Arcgis Web Adaptor Silent Install

We're having a failure with Software Authorization. I've tried entering in what have been valid keys and the SA software says it has authorized fine but then it pops back up asking for a provisioning file. I suspect it's an issue with the software authorization service being unavailable. (When.prvc file is used for software authorization, SoftwareAuthorization.exe calls home to get the keys, and sometimes it fails:(. Also please check if the software authorization file path is correct. Reboots are not required on Windows Server 2102 R. On earlier windows version it is sometimes required to complete installation of IIS on a clean machine.

Typically, you will see an error message like 'W3C service not found' in the chef run log. I do recall the IIS reboot issue. Glad its gone! Update: last night an Erlang window popped up during Portal install phase. I went home at that point. This morning, Chef had finished, no errors in the log, the normal WARN msgs about using an LWRP provider, previous & current user, and cloning an attribute from a prior resource.

All of which seems familiar. The Erlang window was still open. I assume this can be closed at this point? The hiccup was always in the Software Authorization retries (as mentioned above) but I could create the site by hand or so it appears.

In my last SA attempt I chose to skip the.prvc file and do it using the internet. It appeared successful that way. But the prior 3 tries with two different.prvc files and key codes (we have an ELA and I have an EDN so I tried both an ELA and an EDN code) kept showing success but then popping back up the SA dialog box. And the key code I finally used was the same as one tried previously. What is odd regarding the SA is that doing it via the 'manual' process, the dialog box connected to Esri and said it was successful but then the manual install box kept popping up. I'll try this again when doing the HA version and see what happens.

One comment regarding the Wiki and this process. It's been awhile since I first built a Portal (by hand or via Chef) What would be helpful at this stage is to have the Wiki point to a help page as for the next steps. There's so much help out there and the install pages have a lot of detail. I'm left thinking, ok, now what.:-) I believe at this point, I start setting up Portal by going to the home page, logging in with the Admin account and go from there. Note: when I did that, it gives me a 403 error because it wants to open http. I just change the URL to https and things come up fine.

Aug 20, 2012. ArcGIS Server 10.1 - Web Adaptor Installs files to wrong location using Silent Instal.

I recall I had to fix this in the past by going to settings and turning on Https only in Portal. This time I'm seeing something even stranger though. For example, I clicked on My Content and pulled an error but not a 403 because the URl was not cleared but combined the http with https: When I fix it to, everything works ok. But clicking on any menu item does the same thing: prepends that to the https address.

Arcgis Web Adaptor Silent Install

I did set Portal to be https only but that didn't fix this weirdness. I'll reboot the server and my PC and see if this doesn't clear some caching or something. Doubling URLs is a new phenomenon for me. I forwarded your question to the portal developers. As for the popups during software authorization, please check if your authorization file (*.prvc?) has all the required information, in particular e-mail address. If some information is missing, then silent authorization does not work and it pops up a dialog box for additional user input. Internally, we use.ecp files (key codes) for authorization of server software, in that case SA does not call home and does not display popups.

I'm not sure if this is a valid approach for end users, though. Yep, the doubling is odd, never seen that in any website. Makes me think it's just a flaky IE browser and a reboot will take care of it. I did notice that my prvc file has an invalid phone number with an extra digit. Is it OK to let Chef run again? It should see things are installed and authorized though, right?

So it won't actually run through authorization again? One thing to note: I did not start with a totally clean slate. I took my 10.3.1 VM Portal all in one box, uninstalled all Esri products, removed the arcgisserver, etc. Folders, removed the program files folders, etc. Merida Serial Number here. Cleaned out what I could. Except I didn't touch the registry. That's too much work. Free Download Wechat For Nokia E71. :-) I could see about rebuilding the VM with a clean image.

That would be a better test I suppose. NOTE: the URL doubling, only happening under IE. I just tried Chrome and it seems fine!