Manual Del Sistema Valery Gerasimov

The article is devoted to the research of the phenomenon of care in connection with the search for the ecological validity of methods of training and professional selection of specialists in the area of psychological help aimed at creating a safe, healthy, positive (developing) environment. The projective technique created on the basis of the achievement motivation test by H. Heckhausen, as modified by M.Sh. Magomed-Eminov and TAT to identify the characteristics of the ability to care for the Other and its change in the course of students’ professional development, was approbated on university students. Trial subjects were 80 persons (31 men and 49 women).

There were four comparison groups. The trials showed significant difference in manifestation of aspects of care between psychology students and students of other specialties.

Manual Del Sistema Valery Gerasimov

Differences in the instrumental activity, imagination, involvement in the situation have been identified between the first-year and graduate psychologists (d. The article is devoted to the analytical understanding of the problems in the field of realisation and protection of the rights of children in Russia to identify and highlight existing problems in order to try to remove shortcomings and embark on further development and improvement of the legal and social mechanisms for the protection of children's rights. It analyses the modern legal and conceptual aspects of the current system of implementation mechanisms for the protection of human rights, during which a number of shortcomings and gaps in family laws and the system of legal protection of minors are found.

It identifies certain shortcomings and contradictions in the development of modern Russian legal theory and doctrine in the field of realisation and protection of the rights of the child, protection of motherhood and childhood in general. It explores specific aspects of relationships of family, school, society, human rights frameworks practical protection of the rights of the child and his or her right to live in a family. Scientific novelty and originality consists in identifying the main challenges and the importance of the family and family environment for socialization and upbringing of the child, for his or her moral and legal level of development, to create guarantees and protection of the rights of the child at home, at school, in the community as part of the mechanism of realisation and protection of the rights of the child.

The proposal is made for the establishment of a protection of the rights of the child by bringing together all stakeholders on the direction and control of the Commissioner for children's rights in the territory of each constituent entity of the Russian Federation with a view to improving efficiency in the interaction of state and non-state structures of society in the protection of children's rights. Keywords: Children's rights, family and family environment, human interaction, children's rights protection mechanism, Commissioner for children's rights institution, human rights regulation method, priority of the protection of children's rights and int. Anisimova L.V. Osobennosti statusa i perspektivy razvitiya instituta upolnomochennykh po pravam cheloveka v subyektakh Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Specific features of the status and development prospects for the institution of commissioners for human rights in constituent units of the Russian Federation].

Born on 8 September 1955 in the city of Kazan. In 1977, he graduated from the Kazan Higher Tank Command School named after the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Tatar ASSR (Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). He commanded platoon, company, battalion in the Northern Group of Troops and. Falso rumor sobre la compra del A400M por Indonesia-noticia Hypothetically speaking, U.S. Admiral says ready for nuclear strike on China if Trump so ordered Nuclear StrikeSecurity ConferenceDonald TrumpDonald O'connorChinaSwiftL'wren ScottUs NavyChange To.

Ombudsman, 2: 18-24. Krizis semji i reproduktivnogo povedeniya v Rossii kak proyavleniye mirovoy tendentsii [The crisis of family and reproductive behaviour in Russia as the exhibition of world trend]. Globalizatsiya i sotsializatsiya izmeneniya v sovremennoy Rossii: Reports of All-Russian sociology congress [Globalisation and social changes in contemporary Russia: Reports of All-Russian sociology congress] (Moscow, 3-5 October, 2006). Moscow, Russia. Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Planeta lyudei [People’s planet].

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Studies in Public Policy 9. (Dublin: The Policy Institute, Trinity College). Izdaniya i analiticheskiye materialy. 20 (365) December 2008. Zaschita prav detey v Evrope i Rossii [Protection of children’s rights in Europe and Russia]. Kontseptsiya demograficheskoy politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii na period do 2025 goda [Concept of demographic policy of the Russian Federation until 2025].

Approved by the Decree #1351 of the President of the Russian Federation as of the 9th October, 2007. Kontseptsiya gosudarstvennoy semeynoy politiki v Rossiyskoy Federatsii na period do 2025 goda [Concept of state family policy in the Russian Federation until 2025]. Approved by Executive order of the Government of the Russian Federation #1618-r as of the 25th August, 2014.

