus., Anne, Elizabeth, Katherine, Susannah, Mary. Execu- trix — wife, Mary Alexander.

Witnesses — Arch'd Kennedy, Mary Ken- nedy, Evert Bancker. Anne, had died since will of 1745. Witnesses — Arch'd Kennedy, John Lewis, Abm. Same witnesses as in 1748. Will and codicils recorded in Essex Co., May 3, 1756. 1756, July 27.

Alexander, Mary, of New York City, widow of James Alexander, Esq.; will of. Mentions — eldest son John Provost, merchant, of New York City; late son David; son William Alexander; eldest dau., Mary Livingston, (wife of Peter Van Brugh Livingston, merchant); dau., Elizabeth (wife of John Stevens of New Jersey, merchant); dau., Catherine Parker, and her two ch., Clarinda and BristoU; youngest dau., Susannah; 'my negro wench called Phillis and her son called London; also my negro man called Sharper.' Real and personal estate.

Executors — son William and four daugh- ters — Mary, Elizabeth, Catherine and Susannah. Witnesses — Corn's C. Wynkoop, Evert Bancher, Jr., John Taylor, Jr., Al.

Codicil (very lengthy, chiefly concerning his son- in-law Peter Van Brugh Livingston). Witnesses — Henry Ludlow, Evert Bancher, jr., John Taylor, Jr. CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 9 1760, Feb.

Witnesses — William Livingston, Evert Bancher, Jr., Jacob De Witt. Will and codicils recorded in Middlesex Co. May 16, 1760. 199 1762, Nov. William Alexander, Esq., Earl of Stirling-, qualified as Executor. Allen, Benjamin, of Greenwich, Gloucester Co., yeo- man; will of.

Wife, Patience. Children — Benjamin, Joseph and six others, not named; all but the first under age. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife, Jacob Spicer and Alexander Randall. Witnesses — Jonathan Borden, Andrew Barnes, Enoch Hains. Proved April 7, 1759. Inventory, £285.5.3., incl.

A silver watch, £5., by Edward Hollinshead and Enoch Haines. Account by Patience Allen, who has increased it to £735.5.3, by selling 300 acres of land, and reports on hand balance of £213.15. 1759, July 38. Allen, Benjamin, of Allaways Creek, Salem Co.

Inventory, £181.8., incl. A clock and looking glass, £8.10., by Francis Test and Thos. Bond of widows, Elizabeth Allen, as Adm'x; John Chandler and James Euenes (Evans), yeomen, fellowbondsmen, all of said Allaways Creek. Allen, David, of Manasquan, Town of Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., yeoman; will of.

Wife, Catharine. Children — Mercy, wife of Thomas Jeffery, and Samuel. Brother, Joseph Allen, to be maintained. Real and personal estate. Executors — the son and son- in-law. Witnesses — Joseph Lawrence, Ananiah Gifford, Jr., Anthony Woodward, Jr., and Jacob Dennis. Proved April 18, 1760.

Inventory, £817.1.9., incl. A looking glass, 6s, books, £2.4., bills, bonds, book debts, cash and notes £530.3.4.; made by James Irons, David Johnston and Samuel Osborn. Allen, David and Elisha, sons of Jedediah, dec'd, petition, that John Dickason of Allaways Creek, said Co., yeoman, be appointed their Guardian. John Dickeson appointed Guardian.

Bondsmen — Daniel Smith and Thomas Kelly, of Salem Co. Witnesses — G. Tren- chard and G.

Trenchard, Jr. Allen, S^Ilzabeth, widow of George, of Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co.; will of.

Son, George, sole Executor. Grandchildren — Lydia Throckmorton; children of Adam Brewer, Hannah Lafetra, Elizabeth Morris, Rachel Lippincott, Mary Lafetra, Margaret, Deborah, Lazarus, George and William Brewer; Joseph Allen; George, son of George. Real and personal estate. Witnesses — Othniel Rogers, Uriah West and Jacob Dennis. Proved December 13, 1756. Inventory, £159.16.3., incl.

Bonds and cash, £68.11.8., by Rich'd Lawrence, John Lippincott, Jr. And William Scott. Allen, George, of Evesham Township, Burlington Co. Inventory, £85.12.5., incl. A clock £2., by James Cattell and Abra- ham Allen. 10 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1758, Oct. Bond of Mary Allen as Adm'x; John Goldy, fellow- bondsman, both of said Co.

Allen, Henry, of Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., yeo- man; will of. Children — Nathan, John, West, Ryley, Margaret and Elizabeth, all under age.

Real and personal estate. Executors — George Allen and Garritt Morford. Witnesses — John Holdsworth, Thos. Eatton, Parscan (Pearson) Halstead. Proved March 13, 1753. Allen, James, of 'Aleways' Creek, Salem Co.; will of.

Son, Aaron, under age, sole heir, of real and personal estate; if he dies a minor, land to go to testator's brother, Benjamin Allen, John Steward, sole Executor. Witnesses — Benjamin Bacon, John Denn, Sam'l Abbott. Proved February 21, 1751. 50 bush, of wheat, £8.15, by Nathaniel Chamles and Benjamin Allen. Salem Wills, 886 Q. 1751, May 21. Allen, Jedidiali, of Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., cord- wainer; will of.

Children — William, Ralph, Miriam and Jedediah. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and Joseph Potter. Witnesses — Humphry Wady, Jeremiah Tallman, Elihu Williams. Proved June 17, 1751. 1751, June 4.

Inventory, £673.19.7., incl. Bonds, book debts and notes, £294.9.7; two looking glasses and tea things £1.8.; books £1.3; the time of an apprentice, £6.; made by Joseph Parker and Joseph Corlies. Account by Executors, £702.12.3^. Land sold to Wm. Lippincott, £72.15.0. Allen, Jedldiah, of Manenton, Salem Co.; will of. Children — Judiah, David, Elisha, Champles, Jonathan, Benjamin, Elizabeth, Rebecah and Mary; Champles, Jonathan and Benjamin under 13 yrs.

Real and personal estate. Execu- tors — Preston Carpenter and Charles Fogg.

Witnesses — Isaac Sharp, Daniel Huddy and John Beesly. Proved March 3, 1759. Allen, Jolin, of Springfield, Burlington Co., yeoman. Bond of widow, Mary, of Springfield as Adm'x; John Butcher and Matthew Allen, both of said Co., yeomen, fellowbondsmen. Allen, Jonah, of Pequanack Township, Morris Co.

Sarah, widow, resigns her right to administer to Jacob Ford, principal creditor. Bond of Jacob Ford as Adm'r; William Gamble, fellowbondsman, both of Morris Co.

Allen, Jonathan, of the Borough of Elizabeth Town, Essex Co.; will of. Wife, Elizabeth.

Children — Matthias, Charles and Mary Michel. Grandson, Joseph, son of Joseph Edwards. Home- farm between Charles Toundley, dec'd., the road and Benjamin Trot- ter, dec'd; 16 acres adjoining John Chanler and Hanry Broodwell; CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 II personal property, incl. Executors — the wife and son, Matthias.

Witnesses — Humphrey Spining, Samuel Smith, Richard Tounley. 1760, Jnly 26. Allen, Matthew, of Hancock Township, Burlington Co. Robert Allen, Administrator. Inventory, £64.6.101^., incl. Bonds and book debts, £30.10.3.; a silver watch, £5.10; a Bible, 5s; made by Marmeduke Fort and John Goldy. 1760, July 26.

Allen, Robert, of (paper destroyed). Bond of Robert Allen, son of, as Adm'r; Thomas Robinson, fellowbondsman, both of Burlington Co.

Allen, William, of Bethleham, Hunterdon Co.; will of. Wife and children, of whom only son William is named, being appointed Executor with Charles HofE, Jr. Witnesses — John Cowan, Martha Erwine, Thomas Allen. Inventory, £93.17.7., incl. 2 Bibles, Alen's Alarm, etc., by Abraham Bonnel and John Cowan. 1758, June 2. Account by acting Executor, William Allen, £95.12.2.

1750, July 13. AUtn, Benjamin, of Evesham Township, Burlington Co.; will of. Wife, Rebecca.

Children — Agnes, Sarah, Abraham. Granddaughter, Mary AUin, dau. Of son Benjamin, deceased. Execu- tors^Son, Abraham Allin, and wife, Rebecca. Witnesses — Jacob Heu- lings, Jacob Howlings, Jr., Gab. Wills, 5125 C. Inventory, £364.12.0, by James Cattell and Joshua Ballinger.

Ailing:, John, of Newark. Martha, widow, Administratrix.

AUinson, Joseph, of Burlington City, yeoman; will of. Wife, Elizabeth, sole Executrix. Children — Peter, Joseph, Ja- cob, Samuel. Granddaughters — Elizabeth and Mary, daughters of dec'd son Thomas.

Legacy to Mary, wife of James Cloather. Mead- owland in said City, bought of Francis Smith; house and lot on Pearl Street, bought of Richard Wheat; ditto in High Street, bought of said Smith; personal property.

Witnesses — John Saunders, John Hoskins, William Heulings. Proved July 28, 1756.

Allinson, Thomas, of Bridgetown, Burlington Co., blacksmith; will of. Wife, Mary; daughter, Elizabeth, under age; and expected child. Brothers — Peter, Jacob, Joseph and Samuel Allinson. Personal property. Executors — the wife and Thomas At- kinson, miller.

Witnesses — Henry Paxson, Benj. Bispham, Thos. Proved March 14, 1754. Inventory, £217.5.2 1^., incl. A negro girl, £20.; bills and bonds, £84.17.3%.; made by John Budd and Patrick Reynolds. Wills, 5353 C.

1759, May 30. Allison, John, of Oxford Township, Sussex Co. Inventory, £522.2.6., incl. Bills, bonds, book debts and cash, £331.3.2.; a negro, £20.; a Bible and other books; made by Edward Hunt and James Stinson. 12 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1759, Sept. Bond of widow, Sarah Allison, as Adm'x; Edward Hunt, fellowbondsman, both of Oxford. Account by Adm'x, Sarah Allison, £193.2.6.

Alston, Benjamin, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., ship- wright; will of. Mother, Rebecca Jaques, widow; sister, Mary, wife of George Brown. A lot of land, bought of Nathaniel Hubbell, Jr.; other real and personal property. Executors — the mother and broth- er-in-law, Brown. Witnesses — Daniel Moores, Thomas Brown and Nugient Kelly.

Alston, Thomas, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., mariner; will of. Wife, Mary; an expected child. Sister, Mary, wife of Noah Bishop. If expected child dies without issue, or under age, estate goes to support of a school at Rahway. Real and personal property.

Executors — the wife and brother, David Alston. Wit- nesses — Richard Wilkson, Jonathan Bishop and Joseph Shotwell. Anderson, Benjamin.

Bond of Elizabeth Ander- son, of Maidenhead, Hunterdon Co., as Adm'x; John Brailey, of same place, farmer, fellowbondsman. 1758, June 13. Anderson, Derrick, of 'Redingtown,' Hunterdon Co. Inventory, £65.2., incl.

Accounts and bonds, £55.0.9., by Jacob v. Bilt, Marten Wyckof and Anderis Anderisen. 1758, June 13. Bond of his widow, Hannah Anderson, as Adm'x; Nicolas Wyckoff, of Redingtown fellowbondsman. Anderson, Enoch, of Trenton, Hunterdon Co. Bond of William Anderson, of Philadelphia Co., Penna., yeoman, as Adm'r; Benjamin Stevens, of Maidenhead.

Hunterdon Co., farmer, fellowbondsman. Anderson, Jacob, of Worcester Co., Maryland, but now in Kent Co., upon Delaware, merchant; will of. Brother Isaack and children; sister Catherine and children; Jacob, son of brother Abraham. Robert, son of William Burton, and Joseph Carter, Execu- tors for estate in Maryland; brother Isaack Anderson, Joseph Decoe and Samuel Johnson in the Jersies. Witnesses — Nicholas Powel, Re- becca Powel. Edward Norman, William Hazard.

Proved in Kent Co., on Delaware, Sept. 27, 1751; sworn to in Hunterdon Co. By John Farnsworth as a true copy of original will. Anderson, James, of Newtown, Gloucester Co.; will of.

Mary, sole Executrix. Children — James, Isaac, John (under age), Andrew, Lydia and Ann.

Land in New Castle Co., Penna., i. E., 250 acres, adjoining New Castle, and called Swanwick, also personal estate. W^itnesses — Judith Brodrick, David Brodrick. Proved May 11, 1751. Inventory, £195.4., incl.

A looking glass, a Dutch servant man's time, £3; another servant's, £8; made by William Stow and Thomas Parker. Anderson, Jonathan, of New Hanover, Burlington Co. Bond of Eleanor Anderson as Adm'x; John Anderson and Benjamin Gibbs, fellowbondsmen. CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 I3 1759, Mar. Inventory, £114.13.6., incl.

A servantman, £5., by Anthony Sykes and Benjamin Gibbs, 1754, Jan. Anderson, Joseph, of 'Alleways' Creek, Salem Co.; will of wife, Hannah.

Children — Joseph, Isaac, Elizabeth, Mary, Esther, Thomas and Simon. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and John Chandler. Witnesses — John Fitzpatrick, John Chandler, Abraham Harris. Proved August 1, 1754. Inventory, £46.5., by John Fitzpatrick and Abraham Harris. John Chandler refuses to serve as Executor, 1759, May 1.

Andrews, John, of the Town and County of Salem; will of. Wife, Phebe, to receive one-third of the 'clear personal' estate; the other two-thirds to be divided between George Landman, of Queen Ann's Co., Maryland, John and Joseph Antrum, of Burling- ton Borough, Rebeccah, daughter of Thomas Norris, and his four negro slaves, who are conditionally manumitted. Erasmus Kent, sole Executor. Witnesses — John Paschall, Reese Williams, Joseph Gray and Joseph Kay.

Proved May 15, 1759. Inventory, £333.11.8., incl. 4 negroes, £120. By Edward Test and William Tufte.

AndreTvm, Peter, of Northampton Township, Burling- ton Co.; will of. Wife, Esther.

Children — Thomas, Benajah, Mary, Temperance, Edward, Hannah, Elizabeth and Peter, apparently all under age. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and son, Benajah. Witnesses — Josiah Poster, Josiah White, John Woolman. Inventory, £262.15.8, incl. Books; a lad's time, £5; cash and credits, £79.15.10; made by Joseph Lipplncott and John Woolman.

Andrews, Samuel, of Deptford Township, Gloucester Co., tanner; will of. Wife, Phebe; son, Jacob (under age). Real and personal estate.

Executors — the wife and brother, Thomas Andrews, who is also made guardian of the child or children, 'if there be two or more of them.' Witnesses — Hannah Andrews, George Warfle, Wil- liam Wood. Inventory, £452.9.9., incl. Bills and book accounts, £72.6.10., 245 hides in the yard, 26 dry do. In the tan house and 5 skins, £193.17.6; also books; made by William Wood and David Cooper.

1755, July 17. Andrevrs, Thomas, of Evesham, Burlington Co., yeo- man; will of. Children — Dorcas, Amy, (wife of Ebenezer Bor- den), Ann (wife of Jacob Taylor, who have children Abram and Lydia). Son-in-law, Philipp Flick.

Grandchildren, Andrews Han- cock, son of dec'd daughter Patience; Hannah, Phebe, Elizabeth and Bulah, daughters of dec'd son Ebenezer. Real and personal estate. Executors — Francis Dudly, Philipp Flick (son-in-law) both of Eve- sham and Isaac Lippencut, of Chester Township. Witnesses — Alex- ander Ferguson, George Mires, James Parson (Pearson). Codicil of Feb.

24, 1757, makes a slight change. Witnesses — Abraham Mireover and Abraham Allen. Proved May 21, 1757. 1757, May 17. Inventory, £149.14.6., incl. Bonds and book debts, £25.3.3., by James Cattell and Silas Crispin.

14 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1760, Mar. AndreiTB, Thomas, of Deptford Township, Gloucester Co., farmer; will of. Wife, Catherine. Children — Thomas, Peter and Azubah, all under age.

Executors — the wife, brother Benajah An- drews, and brother-in-law, Lawrence Webster. Witnesses — Chatfleld Brown, Rebekah Wood, Rachel Wilkins.

Proved August 1, 1760. 78, 1760, May 13. Inventory, £258.0.8., incl. Books, by William Wil- kins and William Wood. Andrew*, William, of Monmouth Co. Account of the estate, £65.18.10.

By John Andrews, as Adm'r. 1760, May 18. Antram, Isaac, of Springfield, Burlington Co., yeo- man; will of. Children — David (eldest son), John, Isaac, Job, Hester, all under age. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and brother, Thomas Antram.

Witnesses — David Antram, George Herbert, John Burr, Jr. Proved July 7, 1760. Inventory, £436.4.6, incl. Bonds, £41.9.8., by Nathan Folwell and Jonathan Hough.

Antram, Thomas, Jr., of Springfield Township, Bur- lington Co. Inventory, £569.7.6, incl. A silver watch, £5.; silver tea spoons; two servants, £20; notes due, £24.6.6; made by Dan'l Doughty and Jonathan Hough. Bond of his widow, Margaret Antram, Adm'x; Abra- ham Leeds, of Evesham, Burlington Co., yeoman, fellowbondsman.

Account by Adm'x, Margaret Antram, £569.7.6. Appelgate, Benjamin, of Nottingham Twsp., Burling- ton Co.; will of. Son, Thomas, 5 shillings and demand of 13 pounds; sons, Benjamin, William and Richard. 5 shillings each. Daughter, Johannah, a bed.

Real and personal estate. Son Daniel to be put to a trade and. When 21, to have 1-3 of estate. Daughter Alse, when 18 and daughter Jomime, the rest.

Executors — Richard Sparkes and Walter Ward. Witnesses — Samuel Redford, Elizabeth Redford, Wil- liam Miller, Proved May 16, 1753. Wills, 5137 G.

Applegate, Joseph, of Windsor, Middlesex Co.; will of. Children — John, Alice Limming, William, Joseph and Moses. Personal estate. Money left by son Richard in the hands of John Ely, who is made sole Executor.

Witnesses — John Brown, Arch- bald Silver and George Danser. Proved May 3, 1760. Inventory, £75.12.9, by G. Danser and John Chamber- lin. 1760, May 17. Appleton, Cornelius, Jr., of Burlington Co. Bond of Joseph Appleton, of Nottingham, Burlington Co., carpenter, as Adm'r; Charles Axford, Jr., of Trenton, Hunterdon Co., fellowbonds- man.

1760, May 17. Inventory, £76.9., incl.

A silver watch and seal, £8.; silver snuff box and pair of gold sleeve buttons, £2.10; 3 pairs of sil- ver buckles, £2.10., made by Charles Axford and Conrad Kotts. Archad, Andrew, of Raccoon Creek, Greenwich Town- ship, Gloucester Co., yeoman; will of. Brother, Israel Archad, heir CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 1 5 of real and personal estate, with Andrew, son of Peter and Blizabeth Matson as remainderman, and a legacy to Sarah Adams, daughter of sister Magdalene. Executors — cousin Jacob Orchad and John Der- rickson. Witnesses — John Abra.

Lidenius (Liedenes), Lawrance Lock, Christian Sarrin. Proved October 6, 1760. Inventory, £106.10.11, by Thos.

Denny and Lawrance Lock. Archer, Amos, of Gloucester Co. Inventory, £35.10.6., incl. 'book debts.' £17.16.6, by John Maxwell and Daniel For- tiner.

Wills, 640 H. Bond of Benjamin Archer as Adm'r; John Maxwell fellowbondsman, both of Haddonfield, said Co. Wills, 640 H.

Archer, Benjamin, of Tewksbury, Hunterdon Co.; will of. Wife, Meleson. Children — Jeremiah, Elizabeth, Hannah, Aus- ten, Meleson (wife of Geresham Silver), John and Benjamin, the last two made Executors.

Mentions John, son of eldest son Ananias, dec'd. Witnesses — Ralph Smith, Thomas Smith and Henry Smith. Proved May 20, 1760.

Inventory of the estate; real (the plantation), £300; personal, £202.3.4., incl. A negro boy, £25.; 180 bush, of wheat, £54., made by William Harris and Thomas Smith. Archer, Israel, of Greenwich Township, Gloucester Co.; will of.

Makes cousin, Andrew Matson, son of sister Elizabeth Matson, heir of land and meadow, bought by brother Andrew Archer of John Ladd, and of other real property, dividing personal estate between sister Magdalen Morice's (?) children, Jacob, John, Mathias, and her eldest daughter (all children of Peter Morise), and children of sister Elizabeth, wife of Peter Matson, viz., Marcy, Judey and Ellenor. Executors — John Derexson and Thomas Denny.

Witnesses — John Denny, Daniel Strang, Henry Hendrickson. Proved December 29, 1760. Inventory, £210.10.1., incl. Bills, bonds, book debts and cash, £183.9.3.; made by Jacob Archord and Lawrance Lock. Archer, John, of Deptford Township, Gloucester Co., labourer.

Bond of widow, Sarah Archer, as Adm'x; Nixon Chat- tin, yeoman, fellowbondsman, both of said Township. Inventory, £15.18.6., incl. A Bible, by George Kemble and Samuel Ladd. 1756, Ans* 20. Arlson, Mary, of Waterford, Gloucester Co.; will of. Daughter, Elizabeth Gibbs. Other beneficiaries are Sarah Atkinson, Mary, John, Hannah and Benjamin (children of Joseph Arison), Wil- liam Atkinson, sister Rebecca Hutchin and Aaron Arison's three chil- dren, names not given.

Personal estate. Executors — John Burroughs, Sr., and Isaac Burroughs. Witnesses — John McComb, Katherine Fen- nin, Robert Gilmore. Proved October 21, 1756. Inventory, £224.14.11., incl. Bonds, £122.19.10; a negro boy, £32; a negro girl, £25; made by Charles Farguison and John Burroughs, Jr. L6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1754, Jan.

Arnold, Stephen, of Morris Co., Int. Inventory, £149.15.7, incl. Bond of Samuel Ludlom, of Mendom, £100; other debts, £19.13.6; 20 bush, of corn, £2.10; made by Samuel Day and Samuel Roberts.

Bond of Rachel, widow, as Adm'x; Samuel Arnold and Benjamin Freeman, fellowbondsmen, both of Morris Town. 1754, May 15. Account by Rachel Arnold, who has paid out £22.19.11. Aronson, Benjamin, and Hannah, children of Joseph, of Burlington Co., deceased, petition for the appointment of James Atkinson, of Northampton, as their Guardian. Bond of James Atkinson as such Guardian, Jon- athan Jesse, fellowbondsman, both of said Co., yeoman.

597 C, 6229 C. Aronson, Joseph, of Mansfield, Burlington Co. Ac- count of the estate, £182.6.3., by David Rockhill and his wife Anne, late Anne Aronson, Executrix of Joseph's last will; sold land for £230. Thomas, of New Brunswick, Middlesex Co. Bond of Thaddeus Burr, of Fairfield, Conn., 'grandfather by the mother to the son of,' as Adm'r; Rev. Aaron Burr, of Newark, N.

J., fellowbondsman. Inventory, £23.11.6., Incl. A tabby gown, £5; a black, a brown, a lutstring ditto, £2.10; a velvet rochet and hood, 15s.; cambrick, linen and muslin aprons, 56s.; made by James Smedly, Benjamin Wynkoop and Benjamin Darling. Aten, Adrian, of Reading Township, Hunterdon Co.; will of. Wife, Jacobtie. Children — Ann, Derick, Hendrick, Mary, Cateline, John, Garret, Judah and Adrian. Real and personal estate.

Executors — son Hendrick and brother-in-law, Peter Middagh. Wit- nesses — George Andreas Vierselius, Lowrens Lou (Low) and Jacob Mattison. Proved February 28, 1758.

Inventory, £1042.0.11., incl. Bills, bonds and book debts, £638.5.5; books £5.10; a negro boy, £40; made by Thomas Atkinson and Cornelius Wyckoff.

Atkinson, Joseph, of Springfield, Burlington Co.; will of. Wife, Sarah, sole Executrix. Children — William, Aaron, John, Mary, Sary, Elizabeth and Levina, the daughters all under age. Real and personal estate.

Witnesses — Richard Gibbs, Samuel Atkinson, Jon. Proved April 23, 1760. Inventory, £708.2.3., incl. Bills and bonds, £337.17.6; made by Jon. Fenimore and Samuel Atkinson.

1758, June 10. Atkinson, Rachel, of Chester Township, Burlington Co., widow; will of.

Children — Lidia, Susannah, Abigail and John, all under age. Personal estate, incl. A gold ring, six silver teaspoons. Executors — brother Thomas Wallace and John Cox. Witnesses — Thomas Morton, James Toy. Proved June 22, 1758. 1758, June 19.

