Metex Ms 9150 Manual Meat

Metex Ms 9150 Manual MeatMetex Ms 9150 Manual Meat

• Persistent Link Newspaper Page Text M V s ( 8 14 - 'THE SUN AND NEW YORK HERALD, WEDNESDAY, MAY' 26, 1920.' Manufacturing a gasoline substl-tul- e that is proving a commercial and mechanical success1 INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL Li an example of how a In- dustry thru foresight can entirely change Its business make a itvcesa of It discussed week. RETURN THE 100c DOLLAR When John U'anamaker started price-cuttin- g the whole country marvelled then followed Home stock market read- justment that will prove bene-tid- al are treated. 7n addition, art tetetai rrgular lealures and dUcussiont on Amer. Asphalt miumhla t.rapli..Merrllt Oil Utah Copper hiilnnarlne In the Current l.sue MMlKETOl-IXtU- Gratti on request tor.

Metex MS-9150. Read Reviews (0) Write Reviews. Frequency Counter: 1Hz to 20MHz (CH A), 20MHz to 2.7GHz (CH B) - Function Generator: 02. 15V/1A Fixed - Digital Multimeter: 3 3/4-digit, Capacitance, Inductance, Diode Including RS232C Cable & program, BNC Cable, Test Lead and Operation Manual.

R.H.MAGMASTERS & CO. Member i Consolidated Stock Exch.,S.

S2-S- 4 IJroad New York none: Itroad Hoot ducsgo OfF.ce: South USalle St. Salt Creek Producers Readjustment of capi- talization and proposed distribution to stock- holders reviewed in cur- rent issue of Financial Forecast Other lMuea treated; Ryan Consolidated Stclft International Cosden & Co. Texas Pacific Coal upon request. COS 41 BROAD ST.

NEWVOKFL Phone BrbadCS THOMSON AND McKINNON 42 Broadway, New York S. La Salle St., Chicago Fletcher-Ame- r. Nat'l Bank BIdg., Indianapolis Stock Exchange Cut:on Exchange Produce Exchange Members.Veto Or Cotltm Exchange of Chicago Exchange Chicago Hoard ot Trade Winnipeg drain Exchange DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES SEW ISSUE BROOKS STEAMSHIP CORPORATION STOCK Circular on requu'. Pine Strcct-Nc- w York Special Letter this week on Island Oil & Transport Recent Special Letters on United Retail Candy Heyden Chemical Ryan Petroleum Federal Oil Copies upon request ESTABLISHED Ment'jers N Y- - Curb Mctrltec Assn. ' BROAD ST., NEW YORK, 'telephone Broad 7171. Odd Lots Write Dept.

(hjsholm & (hapman Members York Stock Exchangt 71 Broadway, New York City Uptown Office JO 15. Circle Office 200 W. Harlem Office..200 Lenox Ave., cor. 123th llronx Office 3U1 K. Brooklyn Office 32 Court St. Yonkers Officii 12 N. Broadway Ken ark Office 777 IJroad St.

NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE STOCK CLINTON GILBERT 2W.IISt,N.Y. 4M8 Rector Racine Water 5s, 1931 Westinghouse MachineGs, 1940 FREDERIC H. LMahlMird Phone Hector 6.140.

LIBERTY BONDS All f'enonilnntions bought for cash. Based on the closing we pay $40.13 for a Itond, SS Coapens tll.S.1 for n $.V-- 2il 4it llond. No Coupons KI4.ll for n $30 M 4Vi llond. No Coupons $42.49 for 30 llll 4Vi Ilimil, 1 Coupon S48.CS for a $30 5th llond, 7 Coupons PURDY & CO. John 3174.3-0-- 7 34 SI. T, LIBERTY BONDS, Bought, Sold Best Market Prices.

V,' sell or Jurr.ili quotations on any listed or unlisted stock or bond. Specialists In dividend pnjlng securities.


Corllnndt The National Bank of South Africa, Ltd. Resources Exceed $287,000,000! 10 Wall Street New York II. Trnctor for I'hlllpplne. J I C'nso Plow Comptny rcport for V April aRxrecnt- - hillmas of j',i.i 3'rK-- of farm Iniplenit.itf. It was have befn livrend 12'; per. Tnt company announced yester-ds'fJi- B receipts of nn order from the Philippines for tractors.

Trlcea of curb stocks moved yester- day steadily higher and business was on a moro active broader scale A light demand carried values higher all through, the session, largest gains made In the hour, when there considerable short covering. Leading stocks responded substantially to demand advances of 2 3 points common. Largest gain of than 10 points was mada In Houston Houtb. American were among first to display strength. General As- phalt Closed with a gain of moro than 4 point Tropical Oil, International Petroleum Carlb Syndicate closed with ndvance.i of than a point.