Sobraniye zakonodatelstva RF [Collection of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation],, No. 35, article 4811 Likhter P.L. Problemy sovershenstvovaniya zakonodatelstva o kompetentsii upolnomochennogo po pravam rebenka v Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Problems of improvement of the legislation on the competence of the commissioner for the rights of a child in the Russian Federation]. Leningradsky yuridichesky zhurnal [Leningrad law journal]. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Child-responsive Accountability: Lessons from social accountability, Working Paper 2013-04. UNICEF Office of Research, Florence Nechaeva A.M.

Zaschita rebenka v ramkakh semeynogo zakonodatelstva Rossii [Protection of children’s rights within family legislation of Russia]. Pravo i politika [Law and politics], 4: 52-59. Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, May 2000.

Rasporyazheniye Pravitelstva RF ot N 1662-r “O Kontseptsii dolgosrochnogo sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii na period do 2020 goda” [Executive order of the Government of the Russian Federation #1662-r “On the Concept of long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020” issued on ]. Sobraniye zakonodatelstva RF [Collection of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation],, No.

47, article 5489 Smirnov D.A., Strus K.A. General scientific analysis of Implementation of principles of law in the contemporary Russian legal basic. Indian journal of science and technology 8 (S10): 84867. Zdravomyslova O.M.

Gendernye aspekty sovremennykh rossiyskikh transformatsiy: problem metodologii issledovaniya: author's abstract by Ph.D [Gender aspects of modern Russian transformations: problems of research methodology: author's abstract by Ph.D]. Moscow, Russia. 3 Lunika Nikolaevna Korchagina, Galina Alekseevna Sugrobova,Galina Olegovna Galich, Svetlana Maximovna Gapeenkova & Irkyam Adgamovna Bareeva pp. 9 Article Number: ijese.2016.776 Published Online: November 11, 2016 Article Views: 367 Article Download: 311. During a prolonged period of time, the problem of violence among the minors in Russia did not receive enough attention, because the proportions of this phenomenon had not been very significant.

Present work addresses students’ representations of violence. Evaluating violence manifestations as a normative action or an action deviating from the accepted norm defines the reaction to it both in the direct participants and in the surrounding people. For a long time, this aspect has not been studied, which defines its novelty. Systemic approach is the methodic foundation of present study. We used survey as the main research method.

The results are differentiated by students’ age, gender and place of residence. The obtained data show that adolescents mainly see violence as openly aggressive behavior. The adequacy of violent actions is higher if the actions come from the peers, and lower if they come from adults. There are no significant differences between boys and girls in understanding violence, but the differences are significant between younger and older adolescents and between city and country residents. The results of the study would allow minimizing the risk related to violence. Keywords: violent forms of behavior, violent treatment, students’ representations of violence. During The aim of the multi-year study, conducted by the authors of present article, is to reveal the characteristics of social-cultural portrait of 9-16-year-old children, who grow up in the XXI century, along with the influence of modern children’s vision of life on their perception of art.

In order to solve the problem, the authors used the results of the survey and testing of two types: questionnaire survey and test tasks in the conditions of an in-depth interview. As a result of the study, the authors revealed three types of mutual influence of axiological orientations of the modern social-cultural environment and aesthetical advantages of art perception. The first stage of child’s art perception actualizes a relative harmony between author’s solution to the work of art and its perception by a recipient. A child perceives an integral content of work and does not contradict its aesthetic essences. In the second type of perception, a child assigns the axiological pathos, therefore narrowing the aesthetic essences of the work but accepting it emotionally.

The third type implies the choice of other life values (wealth, career, external beauty), which replace aesthetic essences of the classical art by the mass culture’s criteria. The types of social-cultural environment influence on the art perception of children, who grow up in the XXI century, have been revealed for the first time. Keywords: aesthetic development, social-cultural environment, perception of art, life values, pedagogics of art. This paper presents the assessment of homogeneity of the lease portfolio. Based on mathematical transformations, the risk management model of the lease portfolio was developed in accordance with the covariance of default probabilities.

A distinctive feature of this model is its practical orientation. Due to the crisis in the global economy, the problem of determining the homogeneity of portfolios and the segmentation of leaseholders has become very relevant.

When forming their lease portfolio, leasing companies should take into account the correlation between credit and market risks against the background of the compounding effect. The authors examine the model of the optimum lease portfolio, with a view to creating homogeneous sub-portfolios and taking into account the index of concentration and the correlation of defaults and loans in other segments. It is concluded that in the context of macroeconomic instability, the assessment of portfolio homogeneity and the segmentation of leaseholders helps to establish the most risky sub-portfolio. It will have the highest correlation value, risk concentrations and the average default probability, which, in turn, leads to the greatest standard deviation, and indicates a high level of unexpected losses.