Inventory, £147.2.10, by Elias and James Toy. CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 I7 1754, July 26. Atkinson, Sarah, of Burlington Co. Bond of Christian Willson as Adm'x; Richard Harrison, fellowbondsman, both of said Co.

Atkinson, Thomas, Sr., of Northampton, Burlington Co., miller; will of. Wife, Hannah. Children — Thomas, Rebekah, Hester and Hannah. Gristmill and land in Bridgetown, other real and personal estate incl. Executors — Henry Cooper and Ed- ward Tonkin.

Witnesses — Zachariah Rossell, Jr., Thos. Reynolds, Thos. Proved December 10, 1757. Inventory, of £204.1.3., incl. Three negroes, £32; made by Joseph Mullen and Nicholas Toy. Account by Edward Tonkin, one of the Executors, who has sold the goods for £21.4.10.

More than valued; adds book debts, £262.13, and has disposed of the real property, viz., house and lot in Bridgetown, £250.; three others ditto, £122; ditto, in Burl- ington, £135.5; share in the gristmill, £630, and other land, £132.12. Atkinson, 'William, of Northampton, Burlington Co.; will of. Wife, Mary; daughters, Anne Scot, Elizabeth and Hope, the last two under age; an expected child. Real and personal estate.

Executors — the wife and brother, Francis Shinn. Witnesses — Fran- cis Venicombe, Lydia Lamb, John Woolman.

Proved September 7, 1754. Inventory, £520.24, incl., bills, bonds and book debts, £255.12.2; made by Thomas Budd and George Briggs. Ansten, EJsther, daughter of Cornelius Austen, of 'Pairefield' Township, Cumberland Co., blacksmith.

Petition of, that Joseph Ogden, of the same place, yeoman, be appointed her Guar- dian. Bond of Joseph Ogden as Guardian; Thomas Og- den, fellowbondsman, both of Fairfield Township, yeomen. — Axford, Elizabeth, of Salem Co.

Bond of Daniel Huddy, of Salem, merchant, as Adm'r; no fellowbondsman. Axtell, Henry, of Mendum, Morris Co.; will of. Wife, Jemima. Children — Henry (under age), Phebie, Hannah, Jemima, Bethanah, Calvin and Luther. Real and personal estate. Executors — Ebenezer Byram, John Gary, Isaac Babbit and Thomas Briggs of Mendum. Witnesses — Caleb Baldwin, Isaac Babbit, Jacob Cooke.

Proved January 28, 1755. 1755, Jane 12. Ayars, James, of Deerfield Township, Cumberland Co. Hannah, widow of, refuses the administration, recommending Matthew Parvin, of said Twsp. Same date, bond of Mat- thew Parvin, yeoman, as Adm'r; Silas Parvin, tavernkeeper, and Jonathan Sayre, shoemaker, fellowbondsmen, all of said Co. 1755, June 18. Inventory, £194.5.9., incl.

Rent of the mill, £30.; made by John Miller and Hugh Dunn. Wills, 109 P.

Aynrs, John, of Hopewell Township, Cumberland Co.; will of. Divides real and personal estate between brother, Hal- bridge Ayars (sole Executor), sisters Sarah, Rebekah and Tabitha 2 18 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS (under age), cousins John and Abiiah, sons of Benjamin Ayars. (both under age), Hambilton and Rachel, children of Aaron Ayars, and Thomas, son of Joseph Bivins. House and 48 acres of land, adjoining Stephan Ayars; 38 a. Bought of said Benjamin Ayars; 10 acres be- tween 'William Ayars and John Jarmon; also personal estate.

Witnesses — Joseph Bowen, Ellas Robins, Elnathan Davis (4th). Proved March 13, 1759.

Inventory of personalty, £63.4.6., incl. A Bible, by Jacob More and John Carll. Ayars, Joshua, of Fairfield, Cumberland Co.; will of. Children — Seth (under age), Philipp, Esther Davis, Hez- iah and Deborah (last two under age), an expected child.

Real and personal estate, incl. A silver tankard. Executors — the wife and son, Philipp.

Witnesses — Joseph Swinney, Hannah Titsworth, Jonathan Davis. Proved May 24, 1759. 1759, May 23. Inventory, £422.11. Plate, £39., books £4; made by Abraham Smith and Jacob More. 1759, May 37.

Ayers, Caleb, of Hopewell Township, Cumberland Co.; will of. Wife, Rebecca, sole executrix. Children — Aaron, Stephan, Halbridge, William, Sarah, Rebekah, Tabitha and Benja- min. Real and personal estate. Witnesses — Hugh Dunn, Jr., William Russell, Elnathan Davis (4th). Proved February 5, 1760.

Inventory, £200.11.2, by Richard Richardson and Howel Powel. Ayers, Frazee, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; will of. Children — Elelus (son); daughters, Hume, Sarah, Phebe and Mary. Real and personal estate.

Executors — the wife, Jonathan Frazee and Ruben Ayers. Witnesses — John Smith, Robert Ayers and James Clarkson.

Proved May 5, 1760, when Jonathan Frazee refuses to act as executor. Ayers, Obadlah, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., car- penter; will of. First wife, a sister of Ezekiel Bloomfleld; present wife, Mary, to be sole Executrix. Children — Susannah, Johannah, (both under age), and Daniel.

Real and personal estate. Witnesses — William Bloodgood, Geach Bloodgood and William Kent. Proved February 1, 1760, when the widow, Mary Ayers refuses to act as Executrix, and Mary, wife of George Harriot, Daniel Ayers and Joanna Ayers, all children of Obadiah, agree, that George Herriot shall administer on the estate. Account, by George Harriat, Adm'r.

1758, July 11. Aynsley, William. Adm'x., Elizabeth Aynsley, widow; bondsman, Piatt Cramwell. Witnesses — Jas. Neilson and Anthony White. Essex Wills, 15437 G. Ayrest, Gunsley John.

Bond of Francis Hol- linshead of Somerset Co., as Adm'r; John Warrell, Esq., of Trenton, Hunterdon Co., fellowbondsman. Wills, 339 J. Bacon, John, of Cumberland Co.; will of. Wife, Elizabeth. Sons — Thomas, John, David and Job, the last two under CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 I9 age. Home farm, adjoining Joseph Bacon and Charles Davis; a lot, called Hazelwoode Neck; marsh adjoining Joseph Bacon and John Ware; another marsh between Joseph Bacon and uncle William Bacon; personal property. Executors — the wife, with sons Thomas and John.

Witnesses — Peter Randol and Rich'd Wood, Junior. Proved March 1, 1755. Inventory, £185,14.9, by Charles Davis and Philipp Dennis. Bacon, Joseph, of Greenwich Township, Cumberland Co. Inventory, £304.9.3, by Philipp Dennis and Charles Davis.

Bond of his widow, Margaret Bacon, as Adm'x; Philipp Dennis and Charles Davis, both of said Township, fellow- bondsmen. Wills, 146 F. Badcock, Joseph, St., of Cape May Co., yeoman; will of. Children — Joseph, Rachel, Hannah, Naomi, Sarah and Mary. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and Jeremiah Hand. Witnesses — William Evans, Daniel Gerretsen, Job Garretson.

Proved June 3, 1755. 1755, June 28. Inventory, £186.18.1., by Richard Smith and Jacob Spicer.

Account by Executors, who have increased estate by £40. For land sold, and £18.

For sundries. Badgley, George, Sr., of Elizabeth Town. George, son, Adm'r, widow, Rachel, having renounced. Inventory, £76.4.10, by Matthias Hetfield and Wil- liam Winans. Badgley, John, Sr., of the Borough of Elizabeth, Es- sex Co., yeoman; will of.

Wife, Uphamey. Children — Anthony, Wil- liam, John, Sarah, Mary, Phebe, Elisabeth, Katherine, Hannah and Uphaney.

Grandsons — Moses and John Badgley. Granddaughter, Jean. Real and personal estate. Executors — son Anthoney and son- in-law Abraham Clarke (3d). Witnesses — Anthony Badgley, Jr., Robert Badgley, Henry Clarke, Jr.

Proved October 16, 1759. Inventory, £195.15.5, by Samuel Miller and John Cory, Jr.

Bailey, Daniel, of Bethlehem, Hunterdon Co. Bond of Ralph Johnson, of Bethlehem, farmer, as Adm'r; James Thatcher, of Amwell, said Co., fellowbondsman. Inventory, £49.3.9, incl. Bonds and book accounts, £32.4.9., by John Dusinberry and William Everitt. Wills, 433 J.

Baker, Henry, of Woodbridge Township, Middlesex Co., cordwainer; will of. Sons — Henry, Jacob, Cor- nelius, Matthius and William, the last two under age. Real and personal estate.

Executors — son, Henry, Cornelius Hetfleld, of Eliz- abeth Town, and Jonathan Fraze, of Woodbridge. Witnesses — Jon- athan, Jaques, Joseph Thorn and Edward Wilkes Jr. Proved April 7, 1760. 20 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1751, Aii£r« 12. Baker, John, of Burlington Co. Inventory, £158.2, incl. A servant boy and girl, £26., by Thomas Moore and Thomas Budd.

Bond of widow, Barbara Baker, as Adm'x; Thomas Moore and Thomas Budd, cooper, fellowbondsman, all of Northamp- ton. Baker, Thomas, of the Borough of Elizabeth, Bssex Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Martha. Children — Thomas, Daniel, Martha (wife of Jeremah Muford), Phebe, Mercy and Patience. Grand- daughter, Elizabeth, daughter of Elizabeth Brooks, dec'd.

Real and personal estate. Executors — son Daniel and Timothy Whitehead, Esq. Witnesses — Thomas Baly. Samuel Headley, Benjamin Bonnel. Proved January 9, 1756. Inventory, £221.16.9 by Moses Thompson and Samuel Thompson. Baldwin, Caleb, of Morris Co., yeoman; will of.

Wife, Hannah. Children — Jabesh, Caleb, Mary and Phebie, all under age, and an expected child. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and brother-in-law, Capt.

Joseph Beech. Witnesses — Samuel Baldwin, Daniel Cary, Beriah Cary. Proved January 6, 1758.

The widow, signing herself 'Hannah Riky,' declines to serve as executrix. Inventory, £439.5.5, by Samuel Ailing and John Crane. 1758, May 19.

2nd Inventory at New York. £72.17.8, by Abraham Bockee and Samuel Rogers. At Stratford, 3rd Inventory, £365.0.1, by Theops, Nichols and Ezra Hawley; Joseph Forman, Adm'r. Articles in Connecticut not inventoried, £18.18.9; deed for 16 acres In Litchfield Co., value unknown. Baldwin, Caleb, of Newark, Essex Co., yeoman, now at Derby, New Haven Co., Conn.; will of. Wife, Jemime. Children — Jemime (under age), Jonathan, Noah and Eleazer.

Real and per- sonal estate. Executors — the wife and brother, Moses Baldwin.

Witnesses — Samuel Ward, James Baldwin, Stephen Ward. Proved at Derby, Conn., April 10, 1758; probated by Thomas Fitch, Governor of Connecticut, May 18, 1758. Baldwin, James, of Waterford, Gloucester Co., yeo- man.

Inventory, £89, by William Stone and Henry Wood. Bond of Catherine Baldwin as Adm'x; William Stone and Henry Wood fellowbondsmen, all of Waterford.

1758, June 14. Baldwin, John, of Newark, Essex Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Elisabeth. Children — Joseph, Dorcas, Johana, Mary and Elisabeth.

Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife, Nathaniel Dod and David Harrison. Witnesses — Gershom Williams.

Mary Bald- win, Joseph Dod. Proved September 23, 1758. 1759, June 28. Baldwin, Matthias, of Elizabeth Town, Essex Co., tailor; Will of. Wife, sons and daughters; names not given; the children all under age. Real and personal estate. Executors — Caleb Halstead, Doctor Moses Blomfield, Job Stockton, Robert Ogden, Esq., CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 21 John Ross and Andrew Ross.

Witnesses — Phebe Ross. Phebe Nutt- man, George Einott. Proved September 5, 1759. 1759, July 26. Inventory, £126.11.9, by Matthias Hetfield and Wil- liam Wlnans. Ball, Aaron, of Newark, Essex Co., blacksmith; will of. Wife, Hannah.

Children — Silas, Joseph, Aaron, Kezia, Margaret, Deborah and Hannah, all under age. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife, brother Timothy Ball and Moses Baldwin. Wit- nesses — John Tichenor, Jonas Ball, David Campbell.

Inventory, £182.18.2, by Moses Baldwin, Samuel Crow- ell, Jonas Ball. Ball, Jonathan, of Newark, Essex Co.; will of.

Wife, Jemima. Children — Daniel, Sarah, Hannah, Rebecka, Catherine and Jemima, all under age. Real and personal estate.

Executors — the wife and Stephen Baldwin. Witnesses — Samuel Crane, John Crane, Jr., Jonathan Sergeant. Proved July 15, 1757. 1753, Jnne 1. Ball, Timothy, of Newark, Essex Co.; will of. Wife, Esther.

Children — John, Uzal, Sarah, Charity and Rachel. Real and personal estate.

Executors — the wifie, brother Aaron Ball, Na- thaniel Ball. Witnesses — Jonathan Tompkins, Jedidiah Hedden, Wil- liam Green. Proved February 3, 1758. Inventory, £414.12.5, by Timothy Whitehead and Josiah Crane. Ballinger, Amariah, of Debtford Township, Glouces- ter Co., yeoman; will of. Children — Samuel, Ameriah (both under age), Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah and an expected child. Son and daughter-in-law (stepchildren?) Susannah and Thomas Ashbrook.

Real and personal estate. Executors and guardians of the two sons — brother, Joshua, and Thomas Ballinger. Witnesses — George Kemble, Isaac Ballinger, Jos.

Proved April 2, 1760. Inventory, £273.3, by Wm. Davis and Sam.

Baly, Samuel, of Elizabeth Borough, Essex Co., shop keeper; will of. Wife, Abigail; father, Thomas Baly.

Children — Phebe, Henry, Jonathan. Real and personal estate, incl. A Palatine servant girl; sawmill on West branch of Rahaway River; homefarm, adjoining Thomas Garner. Executors — the wife, brother, Thomas Baly and Isaac Lyon. Witnesses — Nathaniel Potter, David Horton, Benjamin Bonnel. Proved April 4, 1751. Barber, Aquilla, Jr., of Pilesgrove.

Salem Co.; will of. Wife, Hannah. Children — Aquilla, James, both under age; daugh- ters' names not given. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and George Lawrance. Witnesses — Daniel White, Malachi Her- ner and Edward Draper.

Proved January 24, 1760. Inventory, £166.15.6, by Edward Draper and Daniel Bassett. Barber, Samuel, of Amwell, Hunterdon Co.; will of. Wife, Alledee. Children — John, Cornelius, Susannah, Mary, Eliza- 2.2 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS beth, Rachel and an expected child.

Real and personal estate. Execu- tors — the wife and son John. Witnesses — Joseph Bell, George Hus- ton, J. Proved May 18, 1751.

1751, May 15. Inventory, £140.4.2, incl. Silver clasps and vest but- tons; Dutch books, £1.; 4 bush, of wheat; by Peter Prall and Derick Homeland. Barber, William, of Lebanon, Hunterdon Co. In- ventory, £52.19, by Nathaniel Foster and Andrew Bray.

Jemima Barber declines administration in favour of her father, John Burroughs. Bond of John Burroughs (Burrows) of Trenton Township, Hunterdon Co., tanner, as Adm'r; Samuel Henry, of Tren- ton, merchant, fellowbondsman. Bard, John, Int.

Inventory, £15.10.7., by James Shreve and Israel Butler. Bond of James WTiite, carpenter, as Adm'r; James Shreve, yeoman, fellowbondsman, both of said County. Wills, 5365 C. Account of the estate by the administrator. James WTiite. Barkelaw, Conrod, of Middlesex Co.

Citation to Margaret, widow, and Daniel, son of, as surviving executors of his will, to prove the same. Letter from Daniel Barcolowe at New Brunswick, pleading his mother's illness for not having come in obedience to the citation. Letter from Daniel Barricklo, at Ten Mile Run, re- porting, that his house had been broken into and his father's will stolen, with other papers. Barker, William, of Salem Town and Co. Bond of Richard Barker, of Cumberland Co., next of kin, Adm'r; Samuel Wood, of Salem Co., fellowbondsman. Barnes, Samnel, of Fairfield, Cumberland Co.; will of. Sons — Jonathan, Abraham, (sole executor), John.

Grandson, Thomas Barns. Real and personal estate. Witnesses — Richard Townsend, Phebe Bowen, Enuch Bowen. Proved January 30, 1758.

Inventory, £164.14.5, by Joseph Daton and Jere- miah Buck. BarracUff, 'William. Bond of Josiah Furman as Adm'r; Richard Furman fellowbondsman, both of Trenton, Hun- terdon Co., yeoman. Wills, 305 J. Barratt, Caleb, of Hopewell, Cumberland Co., yeo- man; will of. Wife, Abigail. Children — Caleb, (under age), Joshua, James, Elizabeth Mulford, Hannah Hall, Abigail Shepard, Rebekah and Sarah.

Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and son Caleb. Witnesses — Caleb Ayars, Patience Bonham, Jonathan Da- vis. Proved January 12, 1758. Inventory of the personal estate, £150.19., made by Caleb Ayars and Jonathan Davis.

CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 2$ 1751, Dec. Barratt, James, of Manington, Salem Co. In- ventory, £124.15.1., incl. Bills, bonds and book debts, £33.5.8; 60 bush, of Indian corn, £5.8.4.; made by Andrew Peterson and Francis Dunlap.

Bond of Catherine Barrott as Adm'x; Andrew Pe- terson, fellowbondsman; both of Maninton. Barratt, Thomas, of Mannington, Salem Co., yeoman; will of. Sisters — Rachel. Gwin and Elizabeth Barratt; brothers spoken of, but not by name.

Real and personal estate. Sister, Gwin Barratt, sole Executrix. Witnesses — Whitten Cripps, Jonathan Wright and Joseph Wilkinson. Proved August 16, 1758. Inventory, £332.4.2., incl. Bills, bonds, book debts and notes £316.7.11., made by Edmd Wetherby and Richard Woodnutt.

Account filed by Stephen Mulford, Ex'r of Gwin Barratt. Barrett, Catherine, of Manington, Salem Co.; will of. Daughters — Catherine Taylor and Catherine Grimes (unmarried and under age). Personal property.

Nicholas Philpott, sole Executor. Witnesses — John Roberts, Jeremiah Gellvin, Oliver Webb. Proved March 23, 1753. Inventory, £171.18.10, incl.

Accounts, bills, bonds and cash £130.19.1., by Jeremiah Baker and Jos. 1759, July 7. Bartleson, Sara, daughter of William of Manington, Salem Co., petitions that Peter Peterson, of Penn's Neck, said Co., be appointed her guardian. Bond of Peter Peterson as such guardian, Henry Jeanes and Gabriel Danielson fellowbondsmen, all of Penns Neck, yeomen. Barton, Sldward, of Deptford Township, Gloucester Co.; will of.

Wife, Elizabeth, sole Executrix. Children — Thomas, Sarah, John and William. Mother, Ann Barton. Personal property. Witnesses — John Engle, Jacob Evens, Isaac Ballinger. Proved Octo- ber 15, 1759. Inventory, £251.13, by Isaac Ballinger and Wm.

Barton, John. Inventory, £55.8.6, by James Mason and James Cattell.

Ann, widow, declines to administer on his estate in favour of their son, Edward Barton. Bond of Edward Barton as Adm'r; James Cattell, fellowbondsman, both of Evesham Township. 1703, April 28. Bartram, Joseph, of Saddle River, Bergen Co.; Will of.

Children — John (only son), Mary (only daugh- ter). Real and personal estate. Executors — son John and friend, James Board. Witnesses — Domini Conily, Thomas Hall, David Board. Names grandson, Henry Devenport and 'oldest son of my daughter Mary' (not of age).

Witnesses — Philip Tissa, Ephraira Beach, Joseph Woolcox. Will and codicil probated Oct. Bassnit, Sarah, of Burlington Co. Bond of Daniel Ellis as Adm'r of estate left unadministered by Nathaniel 24 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS Thomas, dec'd., who became administrator after the death of Isaac Pearson, Executor of her last will. Archives, 'Vol.

38, for will]. Bate, Mary, daughter of William, of Gloucester Co., 14 years old and upwards. Bond of Jonathan Zane, of Gloucester Co., merchant, as guardian; no fellowbondsman named. Bateman, Job, of Fairfield, Cumberland Co.; will of. Wife, Martha; son Aaron.

Bequests to James (? Jane) and Louina Bateman, Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and David Sayre. Witnesses — Joseph Ogden, Joseph Bateman, Timothy Bate- man. Proved January 21, 1760. Inventory, £200.19.3; incl. Books, £3.5.6; book debts, £29.17.4; made by Joseph Ogden and David Westcote.

Account filed by Executors. 1759, May 15. Bateman, Xathan, of Deerfield Township, Cumberland Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Abigail, sole executrix; son, Manoah, under age; son-in-law (stepson?), Dan Robinson. Real and personal estate. Witnesses — Abner Smith, Eliezer Smith, John McGallerd.

Proved August 28, 1759. 1759, June 25. Inventory £67.14.10., by Daniel Ogden and Abner Smith. Bateman, Peter, of Deerfield Township, Cumberland Co., yeoman; will of. Children — Nathan, Peter, Moses, Hannah Gentry, Nemiah, Aaron and William, the last three under age. Real and personal estate. Executors — sons Nathan and Moses.

Witnesses — John McGallird, John Dare, Samuel Lupton. Proved June 16, 1759. 1759, June 15.

Inventory, £80.11.3, by John Dare and Thomas Jos- lin. 1760, June 23. Account by Moses Bateman, one of the executors, who by the sale and collecting debts has raised estate to £92.18.10.

Bateman, Thomas, of Cohansey, Cumberland Co.; will of. Wife, Mary, sole executrix. Children — Thomas (under age), Sarah, (wife of John Bereman), Rebecca and Phebe. Speaks of 'five youngest children,' but names only above.

Real and personal estate. Witnesses — David Ogden, Joseph Bateman, Joseph Lummis.

Proved March 10, 1759. Inventory, £229.16.6, incl. A watch, £4; a Bibl^ and other books, £2.12; bills, bonds and book debts £35.8.2; made by Thomas Ogden and Joseph Ogden. Bates, Daniel, of Hanover, Morris Co.; will of.

Wife (not named, but Elizabeth). Children — Martain, Abigail, Pamal and Lidda, all under age.

Real and personal estate. Ex- ecutors — the wife and Joseph Kitchel. Witnesses — Samuel Parritt, Abner Beach, Mary Allen. Proved March 24, 1755. Inventory, £86.1.6., by Daniel Lum and Benjamin Howell and by Joseph Kitchel and Elizabeth Bates executors. Bates, Jeremlab, of Mansfield Township, Burlington Co., yeoman; will of. Father, John Bates; sisters, Sarah and Han- CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 2$ nah Bates; brother, Job and John Bates.

Real and personal estate. Executors — the father and the two sisters. Witnesses — William Potts, Thomas Biddle, Wm. Inventory, £38.13.6., by George Folwell and Thomas Biddle. Bates, John, of Mansfield Township, Burlington Co.

Inventory, £55.7.1; by George Folwell and Thomas Biddle. Bond of Sarah Bates as Adm'x; Thomas Biddle and George Folwell fellowbondsmen, all of said Co. Bayley, Simon, of Twsp.

Of Gloucester; •will of. Bequests to Barzillai Hugg, Jacob Hugg. To son-in-law, Francis Lewis, rest of estate when 21. Executor — said Jacob Hugg. Witnesses — Hannah Wills, Hope Hugg, Joseph Goldy. Proved March 4, 1752. 1752, March 3.

Inventory, by J. Goldy and Isaac Kay, £24.10.0. Account, £28.15.9. Beach, David, of Newark, Essex Co.; will of. Wife, Susannah. Children — Phebe, Hannah, William and Junia, all under age, and an expected child. Real and personal estate.

Executors — the wife and Joseph Riggs, Jr. Witnesses — Uzal Ogden, Sarah Beach, Lewis Ogden. Proved October 30, 1759. Inventory, £334.8.10, by Samuel Crowell and Josiah Crane. 1754, May 13. Beal, Alexander, of Deptford Township, Gloucester Co., husbandman.

Bond of Thomas Rambo, yeoman, as Adm'r; John Whitall, yeoman, fellowbondsman, both of said Twsp. Beck, Godfrey, of Chesterfield, Burlington Co., inn- holder. Inventory, £287.15.5., incl. Bills, bonds and book debts, £174.4.8; a servant lad's time, £5.; made by Abraham Brown, Jr. And Samuel Farnsworth.