Keywords: Portfolio, leasing, financial risks, default probability, concentration. Adelman, M.A. Comment on the H concentration measure as a numbers-equivalent. Review of Economics and Statistics, 2, 99–101. Ajupov, A.A., Mishina, M.S. & Ivanov, M.E.

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This paper presents the analysis of the concept of ‘multiculturalism’, highlighting its complex structure, which consists of the real phenomenon of contemporary life, scientific theory, ideology and policy. It reveals the discrepancy in the content of these components and discloses manifold reasons for the failure of the policy of multiculturalism, based on the inconsistency of the neoliberal ideology, its one-sidedness. This research also shows the interrelation and contradiction between various elements of culture of the epistemic, social and cultural nature.

The authors believe that the abandonment of the policy of multiculturalism does not mean the elimination of the cultural diversity of the surrounding world, which is objectively the basis for the human progress. Keywords: Multiculturalism, neoliberalism, cultural and national autonomy, theory of civilization, civilization of the East and the West. The paper deals with the statement, formalization and implementation of the problem of choice and grounding of the technological equipment stock with account of organizational conditions of functioning. A criterion of optimal capacity load is chosen as one of the parameters. It is demonstrated how via transition from the problem of integer programming to the problem of linear programming, in which a feasible solution set is built in accordance with the described procedure, one can determine objectively determined valuations according to the results of application of the duality theory provisions and implement qualitative analysis of the produced solution. Keywords: Technological equipment, linear programming, calendar planning. Berry, P.M., Gervasio, M., Peintner, B.

PTIME: Personalized Assistance for Calendaring. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2(4). Advances in Mechanical Engineering: Selected Contributions from the Conference “Modern Engineering: Science and Education”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 20-21, 2013. «Calculating OEE» Vorne Industries.

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Is Schedulıng a Solved Problem? Carnegie Mellon University. Ramones More Unreleased Tracks Rare. Direct access: Stepanov, I.G. Production organization. Novokuznetsk: NFI KemSU, 93 p.

The Five Levels of Software Process Maturity as classified by the Capability Maturity Model. Software Engineering Institute, SEI. Direct access: Tolpegina, O.A. Economical analysis (teaching materials). Center for distance learning at Moscow Witte University. Direct access: Turovets, O.G., Popov, V.I. & Rodionov, V.B.

Production organization. Moscow: Ekonomika I finansy, 452 p. Ulitskaya, N.M. Published summary of the thesis. Local level of production development: management, transformation of workplaces, monitoring. Volgograd: VSU, 255 p.

Zhuravlev, V.V. Analysis of financial and economical activities of an enteprise: teaching aid for higher education institutes (in Russian). Moscow: Novoe znanie, 590 p. 8 Aleksandr P. Gorbunov, Ekaterina V. Efimova, Margarita V.

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5 Article Number: ijese.2016.781 Published Online: November 11, 2016 Article Views: 355 Article Download: 314. This study is aimed at identifying the perspective tools of strategic management in general and strategic planning of VFR tourism (for the purpose of visiting friends and relatives) at the regional level in particular. It is based on dialectical and logical methods, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, the concrete historical and systemic approaches, which in their totality helped to reveal the key characteristics of VFR tourists arriving in the Stavropol region as well as to offer the author’s model of the VFR tourism development strategy at the regional level.

This paper substantiates the idea that VFR tourism is a very attractive and promising segment of the tourism market of Russia, despite the fact that the public authorities currently undertake no measures for its targeted development. This study is conducted in the framework of the project No. 2570 “Model of transformative (creative and innovative) management in self-regulating socio-economic systems including high school”, performed in the context of the basic part of the public task in the field of scientific activities of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Keywords: private purposes, conceptual strategy of VFR tourism development, balanced scorecard, technology foresight.

A Practical Guide to Tourism Destination Management. Direct access: Avtsinova, A.A. & Menshchikova, V.I.

Foresight as key technology of coordination of groups of interests of 'stakeholders' of development of municipalities in modern Russia. Socio-Economic Phenomena and Processes, 12, 30-35. Corporate Foresight in Europe: A First Overview. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Direct access: Boyne, S. Hosts, Friends and Relatives in Rural Scotland: VFR Tourism Market Relationships Explored. In Roberts, L., Hall, D., Rural tourism and recreation: principles to practice.

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'Modern management technologies' Methods Group. Direct access: (reference date ). Gukasova, N.R. Situational analysis of imperatives of socially oriented development of municipalities. Direct access: (reference date ). First time and repeat visitors to the UK, 2001 and 2004.