Bond of Roweth Beck and Samuel Taylor, Jr. As Adm'rs; John Taylor, fellowbondsman, all of said Co. Beck, Mary, of Burlington Co. Bond of Samuel Taylor, Jr., as Adm'r; John Taylor, fellowbondsman, both of said Co.

Bedell, John, of 'Turkie,' Elizabeth Borough, Essex Co., yeoman; will of. Children— John, Jacob, Henry (absent), Mary Cannan, Sarah Lee and Phebe Tomkins. Grandchil- dren — John (son of Henry), and Catherine Bedle.

Undivided lands on Long Island, N. T., and in N. J.; homefarm on Passaic River, between Capt. Jonathan Mullford and Mr. Maxwell; personal prop- erty, incl. Money in hands of Peter Runion and Peter Layten, and becoming due by 'old Peter Runion's will'; also becoming due at death of wife's mother, 'old Mrs.

Executors — the wife, with sons John and Jacob. Witnesses — Jonathan Mulford, William Maxfel, William Parsons, Jr. Proved May 31, 1759. 26 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1759, July 9. Bedell, John, of Morris Co., yeoman.

Bond of Susanna, widow, as Adm'x; Thomas Baker and William Gray, both of Essex Co., yeomen, fellowbondsmen. 1759, July 28. Inventory, £111.7.8, by Jacob Bedell (3d) and Wil- liam Macfell. 1760, July 7. Account by the Administratrix.

Bedford, Stephen, of Essex Co. Zophar Bedford, son, Adm'r, Sarah Bedford, wife, renouncing. Inventory, £14.1.9, by Noadiah Potter and Nathaniel 'Wade. Bedgood, Richard, of Bucks Co., Penna.

Bond of Jacob Burrough as Adm'r; Joseph Harrison fellowbondsman, both of Gloucester Co. Beech, Samnel, of Newark, Essex Co.; will of. Children — David, Waldron, John, Samuel, Moses, Ste- phen, Hannah and Martha; all but David and John under age. Home- farm, of about 100 acres; meadow on Black Stake Creek; personal property.

Executors — sons David and John. Witnesses — Timothy Ward, Uzal Ogden, Gabriel Ogden. Proved September 18, 1753. Inventory, £132.18.7, by Isaac Lyon and Samuel Crowell. Beesley, Benjamin, of Pllesgrove, Salem Co., yeo- man, deceased.

Adm'r — John Beesley, and John Loyd fellow- bondsman. Inventory, £57.19.0. By Bateman Lloyd and John Loyd. 1751, May 27. Beesley, John, of Salem Co., yeoman.

Bond of Mary Beesley as Adm'x; Jeremiah Wood fellowbondsman, both of said Co. Salem Wills, 879 Q. 1755, July 14. Belcher, Jonathan, Governor of New Jersey, at Elizabeth Town, 'far advanced in years;' will of. Mentions wife, Louisa; eldest son, Andrew; Jonathan (Chief Justice of Nova Scotia); daughter, Sarah (wife of Byfield Lyde, Esq.); gr. Dau., Mary Belcher Lyde; daughter-in-law, Elizabeth Belcher (wife of my son Andrew).

Executor — son, Andrew. Request made that 'my worthy friends, Samuel 'Woodruff and Robert Ogden, Esq., stand as Execu- tors in trust for my aforementioned Executor.' Witnesses — Matthias Hetfield, Cornelius Hetfield, John Radley.

Probated Oct. 1758, Jnly 20.

Belyen (Billne) John, of Morris Co. Wife, Ruth; brothers, Peter, Daniel and Isaac Billue; Isaac, son of brother, Jacob Billue. Witnesses — Samuel Matex. Elizabeth Gra- gou, Edward Pigot. A 'Schedule' (Codicil) of same date annexed disposes of right and title in the Purchase of Elizabeth Town 'by promise of a gift from Stephen Crane and the rest of the Commit- tee,' and gives a legacy to Elizabeth Tomson; appoints the wife and brother Isaac executors. Same witnesses.

Proved October 7, 1758. CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 2^ 1755, July 16. Bengr, Jacob, of the Corporation of New Brunswick, Middlesex Co., farmer; will of. Wife, Frances. Children — Mary, Elizabeth, William (the last two under age). Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and daughter, Mary.

Witnesses — Ger- ret Voorhees, James Perrine, Ernestus van Harlingen. Inventory, £341.8.6, incl. A negro man, £25.; a negro girl, £40; another, £30; 6 silver spoons, £6; made by Folckert van Roordstrant and Gerret Voorhees. Bennet, Gertruy, of Freehold, Monmouth Co., spin- ster; will of. Sister, Oryonetia, wife of Wm.

Covenhoven; brothers, William, Hendrick and Johannes Bennet; niece, Gertruy, dau. Covenhoven, and cousin, Oryonche, dau. Of brother Johannes. Per- sonal property, incl.

A Dutch Testament. Executor — brother Johannes and brother-in-law Covenhoven. Witnesses — Willem C.

Kouenhoven, Samll Thompson, John Nathan Hutchins. Proved April 12, 1751. Inventory, £154.0.2, Incl. 3 gold rings, £1.8; silver sleeve buttons, ls.6p.; bond and a note, £133.10; made by Johannes Luyster and John Bowne. Bennet, Michael, of Fairfield, Cumberland Co. Bond of Hezekiel Bennet as Adm'r; Isaac Garrison, fellowbondsman, both of Deerfield, said Co.

Wills, 111 F. 1752, May 11. Bennet, Thomas, of Bridgetown, Burlington Co., saddler. Susannah, widow, resigns her right of administering to Henry Paxson, Esq., of said place. 1752, May 13. Bond of Henry Paxson.

Of Northampton, as Adm'r; Patrick Reynolds, of same place, yeoman, fellowbondsman. 1752, July 11. Inventory, £65.6.2., incl. Of bacon, £1.17.11, by Patrick Reynolds and Thos.

Atkinson, miller. Bennett, James, (otherwise called James Valen- tine), of Gloucester Township and County, yeoman. Bond of widow, Ann Bennett, as Adm'x; Edward Williams, yeoman, fellow- bondsman, both of said township.

Wills, 478 H. Berrien, Peter, yeoman, of Newtown, Queen's Co., Nassau Island, New York; will of. Real and personal estate. Wife, Elizabeth. Children — Cornelius (eldest), Samuel, John, Petrus, Ja- netie, Nicholas, Jacob and Benjamin. Executors — brother, Nicholas Berrien, and brother-in-law, Samuel Fish. Witnesses — James Haz- ard, Thomas Hazard, Thomas Fish.

Berry, James, of Allaways Creek, Salem Co., school- master. Inventory, £27.1.4, incl. Book debts, £4.5.10; 'waigers' for teaching school, £7.7.6; made by John Holme and William Oak- ford.

Bond of Nehemiah Hogbin as Adm'r, John Holme, fellowbondsman; both of Allaways Creek yeomen. 1764, June 18. Account by Administrator. 28 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1758, Sept. Berry, John, of Bedminster, Somerset Co.; will of. Wife, Ezabell. Children — Thomas, David, John (under age), Mary Lockhart, Ezebell, Sidney, Ellizabeth and Ebenezer, the three last under age.

Real and personal estate. The wife, sole Executrix, with son Thomas and son-in-law, James Lockhart, as overseers. Witnesses — Ralph Smith, William Colwell and John Henry. Bescher, Jacob, of Roxbury Township, Morris Co.; will of. Divides real and personal estq,te between brothers and sis- ters, John, Abraham, Margret, Elizebeth, Mary and Catherine Bes- cher. Executors — Benjamin Maning and Nathaniel Drake. Wit- nesses — Henry Crosley, Thomas Grigson, Elizabeth Ogden.

Bescherer, Jacob, of Roxbury, Morris Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Barbra. Children — John, Jacob, Abraham and Mar- gret, the last two under age. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife, Joseph Hinds of Mendom, said Co., and Brice Riky, of Somerset Co. Witnesses — David Budd, Francs Blackly, Barbra Miller.

Joseph Hinds, one of the executors named, declines to serve. Beswick, Aaron, of Burlington, tinker; will of. John Buffin, of Burlington Co., sole heir and Executor of real and personal estate. Witnesses — Jacob Worell, Samuel Jorden, Nathaniel Walton, Jr. Proved April 4, 1751. Bevls, Thomas, of Chesterfield Township, Burlington Co., brushmaker; will of.

Wife, Elisabeth. Children — Esecor (Isachar), sole Executor, Margret and three other sons, names not given; all but the first under age. Real and personal estate. Wit- nesses — John Holloway, Joseph Woodward, Joseph Reckless. Inventory, £196.15.8, by John Steward and Joseph Reckless. 1752, Jane 4.

Bickham, Thomas Sr., of Greenwich Township, Glou- cester Co.; will of. Wife, Elisabeth.

Children — Thomas, Joshua, Patience, Caleb, Margret and Elizabeth. Real and personal estate. Executors — sons Thomas and Joshua. Witnesses — Thomas Wilkins, Francis Wood, David Loyd. Proved July 19, 1754. 1754, June 17. Inventory, £688.3.4., incl.

A clock and case, £8; bills, bonds and book debts, £540.6.1., made by Wm. Wilkins and James Wood. Bickham, Thomas, Jr., of Greenwich Township, Gloucester Co. Yeoman; will of. Mother (not named); brothers and sisters, Joshua, Patience, Caleb, Margret and Elisabeth.

Real and personal estate. Executor — James Hinchman. Witnesses — Abram Chattin, Joseph Lord, Nixon Chattin. 1755, June 5. Inventory, £121.4.11, by Thos.

Wilkins and William Key. CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I7, May 33. Blgrger, James, of Bethlehem, Hunterdon Co., yeo- man; will of. Wife, Martha; sons, Joseph, Robert and James. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and John Hackett. Wit- nesses — Thomas Little, Thomas Little, Jr., John Rockhill.

1, 1760, the executrix signing 'Martha Bigars.' Inventory, £256.0.6., incl. 100 bush, of wheat, £25; 30 do. Of rye, £5.5; 50 do. Of oats, £3.15; made by Robert Shields and Joseph Gordon.

Bflderback, Daniel, of 'Pen's Neck,' Salem Co. Inventory, £220.11.8., incl. Bills, bonds and book debts, £28.17.4., by Jos. Wright and Francis Miles. Bond of Catherin Bilderback as Adm'x; Francis Miles and Martin Skeer fellowbondsmen, all of Pen's Neck. Bills, Nathaniel, of Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., farmer. Bond of widow, Mary Bills, and Richard Bills, black- smith, as Admr's; Timothy Akin, yeoman, fellowbondsman, all of Shrewsbury.

Inventory, £197.3.6., incl. Bills, bonds and book debts, £124.9.4, by Gersham Bills and Samuel Osborn. Account by the administrators, Mary Bills, the widow of dec'd., and Richard Bills. (Mary had been married before and had a child by first husband). Bills, William, of Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co.

Silvanus Bills declines administering on the estate. Bond of Thomas Bills as Adm'r; Josiah Halstead fellowbondsman, both of Shrews- bury, yeomen.

Inventory, £520.13.11, incl. Bills, bonds and book debts, £322.1.5; 3 years' use of a house and lot, £33; a negro boy, £50; made by George Allen, Joseph Eatton and John Wardell. Bird, John, of Elizabeth. Sarah, widow, Adm'x, renounces in favor of brother-in-law, Capt. Ephraim Terrill. Inventory, £33.6.8, by Abraham Clark and Joseph Tooker. Account by Ephraim Taylor, Adm'r.

Birdsell, Nathan, of Monmouth Co. Inventory, £200.16.10, incl. Books, 10s; bonds and debts, £33.2.2; made by Ben.

Randolph and John Conklin. Bond of Abigail, widow, and Levi Cramer, yeoman, as Adm'rs; Timothy, Willets, Jr., fellowbondsman. Dedimus po- testatem to John Nevill and Timothy Ridgway, or either of them, to administer to said Abigail Birdsell the oath to be taken by adminis- trators, she being unable to travel. Bishop, Abigail, daughter of Daniel Bishop, of Cum- berland Co., yeoman, 12 years old and upwards. Bond of Ananias Sayre, Esq., Greenwich Township, said Co., as guardian; Joseph Bishop of Hopewell Township, same Co., yeoman, fellowbondsman.

30 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1753, — — — —. Bishop, Daniel, son of Daniel, of Cumberland Co. Petition of, that Ananias Sayer, Esq., of Greenwich Township, said Co., be appointed his guardian.

Certificate of Elias Cotting, that Daniel made the foregoing choice of his own free will. Bond of Ananias Sayre, Esqre., as guardian of Daniel Bishop, Thomas Harris fellow^bondsman, both of Cumberland Co. ( 1758, May 26. Bishop, Esther, of Hopewell Township, Cumberland Co., widow.

Bond of Mary, oldest daughter, and her husband, Adam Valentine, as Adm'rs; Jonathan Bowen and Othniel Johnson, both of Hopewell, yeoman, fellowbondsmen. 1758, June 1. Inventory, £35.14.7, by Jonathan Bowen and Othniel Johnson. Bishop, Joseph, of Cumberland Co.

Adm'r — Joseph Bishop. Bishop, Joshua, of Northampton Township, Burl- ington Co., yeoman; will of.

Wife, Martha. Children, all under age, names not given. Real and personal estate.

Executors — the wife and Francis Vinecomb. Witnesses — Samuel Cripps, William Attkin- son, John Woolman. Inventory, £232.17.8, incl.

Bonds and debts, £76.6.9; a servant's time, £10.; made by Thomas Budd and George Briggs. 1762, May 25. Account by Edward Stiles and wife, Martha, (late Martha Bishop, the executrix named above), who add to the inven- tory, £15.13.11, but make the estate their debtor for £126.12.3. Bishop, Mary, of Evesham Township, Burlington Co., widow; will of. Children — Mary Bozorth, Hannah, Daniel, Thomas, Jonathan and Robert.

Grandchildren — John (son of Dan- iel), BarzlUai Bozorth, (son of Mary). Personal estate. Executors — son Robert and Joseph Stokes, Jr. Witnesses — Bethsheba Evans, Atlantica Stokes, Isaac Evens. Proved May 31, 1759.

Inventory, £88.3, incl. Bonds and book debts, £44.16., by Jacob Prickit and James Allen. Bishop, Moses, of Hopewell, Cumberland Co. Bond of Levi Bishop as Adm'r; Othaniel Johnson fellowbondsman, both of said place.

Wills, 135 F. Bishop, Moses, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; will of. Children- — David, Beniamen, Moses, (all three Executors), and Rachel. Son-in-law, Joseph Moore; grandson.

Real and personal estate. Witnesses — Richard Wilkson, Joseph Williams and William Edgar. Proved March 18, 1760. Bishop, Noah, of Woodbridge. Widow, Mary, renounces.

Jonathan Alston and James Balen, creditors of deceased, Administrators. Bishop, Robert, of Evesham, Burlington Co.

Bond of Mary, widow, and Robert, son of, as Adm'rs; Jacob Pricket CALENDAR OF WILLS I75I-I760 3I and James Allen, both of Northampton Township, fellowbondsmen..Lib. 1763,, Inventory £288.1.0, by James Allen, Jr., and Jacob Pricket. Account by administrators, Robert and Mary Bishop. 1759, May 24.

Bishop, William, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; will of. Wife, Mary; daughter, Mary, by former wife. Real and per- sonal estate. Executors — brothers James and Aaron Bishop, with William Edgar. Witnesses — Hannah Skinner, John Blanchard and Joseph Moore.

Proved June 15, 1759. Blspham, Benjamin, Esq., of Bridgetown in North- ampton, Burlington Co.; will of. Friend, Elizabeth White, £100. Sons — Joseph, Thomas and John, residue. Executors — brother Joshua and my eldest son, Joseph. Witnesses — Wm.

Harrison, Sam- uel Kemble, John Burr, Jr. Proved July 16, 1753.

1753, July 10. Inventory, £3907,14.6, by Henry Paxson and Patrick Reynolds, Burl. Wills, 5149 C. 1753, Jnly 18.

Blspham, Joseph, of Bridgetown, Burlington Co., Sadler; will of. Wife, Elizabeth, all real and personal, and she to give my infant son tender care. Executors — wife, Elizabeth, broth- er-in-law, John Hinchman, and uncle Joshua Bispham. Witnesses — Nicholas Toy, Thos. Atkinson, Thos. Inventory, £500.10.8, by Thos.

Atkinson and Nicholas Toy. Wills, 5149 C. Black, John, of Burlington Co. Bond of Amy Black as Adm'x; William Black fellowbondsman. Both of said Co, Lib. Inventory, £128.14.2., incl. Pictures, 40s; silver spoons and creampot, £10; 2 looking glasses, £6.5; made by Thomas Folkes and Thomas Watson.

Black, Thomas, of Springfield, Burlington Co., yeo- man; will of. Mother, Sarah Black; wife Mary; an expected child; sisters, Ann Wright and Sarah Gantt, who has daughters Hannah and Sarah; brothers Edward, William and Samuel Black; son-in-law (stepson?) Jonathan Barton (under age). Real and personal estate. Executors — brothers William and Samuel. Witnesses — Henry Way- man, Elizabeth Fenton, John Grimes. Inventory, £1129.17.11, incl. Bills, bonds and book debts, £274.7.2; a servant girl, £14.; made by David Rockhill, Daniel Doughty and Anthony Sykes.

4779 C, 1759, Dec. Black, 'William, of Chesterfield, Burlington Co., yeoman; will of. Children — Achsah (under age), Ed- ward, Ezra, Ann, John, William (last three also under age). Farm in Mansfield and Springfield Township, partly inherited, partly bought, and now occupied by Benjamin Gibbs; home-farm; a lot of 100 acres on York Great Road, bought of brother Edward Black; personal estate. Executors — brother Samuel Black and brother-in- law, Amos Wright.

Witnesses — Joseph Archer, Abigail Ivins, John Grimes. 32 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1760, Feb. Inventory, £534.10.314., by Benjamin Field, Joseph English and Samuel Taylor, 1766, Oct. Account by Samuel Black and Amos 'Wright, Execu- tors, £1421.13.101/2.

Paid Sarah Black for her right of Dower, £30; to maintenance of Sarah Black, mother to dec'd, 2 years, boarding of Edward Black, his son, 13 months while at school; schooling of Edward and John. Legacy paid to Achsah Black. Account of Edward Black, Acting Exec'r of Samuel Black, dec'd, who was Executor of William Black, £604.15.7%. Paid keeping Billy and Nancy, 4 mos. And 3 weeks; cash due uncle Ed- ward Black from estate, till deceased son, William is of age. BInckall, Robert, of Hopewell, Hunterdon Co.; will of.

Children — Robert, (eldest son), Anne, Francis, Thomas, Jacob, Mary and Elizabeth. Homefarm, 50 acres, between Isaac Herrin and John Titus; another farm of 166 a; personal property. Execu- tors — sons Francis and Jacob. Witnesses — Joseph Moore, Vinson Runyon, Reuben Armitage. Proved April 11, 1757. Inventory, £186., incl. Bills and bonds, £89.18, by Reuben Armitage and Jonathan Furman.

Blackwell, Robert, of Hopewell, Hunterdon Co.; will of. Eldest son, Robert, unmarried. Daughter, Anne (single).

Sec- ond son, Francis, 105 acres where he lives. Third son, Thomas, 166 acres where he lives. Youngest son, Jacob, rest of plantation.

Son, Robert, plantation. Daughters, Mary, Anne and Elizabeth, money from sale of movables. Executors — Sons, Francis & Jacob. Wit- nesses — Joseph Moore, Vinson Runyan, Reuben Armitage. Proved April 11, 1757.

1757, April 8. Inventory, £186.0.0, by Reuben Armitage and Jon Furman. Account, £206.10.6. Paid James Yates and his wife, legatee, £48.11.2; Zacariah Drake and wife, legatee, £48.11.2; Ann Blackwell, legacy; Ephraim Manning and wife. 1757, Joly 21. Blake, John, of Newton, Gloucester Co., husband- man; will of. Wife, Sarah, sole Executrix, with the assistance of 'relation,' Isaac Mickle.

Children, apparently all under age, but names not given. Real and personal estate. Witnesses — Archibald Mickle, John Eastlack, William Hill.

Inventory, £224.2.3, incl. Bills, bond, book debts and cash, £163.12.3; by Robert Stephens and Joseph Ellis, 1757, Jan. Blanchard, Peter, of New York City, seafaring man; will of. Mary Giffard, of N. City, sole heiress and Executrix of real and personal estate, with remainder to her daughter, Mary Giffard.

Attached power of attorney. Witnesses — Thomas Fox, Gerard Walton, Frederick Willson. Proved June 22, 1759, Lib. Blanchfleld, John, of Burlington Co.

Inventory, incl. Bond of Philipp Wallis, of Burlington Co., for £62.15.3 3-4,' now in suit,' in the hands of Richard Farmar, CALENDAR OF WILLS I75I-I7, Jan.

Bond of Richard Farmar, of Philadelphia, 'prac- tioner in physick,' as Adm'r; David James Dove, of Gloucester Town and County, gentleman, fellowbondsman. Bland, Robert, of Springfield, Burlington Co. Bond of Caleb Shreve, of Springfield, yeoman, as Adm'r; no fellow- bondsman.

Bla^r, John, Sr., of Somerset Co., yeoman; will of. Children — John (eldest son), Antje, (widow of Abraham Ouke), Janetje, (wife of John Doxey) and Frederick, son-in-law (stepson?) Henry Sartor, who has son John. Personal property, incl. A silver 'drink beker,' 6 silver spoons, and silver quart punch bowl. Ex- ecutors — son John, son-in-law Henry Sartor and John Berrien.

Witnesses — James Sutfin, Anthony Denton and Caleb Haviland. Inventory, £947.10.8., incl. Bills, bonds, cash and notes, £775.6.2; a plate tankard and 5 spoons, £14.18; a negroman and woman, £30; made by Arter Sutven and Zebulon Stout. Blinckerliofl, Hendryck, of 'Hackingsack,' Bergen Co.; w^ill of. Children — Jacobus, Neckasie, Joris, Hendrick and Antie. Real and personal estate. Executors — brothers Jacob, George and Albert L.

Van Voorhesen. Witnesses — Isaac Boogert, Cornelia Bantow and Guilliam Bertholf. Proved May 27, 1760. 1760, May 22. Inventory, £457.16.0, incl. 6 slaves, £210; a Dutch clasped Bible, £3; a pocket Bible; two New Testaments, 19sh.; 15 old Dutch books, 4 sh.; made by George Brinkerhof, Jacob Bryck- hof and Albert van 'Voorhesen, the Executors, and appraised by Ja- cob Titsort and Guilliam Bertholf.

Bloodgood, William, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., tanner; will of. Sons — Gach, Moses, Aaron and Joshua; Homefarm, land on Eastside of road from Woodbridge to Amboy, bought of George Lessle; saltmeadow, bought of Ephraim Anderson; lot bought of Nathaniel Harned; lot bought of Obediah Ayres; lot bought of Elizabeth, widow of Jeremiah Reader, and of Isaac Dye; lot bought of Zebulon Pike, Ex'r of Timothy Pike, of Woodbridge; house and lot in Perth Amboy, next to Presbyterian graveyard, formerly belonging to father-in-law, James Savage; freehold and associate rights to lands in common; also personal property. Ex- ecutors — the wife and Thomas Gach, Esq. Witnesses — Nathaniel Pike, Martha Bloodgood and William Kent. Proved March 22, 1756. 1759, Jnly 10.

Bloomfleld, Catherine, dau. Of Jeremiah, of Wood- bridge, deceased. Guardian appointed. Jonathan Brooks. Bonds- man, Justus Walker. Bloomfleld, Kxeklel, of Woodbridge Township, Mid- dlesex Co., gent.; will of. Wife, Elizabeth; son, Ruben, under age.

Real and personal estate. Executors — father-in-law, Wright Skin- ner, and brother, Jonathan Brooks. Witnesses — Jonathan Brooks, Hannah Brooks, Mary Hinds and Daniel Price. 3 34 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1757, Jan. Bloomfield, Jeremiah, of Elizabeth, weaver, Int.

Hannah Brooks, Ursula Bloomfield and Mary Bloomfield renounce and desire that their brother-in-law, Jonathan Brooks, may admin- ister on their brother's estate. Same day Jonathan Brooks of Wood- bridge yeoman. Bondsman — John Deare, Esq., of Perth Am- boy. Inventory, £50.3.4, by Jane Marshall and Stephen Burrowes.

Bloomfield, John, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; will of. Children — Nathaniel, Samuel and Reuth. A lot of 12 acres on the Northside of the road to Mattutchen, bought of Ebbenezer Williams, adjoining Nathaniel Heard; homefarm.

Executors — Alex- ander Edgar and Nathaniel Heard. Witnesses — John Conway, Den- nis Combes and William Kent. Proved December 8.

Endorsed: 'The exrs decline qualifying as the legatees are all of age who pro- pose to divide the estate immediately according to the will. Fees so far are 8/8 procl.' Bloomfield, Richard, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; Will of. Children — Richard and Pheby, wife of Frasey Ayres.

Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife, Samuel Barns and Frasey Ayres. Witnesses — Jonathan Thickstun and Sam- uel Preston. Proved May 19, 1758. Bloomfield, Sarah, of Woodbridge.

Benjamin Bloomfield, Sr., husband. 517, 1752, Ang. Bodine, Isaac, of Bridgewater, Somerset Co. Angtetic (Annetie) Bodine, widow^, renounces her right of adminis- tering to their son Frederick. Bond of Frederick Bodine, eldest son of Isaac, as Adm'r; Abraham Bodine fellowbondsman, both of Bridgewater, yeo- men. Bodine, John, of Lebanon, Hunterdon Co.

In- ventory of the personal estate of, £40.5.8., made by John Hall and John Hinderhit. Bond of Cornelius Bodine as administrator of the estate, John Hall fellowbondsman, both of Lebanon. Account by Cornelius Bodine, Adm'r.

Inventory, by Abraham Westervelt and Nickasie Kep, £457.10.8., incl. 2 slaves, £145, and a bond for £70.

Boggs, James, of Elizabethtown. Nathaniel Rusco, Adm'r. Boice, George, of Piscataway, Middlesex Co., yeo- man; will of.

Children — John, Lena, Mary and Siche, and an expected child. Real and personal estate. Executors — brother, John Boyse, and brother-in-law, Charles Sudam, both of said Co. Witnesses — Leonard Boice, Benjamin Morgan and Cornelius Sujdam.

Inventory of the personal estate of, £306.9., incl. A negro boy £65., made by William Williamson and Reune Runyon; John Boice and Charles Suidam executors. CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I7, Dec. Bolmer, Robert, of Bridgewater, Somerset Co., farm- er; will of.

Children — John, AUabortes, Abraham, Robert, Marcy, Ann Fasey, Rosena, Magdalen, Elizabeth and Jen- ney. Lands adjoining Donies Tuneson and John Sebring; personal estate. Executors — Jacob EoCE and David Sutton. Witnesses — To- bias Lauer, Henry Patmor and Jacob Eoff, Jr. Proved March 14, 1755. Inventory, £140.8.3, by Luc. Bilyeu and Abraham van Tuyl.

1758, July 38. Boltinelionse, Elisabeth, of Upper Freehold, Mon- mouth Co. Bond of Joseph Boltinghouse as Adm'r; Joseph Wright fellowbondsman, both of said place, yeoman.

1758, July 28. Inventory, £177.17.4, by Tobias Polemus and Jon- athan Thomas.

1759, May 26. Bond, Benjamin, of the Borough of Elizabeth, Essex Co.; will of. Wife, Susana (apparently dead); children — Robert, Rebackah, (wife of Daniel Sayrs), and Benjamin. Grandsons — Ben- jamin and Jacob Bond and John Sayrs. Legacies to Charles Allen, Phebe Sturges and Hannah Edwards.

Real and personal estate. Executors — son Robert, John Ogden and Amos Day.

Witnesses — Caleb Camp, Moses Price, Nathaniel Woodruff. Proved June 10, 1760. Bond, Robbart, of Essex Co.; will of. Children — Stephen, Robert, Elihu, Sarah, Mary and Phebe, all under age.

Real and personal estate. Executors — John Ogden and Joseph Lyon. Witnesses — Alexander Simpson, John Porterfield, Josiah Broadwell. Proved April 16, 1760. Booth, Richard, of 'Allaway' Creek Township, Sa- lem Co., yeoman; will of.

Daughters — Elizabeth, Jane, Ruth and Sarah, all under age. Legacy for the Poor of Allaway Creek Prepa- rative Meeting, to be paid to Salem Monthly Meeting of Quakers. Real and personal estate.

Nephew, Nathaniel Hancock sole Execu- tor, and, in case of his death, Salem Monthly Meeting. Witnesses — William Bradway, Sarah Bradway, and John Barber. Inventory, £106.17.9, by John Stewart and William Bradway. 1758, June 14. Borden, Benjamin, of Evesham, Burlington Co. Inventory, £119.12.6, incl. 20 bush, of clean rye, by Samuel Stokes and John Cox.

1758, June 17. Bond of Joseph Borden, of Salem Co., yeoman, as Adm'r; John Cox, of Chester Township, Burlington Co., fellowbonds- man. Borden, Francis, of Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co.; will of. Children — Francis, Thomas, John, Elizabeth, Jean and Amy. Granddaughter, Mary Bills. Real and personal estate.

Executors — the wife and son, Francis. Witnesses — Richard Borden, Joseph Borden and Benjamin Borden. Proved April 6, 1759.

36 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1759, Apr. Inventory, £169.2.6, by Isaac Hance and Josiah Parker. 1754, July 26.

Borden, Jeremiah, of Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co.; will of. Wife, Easter, sole heiress and, with Robert Hartshorne. Real and personal estate. Witnesses — John Corlis, Lucy Hartshorne, John Hartshorne. Proved August 28, 1754. Borden, Richard, of Evesham, Burlington Co., yeo- man; will of. Wife, Mary- Children — Joseph, Jonathan, James, Benjamin, Hannah Coxe, Amey Tindal, Mary Toy and Anne.

Brother, Samuel Borden, to be maintained during his life. Real and per- sonal estate. Executors — the wife, son James, and son-in-law, James Toy. Witnesses — John Huestis, Joseph Huestis, John Green. Proved May 4. Wills, 4787 C. 1753, Jnly 5.

Born, John, of Hanover Twsp., Burlington Co., yeo- man; will of. Collen Campbell, £5; to friend Abraham Kelley, £5; to friend, widow Hope Atkinson, £3; to Jonathan Budd, son of William and Susanna Budd, £6, when of age; to Mary, daugh- ter of William Budd, £4; to Samuel Budd, son of William Budd, Bible; to friend, Thomas Budd, residue. Executor — said Thomas Budd. Witnesses — Jacob Sulavan, Gab.

Proved July 18, 1753. 1753, July 16. Inventory, £93.12.7, by James Wills, George Briggs.

Wills, 5155 C. Borradalll, Arthur, of Chester, Burlington Co., yeo- man; will of. Wife, Margery. Children — Hannah Elton, Rebecca Shute, Ester Venable, Elizabeth Brown, Mary Venable, William, John, Sarah and Ruth, the last four under age. Real and personal estate.

Executors — the wife and son-in-law, Samuel Shute. Witnesses — Thomas Morton, Mary Wallace, John Cox. Proved June 30, 1760. Borton, John, Jr., of Waterford, Gloucester Co., sawyer. Elizabeth, widow of, declines to administer on his estate.

Inventory, £228.4, incl. A servant's time, £10, by James Cattell and John Woolman. Bond of Abraham Borton, of Gloucester Co., as Adm'r; William Borton and James Cattell, both of Evesham, Burl- ington Co., yeomen, fellowbondsmen. Account by Abraham Barton, Administrator. Borton, William, of Evesham Township, Burlington Co.; will of. Kinsman, Samuel Garwood, principal heir and Execu- tor of real and personal estate. Legacy to tenant, Samuel Parker.

Witnesses — Richard Willets, Sarah Middleton, Cathrine Hawk. 10, 1755, when Sarah Middleton testifies as 'Sarah Ewar.' Inventory, £38.16, by Richard Willets, Jr., and Ben- jamin Haines. Boss, Joseph, Sr., of Amwell Township, Hunterdon Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Catrin. Children — Joseph, Nicholas, John and Elisabeth Ties. Granddaughter, Ann Moore.

Real and per- CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-1760 37 Bonal estate, incl. A negro wench. Executors — the three sons.

Wit- nesses John Boss, Johann Petter Hammer and Garrard Williamson Proved May 23, 1758. Bondinot, Marie Catherine, of Elizabeth Town, N. Children— Mary (wife of John Emott), Elias and Sus- anna Vergerau. Bequests to Jane (wife of Thomas Bradbury Chandler) and Mary, both daughters of John and Mary Emott, and to Elizabeth (wife of William Rickets). Real and personal estate. Executors— William Rickets, Thomas Bradbury Chandler and Sus- anna Vergerau.

Witnesses — Richard Jaques, Joseph Morse, Jr., George Ross (3d). Proved July 16, 1757. Bongraert, John, of 'Pearemis,' Bergen Co.; will of.

Oldest son, Jacobus, who gets the Bible. Other chil- dren— Abram, Cobes, Steven, Willimptie, Angenietie, Nitie; 'daugh- ter's child, Cornelia Hoppe.' Executors — Roelof Westervelt and Luykes Bougaert. Real and personal estate. Witnesses — Allebartis Terhuijn, William S.

Van Emburgh, Abraham Terhuijn. Probated Nov. Boulton, Isaac, of Mansfield Twsp, Burlington Co., yeoman; will of. Daughters, Mary and Elizabeth. Children not of age. Plantation and moveables to be sold.

Executors — George Folwell and Caleb Scattergood. Wit- nesses — John Lamb, Richard Watson, Edward Boulton. Proved Sept 6, 1753.

Inventory, £171.10.6, by Thomas Biddle and Joseph ^'^'^- Burl. Wills, 5161 C. Bonman, Thomas, of 'Riding' Township, Hunter- don Co., yeoman; will of. Wife (not named). Children — Cornelis (eldest son), Elisabeth (wife of Andries Johnson), Neeltie (wife of Jaques Vontine). Mentions children of son, Thomas Bouman, and of daughter, Jannetie, wife of Andries Johnson, the son of Minderd.

Land bought of Wynand van Deventer; other real and personal property, incl. A Dutch Bible.

Executors— son Cornelis and son-in- law, Andries Johnson. Witnesses — Wynant van Deventer, Samuel Wyckoff, Jacob v. Proved August 15, 1755. 1755, June 17. Inventory, £456.19.7, incl. Bonds and cash, £421.2.1, by Jacob v.

Bilt and Peter Perine. Bowman, Providence, of Somerset Co. Bond of John Bowman as Adm'r; Daniel Pearse fellowbondsman, both of said ^°' Lib.

Bown, Samuel, of Middletown, Monmouth Co., yeo- 'Vi^o,lQ,t-,^ -Bond of Esther, widow, as Adm'x; Capt. James Grover will of.

Sons Thomas, Jomr, ^. Ljj^ p 4Q3_ farm over the road.

Wife, Mary, use of rest 01 i«. — Experience, being in the house while single. Son, ^^/^^^J' /f *?^ farm. Other daughters.

Elizabeth Springer. Mary Longman and 38 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS Experience. Executors — wife, Mary, and son Andrew.

Witnesses — Hannah Foster, Amos Haines, Wm. Proved March 17, 1753, 1753, Feb. Inventory, £94.11.4, by James Allen and Wm. Wills, 5169 C.!

1760, May 10. Bradford, William, of FairHeld, Cumberland Co., Int. Inventory, £52.14, by Joseph Daten and John Bateman. Bond of Thomas Ogden as Adm'r; Joseph Daten, fellowbondsman, both of Fairfield.

Bradway, Abi^al, of Fairfield, Cumberland Co.; will of. Children — Jeremiah Harris, Abigal Harris and Reuben Harris, all under age. Legacy of de'd. Husband's wearing apparel and silver watch to James Wigings and wife, Hanah, if they will dis- charge the remainder of the (personal) estate.

Thomas Ogden, sole executor. Witnesses — David Wescote, David Bower, Jeremiah Buck.

Proved April 16, 1759. Inventory, £173.8.3, incl.

A silver watch, £5.10, by David Wescote and Jonathan Lorance. Account by the Executor, who has increased estate by £90.1, not appraised, and reports on hand £177.19.8. Bratrley, Elizabeth, of Maidenhead Township, Hun- terdon Co., widow; will of. Children — Benjamin, Rachel, Sarah and Elizabeth.

Real and personal estate. Executor — brother-in-law, George Rozel. Witnesses — Abraham Skirm and John Rozel. Inventory, £150.16.10.

IncL 4 Testaments, made by John van Cleave and Henry Mershon. Braman, Benjamin, son of Robert, of Gloucester Co., petitions, that William Mickle of said Co. Be appointed his Guardian. Wills, 686 H. Braman, Martha, of Greenwich Twsp. Gloucester Co., widow; will of. Children — Benjamin and Sarah, both under age.

Their shares of the personal estate to be kept for them, until of age, by testatrix* sisters, Marcy Pall and Sarah Wilkinson. Daughter, Sarah, to live with cousin Sarah Lippincott.

Executor and guardian of son, Benjamin William Mickle. Witnesses — Thomas Bright and Joshua Lord. Proved June 14, 1756. 1756, May 11.

Inventory, £97.19.8, incl. Two Testaments, a 'Salter,' a 'Young Man's Companion' and a spelling book; made by Gerret Vanaman and Andrew Long.

Braman, Robert, of Gloucester Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Martha, sole executrix. Children — Benjamin (under age) and Sarah.

--Sop%:i'alW?nforv'YffiTiB'o' V -r ^ I^ib. «ventory, £164.18.9, by Jacob Cozens and Garit Vana- CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 39 daughters Catherine, Millicent and Sarrah Townsend. Daughters, Mary Edwards and Elizabeth.

Grandsons — John and Titus Ireland. Real and personal estate, Incl.

Marriage outfit, bought for daughter Elizabeth In Philadelphia and at Lewis Owens in Salem. Executors — the wife, daughter Elizabeth and Sarah Townsend. Witnesses — Alex- ander Hill, Moses Hill and John MarshalL Proved June 21, 1760.

1760, June 18. Inventory, £1146.5, incl. A silver tankard; other silver and china, £36.14; clock; Bible and other books; a negro man, £60; negro woman, £15; bonds, book debts and cash, £626.7.6; made by Andrew Sinnickson and Joseph Wright.

Branson, Klizabetb, of Springfield, Burlington Co. Bond of John Fenimore, of Burlington Co., yeoman, as Adm'r; Thomas Atkinson, of Burlington City, innholder, fellowbondsman. 1754, Jnne 27. Brant, William, of Hanover, Morris Co. In- ventory £133.5.8., incl. Bonds and bookdebts.

£97.0.9.; made by Ezekiel Halsey and David Ludlam. Bond of Phebe, widow, as Adm'x; Barnabas Brant, of the same Co., fellowbondsman.

Morris Wills, 58 N. 1759, Jnne 19. Brass, Ryker, of Bergen Co.

Bond of Lucas Brass, father of, as Adm'r; Henry Brass, of Perth Amboy, fellow- bondsman. Bergen Wills, 3170 B.

1758, March 22. Bray, James, Sr., of Kingwood, Hunterdon Co. Wife, Elizabeth. Children to live on place four years. Eldest son, James, land on south side of creek, part of which I bought of William Fowler, formerly his father's, deceased; he to pay to his sisters, Susanna and Anne Bray, £10 each. At end of 4 years plantation to be sold and money divided among my wife and children, except James.

Sons, Daniel, John, and daughter, Hannah Bray named. Executors — brother, Andrew Bray, of Lebanon, & friend Isaac Leet, of Kingwood. Witnesses — Thomas Herbert, Daniel Everitt, James Warford. Proved May 1, 1758. Inventory, £337.4.4, by Daniel Lake and Jeremiah Thatcher.

Brayman, Jonathan, of Winsor, Middlesex Co. Inventory, £180.12.3, incl. Bills and bonds, £52.12.9, by John Cubberley and Amos Rogers; sworn to by Sarah Bray man as administratrix. Bond of Sarah Brayman as Adm'x; Amos Rogers and Robert Rogers fellowbondsmen, all of said Co. Wills, 3403 L.

1760, May 10. Brea, Thomas, of Middlesex Co. Samuel Nell- son, principal creditor, Adm'r, widow, Jean Brea, having renounced. 192, 1756, Jnne S.

Brearley, Benjamin, of Maidenhead, Hunterdon Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Elizabeth. Children — Benjamin (under age), Rachel, Sarah, Rebekah and Elizabeth. Homefarm, 60 acres, adjoin- ing Alexander Boyles and Jesper Smith; land on Five Miles Run, be- tween David Braily and Alexander Boyles, bought of Thomas Green; B a.

Of meadow on Assunpink Creek; 375 a. In Morris Co.; personal property, incl. A mulatto boy and girl. Executors — brother, John 40 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS Braily (signs Brearley), and brother-in-law, George Rosaell.

Wit- nesses — Rachel Woolsey, John Brearley, Abram Shlrm. Proved March 17, 1757. Inventory, £510.8.10, incl. Bonds, £321.0.10; made by John van Cleave and Henry Mershon.

Breckenrldge, Joseph, of Sussex Co. Bond of widow, Esther Breckenridg'e, as Adm'x; James Hanna fellow- bondsman, both of said Co. Inventory, £841.16.2, by John Anderson and John Vannatta. Account by Adm'x, Esther Breckenridge. Bretten (Brittaln), William, of Mannington, Salem Co.; will of. Divides personal estate between Samuel Mason, cousin Arthur Simpson, Richard, son of Jonathan Woodnutt, Archibald, Charles and William Hamilton, Charles Elliot and William Parker, making said Samuel Mason sole Executor. Witnesses — Isabeel Parker, John Baird and Bowes Wray.

Inventory, £67.7.7, incl. Books, 15s, bonds and notes, £57.17; made by William Hall and Charles Fogg.

Brewer, Peter, of Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co, Int. Bond of widow, Anne, James Hankinson and Thunis Amack as Admr's; John Hans, Jr., fellowbondsman, all of said Co. 1758, July 24. Brian, Haran, of Mountholly, Burlington Co.; will of. Wife, Joannah, sole Executrix. Children — Haran, Susannah, Esther, Samuel and Joseph.

Witnesses — Thomas Lawrance, John Woolman. Joannah Brian, Executrix, refuses to act and wishes administration granted to her son-in-law^ (stepson?), Haran Brian. Inventory, £61,1, by John Woolman and John Atkin- son. Bond of Haran Brian, the son, as Adm'r; Earl Shinn fellowbondsman. Both of said Co.

1761, June 2. Account by the Administrator. 1755, June 10. Brian, William, of Bridgetown, Northampton Town- Ship, Burlington Co., blacksmith; will of. Mother, Mary Brian, sole executrix. Brothers — Abraham, Uriah and Thomas, the last two un- der age.

Sister, Rebecca. Land in Bridgetown near the Stone Bridge, 221^ acres near Saml.

Crips, bought of brother Abraham. Personal property. Witnesses — Josiah White, James McElhage, John Feni- more. Inventory, £27.11.1, by Samuel Kemble and James McElhage. Brick, John, Esq., of Cohansie, Salem Co.; will of.

Wife, Hannah. Children — William, Elizabeth Donlap, Hannah Han- cock, Joshua, Joseph, John. Grandsons — John and Ephraim Worth- ington. Home farm; land on and near Tindall's Island; land on Stoke Creek, bought of Anthony Woodhouse; farm bought of Leonard Gib- bon; 300 acres at Carle Town, said Co., bought of Clement Pluraated CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 4I and Israel Pemberton; personal estate, incl. 6 negroslaves.

Execu- tors — the wife and sons John and Joseph. Witnesses — Thomas Bright, Isaiah Harrison, John Podmore. Proved April 26, 1753. Brick, John, of Hopewell Township, Cumberland Co.; will of. Children — John, Joseph, Mary Hall, Elizabeth. Reeve, Ann, Hannah, Ruth and Jane. Real and personal estate.

Executors — the wife, sons John and Joseph, with friend and relation, Charles Davis, as assistant. Witnesses — Ebenezer Miller, Isaac Wheaten, Ebenezer Miller, Jr. Proved March 1, 1758.

Inventory, £2270.4.8., incl. Bills, bonds and book- debts, £1041.14.9.; 3 servants, £12.12.6.; made by Philipp Dennis and Ebenezer Miller. Bridge, Thontas, of Morris Town, Morris Co., yeo- man; will of. Children — David, John, Ralph, Thomas, Benjamin, Elizabeth, Sarah and Pamela, all under age.

Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife, Benjamin Pierson and Abra- ham Pierson, both of said Co.

Witnesses — John Pierson, Abraham Pierson, Jr., Isaac Pierson. Inventory, £205.11.4, by Benjamin Pierson and Abra- ham Pierson. 1752, March 10. Brings, John, of Northampton Twsp.

Burlington Co., yeoman; will of. Son George, land in Salem Co. On Stow Creek, of 800 acres, out of which 400 acres has been sold to my son Francis, and 100 more. Rachel Cowgill, £100. Grandson, George Cowgill, 'my riding creature.' Daughter, Hannah Borton. Grand- son David Davis £12 when of age.

Grandson, John Cowgill, residue. Executors — son George and son-in-law Isaac Cowgill.

Witnesses — George Allen, Mary Allen. Inventory, £209.15.2, by appraisers James Wills and Thomas Budd. Brlttfn, Joseph, of Trenton. Hunterdon Co.; will of.

Wife, Charity. Children — Isaac and Joseph, both under age. House and lots in Trenton and other land and personal property.

Executors — the wife and Moore Furman of Trenton. Witnesses — James Cu- mine, Joseph De Cow, Mary De Cow. Proved April 23, 1756. Account of the estate, £323.9., by Charity Britton, Executrix, who makes it her debtor for £12.5.7.

Britton, John, of Middletown, Monmouth Co. Rachil, widow, 'informs Mr. Barto,' that neither she nor her son will administer on his estate and desires administration granted to Isaac van Dorn. Bond of Isaac van Dorn, of Freehold, principal creditor, as Adm'r; James Newell, of Perth Amboy, fellowbondsraan.

Inventory, £5.12, by William Nickel and Thomas Petty. Account by Isaac van Dorn, who has received £9.15.2, and has paid out £12.17.3. Brokarr, Peter, of Somerset Co., farmer; will of.

Children — Margret (wife of Peter Wortman), Catrine, 42 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS (wife of Peter Sutfin), Jude, (wife of George Davis). Grandchildren — Peter, John, and a daughter, children of Margaret Wortman; Margaret, daughter of Catrine Sutfin; Isaac, Peter, Janetje (wife of Polkert Fisher); Jude (wife of Abr. Brokaw); Cathrine (wife of Peter van Nest); Margaret, Hannah and Mary, children of Jude Davis. Homefarm; farm on west side of the North branch of Raritan River; personal property, incl. (a negro man and wench).

Execu- tors — brothers-in-law, Jeronemus van Nest and John van Nest, with cousin, John Brokaw. Witnesses — Edmund Arrosmith, Isaac Brokaw and Joseph Arrosmith, Proved March 30, 1758. Inventory: Real estate — a farm of 229 acres on the South side of Raritan River, £1030.10; a farm of 300 acres on the West side of the North branch of said river, £1080. Personal, £912.12.7, incl. Bills, bonds and cash, £393. Module 7 Quantum Jumping Bible Code on this page. 17.6; jewels, £3; a silver tankard, £14.10; silver buckles and spoons, £3.8.6; grain; four negroslaves, £175; books, £3.3; made by Coanrod Teneick, Jr., and Burgon HofC. 1751, Jnly 2.

Brookfield, liVilliam, of Burlington Co. Bond of widow, Catharine Brookfield, of Little Eggharbour, Burlington Co., as Adm'x; John Inskeep and Charles Brookfield, both of said Co., yeoman, fellowbondsmen.

Wills, 4931 C. Inventory, £379.4.1; incl.

Bills, bonds and book debts, £148.19.1; a negro man, £50; made by Stephen Cramer and John Dearnal. 1754, — — — —. Brooks, Henry, son of Henry Brooks, of Fairfield Township, Cumberland Co., Petitions that Jonathan Lawrence of said Co., yeoman, be appointed his guardian. Certificate of Surrogate Elias Cotting, that Henry Brooks selected his guardian of his own free will. Bond of Jonathan Lawrence as such guardian; Daniel Elmer, Jr., fellowbondsman, both of Fairfield Township, yeomen. Brooks, Mehetable, daughter of Henry Brooks, ■ of Fairfield Township, Cumberland Co., petitions that Jonathan Lawrence of said Co., yeoman, be appointed her Guardian.

1754, May 28. Bond of Jonathan Lawrence as such Guardian; Daniel Elmer, Jr., fellowbondsman, both of Fairfield Township, 1759, May 25. Brown, Andreiv, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; will of. Children — Joseph, Eunice Thorp, Greer, William and George. Grandson, Andrew Thorp. Real and personal estate.