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(2015) Direct access: King, B. VFR – A Future Research Agenda. Yaman (Eds.). VFR Tourism: Issues and Implications. Proceedings from the Conference held at Victoria University Conference. Australia: Victoria, 85-89.

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(2001) Does the visiting friends and relatives typology make a difference? A study of the international VFR market to the US. Journal of Travel Research, 40(2), 201-212. MacEachern, M. Characteristics of the Visiting Friends and Relatives Markets in Prince Edward Island: A Longitudinal Approach. TTRA Annual Conference Proceedings, 195-201.

McKercher, B. An examination of host involvement in VFR travel. Proceedings from the National Tourism and Hospitality Conference 1995. Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education, 246-255. Meis, S., Joyal, S. The US repeat and VFR visitor to Canada: Come again, Eh! Journal of tourism studies, 6(1), 27-37.

Miguel Jose, F.G. Foresight as an innovative tool for designing tourist destination. Direct access: (reference date ). Morrison, A.M., Verginis, C., O'Leary, J.T. Reaching the Unwanted and Unreachable: An Analysis of the Outbound, Long Haul German and British Visiting Friends and Relatives Market. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2(3), 241-231. Moscardo, G., Pearce, P., Morrison, A., Green, D.

& O’Leary, J. Developing a Typology for Understanding Visiting Friends and Relatives Markets. Journal of Travel Research, 38, 251-259.

Profile of overseas travelers to the United States. (2014) Direct accrss: Ryazantsev, S.V.

Escape Whisper Valley Crack Free Download here. Demographic situation in the Stavropol region in the new geopolitical borderland conditions. Direct access: (reference date ).

Are Relatives Friends? Reassessing the VFR category in segmenting tourism markets.

Seaton (Eds.). Tourism: The State of the Art, 316-321.

The structure of domestic VFR tourism in the UK and what it tells us about the VFR category. Yaman (Eds.). VFR tourism: Issues and implications. Melbourne, Australia: Victoria University of Technology, 26-50. The main migration flows in Stavropol Krai.

Direct access: (reference date ) The number of trips of foreign citizens to Russia (by trip purpose), (2013). Direct access: The number of trips of foreign citizens to Russia (by trip purpose), (2014).

Direct access: The number of trips of foreign citizens to Russia (by trip purpose), the CIS member states, (2015). Direct access: The number of trips of foreign citizens to Russia (by trip purpose), the non-CIS countries, (2015). Direct access: The number of trips of foreign citizens to Russia (by trip purpose). Direct access: Unido Technology Foresight Manual. United Nations Industrial Development Organization.V.

Direct access: / (reference date ). UNWTO tourism highlights 2015-2016. Direct access: 9 Anna V.

Zorina, Natalya N. Vygodchikova, Rinat G. Gatin, Munira A.

Nazmutdinova & Olga Y. Gerasimova pp. 7 Article Number: ijese.2016.782 Published Online: November 11, 2016 Article Views: 320 Article Download: 317. The relevance of the problems stated in the article is determined by the fact that with the expansion of relations between the nations all over the world, the problems caused by misunderstanding, religion differences, and lack of cultural tolerance, have become more vital than ever. In this regard, this article is aimed at studying the conditions of teaching university students to live and communicate successfully in the multicultural world. The authors of the article consider an elective course ‘A Multicultural Planet’, aimed at teaching students to be tolerant towards people belonging to different cultural and religious groups, is an important part of the process of foreign language learning.

The article presents theoretical ideas of multicultural education; aims and tasks of the elective course, approaches and principles it is based on; the results of the study conducted among the university students. The materials of the article are intended for university foreign language teachers. Keywords: Multicultural education, dialogue of cultures, cross-cultural communication, tolerance, foreign language. He article is devoted to the problem of carrying out distinctions between hostility, dislike and aggression which have a considerable variety of forms of behavior among the population of various typological groups in the conditions of geopolitical changes. Special attention is paid to the questions connected with the peculiarity of approaches and the degree of readiness of this perspective within various scientific traditions.

Particulars of representation of concepts are analyzed in the historical and chronological, scientometric and conceptual plan.The qualitative originality of the interpretation of concepts in the approaches of the representatives of the leading scientific schools exerting the impact on modern research of this phenomenon taking into account the changing geopolitical conditions is shown. Keywords: Geopolitics, psychology, category, aggression, hostility, scientific research, methodological approach.