Executors — the wife, son Joseph and friend George Brown. Wit- nesses — Thomas Thorp, Thomas Brown and John Brown. Proved June 21, 1759. 1759, June 13. Inventory, £120.2.8 by George Brown and Thomas Brown. 1759, Jane 15.

Brown, Anthony, of Newark. Martha, his widow, Adm'x, Peter DeGarmo, fellowbondsman. Brown, Arthur, of Monmouth Co.; will of. Wife £not named]. Children — Cabes, Jane, Mary and Isabel, all under age. CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 43 Real and personal estate.

Executors — Capt. John Anderson and Peter Bowne. 'Witnesses — Zacharias Sickles, Margaret Brown and Robert Savage. Proved April 27, 1757. Inventory, £658.15.10., incl. 10 books, 3 maps and 5 pictures; a boat and long boat, £80.; 2 negromen £90.; bonds £370.9.7.; made by John Burrowes and Duncan Robertson. 1751, May 20.

Brown, Caleb, of Greenwich Township, Gloucester Co., sawyer. Mary, widow, asks that Benjamin Lodge be ap- pointed administrator of her husband's estate.

1751, May 21. Bond of Benjamin Lodge, shopkeeper, as Adm'r, Jon- athan Fisher, yeoman, fellowbondsman, both of Greenwich Township.

1751, May 22. Inventory, £35.1.9. By Jonathan Fisher and Isaac Stephens. Wills, 479 H. Brown, Chatfleld, of Deptford Township, Gloucester Co., yeoman; will of. Divides personal estate between friend, Hannah Andrews, brothers John, James and David Brown, children of brother Thomas Brown, viz., John, David, James and Mary, and children of sister Mary Davice, names not given.

Brother, John Brown, sole Executor. Witnesses — Lawrence Webster and David Cooper. Real estate — a house on Henry Wood's land, £2.10; a meadow leased of Henry Wood, £40. Also personal, £472.2.11, incl. Bookaccounts, cash and notes, £115.15.11, and books; made by James Hinchman and Joshua Lord. 1759, May 31.

Brown, Esther, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; will of. Son, Carlile Brown. Grandchildren — William and James Brown. Mentions also Thomas and cousin Phebe Baremore.

Legacy to Rev. Aaron Richards. Personal property. Cousin, David Edgar, Executor.

Witnesses — John Lee, Robert Lee and Benjamin Elston, Jr. Brow^n, Hendrlck, Sr., of Second River, Essex Co., blacksmith; 'being aged,' will of. Wife, Margret.

Children — Hen- drick, John, Elizabeth Codmus, Lao Manderfield, Saiche Kerstead, Sauke Woutesse and Alche Sip. Grandchildren, Jacobes Brown and Margaret King. Real and personal estate. Executors — sons Hendrick and John.

Witnesses — Jonathan Sergeant, Jacobus van Dicke, Abra- ham Peir. Proved March 14, 1757. Brown, James. Bond of Lyndon Brown as Adm'x; John Hutchin fellowbondsman, both of Burlington Co. Inventory, £35.3.8., incl.

Books 5s.; 3,000 staves, £7.10.; made by Joseph Talman and Thomas Smith. Account by Adm'r, who makes estate his debtor for £6.2.9.

Brov^n, John, of Morris Co., miner. Bond of Jacob Ford of said Co., principal creditor, as Adm'r; John Deare, Esq., of Perth Amboy, fellowbondsman. 294» 1753, Jany. Brovm, Preserve, of Burlington Co., account of the estate, £68.0.3., by the Adm'x, Mary Brown, who has spent £82.8.7; 44 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS In paying for the funeral, £5.0.10, and debts due to Wm. Folwell, Mar- cus Hedding, Daniel Stockden, Richard Bowker, John Monrow, Joseph Scattergood, Josiah Wlhite, George Briggs, Jacob Gaskell, Wm. Sorsby, Susannah Tool and Exrs.

Of Benjamin Jones. Archives, Vol. 1759, Jnne 13. Bro'wn, Preserve, of Nottingham, Burlington Co., shop keeper; will of. Children — Abia, Richard, Wil- liam, Mary Jones, Sarah Scholy. Land in Nottingham Township, bought of William Morris, on S.

Side of the Millpond and Doc- tor's Creek; also adjoining William Murfin on the road from Cross- wicks to Trenton; three houses and lot on 'Vine Str., next to Sec- ond Str., Philadelphia; another house and lot next to the preceding; houses and lots in Chesterfield, said Co.; also personal property. Executors — sons Richard and William, and son-in-law, John Jones.

Witnesses — Samuel Redford, James White, John Brown, Peter Dahl- man. 1760, June 2. Inventory of personal estate, £5.835.10.1, Incl. A book- case and books, £2.5; a clock, £2.15; 4 maps, £1.7.6; 6 large silver table spoons, £6; 6 teaspoons; 2 pr. Of teatongs; shopgoods, £667.8.11; bills and bonds, £1,351.10.2; book debts, £2,795.12.5; made by Wil- liam Murfin and Samuel Stevenson. BroTm, Sarah, dau, of Stephen Brown, Jr., deceased, an orphan 'of upwards of 15 years.' Daniel Wade, her uncle, ap- pointed guardian.

Brown, Stephen, Jr., of Newark. Sarah, his widow. Inventory, £151.14.1, by Joseph Riggs and Josiah Crane. Bro-wm, Thomaa, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co. William Smith, Adm'r, per request of widow. Inventory, £337.18.5, incl.

Bonds and cash, £111.17.3; a silk bed quilt, £3; 3 silver spoons and ^ doz. Teaspoons, £3.15; a negro wench and child, £60; pair of silver sugar tongs, 3s. 6d.; made by David Edgar and Samuel Force. Brown, William, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; will of. Wife, Esther.

Children — Carlile and Hume (under age). Grand- sons — William, James and Thomas Brown. Homestead; land bought of Benjamin Gray; 10 acres of Raway Meadows, bought of Isaac Thorn; a lot called Turkis Hill; 5 ac, bought of Robert Lee; 5 ac. Of Raway Meadows, bought of Widow Rolph; also personal estate incl. Three negroslaves. Executors — the wife, son Carlile, and cousin David Edgar.

Witnesses — William Smith, Samuel Cutter and James Crowell. Proved May 28, 1759. BroTvn, Zebnlon, of Mansfield Township, Burlington Co., yeoman.

Wife, Martha. Children — Jonathan, Leah, Alice, Zebulon, Martha, and Samuel.

Grandson, Zebulon, son of Jonathan. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and son Samuel.

Witnesses — Edward Boulton, William Boulton, John Wat- kinson. Proved August 1, 1758. CALENDAR OF WILLS I75I-I7, Aug. Inventory, £222.3.1, by William White and Arent Schuyler.

Account by Martha Brown and Sam'l Brown, Execu- tors, includes payments to Jonathan Tuly, husband of Martha Tuly; Francis Ellis, husband of Sarah Ellis; Alice Garwood; Jonathan Brown, and Zebulon Brown, legatees. Wills, 6023 C. 1754, June 5.

Browne, Elizabeth, of Upper Freehold, Monmouth Co., widow of Dr. John Brown of Burlington Co.; will of. Daughter, Elizabeth (wife of Elisha Lawrence), sole Executrix. Grandchildren — John Browne, John Lawrence, Elizabeth Lawrence (now NewelU, Elisha Lawrence, Jr., Lucy Lawrence, Anne Lawrence. Personal property, incL a silver pint cup and silver spoons). Witnesses — James Magee, Peter Imlay, Jr., and William Dunterfield. Proved June 5, 1759.

Bmen, John, Jr., of Newark. Uzal Ogden, Esq., principal creditor, appointed Adm'r, widow having renounced.

Brundag-e, Nathan, of Newton Township, Gloucester Co., carpenter; will of. Wife, May (Mary), sole heiress and executrix of real and personal estate. Witnesses — Alexander Patterson, Ben- jamin Willson, Alexander Ferguson. Inventory, £238.7.6, incl. A bond and interest, £200., by Isaac Andrews and Robert Frd. Branson, Mary, widow of Barefoot Brunson, Esq., of Somerset Co.; will of.

Children — John, Cathrine Cull. Susannah Wiggins, Thomas. Samuel, Barefoot, Frances Mount, Rachel Smith, Mary Bateman and Anna Davison. Personal property, incl. Executors — son Samuel Brunson and Thomas Wiggins.

Wit- nesses — Samuel Baxtor, William Kouenhoven and Thomas Craven. Inventory, £211.18. A Bible, £1.5, and bond pay- able in four years £200; made by Dirreck Longstreet and Henry Sillcock. Bryan, Klizabeth, widow of Samuel, of Bridgetown, Northampton Township. Burlington Co.; will of. Daughter, Eliza- beth (wife of Jonathan Hough). Grandson, Thomas, son of son Solomon Curtis.

Legacy to Elders and Churchwardens of the Church at Bridgetown. Real and personal estate.

Executor — brother William Heulings. Witnesses — Nicholas Toy, Mary Morris, John Burr.

Wills, 4791 C. William Heulings, Executor named in the will re- fuses to serve. Bond of Jonathan Hough, of Springfield, said Co., yeoman, as Adm'r with the will annexed; Nicholas Toy, of Bridge- town, and Abraham Hewlings, of Burlington City, merchant, fellow- bondsmen. 1756, May 28. Bryan, John, of 'Gloster' Township and Co., yeo- man; will of. Children — Robert, Benjamin, John, Abra- ham, the last three under age, Ellinor Smallwood, Ann (under age) 46 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS and Thomas.

The Blue Anchor land; land along the road near Hinckston's; 5 acres of cedar swamp; also personal estate. Executors — the wife and son, Thomas.

Witnesses — Daniel O'neall, Thomas Magee, Stephen Morris. Proved March 8, 1757. Inventory, £163.12.6., incl.

Bookdebts, £102.7.6; by John Hillman and Richard Cheesman. Buck, Jeremiali, Esq., of Fairfield, Cumberland Co. Bond of Mary Buck, daughter, and Nathan Leek, of Deerfield, said Co., as Adm'rs; Jonathan Lorance (Lawrence) and John White- car (Whitaker), both of Fairfield, fellowbondsman. 1760, May 29. Inventory, £298.7, by Charles Clark and William Monigle. Account by Nathan Leek, Adm'r, inc.

Nursing for smallpox; Ephraim Sayre, for keeping one child six months, and, ditto, to John Buck. — Bock, Temperance, of Fairfield, Cumberland Co., widow of. Jeremiah Buck. Bond of David Fithian as Adm'r; Henry Pearson and Theophi Elmer fellowbondsmen, all of Fairfield.

Buckelevr, Frederick, Sr., of Perth Amboy, Middlesex Co., yeoman. Children — Phredrick, George, John, Peter, Thomas, Ann. Grandchildren — Phredrick, Abram, Susannah. Ann, Rebecka and Pressilla. Children of deceased, eldest son, William; two daughters of daughter Ann; John, son of Peter, and said John's wife, Mary, who has daughter Jeane Jones. Real and personal estate. Executors — sons Phredrick and Thomas.

Witnesses — Joseph Hall, William Melvin, Nicholas Everson. Inventory, £118.12.1. By Thomas Bockelew, Ex'r. 1760, June 3. Bndd, David, of Northampton Township, Burlington Co., yeoman; will of.

Wife, Catherine. Children — William, Joseph, Henry, Daniel (all under age), and Elizabeth Reynolds. Farm, now occupied by Henry Bolton, between Samuel Jones, Daniel Doughty and Marmoduke Fort; other real and personal estate, incl. Executors — the wife, son William and brother, Thomas Budd — Wit- nesses — Francis Briggs, Levi Briggs, Joseph Goldy. Proved June 19, 1760.

1760, June 16. Inventory, £1034. Bills, bonds and mort- gage, £276.0.10; 5 negroes, £147; a servant man's time, £15; made by George Briggs and John Goldy. Bndden, William, of Chester Twsp., Burlington Co., husbandman; will of. Daughters Haney and Mary Budden, £5 each, when of age. Wife, Elizabeth, and the child which she now bears to be maintained, and if a boy he to have all that is left.

Executrix — wife. Witnesses — John Eyanson, William 'Ward, Ruth Ward.

Inventory, £111.9.1, by Mathew Allen and John Cox. Bulock, Susannah, of New Hanover, Burlington Co., widow; will of. Children — Sarah Harison, Mary Branson, Rebecca CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 47 Warick, John Bulock, William Bulock, Elizabeth Craig. Grand- children — Mary (daughter of son W^illiam). Ann Burtis, Sarah Burtls, Ruth Persons. Daughters-in-law — Elliner Dennis and Elizabeth Fowlwell.

Real and personal estate. Executor — son, Joseph Bulock. Witnesses — John Glover, Gasper Smith, Richard Weeks. 8, 1757, the name being written 'Bullock.' 1750, June 15. Bann, Garret, of the South Branch of 'Rarinton,' Somerset Co., yeoman; will of.

Sons — Edward and Lawrence (underage). Legacy to nephew and godson, Garret Bunne. Real and personal estate. Executors — Rem van der Beck and Gerret V. Witnesses — John Mathews, Harpert Hoose, John Bready. Proved June 20, 1752. 1752, July 31, Inventory, £225.16.6, incl.

1752, July 31. Rem van der Beeck and Gerrit van Wagenen.

Named as executors in the will, decline to act. Bond of Mary, widow of Garret Bunn, and Edward Stoneman, alias Bunn, both of Somerset Co., as Adm'rs., with the will annexed. Bunn, James, of Woodbridge Middlesex Co. Matthew Bunn, the father, Adm'r. 1759, Mar, 4.

Bnrch, Jeremiah, of Deptford Township, Gloucester Co., sawyer. Bond of John Ladd as Adm'r; Thomas Kimsey fellowbondsman, both of said Township, yeoman. Inventory, £21.12.8, by Isaac Dilkes and Thomas Kimsey. Bnrdgre, David, of Middletown, Monmouth Co. Bond of Patience, widow of, as Adm'x; Capt.

James Grover fellow- bondsman. Burgess, Moses, Jr., of Piscataway, Middlesex Co.

Moses Burgess, Sr., the father, Adm'r. Burling, Jane, of Burlington City, widow; will of. Daughters — Mary Burling, Jane Large Burling and Hannah Burling, all under age. Cousin, Elizabeth Smith. Personal estate.

Execu- tors and guardians of daughters, father, Ebenezer Large, and nephew, Thomas Pryor, Jr. In case of father's death, relations, Samuel, John and Elisabeth Smith are to act with Thomas Pryor.

Witnesses — Hannah Woolston, Hannah Kirkbride, Richard Smith. Proved March 18, 1760. Inventory, £175.2.3, by Joseph Noble and Edward Cathrallu (?). Bums, Peter, of Burlington Co. Bond of Pat- rick Larking as Adm'r; John Saunders fellowbondsman.

Aaron, of Princeton, President of the College of N. Mother, Elizabeth Burr. Wife, Esther.

Children — Aaron and Sarah. The College of N. To inherit chil- dren's share, if they die in their nonage. Legacy to brother, Peter 48 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS Burr, and his son Aaron; Trustees of said College residuary lega- tees.

Executors — the wife, William Peartree Smith of New Tork, and Jonathan Sergeant of Newark. Witnesses — William Symonds, William Shippen, Richard Stockton. Proved September 28, 1757. Inventory, £1916.17.10., incl. Maps, 25s.; clock, £12; silver coffee pot and tankard, £14; silver spoons, £5.5, silver can and pepperbox, £6.10; bonds, book debts and notes, £1,107.6.6; three negroes, £150; library of books as per catalogue (not extant) £136.3; made by Thomas Watson and Samuel Horner. Burr, Bsther, of Princeton, Middlesex Co.; will of. Children — Sarah and Aaron, Sister, Elizabeth Edwards.

Mentions also Sarah, daughter of Rev. Prince in Boston; Doctor William Shippen of Philadelphia, and Jonathan Sergeant of Newark, Trus- tees of College of New Jersey (to have clock and terrestrial globes). Mother, Sarah Edwards, residuary legatee. Alexander Gum- ming, of New Brunswick, to preach the funeral sermon.

Real and personal estate. Executors — Dr. Shippen and Mr.

Wit- nesses — Robert Smith, Samuel Hornor and Lucy Edwards. Proved July 28, 1758. Burr, Sarab and Aaron, daus. Aaron Burr of Princetown, deceased, both under 14. Guardian appointed — Timothy Edwards, 'nearest relation by the mother's side.'

1756, Jany 21. Burrongh, Enoch, of 'Watterford' Township, Glou- cester Co., yeoman; will of.

Wife, Deborah. Children — Thomas and Phebe, both under age. Father, John Burrough, remainderman of real estate. Executors — the father and the wife. Witnesses — Samuel Burrough, Jr., William Fowler, Josiah Burrough. Proved June 7, 1756. Inventory, £163.5.11, incl.

Books, by Charles Fargui- son and Joseph Morgan. Bnrrowes, Thomas, Jr., of Hopewell, Hunterdon Co.; will of. Children — Forster, Rachel, (wife of Jon- athan Stout), Rebecca, Charity. Job and Stephen. Executors — broth- er, Stephen Burrows, and Jeremiah Woolsey. Witnesses — Thomas Baldwin, Joseph Baldwin, John Guild. Proved April 26, 1756.

Burrows, Thomas, of Salem Co. Bond of Thomas Hancock, Esq., of Elsinburough, Salem Co., as Adm'r; no fellowbonds- man. Burt, Mary, of Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., widow; will of.

Children — Richard, Deborah. Margreat Howell, Elis- abeth Whitson and Mary, all under age. Personal estate. Executors — Jacob Reader and Moses Baldwin. Witnesses — Nickles Stillwill and Andrew Smith, Jr.

Inventory, £202.0.8, incl. Bills, bonds and book debts, £82.0.7; books and bees, £1.6; made by Nickles Stillwill and Andrew Smith, Jr. 1759, June 23.

Barton, William, of Burlington Co. Bond of John Burton as Adm'r; William Vanse fellowbondsman, both of said Co. Adm'n Bonds, 199.

CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I7, Feb. Butcher, James, of 'Stoe' Creek, Cumberland Co., yeoman; will of, Wife. Daughter, Hannah, under age. Cousin, Thomas, son of Richard Butcher, remainderman. Legacy to brother, Thomas Platts. Real and personal estate.

Executor — uncle, Richard Butcher. Witnesses — Dan Simkins, Abigill Shepherd, Peter Long. Proved May 10, 1754. 1754, April 2.

Inventory, £209.2.6, by Peter Long and Dan Sim- kins. 1760, May 25. Butcher, Joseph, of 'Willingboroug' Township, Bur- lington Co.; will of. Wife, Prudence. Children — Samuel, Joseph, Anne, Easter and Patience, all under age. Executors — the wife, brother-in-law, William Rogers, and Abraham Perkins.

Witnesses — Henry Nordike and Samuel AUinson. Proved June 14, 1760.

1760, June 13. Inventory, £264.10.10. 50 bush, of Indian corn, £6.5; a negro girl, £28; made by Joshua Ballinger and Wilm. Account of by Prudence Butcher and William Rog- ers, the surviving executors, who report on hand £114.15.3.

Butcher, Mary, widow of James, of Stow Creek, Cumberland Co. Bond of Richard Butcher, of Stow Creek Town- ship, yeoman, as Adm'r; Josiah Miller, of Cohansey Bridge, said Co., surveyor, fellowbondsman. Inventory, £54,12.3, by Philipp Dennis and John BarraclifC.

Butcher, Thomas, of Springfield Township, Burling- ton Co., yeoman; w^ill of. Wife, Elizabeth. Brother, Samuel Butch- er. Executors — the wife and Benjamin Jones.

Witnesses — John Butcher, Daniel Haines, John Watkinson. Proved March 10, 1761 Lib. Inventory, £98.14.9, incl.

Bonds, £56.12.8, by Jon. Peninaore and James Childs. Elizabeth Butcher, the widow, being 'antient,' re- fuses to act as executrix, leaving all the duties to Benjamin Jones. Butler, James, of Hanover, Burlington Co., shoe maker. Elizabeth, widow, refuses to administer on his estate, recommending Peter Boynsette. Inventory, £15.7.1., by Samuel Wright, Jr., and Jon- athan Branson, attested by 'Peter Pintset,' 1757, Nov.

Bond of Peter Poyntsett, as Adm'r; Samuel Wright., Jr., fellowbondsman, both of New Hanover Township, said Co. Account by Peter Poyntsett, Adm'r, £18.9.4 1756, Nov. Butterworth, Caleb, of Deptford Townslip, Glou- cester Co., labourer. Bond of John Young, of Deptford Town- ship, husbandman, as Adm'r; John Sparks, of Greenwich Township, said Co., farmer, fellowbondsman. Bnzby, Benjamin, of 'Wellingborow' Township, Burlington Co.; will of.

Cousins — Joseph Busby (sole Executor), Thomas, Amos, Isaac and Daniel Busby, to inherit personal estate, 4 50 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS incl. Money due from brother, 'William Busby. Witnesses — George Bass, Mary Hollinshead, Robert Parrell. Inventory, £37.1.7, by Obadiah Ireton and Barzillia RosseU. Wills, 5675 C.

Buzby, John, of 'Willingburrough,' Burlington Co., yeoman; will of. Late wife, Hannah. Children — John, Samuel, Jabiz, Anne, Grace and Hannah. Homefarm; land on North side of Mill Creek in Burlington Townbounds, received from father-in- law, Nathaniel Cripps; also personal property.

Executors — brother, William Busby, and Samuel Stokes. Witnesses — Samuel Cripps, Sam- uel Beesly, John Burr, Jr. Codicil of January 9, 1754, disposes of 40 acres of cedar swamp on Mechepotuxing, between John Dawes and Jacob Webber. Witnesses — Samuel Cripps, Thomas Buzby, John Burr, Jr.

Inventory, £944.12.3, incl. A clock, credits on books and notes, £694.7; made by John Deacon and Hugh Hollinshead. 1756, June 5.

Account by Wm. Buzby, Acting Executor, £341.12.2. I 1759, Sept. Buzby, 'William, of 'Wellingburrow,' Burlington Co., yeoman; will of. Children — Elizabeth and William, both under age.

Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife, Joshua Raper and Joseph Buzby. Witnesses — Thomas Buzby. Jonathan Wills, Asher Woolman.

Inventory, £367.4.6, incl. Bills and book debts, £73.2; made by John Deacon and George Elkinton. 1749-'50, Mar. Byram, Ebenezer, of 'Mendum,' Morris Co.; will of. Wife, Hannah. Children — Ebenezer, Eliab, Mary, Abigail, and Japheth. Grandchildren — Hannah (dau.

Of son Naphtily, dec'd), Zenus and Leaha Bauldwin; children of daughter, Hannah. Real and personal estate in New England; homefarm, bought of Isaac Johnson; 28 acres bought of Ezekell Lyon; 7 acres of meadow, bought of John Booline. Other real and personal property.

Execu- tors — sons Ebenezer and Eliab. Witnesses — Ezra Cary, Phebe Cary, Caleb Lenard. On the same sheet is a former will, made by Ebenezer Byram. No- vember 2, 1738, in which he calls himself of Bridgewater. Plymouth Co., New England.

Byram, Eliab, of Amwell Township, Hunterdon Co.; will of. Children — Eliab, Sarah, Perkin and Martha. Real anc personal estate. Brother, Ebenezer Byram, sole Executor.

Witnesses — Jacob Gray. Gershom Lee, Jacob Mattison, Proved May 1, 1754. Inventory, £197.10.11, incL books, £11.9.1; a watch, bond and other things, £75.18.9; his wench, bookcase and other things, £57.11.5; made by Jacob Gray and Gershom Lee. Cain (Kain), 'William, of Burlington Co. Bond of Catharine Cain (called in body of bond Charity Cain) as Adm'x; James Budd, fellowbondsman, both of said Co. 1759, May 31.

Caine, James, of Sussex Co. Adm'x — Catherine Caine. CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 5I 1759, April 18. Cald^ivell, Allen, of Greenwich Township, Gloucester County, blacksmith. Adm'x — Rebecca Caldwell.

Bondsman — William Sharp, of Greenwish Twsp., yeoman. Witness — Samuel Parker. 1759, April 7. Inventory, £11.3.11, by Gabriel Rambo and Samuel Parker. Account by Rebecca Caldwell, Adm'x. Camble, William, of Gloucester Co.

Bond of Mary Cambel, of Tuckaho, as Adm'x of estate; Jacob Garitson, of same place, fellowbondsman. Cape May Wills, 163 E, 1753, Oct. Inventory, £57.19, incl. A negro man, £40.; made by James Hathorn and Ephraim Sayre. 1759, June 19.

Camfleld, Ephraim, of Newark. Adm'x — Sarah Camfield, his widow.

Witness — Thomas Barton. Camp, Jobn, of Tuckaho, Cumberland Co.

In- Tentory, £38.9.4, made by Peter Scull and Nathan Goldin. Bond of Joseph Camp of Tuckaho as Adm'r. Cape May Wills, 149 E.

Campbell, David, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., weaver; will of. Children — Jesse (under age), Sarah, Phebe, Ehster and Mary, the last two under age. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and George Brown. Witnesses — Samuel Pangburn, William Martin and Israel Thurston. Proved April 24, 1760. Inventory, £110.4.9.

A Bible and other books, by Thomas Brown and John Brown. Mem: 'Be it Remembred that the Inventory on the other Side was taken at the request of Sarah Cam- bell, one of the Executors of David Cambell, deed, the other not yet qualified. She did soon after expose sundry of goods and chattells to publick sale, but on May 12th, 1760, She dec'd. The Care of the whole estate came into the hands of George Brown, the other Executor, who, then qualifying, did on June 2, 1760, proceed as is common & does here give in a true account.' The same appraisers made a return of £154.3.8, for the estate. Campbell, James, of Stow Creek, Cumberland Co.

Bond of Charles Campbell, of Stow Creek, as Adm'r; Thomas Richardson, of Fairfield, and David Mills, of Hopewell, both of said Co., fellowbondsman. Witnesses — Daniel Briant and Daniel Elmer. Inventory, £30, by Isaac Mills, Jr., and David Mills. Campbell, John, of Piscataway, Middlesex Co.; will of.

Sons — Robert, James, John, Alexander, Obediah and Eneas; and an expected child. Executors — son James and Capt.

Wil- liam MacDaniel. W^itnesses — Robert Ross, Elisha Smalley, Jr., and Reune Runyon. Proved June 26, 1760. 1760, June 16. William McDaniel, one of the Executors named above, declines. Inventory, £161.15.2, incl.

Bonds, £122.0.1; 4 bush. Of Indian corn; a Bible, 7s.; made by Richard Taylor and Alexander Thomson; James Campbell, Executor. 52 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1758, Dec. Campbell, Robert, of Somerset Co. Bond of Mary Campbell, of Prince Town, Somerset Co., as Adm'x; James Cu- mine (Cummins) of Trenton, Hunterdon Co., fellowbondsman.

Wills, 436 J. 1760, June 13. Campbell, William, of Orange Co., N. Bond of Hendrick Kipp, of Bergen Co, as Adm'r; Reynier van Giesen fellow- bondsman. Berg-en Wills, 441 B. Cam.ptoii, John, of Hopewell, Hunterdon Co.; will of. Wife, Mary, one third part of my estate.

Sons — Moses, John, Wlilliam and Jeams. To have rest of estate. Executors — wife. Mary, and friend, Zebulon Stout, of Somerset Co.

Witnesses — Stephen Barton, John Stout, Robert Cowan. 1755, June 14. Cane (Cain), John, of Burlington Co., inventory, £33.13.7%, by Thomas Budd and James Dobbin; affirmed by Joseph Burr, Jr., as administrator.

Wills, 5597 C. Account, by Joseph Burr, Jr., Adm'r. Wills, 6039 C. Canfleld, David, of Newark, E!ssex Co. Je- mimah Canfleld, widow, renounced and released to Thomas Can- fleld, her right.

Thomas Canfleld, Adm'r, gave bond, with Na- thaniel Johnson, Esq., of Newark, as fellowbondsman. Witness — Uzal Ogden. Cannon, William, of Burlington City, clockmaker.

Bond of Joseph Hollinshead, Esq., as Adm'x; Daniel Ellis, Gent., fellowbondsman, both of said City. 1760, June 5. Carl, Abraham, late a soldier in the New Jersey Regiment. Bond of William Carl, of Essex Co., as Adm'r; Isaac Jones, of Morris Co., fellowbondsman. Morris Wills, 91 N. 1760, July 3. Inventory, £23.12.8., being cash found in hands of the Commissary of the Government.

Carll, Eliakem, of Alloways Creek, Salem Co., yeo- man; will of. Wife, Elizabeth.

Children — Phinehas, Henry, Eliza- beth Brick, Rachel Moore, Martha Padgett, William, Jeremiah and Jesse. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and son Phinehas. Witnesses — John Barber, Jane Norbury and William Stretch. Proved April 9, 1759. Inventory, £179.1, by Thomas Sayre and Benjamin Allen. CarU, Ellkam, Jr., of Salem Co.

Inventory, £128.18.3, incl. Half a shallop, £50; made by David Platts and Jon- athan Bradway. Eliakim Carll, of Cumberland Co., father of Elicam Carle abovesaid, resigned his right to administer on the estate, to Ephraim Mills, who gives bond as Adm'r, with Eliakim Carll (father), as fellowbondsman. Salem Wills, 1008 Q. Carll, Elisabeth, of 'Allocs' Creek Township, Salem Co., widow; will of. Children — Elesabeth Brick, Jeremy, Henry, CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 S3 William, Jessey, Phineas, Rachel More and Martha Padgett.

Person- al estate. Executors — sons Henry and William. Witnesses — John Barber, Jane Norbury and David Padgett. Proved April 9, 1759. Carll, Elisabeth, late Elisabeth Hancock, daughter of Thomas Hancock. Bond of Phinehas Carll, of Greenwich, Cum- berland Co., as Adm'r; Zachariah Shaw and John Hall, both of Hopewell, said Co., fellowbondsmen.

Carman, Jasper, of Amwell, Hunterdon Co,, weaver; will of. Wife, Hannah, sole heiress and Executrix of real and per- sonal estate, with legacy of 5sh. To Hezekiah, son of John Carman. Witnesses — John Rouze, Thomas Searle and William Fleming. Inventory, £238.2.6, incl. Bonds, book debts and notes, £128.12.2; a servant girl, £3.10; made by Thomas Kitchin and Samuel Furman, Jr. 1754, July 13.

Carmiek, Peter, of Philadelphia, but late of Salem Town and Co.,.merchant; will of. Children — Stephen, Elizabeth Campbell and Sarah Farmar, Dec'd son John mentioned. House and lot of 16 acres in Salem Town; two lots of marsh and 12 a. Of land in said Town, next to the Meeting House; sawmill on the West side of Morris River in Cumberland Co.; land on either side of said river; 1,000 acres in Piles Grove, Salem Co.; personal property. Executors — the son and daughters.

Witnesses — John Hatkinsori, Daniel Dupuy, John Reily. Codicil of July 5, 1755, makes unimportant changes. Witnesses — William Savery Branson van Leer, John Reily. Wills, 6273 C. Carpenter, E^dward, of Turkey, in the 'Boorrough' of Elizabethtown, Essex Co.; will of. Daughters — Phebe and Elizabeth. Farm in Turkey; land over the brook; per- sonal estate.

Executors, brothers Samuel Ross and William Jones. Witnesses — Henry Broadwell, Ezekiell Mulford, Jonathan Mulford. Inventory, £56.8.10, by Benjamin Pettit and Samuel Ross. 1760, Mareli 4. Carpenter, Jacob, late a soldier of the New Jersey Regiment. Elizabeth Carpenter, his widow, renounced in favor of her son, John Carpenter. Witness — Elizabeth Denman.

1760, March 14. John Carpenter, of Elizabeth Town, gave bond as Adm'r; Abraham Clark, Jr., of same place, fellowbondsman.

Wit- ness — John Smyth. 1760, May 23. Carpenter, John, of Deptford, Gloucester Co., weav- er; will of. Children — boys and girls, all under age, names not given. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and Joshua Lord, Jr.

Witnesses — Richard Clarke, Stephen Clark, Jonathan Kimsey. Proved July 15, 1760. Inventory, £142.5.6, Incl. Books, £1.10; book debts, £28.4; made by Richard Clarke and Jonathan Kimsey. 54 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1755, June 4. Carr, Sarah, of Piles Grove, Salem Co., widow. Bond of William Summeril as Adm'r; James Dunlap fellow- bondsman, both of Penn's Neck, said Co.

1755, July 3. Inventory, £49.8.4, incl. An old Bible and a sermon book; bonds and notes, £26.2.10; made at the house of William Summeral by Garret Vanemam and John Helms. 1751, May 15. Carroll, Thomas, of Northampton, or of Bridgetown, Burlington Co.

Ann, widow of, resigns her right of administra- tion on his estate to Peter Bard of Philadelphia, or John Abraham de Normandie, of Bristol, both merchants. 1751, June 3. Bond of Peter Bard as Adm'r; John Abraham de Normandie fellowbondsman. 1751, June 6. Inventory, £32.11., incl. A Dutch servant boy, £20.

Wills, 4807 C. 1753, June 16. Carter, Benjamin, of Morris Town and County.

Inventory, £118.9.9, incl. Books, £1, by Jeremiah Genung and John Looker. Bond of Sarah, his widow, as Adm'x; Barnabas Car- ter, of said Co., fellowbondsman. 1758, June 16. Inventory, £116.4.9, by Jeremiah Genung and John Looker.

1758, May 18. Carter, Benjamin, of the Borough of Elizabeth, Essex Co.; will of. Children — Abegil (wife of Samuel Day), Sarah, Hannah, Rhodey, Unice, Elener, Nance, David and Stephen. Real and personal estate. Executors — Benjamin Bonnel and Stephen Morehouse.

Witnesses — James Carter, Seth Crowell, William Bad- cock. Proved June 16, 1759.

Inventory, £232.19.0, by Josiah Broadwell and Rich- ard Minthorn. 'The plantation and mills sold for £1,000; a Townright for land, £8,15.0.' Carter, Daniel, of Essex Co. Adm'r — Nathaniel Rusco, to whom John Carter, father of Daniel Carter, resigned his right of administration. Bondsman — ^Abraham Cadmus. Witnesses — Thomas Bartow. Carter, Joseph, of Newtown, Sussex Co.

Bond of widow, Mary Carter, as Adm'r; John Hayes fellowbondsman, both of said Co. Inventory, £3.12.6, by Ephraim Darby and John Will- son, Jr. Carter, Lnke, of Hanover, Morris Co., gentleman; will of. Wife, Martha. Children — Bate, Luke, Martha, Phebe, George and Thomas, the last three under age. Real and personal estate.

Executors — the wife, son Luke and Josiah Miller. Witnesses — Thom- as Genung, James Woodruff, John Post. Carter, Nathaniel, of Springfield, Burlington Co., weaver. Inventory, £9.16.2, by James Budd and Samuel Lippin- cott. CALENDAR OF WILLS I75I-I7, Feb. Bond of Mary Carter as Adm'x; Anthony Morris and James Budd fellowbondsmen, all of Burlington Co. Account by the administratrix, Mary Carter.

Cary, Elizabeth, of Penn's Neck, Salem Co. Bond of James Dunlap as Adm'r; John Creag and Richard Moore fellowbondsmen, all of said Co.

Inventory, £94.17.7, incl. Books, by John Creag and Richard Moore for the use of Mary Ann Dunlap, daughter of the dec'd. Case, (see Kaes).

CashoTr, Jaromes, of Somerset Co. Jane Blaw, late widow of, and her present husband, Fredrik Blaw, refuse to administer on the estate of said Cashow, recommending Peter Nevius as administrator. Bond of Peter Nevius as Adm'r, David Nevius fel- lowbondsman, both of said Co., yeoman. Castner, John, of Raritan Landing^ in Middlesex Co., Shopkeeper. Adm'x — Helena Castner. Bondsmen — Albert Bolmer, of Somerset Co., and William French, of Middlesex Co.

Wit- nesses — Phebe Blomfield and George Hagawout. Inventory, £519.2.2, incl. 2 English Bibles, a Dutch Testament and Psalm book, £1.10; a silver watch. £7; book debts, £211.2.11; made by William Williamson, Daniel Bray and Edward Antill. Castner, Peter, Sr., of Somerset Co., farmer; will of. Children — Peter, Jacob and Juliana, Home farm; an- other farm in said Co., adjoining Aaron Boylon's; personal prop- erty.

Executors — Franciss Corsart and James Castner. Witnesses — Daniel Castner, Sarah Castner and Thomas Layten. Inventory, £275.17.11. Bond, book debts and notes, £49.4; a clock, 8s.; a Bible and other books, £2; a negro man, £50; a negro wench and child, £40; made by William McClelian, John Re- mer and David Castner. Catheart, Robert, of Upper Freehold, Monmouth Co, Int.

Bond of Joseph Catheart, of Upper Freehold, son of, as Adm'r; Obadiah Lippincott, of Shrewsbury, yeoman, fellowbondsman. Inventory, £194.14.0, by Samuel Preston, Ezekiel Mount, Daniel Clark. Chamberlain, Benjamin, of Newtown. Bond of widow, Mary Chamberlain, as Adm'x; Japheth Byram, Esq., fellowbondsman, both of Newtown. Inventory, £110.13.5, by William Marsh and Isaac Har- low, the administratrix signing as 'Mary, wife of Japheth Byram.' Chamberlen, William, of Monmouth Co.; will of.

Wife, Caty, sole heiress and Executrix of real and personal estate. Witnesses — John Coates, Jane Chamberlin and Margret Dillon. Proved July 7, 1760. 56 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS,. Inventory, £161.1, incl. 12 books; bonds and notes, £51.12; made by Francis JefEery, John Jeffery and James Lippen- coot. (Filed June 16, 1761).

Chanders, John, of Hope, 'Summerset' (Hunter- don?) Co., mariner, supposed to be lost at sea. Bond of John Stout, of Summerset Co., as Adm'r; George Tucker, of New Jersey, fellowbondsman. Inventory, £9.7.8., by David Stout and Edward Cooper. Chandler, Abigal, of Manington, Salem Co., widow; will of.

Divides personal estate between Richard, James Mason and Sarah (children of Jonathan Woodnut of Manington); sister, Sarah Smith, of Burlington, and her son Samuel Smith; Henry Woodnut; son, Samuel Mason and said Jonathan Woodnut, making the last named sole Executor. Witnesses — Willim Britten, John Kain and Josiah Kay.

Proved June 5, 1759. 371, 1759, June 5.

Inventory, £335.17.5, incl. Apparel, bonds, book debts, cash and notes, £251.4.11; made by Richard Woodnut and Whitten Cripps. Chandler, John, of Elizabeth Town, Essex Co., cord- wainer; will of. Wife, Mary; nephews — John and Moses, sons of brother Joseph Chandler, dec'd; Samuel, son of brother Samuel Chandler; John, son of brother Nathaniel Chandler. Sisters — Mary and Hannah Chandler. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and brother, Nathaniel Chandler.

Witnesses — Stephen Crane, John Charlton, Robert Ogden. Proved June 16, 1759.

Nathaniel Chandler, one of the executors named above, refuses to qualify, 'because I suppose and conclude that there is no real occation for the same.' Inventory, £490.12.10. By Jonathan Crane and Caleb Crane. Chandler, 'WJlliani, of Manington, Salem Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Abigail, to receive for life the farm, now occupied by Seth Smith. The other real and personal estate to be divided be- tween Edmund Kent, Erasmus Kent, Richard Vickory, brother John Chandler, sister Hannah Huse. And to cousins Hannah Hacket, Mary Evens, Moses Padget, children of cousin Mary Holts, to be paid to their father, Lawrence Holts, and brother, Samuel Chandler.

Land bought of John Acton, 200 acres, adjoining William Willis and Jere- miah Smith, taken up by a right from Clement Hall; land bought by testator and Samuel Nicholson of William Hall and, Exr's of Clement Hall; lands bought of Simon Warner; 12 ac, part of Salem Town marsh, bought of Thomas Hill. Executors — the wife and Benjamin Cripps.

Witnesses — Charles Fogg. Thomas Curry, Josiah Kay. Inventory, £969.12.8, incl. Cash in the house, £62.15; a large Bible; silver spoons, a servant man, £15; bonds, book ac- counts and notes, £485.3.11; made by William Hall and Jedidiah Allen. Chapman, Abraham, son of Edward, of Burlington Co., deceased, asks, that John Chapman, of Chesterfield, said Co., yeoman, be appointed his guardian. Bond of John Chapman as such CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 57 Suardian; Isaac Heullngs, of Burlington Co., merchant, fellowbonda- xnan.

Chapman, Edward, of Burlington Co. Bond of Samuel Rogers, merchant, as administrator of the estate; Elisha Lawrence, gentleman, fellowbondsman, both of Allinstown, Monmouth Co. 1758, May 30. Chapman, John, of Burlington Co. Inventory, £21.8.7, Incl. A black walnut tea table, £1; a large Bible, £1; made 'by Jacob Brian and Joseph Peace.

1758, June 6. Bond of Joseph Reckless as Adm'r; Abraham Hew- lings, Esq., fellowbondsman, both of said Co.

Account by the Adm'r, Joseph Reckless, of said Co., ■who makes it his debtor for £2.4.5. Charney, John, of Upper Freehold Township, Mon- mouth Co., laborer; will of. To the Baptist Society £5. To my friend, Abiel Cook, Jr, £10. To Friend Nathaniel Cook, £10.

To Friends William Tapscott and John Coward the overplus. Execu- tors — Thomas Farr and Abel Cooke, Jr.

'Witnesses — John Leming, Ablel Cook, Joseph Strickland. Cheesman, Benjamin, of Greenwich, Gloucester Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Azubeth. Children — Mary Cupper, Han- nah Cuzens, Jane Matlock, Benjamin and Martha, the last two under age. Real and personal estate.

Executors — the wife and Francis Batten. Witnesses — Henrich Fabre, Francis Batten, Ann Batten.

Proved August 28, 1755. 1755, July 17. Inventory, £241.7.5, incl. Bonds and notes, £73.18.6, by Benjamin Liddon and Levi Shinn. Cheesman, John, of Gloucester Township and Co. Bond of widow, Bersheba Cheesman, as Adm'x; Edward Williams fellowbondsman, both of said County. Inventory, £82, incl.

Wearing apparel, book debts and notes, £50.19; a Bible, 7sh.; made by John Carpenter and George Morgan. Cheesman, Jotham, of Gloucester Co. Inven- tory, £237.13.5, incl. Two servantmen's time £27; a tame deer, £1; made by Thomas Bate and Robert Frd. Bond of Esther Cheesman as Adm'x; William Chees- man fellowbondsman, both of said Co.

Cheesman, Richard, of Newtown Township, Glou- cester Co., yeoman; will of. 'V 'ife, Hannah, Jotham Cheesman and Robert Friend Price. Executors of real and personal estate. Chil- dren, apparently all under age, spoken of, but names not given. Witnesses — George Weed, William Harry, Mary Harry. Inventory, £213.14.3, incl. Book debts and cash, £49.18.3, by Joseph Ellis and Samuel Clement.

Account by Robert Friend Price and Tatum Wil- liams and wife Hannah, late Hannah Cheesman, Executors, who have Increased it to £270.18, and report a balance on hand of £141.4.10. 58 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1753, Dec.

Cheesman, IVfUtam, Sr., of New Brunswick Corpora- tion, Middlesex Co.; will of. Wife, Martha. Children — Mary, Mar- tha, Catherine, William, John, Joseph, Benjamin and Samuel. Grand- children — Mary and Martha, daughters of daughter Charity (? Dec'd.), and grandson. Safety Borden.

Real and personal estate. Executors — Rev. James Carman and Jonathan Combs. Witnesses — William Cuke, Jacob Cuke and Isaac Hagewout. Inventory, £225.2.2, incl. A negro man, £35; Indian corn, £14.14; a bond of Daniel Grandine, £27.10; due by Samuel Cheesman, 5sh.l0d.; made by Fredrick Outgilt and Daniel Coler (Carter). Cheesman, William, Jr., of the South Ward of Perth Amboy; will of.

Daughters — Lydia and Martha, both under 21. Real and personal estate. Executors — brother, Joseph Cheasman, and Andrew Smyth.

Witnesses — Thomas Combs, John Cosman and Benjamin Ward. Inventory: Real estate — a tract of 130 acres, £100; a farm of 10a., £250; a house and one acre, £50. Personal estate — £560.4.6, incl. 2 looking glasses, £1.11; a silver watch, £5; a map of Amsterdam, 4 sh.; 5 negroes (one a child), £125; bills, bonds and cash, £263.15.8; made by William Crawford and John Disbrow. 1751, July 15. Chetwood, William, of Essex Co. Adm'x Margaret Chetwood, widow, of Elizabeth Town.

Bondsman — Ma- thias Williamson, of same place. Witness — Uzal Ogden. 1751, July 31. Inventory, £58.16.6, by John Halstead and John Ross. Chew, Joseph, of Deptford Township, (Gloucester Co.), West Jresey, but now in Philadelphia; will of. Wife, Elanor, sole heiress and Executrix of real and personal estate, directed to pay bond of £50. (due with Michael Fisher) to Hannah Cooper.

Chil- dren spoken of, but not by name. Witnesses — Thomas Chew, Richard Chew, Michaell Fisher. 13, 1759, Oct. Chew, Richard, of Gloucester Township and Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Abigail, sole Executrix.

Children — Constan- tine, Nathaniel, William, Alice Hampton, Massey Davis and Abigail. Real and personal estate. Witnesses — Mary Smallwood, Jane Pen- quite, William Wood. Inventory, £168.7.2., by Richard Cheesman and Ben- jamin CoUines (Collins). Christie, Dr.

John, of Middlesex Co. Letter praying grant of Letters of Administration of goods of John Christie to James Murray, of New York, druggist, principal creditor, there being no relation known to reside in America, and no person appear- ing to oppose the same; from Fra. Bernard to Thomas Bartow, Esq., who appointed as Adm'r. James Murray, of New York, principal creditor. Bondsman — Courtland Skinner, Esq., of Perth Amboy.

Chnrney, John, of Upper Freehold Township, Mon- mouth Co., laborer; will of. Divides estate between the Baptist CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 59 Society, Thomas Farr, Abial Cook, Jr., Nathaniel Cook, William Tap- scot and John Coward.

Executors — Thomas Farr and Abial Cook, Jr. Witnesses — John Liming. Abiel Cook and Joseph Stricklan. 420, 1760, Oct. Inventory, £73.6.6, Incl. Bills, bonds and book debts, £65.10.6; made by John Liming- and Moses Robins.

Clle, Ann, of Burlington City. Bond of John Ferguson, boatman, as Adm'r; Jonathan Thomas and Elias Hughes fellowbondsmen, all of said City. Clpres Blixabeth, of Burlington Co. Bond of Jo- hann Adam Johe (signs in German script) as Adm'r; John Goldy fci- lowbondsman, both of said Co.

Inventory, £64.19.5, by Robert Hill and John Goldy. Clark, Daniel, of the 'Burrough' of Elisabeth, Som- erset (?) Co.; will of, 'signed with the consent of Abigail Clark, his wife.'

Children — John, Daniel, Stephanus, Jabesh, Sarah, Debo- rah and Keturah, all under age; an expected child. Home farm; saltmeadow, given by father, John Clark, to testator and brother Jotham; town rights; personal estate.

Executors — the wife, brother Jotham Clark and William Parrot. Witnesses — Nathaniel Rogers, Sarah Bebout. Timothy Allen. Proved April 21, 1756. Inventory, £74.7.10, by Josiah Broadwell and Thomas Baker. Clark, Daniel, of Elizabeth Town, Essex Co. Adm'x — Rebecka Clark, widow.

Bondsman — Daniel Clark, son of Daniel Clark, dec'd. Witness — Thos.

Inventory, £99.9.9, by John Cory and John Miller. Clark, Bllzabeth, of Greenwich, Cumberland Co., wid- ow; will of. Daughters — Susannah Stathem and Elizabeth Penton.

Personal estate. Executor — nephew. Witnesses — Thom- as Ewing, Elizabeth Leek, Maskell Ewing. 182, 1760, Nov. Inventory, £51.3.4, by Thomas Parke and Thomas Ewing. Clark, James, Sr., of the 'Burro' of Elizabeth, Essex Co., yeoman; will of. Children — Jeremiah, Elias, James (all under age).

Rachel and Mary Ann. Real and personal estate, incl. Money due by brother Samuel. Executors — the wife and Rec- ompense Stanberry. Witn'• I't- 6o NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS tor), Keziah, Abigail, Jane, Sarah, Elizabeth, Joannah and Phebe. Real and personal estate. Witnesses — Lewis Mulford.

Joseph Conk- ling, Abraham Clark. Proved March 12, 1759. Clark, Samuel, of Elizabeth Borough, Essex Co., yeoman; will of.

Mother, Hannah Clark; cousin, Richard Clark. Real and personal estate. Executor — Thomas Clark. Witnesses — James Still Coberly, Lambert Robson, Abraham Clark, Jr. 1752, July 16.

Clark, Thomas, of Egg Harbour, Burlington Co. Int., Inventory of his personalty and of his three sons, Thomas, David and Elijah Clark, £207.19, incl. A Bible, and bonds due by Richard Fitz Kandoiph, faul Miller and Simon Nichols, £65; made by Nehe- miah Beebe and Robert Morss. 1752, July 20. Bond of David Clark, of Little Eggharbour, Burl- ington Co., yeoman, as Adm'r; Robert Morss (Morse), of Great Egg- harbour, Gloucester Co. 304, 1753, Oct. Account of Adm'r.

Clarke, Benjamin, Jr., of Middlesex Co., son of Ben- jamin, dec'd, petitions that John Robins be appointed his guardian. Bond of John Robins of Monmouth Co., blacksmith, as such guardian, George Eyre of Burlington City fellowbondsman. Wills, 2131 M. 1759, May 24.

Clarke, John, of Fairfield Township, Cumberland Co. Inventory, £50.11.11, incl. Books, blacksmith's tools, iron and 'cole,' £15.14.9; 10 yds. Of flannel cloth at the mill, £1.15; made by Joseph Ogden and Theophi Elmer. 1759, June 16. Bond of his widow, Esther Clarck, as Adm'x of the estate; Joseph Ogden and Theophi Elmer, both of Fairfield, fellow- bondsmen. 1755, June 24.

Clarke, Samuel, of Cumberland Co. Inven- tory £174.3.7, incl. A negroman, £40, by Hugh Dunn and Benjamin Garrison. 1755, June 30. Bond of his widow, Esther Clark, as Adm'x; Reuben Jarman, yeoman, fellowbondsman, both of said Co.

Account by Azel Peirson, representative of the de- ceased Administratrix, Esther Clark, who charges for supporting three small children of dec'd., the youngest 4 months old, for 4 years and 9 months, £42.5, and reports on hand £24.18.5. Wills, 264 F. Clarkson, John, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; Will of. Children — James, Robert...R^s,^.state-A lot right in the Township. ^^^^^^.P^.^Bu^yon's books; a sermon book New Testament; a large house ^^^^^'^^J^^JJ' English history; negro of -Mr.

Flavel's Seting Out;%;^^^' ^^j^tJel and John Heburn. Executors— son James wuiiam wiUiam Jennings.

Witnesses-Jeremiah ^'^^VnhfHepburl refuses to serve as Exec Proved Nov. 1757, when John Hepburn reiu ^_^ ^^ ^ ^^^^ utor. CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 6I 1758, Aiigr Feb. Darkin, John, of 'Elsinburrough' Township, Sa- lem Co., yeoman; will of. Daughters — Hannah, Ann (both under age) and Jale Fitzrandolph, who has daughters Sarah and Jane Fitzrandolph. Real and personal estate. Executors — brother-in- law, Richard Butcher, and daughters Hannah and Ann Darkin.

Wit- nesses — Joshua Thompson, John Smith, George Trenchard. Inventory, £582.15.10%, incl. Cash and plate, £82.3.1: bills, bonds and book debts, £353.14.7%; books and lookingglasses, £1.13; an old clock, £4; a negroman, £55; made by Nathan Smart and Joshua Thompson.

Daten (Dayton), Ephralm, of Fairfield Township, Cumberland Co. Inventory, £411.12.11, incl. A negro man, £70; a negro woman, £35; a servant man, £10; made by Thomas Ogden and Phillpp Shepherd. Bond of Joseph Daten (Dayton) as Adm'r; Thomas Ogden and Philipp Shepherd fellowbondsmen, all of Fairfield Town- ship. Daten (Dayton) Henry, late of Long Island, since of Eggharbour. Inventory, £177.6, incl.

3 old books; 3 large silver spoons @ 18s. And 3 small do.

@ 3s., £3.3; a negro man, £55; a negro boy, £35; a negro child, £10; a note, £10; made by John Smith and Robert Morss. Wills, 700 H. Davenport, Rev. James, of Hopewell, Hunterdon Co.; will of. Wife, Parnel.

Children — John (is at College), and Elizabeth, both under age. Nephews — Ebenezar, son of brother John Davenport of Stanford, and John, son of brother Abraham Davenport of Stan- ford, remaindermen. Land in Stanford County; other real and per- sonal property, incl.

A negro slave, a library, a silver cup, and silver watch. Executors — the wife and said brother, Abraham. Witnesses — John Ballard, Nathan Moore, John Guild. Proved February 20, 1758. Inventory, £987.15.1, incl.

A watch, £10; debts due, £739.10.3; a negro wench and child, £50; 14 silver spoons, £7; a silver cup, £2.5; a looking glass, £1.5; 2 pictures, 7/6; another looking glass, £1.15; 245 books and pamphlets, £39.12.6; made by Henry Wool- sey and Nathan Moore. Davice, (Davis), Thomas, of Menington 'Present' Salem Co.; will of.

Wife, Mary, and son, John MacKoun, sole heirs and Executors of real and personal estate, with remainder to Sarah Ryan. Apprentices — John Aherrin, Daniel Fretch and James Right, CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 8/ all under 17, to 'be sent to a trade.' Witnesses — Isaac Johnson, William Harvey and James Kelly. Inventory, £117.17.5, by Hans Bilderback and Wil- liam Peterson. Davis, David, of Philadelphia, mariner. Ac- count (Burlington Co.) of the estate, £171.7.11, by the Adm'x, Lydia Davis, who charges against it £206.2.

For payment of a debt due to James Murgatroyd. Archives, Vol. Wills 4641 C. Davis, David, Esq., Piles Grove Township, Salem Co.; will of. Wife, Dorothy.

Children — David, Jacob, Hannah, Sarah, Griscom, Mercy Redman and Amy Gill, Three tracts of land on Oald- man's Creek, bought of David Jess, Aaron Silver and Joshua Bis- pham; home farm, with 55 acres, bought of brother, Isaac Davis; a lot bought of Samuel Ladd; land bought of Samuel Wright; meadow, leased to Lewis Mulford. Personal property. Executors — the wife and sons, David and Jacob. Witnesses — William Brick, J6hn Kee, Joseph Pauline (Pawling). Inventory, £596.15.5, incl. Bills, bonds, book debts and cash, £218.10.11; a servantman, £14; 33 'chears,' a couch and 3 lookingglasses, £6.0.6; made by Isaac Sharp and Samuel Lippincott, 1759, Sept. Account by Jacob Davis and David Davis.

Davis, Jolm, Jr., of Essex Co., yeoman; will of. Children — John, Jacob and Anna. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and John Crane. Witnesses — Samuel Roberson, Isaac Crane, Rebekah Clark.

Proved August 4, 1760. Davis, Joseph, of the 'Borrough' of Elizabeth, Essex Co.; will of. Children — Caleb, John, Joseph, and Phebe, all under age. 'Two children the wife had when I married her.'

Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife, Caleb Brown and Amos Day. Witnesses — Moses Rolfe, Joseph Whitehead. Samuel Rolfe. Inventory, £171.13.0, by John Ogden and Josiah Crane.

Davis, Samuel, of Greenwich Township, Gloucester Co., farmer; will of. Wife, Anne, sole heiress and Executrix of real and personal estate, with legacies to brothers Benjamin and William Davis, and sister Elizabeth Jones. Witnesses — Mary Taylor.

Benjamin Barns, John Rumford. Proved May 28, 1754. 1754, June 8. Inventory, £250.13.2, incl. Dues, debts and specialties, £55; silver buckles; made by John Rumford and Thomas Denny. Davis, William, of Gloucester Township and County, yeoman; will of. Children — John, Gabriel, William, Ezekiel, Samuel and James.

Granddaughter, Hannah Dukemaneer. Personal prop- erty. Executors — sons John and Samuel.

Witnesses — Thomas Rob- son, Mary Fordam, Michaell Fisher. Proved July 29, 1757. 88 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1757, July 26. Inventory, £397.0.3, incl. Bills, bonds and bookdebts, £368.9.11; made by Michaell Fisher and John Hillman.

Davis, William, of Monmouth Co. Bond of Isaac Rogers, of Allen Town, Monmouth Co., as Adm'r; John Lawrence, of Burlington City, fellowbondsman. Inventory, £17.7.0, by Thomas Tyrer and Nathaniel Warner. Account by Administrator, Isaac Rogers. 1749, June 6.

Davison, John, of New Brunswick, yeoman; will of. Mother, Sarah Davison. Children — Agnes and George. Personal estate, incl. Debt due by Vincent Dye.

Executors — the wife, father-in-law Daniel Baker and Jonathan Combs. Witnesses — Dun- can Campbell, John Devison, John Ireland.

Proved June 19, 1751. 1751, June 8. Inventory, £264.12.11, incl. Bonds and book debts, £206.19.5; made by John Wogelom and Duncan Campbell. The estate is indebted £22.17.1, to Mathew Collins, Tice Johnston, James Brown, Samuel Rogers, Jean Davison and Folkert van Nordstrant.

Davisan, JoBlah, Esq., of Middlesex Co.; will of. Children — John, Andrew, Amaziah, Nathaniel (absent on an expedition), Annias and Mary (wife of Joseph Skelton). Grand- son, Josiah Davison. Homefarm; another of 202 acres, bought of James Alexander of New York; 120 ac. Adjoining the last on the South side; a lot on Divel's Brook; meadow adjoining James Davison; a farm near the Great Bridge and the milldam; a lot on the new road and Stony Brook, adjoining Cornelius Covenhoven; meadow above the Palls' Dam; houses and lots in Princeton. Personal estate. Execu- tors — son John, son-in-law Joseph Skelton and Jacob Scudder.

Wit- nesses — Albert Schenck, Jacob Schenck and Nathaniel Scudder. Inventory, £129.14.6, incl. A book (Conductor Gen- eralis), 7/6; made by Joseph Hornor and Robert Priest; 8 bonds called unsettled and no value given. Day, Daniel, of 'Mendum,' Morris Co.; will of. Children — Benjamin, Samuel, Desire, Timothy, Daniel, Zekiel, Artemas, Nehemiah, Jeremiah and Marcy, the last five under age. Real and personal estate.

Executors — sons Benjamin and Sam- uel. Witnesses — William Minthorn, John Daniel, Brice Riky.

Proved June 10, 1760. 1754, June 4. Day, David, of the Parish of New Providence, 'Bur- rough' of Elizabeth, Essex Co.; will of. Daughters — Abigail (wife of William Maxfell), Sarah, Mary, Jemima and Susanna. Land on and near Long Hill, bought of Joseph Jagger and Timothy Harrison; home farm.

Personal property (money at 8s. Executors — brother Samuel Day of Morris and Josiah Broadwell of New Provi- dence. Witnesses — Jonathan Mulford, John Hall, Timothy Allen. Proved July 2, 1754. Inventory, £250.7.2%, by Samuel Rolph and Elnathan Cory. Day, Humphrey, of Waterford, Gloucester Co., yeoman; will of. Children — Charles and Rebecca CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 89 Spicer.

Granddaughter, Abigail Rudderow. Real and personal es- tate. Sole executor — Henry Wood, of Waterford, yeoman. Wit- nesses — William Hepard, Ephraira Stiles, Samuel Spicer. 24, Inventory, £222.0.6; incl. Books, £1.10; 2 looking- glasses and maps, £2; made by William Stowe (Stone?) and Samuell Spicer. Day, Jane, widow of Humphrey, of Waterford, Gloucester Co.; will of.

Children — Rebekah, Spicer and Charles, the latter sole executor. Granddaughter, Abigail Rudderow. Personal property. Witneses — John Holmes, Samuell Spicer. Proved April 4, 1760. Inventory, £199.16.6, incl.

Books, £1.10; a bond of Charles Day, £168.19.10; made by Henry Wood and Samuel Spicer. Deacon, John, of Burlington City. Inventory, £306.12, incl. Books, £1.18.6; a goldring; made by William Heulings and John Antram. Sworn to by George Antram as Adm'r. Bond of George Deacon as Adm'r; John Antram fel- lowbondsman, both of said City.

Deal, Samuel, of Hunterdon Co., yeoman; will of. Daughters — Mary and Sarah. Legacies to Edmond Beeks and William Clayton, both of Trenton. Executors — William Clayton and Nathan Beeks, also of Trenton.

Witnesses — James Cu- mine, John Chapman, Will Ball. Dean, Samuel, of Amwell, Hunterdon Co., school- master. Bond of William Gano as Adm'r; Joakim Griggs fellow- bondsman, both of said Amwell, farmers. Wills, 307 J. Inventory, £22.14.4, incl. A library of books, 19/4; made by David Oliphant and Richard Holcombe.

Account by Adm'r. Deare, John, of Perth Amboy. Margaret Deare renounced her right to administer on her husband's, John Deare's, estate, in favor of James Newell and Jonathan Deare. Witness — William Deare. Adm'rs — James Newell and Jonathan Deare, both of Perth Amboy. Bondsmen — Thomas Johnson and David Gosling. Wit- ness — Thomas Bartow.

Inventory, £270.0.8, incl. Bills, bonds and bookdebts, no amount given; a clock, £7; spoons and other silverware, £10.11.6; a Bible, 10s.; a negro man, £60; a negro woman, £20; made by Thomas Skinner and Robert Sproull.

Account by Jonathan Deare as surviving administra- tor, who gives its value as £325.16.3. Deare, WSllianw of Monmouth Co. Bond of Joseph Forman as Adm'r; Ezekiel Forman fellowbondsman. Deamal, John, of Evesham Township, Burlington Co.; will of.

Wife, Hannah. Children — Lewis, Edward and Jemima 90 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS (under age). Farm of 600 acres at Eggharbour, between Mullikons River and Waiding River; homefarm adjoining Abram Borton and James Mayson (formerly Richard Boyes). Personal estate. Execu- tors — the wife and son, Lewis. Witnesses — William Foster, Hannah Foster, Jr., Josiah Foster.

Codicil of same date describes two pieces of cedar swamp, one of 4^^ acres in Telpahakin woods; the other of 2 ac. At the head of Homan's Neck on a branch of Waiding River. Same witnesses. 1759, May 12. Inventory, £191.18.10, incl.

A servant lad's time, £7; made by John Woolman and James Cattell. Deboogh, Frederick, of Freehold, Monmouth Co., yeo- man; will of. Wife, Hannah. Children — van Hook (?) Debogh, Han- nah, Mary van Hook, Francis, Sarah and Solomon. Grandson, Fred- rick Brown.

Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife, the son and son-in-law, Laurance Debogh and Mathias Mount. Witnesses — James Romine, Robert Cumming, James Romine, Jr. 1759, April 17.

Decamp, Benjamin, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., yeoman. Adm'x — Elizabeth DeCamp. Bondsman — John Lee, of Woodbridge. Witness — Thomas Bartow. De Cow, Isaac, Sr., of Burlington City, yeoman; will of. Wife, Martha. Children — Isaac, Anne Fenemer, and Joseph.

Granddaughter, Frances De Cow. Daughter-in-law, Sarah De Cow.

Legacies to Mary Sands and Elizabeth Blundon. Meadow and up- land, 6-7 acres, in townbounds; 2 ac. Of meadow next London Bridge on the Island of Burlington; farm of 400 ac, called Rehoboth, in New Hanover, house and lot on Second Str., Burlington, next to Joshua Raper's orchard; another on said street, now occupied by John Henry; homestead in High Str.; 500 ac.

In Morris Co., now occupied by Henry Dill; land at the Marble Mountain. Personal estate, incl. A large Bible and rents due by John Clauinger.

Executors — the two sons: witnesses Edw. Rads Price, Nathl Thomas, Rebecca Trap- nell.

Proved July 29, 1755, by John Trapnell, widower of said Re- becca, and Joseph Hollingshead as acquainted with the signatures of the witnesses, who are all dead. De Cow, Isaac, of Burlington, joiner; will of. Wife, Hannah, sole Executrix. Daughters — Hannah and Anne, both under age. Real and personal estate.

Witnesses — Alice Read, Lewis Og- den, Ara. 1759, June 25. Degamo, John, of Newark. Adm'x Lucretia Degamo, his widow.

Bondsman — Thomas Gould, of Newark. Wit- ness — Uzal Ogden. Dehart, Daniel, Sr., of Elizabethtown, Essex Co., yeoman; will of. Children — Margret, Anne, Elizabeth, Catherine, Daniel, Baltus, Mathias and Samuel.

Children of dec'd. Daughter, Sarah, viz., Catherine, Mary and Sarah. Real and personal estate. Executors — the four sons. Witnesses — Robert Ogden, David Ogden, Andrew Hay. CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 9I 1759, Dec. Dehart, Jacob, Jr., of Elizabeth Town, Essex Co.

Adm'x — Elizabeth Dehart, the widow. Bondsman — Jacob De- hart, Esq., of Elizabeth Town. 'Witness — Lewis Ogden. I 1737, July 12. DeHart, Mathlas, of Elizabeth Town, Essex Co., mariner; will of.

Daughter — Margaret Williamson, a widow, to have land in said town. Executrix — said Margaret. Witnesses — James Keen, Margaret Van Pelt, George Emott. Dels (Debs?), Peter, of Amwell Township, Hunterdon Co., yeoman; will of. Children — Ann, Sarah and Peter (under age). Executors — father Peter Debs and brother John Dels, both of said Township.

Witnesses — Dennes Habbich (Hopaugh, later, Hoppock), Henrich Delsz (both signing in German script) and John Opdyke. Proved August 25, 1760. Inventory, £125.9. By John Opdyck and Daniel Car- roll. Demarest, David, of Hackinsack, Bergen Co., yeoman; will of. Children — David, Rachel, Mary, Elisabeth.

Sara, Anna, Mar- tintie, William (dec'd?) who has left a son David, a minor. Grand- children — David and Jacobus Demarest; Sara, daughter of Elisabeth. Land near the Church at Schraalingburgh, bought of Lucas van Horn. Personal property.

Executors not appointed. Witnesses — Johannes Demarest, Peter Demarest and Lourens Torse. Proved March 4, 1760. Bond of David Demarest, his son, as Adm'r with will annexed (will missing); Johannes Demarest fellow-bondsman. De Money, Henry, of the Boro' of Elizabeth, Essex Co., tailor; will of. Children — Henery Demoney, Augustus Demoney, An Wood, Easter Freeman, Marey Prasey and Suzanah Demoney. Real and personal estate.

Executor son (son-in-law.) Joseph Pra- sey of said Boro'. Witnesses — Moses Prazee, Samuel Willis, John Stits. 6, Inventory, £186.8.8% by Joseph Prazee and Benjamin Littell. DeMott, Mattes, of Township and Co.

Gentleman; will of. Son, Michael, to have blacksmith tools as his birthright. Sons, Michael and Joris, to have house and lands where I live. Son, Hendrick, the plantation where he lives in Morris Co. Son, Jacob, the plantation where he lives.

Daughter, Clasie, £160. Daughter, Ontie, £160. Daughter, Maritie, £200. Sons, Michael and Joris, and daughter, Maritie, to have outset as other children had. Executors — sons Mickel, Hendrick, Joris and Jacob. Witnesses — Reynier van Griess, Jacob Van Winckel, Daniel Van Winckel. Proved June 8, 1756.

Inventory (much of it eaten away) of the personal estate, incl. A gold doubloon, £5.12; a gold St. Johannis, £24; 6 small pieces of gold, £9; 6 negro slaves (young and old), £108.10; a silver cup, £4; many bonds; made by Machyel de Moedt (De Mott), Hen- deryck de Moedt and Yocob de Mot, Executors; appraised by Reynier van Giesen and Zacharias Sickels. 92 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1760, Feb.

Denbain, James, of the South Ward of Perth Amboy; will of. Wife, Abigail. Children — James, John, William, Obadiah and Margaret, all under age. Real and personal estate. Executors — Samuel Throckmorton and Andrew Smyth.

W?itnesses — William Crawford, John Brown and John Abraham. Proved April 23, 1760. 1751, April 19. Oeiunan, William, of Essex Co.

Adm'x — Lydia Denman, widow. Bondsman — John Denman, of Essex Co. Witness — Uzal Ogden. 1751, March 23. Inventory, £40.3.3, by Jonathan Allen and John Potter.

Denn, John, of Alleways Creek, Salem Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Elizabeth. Children — James.

David, John (the last two under age), Rachel and Elizabeth. Brother, Paul Denn, remain- derman. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and Joseph Stretch. Witnesses — John Bacon, Benjamin Tyler and Philipp Dennis, Jr. Inventory, £249.8.9, by Solomon Ware and John Stewart. Denn, Joseph, of Stoe Creek Precinct, Cumberland Co., yeoman; will of.

Wife, Rebeckah. An expected child. Cousins — Amos and Joseph (sons of Daniel and Mary Bacon), remaindermen.

Farm bought of John Padgett. Personal property. Executor — John Barrowclif.

Witnesses — Moses Padgeg (Padgett), Aaron Daniel, Peter Long. Inventory, £145.13.4, by Peter Long and Richard Butcher. Account by the Executor. 1759, July 24. Denn, Paul, of Allaways Creek, Salem Co., labourer. Inventory, £101.6.9, by Jonathan Bradway and John Stewart. Bond of Lydia Denn as Adm'x; John Stewart and Samuel Hancock fellowbondsmen, all of Allaways Creek.

Dennis, Jacob, of Goodluchin, Monmouth Co. Bond of Joseph Bullock as Adm'r; Joseph Reckless fellowbondsman, both of Burlington Co., gents.

Dennis, John, of 'Shrosbury' Township, Monmouth Co.; will of. Wife, Ellinor. Children — James, John, Jacob, Philipp, Sarah Piatt, Susannah Piatt, Rebecca Piatt, Anna Jonson, Rachel and Hannah. Land on North and South side of 'Seader' Creek, on the Bay. Personal property.

Executors — sons Jacob and Philipp. Wit- nesses — William Worth, Elizabeth Ogley and Samuel Emily.

Proved August 2, 1756. 1756, July 22. Inventory, £96, by David Lippincott and Samuel Emley. Dennis, John, of Piles Grove, Salem Co.; will of. Wife, Elizabeth. Children — George William and Anne, all under age.

Home farm; 2 lots of land on Cedar Creek, Shrewsberry. Personal property. Executors — Jacob Dennis and Philip Dennis, CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 93 both of Shrewsberry. Witnesses — Robert Clark, Jonathan Fowller, Andrew Sinnickson and Bowes Wray. Inventory, £108.12.5, by Robert Clark and John Beesly. Dennis, Jonathan, of Somerset Co., yeoman; will of.

Wife, Agness. Real and personal estate. Executors — the son and Abraham van Tuyl of said Co. Witnesses — Jonas Green- way, Benoni Coshow and Elias v.

Proved September 24, 1759. Inventory, £379.19.6, incl. Bonds, £127; Flavel's Works, £2; Hall's Works, 18s.; a Commentary upon the Revelations, 7s.; a Bible and other books, 7s.; made by Polkert Sebring and Thomas Coon, Jr.; Abraham van Tuyl and Robert Dennes, Executors, 1754, Sept. Dennis, Joseph, of Piles Grove, Salem Co.; will of. Brothers — Joseph (sole Executor) and James. Sisters, Sarah Plats, Rebeckea Plats, Susannah Plats, Ann Jonson, Rachel Dennis and Hannah Dennis, to inherit the estates.

Witnesses — Robert Clark, William Cattell, Thomas Roberts. Inventory, £60.4.7, incl. Bills and bonds, £48.11.7; made by Jacob Andrews and Samuel Emiley. Denton, 'William, of Cumberland Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Ann, sole heiress and Executrix of real and personal estate. Legacies to William Tullis, husband of eldest daughter Ellena Denton, and to daughter, Mary Denton.

Witnesses — Henry Stevens, Dan Bowen, Samuel Woodruff. Proved August 4, 1752. 1752, July 12. Inventory, £53.2.2, incl. Books, by Joseph Lord and Andrew Erickson.

Derickson, Manoah, of Greenwich, Gloucester Co.; will of. Wife, Christian. Children — John, Deborah, Elenor Matton and Erick.

Real and personal estate. Executors — son John and John Jones. Witnesses — William Cobb, Peter Cox, John Jones. Inventory, £42.15, incl. Books, £1.10; made by Law- rence Lock and Andrew Archard. John Jones, one of the Executors, named in the pre- ceding will, refuses to serve. Derriclcson, Peter, of Penn's Neck, Salem Co.

Inventory, £132.18.2, incl. Credits and 'desparate' debts, £95.13.2; made by Alen Congelton and John Vanneman. Bond of William Derickson as Adm'r; John Vanne- man fellowbondsman, both of Pen's Neck. Devan.sne, John, of Essex Co.

Adm'x — Easter Devansue, widow. Bondsman — Michael Vrelandt, of Acquacknong, in Essex Co. Witness — Lewis Ogden.

1749-'50, Feb. Devenny, William, of Freehold, Monmouth Co., yeoman; will of. Children — George, William (both under age) and Leah.

Real and personal estate. Executors — the 94 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS wife and Hendrick Vorehis. Witnesses — Timothy Lloyd, John John- son, John Anderson. Inventory, £93.9, incl. Old books 12s., made by Timothy Lloyd and Richard Pettinger. 1757, June 25.

Dickenson, Mark, of AUoways Creek, Salem Co. Bond of Margreat Dickenson (Dickerson) as Adm'x; John Holme fellowbondsman, both of said Co. 1757, June 25. Inventory, £290.11.7, by John Holme and William Oakford. Dickey, Robert, of Manington, Salem Co.

In- ventory, £57.10.6, by Hans Bilderback and William Moore. Bond of Deborah Dickey, widow of Robert, as Adm'x; William Moore, of Manington, fellowbondsman. Dickinson, Rev.

Jonathan of Elizabeth. Inventory, £703.5.11. Made by Edward Sale and John Ross.

(Inventory filed March 21, 1752). Archives, Vol. 143, for will]. Essex Wills, 1435 G. 1751, May 11. Dilkes, James, of Deptford, Gloucester Co., yeoman; will of. Children — Isaac, Abraham, John, Joseph, James, Thomas, Rachel Moore and Sarah Nightingale.

Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and son Isaac. Witnesses — Peter Mar- riage, John Irwen, David Scram. Inventory, £103.15, by George Flaningam and James Cattell.

Dingee, Jndlth, of Great Egg Harbour, Gloucester Co.; will of. Children — Susannah Steelman, Mary, Judith, John Steel- man, Peter Steelman. Son-in-law, Noah Smith. The last two named made Executors of personal estate. Legacy to apprentice girl, Mary Plunket.

Witnesses — Pheby Hackney, Hanah Denis. Proved May 24, 1751. 1751, May 16. Inventory, £59.10.6, by Gideon Scull and James Som- ers.

Wills, 481 H. 1748-'49, Jan. Disbrow, Griffin, of Perth Amboy, Middlesex Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Hannah.

Children; of whom son, Benja- min, only is named. Legacy to mother, Mary Disbrow.

Real and personal estate, incl. Executors — Richard (?) Eserson, Esq., and Richard Fitz Randolph, joiner. Witnesses — John Disbrow, James Willson, Thomas Fox. Proved March 11, 1754. Dltrich, Peter, of Burlington Co. Adm'r — Henry Paxson. Bondsman — Thomas Shinn.

Witnesses — S. Black- wood and Gabriel Blond. Inventory, £17.1.11, incl.

Silver buttons and buckles, £1.11.8; made by Daniel Jones, Jr., and John West. Dod, Timothy, of Newark.

Adm'rs — Samuel Farand and John Dod, Jr., of Newark. Bondsman — Joseph Ball, of Newark. Witnesses — ^Uzal Ogden and John Dehart. CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I7, Jan. Dolan, Charles, of Sussex Co. Bond of John Allison, of Sussex Co., as Adm'r; Moore Furman, of Trenton, Hun- terdon Co., fellowbondsman. Attached to the bond a letter from Charles Hoff, Jr., to Johanna, widow of William Hendrickson, Nov.

1, 1754, asking for payment of her late husband's debts. She replies, that she refuses to administer on the estate.

Inventory, £14.8.4, by William Juell and John Cor- nelison. 1758, Jane 5.

Donham (Dunham), David; of Woodbridge, Middle- sex Co., yeoman. Adm'x — Mary Dunham, widow. Bondsman — Isaac Freeman, of Woodbridge, yeoman. Witness — Thomas Bar- tow. 1758, June 13. Inventory, £303.12.6, incl.

3 Bibles and other Books, 18s.; 2 silver spoons, 16s.; made by Samuel Barron and Nathaniel Fitz Randolph. 1761, June 23.

Account, by the Adm'x, Mary Dunham, who charges against it £43.15.3. As the widow's third, and £30. As 'a legacy left me by my mother,' in all £253.10.7. Donham (Dunham), Denness, of Middlesex Co.; will of.

Gives personal estate to brother. Robart Donham, and sisters, Mary and Sarah.

No executor named. Witnesses — Samuel Kelly, and Elisebeth Kelly.

Proved June 2, 1756, when administration, with the will annexed, is granted to Robert Donham. Doody, Richard, of Elsinburrough, Salem Co. Inventory, £328.17.11, incl. A servant boy, £8; a set of musquito nets; outstanding debts, £41.7.5; made by William Goodwin and Aaron Bradway.

1759, May 15. Bond of Elinor Doody as Adm'x; John Mason fellow- bondsman, both of Elsinburrough. Doolhagren, Frederick, of New Brunswick, Middlesex Co. Inventory, £682.5.2, incl. Bills and bonds, £242.9.1; 6 negroes, £195; made by Mathias van Dike and Joseph Skelton. Bond of Martha Doolhagen, of Middlesex Co., as Adm'x; Benjamin Stout, Jr., of Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., fellow- bondsman.

Dooren (Dome), Comelliui, of Middletown, Monmouth Co.; will of. Wife (not named). Children — Cornelius, Nicholas, Cath- arine, Joseph, Deatluf, Elinor and Anne.

Grandson — James Wilson. Real and personal estate. Executors — sons Deatluf, Cornelius and Nicholas.

Witnesses — John Wall, Jr., Cornelious van der Belt and John Bowne. 1754, June 27. Dorlandt, Jan. Of Somerset Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Aeltje. Friend, Hendrick Pettinger. Youngest sister, Antje.

Another sister, Gertje. Three brothers.

Executors — Leffert Lef- ferson and Isaac Lot, of Long Island, N. Y., and Hendrick Pettinger, of Somerset Co. Witnesses — Samuel Tilton, Richard Pittenger, Ten- nis Middagh. Proved August 8, 1754. Inventory, £275.2, incl. 4 negroes, £170; taken by his Executors, Leffert Leffertse and Isack Lott; appraised by Richard Parsell and Abraham Voorhees.

96 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1754, July 5. Donneus, John, of Bergen Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Elizabeth, to have all real and personal estate she may want during life; then son, Cornelius, to have the real estate. Oldest son, John; daughters, Jannetje (wife of Michel Hertie) and Elizabeth. Children of daughter, Aeltje, viz., Jacob, Elizabeth and Annatje.

Children of son Abraham, viz., John and Cathreen. Executors — son, Cornelius, and son-in-law, Michel Hertie. Witnesses — Deyrck Day, Nicholas Kip, Phillip Schuyler, Proved Feb. 1759, Jane 30.

Doty, Mostis, Jr., yeoman, of Somerset Co. Inventory, £81.11.6, by Joseph Pound and Nathaniel Ayers.

Bond of Rachel, his widow, as Adm'x; William Worth and Nathaniel Ayers, both of said Co., fellowbondsmen. Douglas, George, of Chesterfield Township, Burling- ton Co.; will of. Wife, Elkalannah (Althalannah). Children — John, Mary Teay, Demuras Till, and William. Grandchildren — Ellick- Sander (Alexander) Douglass, George Douglass, John and Ann Gin- kins (children of John Ginkins), William, daughter Mary's children, and other grandchildren, (names not given).

Land in Nottingham Township, said Co.; also on the seashore. Personal property.

Executors — the wife and son William. Witnesses — Mar- maduke Watson, Peter Dopson, Hugh Newell. Inventory, £745.10.8, incl. Bills, bonds and bookdebts, £517.4.4; made by Joseph Thorn and Samuel Farnsworth. Donglass, William, of Burlington Co. Bond of Neil Levingston as Adm'r; Charles Axford fellowbondsman, both of Trenton. BurL Wills, 4949 C.

Dowdney (Downey), John, of Hopewell Town- ship, Cumberland Co., mason; will of. Wife, Tabitha. Children — Nicholas, Nathaniel, John, Burrows, George and Mary. Homefarm and other land. Personal property, incl. Executors — the wife and son Nicholas.

Witnesses — William Dowdney, Nicholas Johnson, Robert Kelsay. Proved March 22, 1758. Inventory, £523.14.10, incl. Bills, bonds, etc., $221.7.6, made by Samuel Fithian and Robert Ewing.

Down, Jenuma, widow of Robert, of Deptford Town- ship, Gloucester Co.; will of. Children — Aq.uila, John (both married), William, Jemima, (wife of William Smallwood).

Granddaughters — ■ Mary (wife of James Hilman), Sarah Down and Jemima Smallwood. Sister, Hannah (wife of John Kentin).

Mentions, also, Mary, wife of brother, Anthony Sharp. Personal estate. Executor — son William. Witnesses — Thomas Andrews and Jos'a Lord. 1760, May S, Down, Mary, of Gloucester Co. Bond of John Down as Adm'x; Thomas Cox fellowbondsman, both of Deptford Township, Gloucester Co., yeoman.

Down, Robert, of Newtown, Gloucester Co., yeoman. Inventory, £258.7.6, incl. Bonds, book debts, cash and notes. CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 97 £166.2.6; a watch, silver spoons, etc., £8; made by Robert Stephens and Joseph EJllis. Bond of widow, Ann Down, of Newton Township, as Adm'x; John Down, of Deptford Township, yeoman, fellowbondsman. Account, by John EJastlack, husband of Ann Down, the widow and administratrix of Robert.

Doyle, Robert, of Newton, Gloucester Co., yeoman. Inventory, £97.11, incl. Bills and bonds, £87.2, made by James Powell and Isaac Mickle. Bond of Isaac Stephens as Adm'r; Robert Stephens fellowbondsman, both of Gloucester Co., yeomen.

Drake, F*rancUi, of Hopewell Township, Hunterdon Co.; will of. Divides personal estate between Baptist Society in Hopewell, (the interest of the bond against brother-in-law Richard Evans to be paid for the use of said Society to Zebulon Stout and Capt. David Stout), the father, brother Zachariah Drake, and half sister Hannah Drake (under age). Executors — brothers Edmond and Daniel Drake. Witnesses — Thomas Drake. Joseph Newton, Zachariah Drake.

Proved April 17, 1753. Inventory, £91.0.9, incl. Bills, bonds and book debts, £62.11.9; made by Azariah Hunt and Andrew Vannoy, 1754, May 7. Drake, Henry, of New Brunswick.

Adm'x — Kezia Drake, widow. Bondsman — James Mathis, of New Brunswick.

Drake, Isaac, of the Borough of Elizabeth, Essex Co.; will of. Children — Samuel, Daniel, Nathaniel and Hannah (wife of George Lang). Grandchildren — Martha (daughter of Samuel), Isaac, Nathaniel and Sarah (children of dec'd. Legacies to Thomas Johnson and to the Baptist Church in Piscataway. Real and personal estate, incl.

Negro slaves. Executors — sons Samuel and Daniel. Witnesses — Jeremiah Manning, James Manning, Reune Run- yon. Inventory, £456.8.10, by James Manning and John Blackford. Drake, James, of Woodbridge, blacksmith. Adm'rs — Isaac Stelle and Joseph Pitz Randolph, both of Piscataway.

Witness — Thomas Bartow. Easther Drake, the widow, renounced. Drake, Jeremiah, of Piscataway, Middlesex Co.; will of. W'ife (not named).

Children — Andrew, Jeremiah, Hugh, Ruth Dunham and Martha, all under age. Real and personal estate. Exe- cutors — brother Pitz Randolph Drake and brother-in-law David Dun- ham. Witnesses — Trustrum Manning, Thomas Holtom and Reune Runyon. Proved February 5, 1759. Inventory, £264.10.9, incl.

A large Bible 14s.; other books 7s.; 2 deerskins, £1.10; made by David Fitzrandolph and Reune Runyon. Drake, John, of Piscataway, Middlesex Co.; wlU of. Wife, Ann, sole heiress. Brother-in-law, Joseph Fitzrandolph 7 98 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS and cousin, Joseph Fitzrandolph, Jr., Executors. Witnesses — Jere- miah Drake, Joseph Fitz Randolph, Jr., Marey Dannis. Proved May 30, 1751.

1751, May 29. Inventory, £69.11.6, incl. Books, 5s.; made by John Hepburn and George Marlett. Drake, Joseph, of Piscataway, Middlesex Co., yeoman; will of. Sons — Ephraim, Ruben, Simmeon, Imle and Joseph. Real and personal estate.

Executors — the wife and broth- er-in-law, James Matthes. Witnesses — Isaac Stelle, Benjamin Dunn and Mary Kip. Inventory, £223.5.10, incl.

A Bible and other books 7s.; a negro man, £25; made by Reune Runyon and Isaac Stelle. Drake, Rachel, of Hopewell, Hunterdon Co. Inventory, £152.18.3, incl. A goldring with silver buckle and girdle, 19/6; Indian corn and flaxseed; made by Henry van Kirk and Reuben Armitage.

Bond of Francis Drake and Thomas Drake as Adm'rs; Henry van Kirk fellowbondsman, all of Hopewell, yeomen. Wills, 308 J. Account by Thomas Drake, acting Executor. Drake, 'William, of Hopewell Township, Hunterdon Co., labourer; will of.

Wife, Susannah. Son, William, under age.

Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and brother, Rich- ard Evins. Witnesses — Benjamin Drake, Daniel Drake, Edward Cooper. Proved April 6, 1752. Inventory of the estate: Real, 88 acres of land, £120; personal, £57.4.6; made by Henry van Kirk and Edmund Drake. Wills, 209 J. Dubois, Jamentie (Jemima), of Piles Grove, Salem Co.; will of.

Refers to 'children,' but names only sons Abraham and Jacob, the latter being named sole Executor. Witnesses — Louis Dubois, Elizabeth Rose and Rebecah Elwell. Proved March 3, 1760. Inventory, £203.7.6, incl. A negro girl, £25; a negro child, £1; a silver cup, 20s.; bonds, cash, 'intrust' and money as yet 'unsarten,' £160.15.6; made by Isaac and Benjamin Burroughs. Dubois, Samuel, late of Staten Island, N. Y., now of Perth Amboy, Middlesex Co.; will of, John Thomson, husband of sis- ter.

Margaret Dubois, sole heir and Executor. Witnesses — Abraham Webb, Jonathan Deare and William Fondrill. Dubois, Solomon, of Piles Grove Township, Sa- lem Co., yeoman; will of. Brother, Garret Dubois, sole heir of per- sonal estate and part of father's plantation, if brother Abraham keeps his part.

Executors — said brother Garret and Dr. Patrick Gray.

Wit- nesses — Thomas Hatter, William Lewis and Patrick Gray. 294, 1755, Dec. Inventory, £63.2.10. Bonds and notes, £26.5; made by Joshua Garrison and Abraham Nilukirk.

CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I7, Jan. Patrick Gray, of Piles Grove, one of the Executors named above, refuses to serve. Duboys, Abraham, of Somerset Co.; will of. Chil- dren — Abraham, Francyntje (wife of Bragon HofE). Marytje (wife of George Ryerse), Cathrine (wife of David Gano), Elizabeth (wife of Stephen Gano), Rebecca (wife of Frederick Van Vliet). Grand- children — Mary and Susannah Jubert and Abraham Duboys.

Land in said Co., 2,200 acres, divided into 6 lots. Personal estate. Execu- tors — Sons-in-law Hoff and Reyerse. Witnesses — William Ouke, Hendrick Staats and Minnie V. Codicil of Jan. 26, 1755, disposes of shares given to the grandchildren, in case they should die under age and without issue.

Same witnesses. Proved April 4, 1758. Duckmenere, John, of Gloucester Co., having been 'absent out of the Province five years,' not having been heard of since and having left a daughter, Hannah Duckmenere, under 14 years of age, to whom her grandfather. W^illiam Davis, left a legacy, likely to be wasted by the executors of said Davis' will, her uncles, John, James and Azekil Davis, petition that their brother, William Davis be appointed her guardian. Petition of Hannah Dukemanear to the same effect. Bond of William Davis as such guardian, John Hinchman, fellowbondsman, both of Gloucester Town and County, yeoman. Dnell, Thomas, of Pen's Neck, Salem Co.; will of.

Brother, John Duel. Cousin, John Duel (receives son Thomas' wearing apparel). Farm of 200 acres. Personal property. Executors — ■brother John Duel and Isaac Sharp. Witnesses — Joseph Applin, Obadiah Loyd and Mary Aplin. Inventory, £1,482.2.2, incl.

A clock; merchant's goods, £113.4.1; bills, bonds, book debts and notes. £1,127.7; a servant man, £16; made by Mathew Gill and Samuel Lippincotte. Isaac Sharp, named as one of the Executors, refuses to serve.

1760, July 19. Dnkemfner, Thomas, of Newton, Gloucester Co., hus- bandman. Bond of widow, Lydia Dukeminner, of Waterford Township, Adm'x. Jacob Stokes, of Newton, yeoman, fellowbondsman.

Account, £50, by the Adm'x. Who has increased it by £2, and reports on hand a balance of £6.6.7. Dnmont, John, of Somerset Co.; will of. Wife, Annatje. Children — John, Peter, Dirck, Abraham, and Femmetje. Real and personal estate.

Executors — brother Abraham Dumon and cousin John Brokaw. Witnesses — William Lane, John Davis and Joseph McKenzie. Proved June 6, 1759.

Inventory: Real — home farm of 615 acres, @ £3.10. Per acre, £2,152.10; two lots at Rariton Landing, Middlesex Co., £50; a right laid out on the Northbranch, £3.5.4. Personal — £1,073.- 13.4, incl, bonds, cash and notes, £63.4; 9 negroes, £265; 3 looking- glasses, £4.2; 6 silver spoons and a silver cup, £5.10; 400 bush, of 100 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS wheat, @ 5s., £100; 50 bush, of Indian corn, @ 2/6, £6.5; book debta, £149.0.6; appraised by Peter Wortman and Matheus ten Sick.

Abraham Dumon, one of the £]xecutors named above, refuses to serve. Dnnahn (DoBoho), Patrick, of Morris Co.; will of. Friend, Daniel Cooper, Jr., sole heir and Executor of personal estate. Witnesses — John Bowman, Peter Layten, Jacob McCollum. Inventory, £107.5, by Peter Layton and John Carl.

Dnnbarr, David, of Trenton, Hunterdon Co. In- ventory, £74.9.6, incl.

2 looking- glasses, 19s.; 4 maps and 6 pictures, 6s.; 6 silver spoons and a silver child's spoon, 17s.; 3 Bibles; Til- lotson's Works and other books; made by Joseph Yard and Alexander Chambers. 1752, June 1.

Bond of widow, Sarah Dunbar, as Adm'r; John Yard and Benjamin Yard fellowbondsmen, all of Trenton. Wills, 310 J. Dnnham, Jonathan, Jr., of Piscataway, Middlesex Co. Inventory, £411.1.4, incl. 122 sides of leather, at 9s, £54.18; 239 do. And 8 skins, supposed to be in the tan vats, £85.13; Peter King's servant man's time, £20; bills and book debts, £60.7.9, of which £8.1.3. Are called bad debts; made by David Fitzrandolph and John Gilinan.

Bond of Keziah, widow, and Malachi Fitz-Randolph of Woodbridge, as Adm'rs; Jonathan Fitzrandolph, of Piscataway, fellowbondsman. Dnnham, Mary, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., Inventory, £74.18.8, by Timothy Blomfield and Benjamin Allword, (Filed Sept. Account, by Jonathan Dennis dec'd, the administra- tor; signed by Robert Dennes, who charges £26.

For the support of Rachael Donham during 2 years, 3 months, attendance and funeral; £60. For support of Lewis Donham, 3 yrs. Old, when his mother died; 12s. For Jonathan's schooling 2 quarters, and nothing for Phebe Donham. Wills, 1409 L. (For administration, see Vol. 1758, July 22.

Dnnkin, John, of Salem, Salem Co., yeoman. Bond of widow. Elizabeth Dunkin, of Salem, as Adm'x; Daniel Dorwill (Dorrell) of Elsinburough, said Co., yeoman, fellowbondsman. Dnnlap, Capt.

James, of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., yeoman; will of. Wife (not named; apparently second, who has daughter Mary Anne). Sons — John, James and Thomas. Real and personal estate. Executors — son James and Isaac Sharp. Witnesses — Alen Congelton, William Dallbow and Robert Howard.

Proved March 20, 1758. Isaac Sharp, one of the Executors named above, refuses to act. Inventory, £398.10.4, of which the share of Mary Anne and her mother is £91.17.7; incl.

A looking glass and 7 silver CALENDAR OF WILLS — I75I-I760 lOI spoons; —, books; —. John is to receive £7; James, gold buttons and a sword, £6; Thomas, £271.11.3; and £22.1.6. Not bequeathed in the will; made by John Creag and Richard Moore.

Dunn, Ebenezer, of Penn's Neck, Salem Co. Inventory, £259.15, incl. A servant man; accounts and bonds, £38.5.7; made by Martin Skeer and Samuel Copner. Bond of Esther Dunn and Samuel Copner as Adm'rs; John Dunn fellowbondsman, all of Penn's Neck. Account by the above named Administrators, who report £211.7.11 on hand for distribution.

1759, Jane 1. Dunn, Hngrh, of Stow Creek, Cumberland Co.; will of. Children — Hugh, Amey Dunham. Samuel, Zurviah Barratt, Keziah Ayars (eldest daughter), Mary Riyel (?) and Sarah Davis. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and son Hugh.

Witnesses — Joseph Ayars, William, Russell, Jr., Jonathan Davis. Proved July 10, 1759. 1759, June 27.

Inventory, £208.4, by Jonathan Davis and Josiah Parvin. Dunn, Zacharlah, of Piscataway, Middlesex Co., car- penter. Inventory, £26.17.9, incl. 2 books; made by Nehemiah Dunham and Azariah Dunham.

— Bond of widow, Rachel, as Adm'x. Bondsman — Phinehas Dunn, of Piscataway, yeoman. Witnesses — David Dunham and Thomas Bartow. Dye, Isaac, of Piscataway, Middlesex Co., yeoman; will of. Wife (not named). Children — Isaac (under age), Catharine, Hannah, Sarah, Ussallar. An expected child.

Real and personal estate. Executors — William Williamson, Jeremiah Field, both of said Co., and Peter Williamson of Somerset Co. Witnesses — William Olden, William Wortman, Ellas v. Proved August 24, 1754.

£189.15.10, by Ellas v. Court and Andrew Conine.

Eakln, James, of Philadelphia, merchant; will of. To William McHenry, minister in Bucks Co., Pa., £15 in trust to pay it to my nephew, John Eakin, the son of my brother, Thomas Eakin, and, if he dies, then his sister, Mary, to have it. To brother, Thomas, clothing. My land in Hanover township, Morris Co. J., which I bought of John Scott and wife Sarah, to be sold. To my father, John Eakin, of County of Tyrone in Ireland, and my two sisters, Margaret and Mary, the rest.

Executor — my friend. George Orr, of Philadel- phia, coppersmith. Witnesses — Mathias Nider, Joseph Yeates, John Reily. 1754, May 25. The Executor died before probate and administra- tion with will annexed was granted to Sarah Orr, widow of George Orr.

Signed, William Plumsted, Register General of Penna. 1754, June 4. Adm'r — Elijah Gillett, of Morris Co., a creditor of James Eakin; appointed with will annexed.

Bondsman — John Scott, of Morris Co. Morris Wills, 56 N. EJarl, Thomas, of New Hanover, Burlington Co. £181.11.4, by John Steward and John Bullock. 102 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS 1752, Jan. Bond of widow, Judith Earl, of New Hanover, Adm'x; Joseph Steward and Thomas Emley, of the same place, yeoman, Samuel Woodward, Esq., of Burlington City, and Abraham Brown, Jr., of Chesterfield, yeoman, fellowbondsman. Wills, 4813 C.

Karl, William, of New Hanover Township, Burlinff- ton Co. Inventory, £233.0.1, incl. A silverwatch, £8.10; made by John Croshaw, William Stockton, and Samuell Wright, Jr. Bond of Mary Earl as Adm'x; Thomas Earl fellow- bondsman, both of New Hanover.

Barle, Edward, of Seacacoss, Bergen Co., gentleman, will of. Children — Edward, John, Philipp, Antlebee, Robert, Mary (wife of John Nelson), Elizabeth, Hester. Granddaughters — Eliza- beth Daves, Elizabeth Nelson.

House and lot; plantation adjoining Reyneer van Gezen on Hackensack River. Personal property. Ex- ecutors — son, John Earle, brother, William Earle, and kinsman, Daniel Smith. Witnesses — William Earle, Morris Earle and James McKinley. Proved May 12, 1755.

Inventory, (very worm eaten) made by Philipp Smith and John Smith. Earle, Henry, of Gloucester Co. Bond of Thomas Redman (Rodman) as Adm'r; Charles Farguison fellowbondsman, both of said Co., yeoman.

Inventory, £26.19.9; incl. Book debts, £14.5.3; made by Robert Frd.

Price and Richard.

Embed American Literary Scholar (2001).