Standard Oil stocks In good de- mand, with heaviest activity In Ktand-nr- d Oil of California Standard Oil of New York, which scored substantial gains. Midwest Itrflnlng was In vigor- ous demand toward the closing moved kcvcr.-t- l points higher. With the exception of Cleveland, motors little changed. That stock was bid up sharply by shorts quickly gained 6 points. Metal group was active, prices continued their upward trend.

Gains generally small, however, most nctlvlty continued confined to gold silver issues. Total sales range of prices follow: INDUSTRIALS. 1S00 Acrno Mi Hi Aetna Explos. (Hi.5 t S (i(X) Allied Tacking.

18 17 JJW Ji SOD Amcr Candy. 01, 61, OH -- ft tOO Autln Nichols 24 23 21 42 100 Atlas Truck. 11, i J4 Amcr rts 1H H l's M 200 llrlt-A- Chem. 31 34 Car Light 2!j 450 Cleveland 08 W) Colum Emer'ld OH 6H COO Conley Tin 23 WO Farrell.. 33 51 Gen Asphalt. 09 64 Gen Motors rts 114 1 BOO Goldwyn I'lct. 12 Grapa Ola HI Ml Grapo Ola 2ft -- ft 100 Signal.

900 Hercules Pap. 21 H Heyden Chein. 5 4U 400 Hydraul Steel. 33 SI 200 Imperial Too.

9 9 Indian Tack. OH 0 500 Int Rubber. Llbby McNeil.

24 'nn Mnt A 444 44 070 LlE-M- Coal. Ll 1M 400 Mercer Motors IH1 N J Zinc.120.1 1OT lfw N J Mio North A I'ap. 5',, 3'4 1fl rim circuit. ' Perfection T. 2ft 2'i 2A rrcssmen Tiro i', i'n -- y WJ Itadlo Com. 2 1 2 7W Itadlo pf 2 2'i 24 Sis) Ilanler Motors VA St '.) Hub 2ft 2i 2Jj 2HO H J Hee II w.

41 41 COO It de Franco.. 3li r.14 lOSInstr Mfg. 120 120 120 10O Stand C, 4 K.. 1100 Sub 12 MS) Swift Int 37 30 J7 Sweets Co li m Times Sq 20i)T Sa pf..133 131 131 KX)V S II S Tool. 3I 32 210OU S I. 4 Hi W0OU S dteam.

300 U S Tinnport. 10li rJi uti ric - - OfiOUn Bh. L l1 liOUn IUt Candy. 14 1L' 7O0Un Carbide. S M 100 Willys. 19 18 lOlnd 8S H HO Std Cal.310 3.l 1M) Kid of N Y.3S3 37 INDEPENDENT OILS.

COO Arcadia TM Oil 137K) Alllnl Oil Ms) Associated...t 3d 4200. 1 100 Atlantic Gulf. 81 200 Ark Nat Id Ark Nat (! Rts Illg Heart...

L.Vs) Hoono Oil 3'A 1000 Dos Jtex Hos Wyo KSI Oil 1300 Carlb Synd.. 200 Central States 2 200 Cities S U ctfs 1500 Columbia 0 010 Cosden 4 Co. Oil 300 Duqesne 500 Elk Dasln Pet l) Engineers Pet Esmeralda Oil 000 Federal Oil. 100 Fensland Glenrock Oil 1000 Granada Oil. Kss) Harvey Crude, ti Home 01) 8 0 Homo Pet. FeOO Houston Oil. Hudson 1000 Int Petrol.

2600 Invincible 2100 Island Oil. 1200 King Pet ICS'S) Livingston Oil. 1000 Livingston Pet 3!4 OH 4' 7H ll4 7i 2H:t 73 A 3! 2, ft 84 r.oo Manhattan on 10 Merrltt. 10 700 Metex Oil. 24 Metropol Pet. L!i 700 Mex Pan 15 200 Mexico Oil l'i Midwest Hef.l40 1000 Midwest Tx.

A 700 Morten. 3'i 10000 Noble O 4 G. 1ft 100 No Am OIL. 3V4 inn 25 300 Nat 1300 Omar Oil 3H Si) Panhandle. 12 1500 Phillips Pete., m 100 Pittsburg Oil.

13 700 Producer 4 It. Ited Hock Dutch 0300 Hyan Oil 2100 Creek P. 1300 Sequoyah Oil.. 700 T T rts Slmms Pet. 1000 Skelly Oil 700 Spencer Pet., 1800 Stanton Oil. 100 Stelner OIL., Superior 34 2i 300 Ken.... S!i Texas Hanger.

1 Tex Pac Coat.t Tex P rts 11 12200 Texon O 4 L. Epson Stylus Pro 9600 Driver Download. 1 Tropical 1400 United Tex Oil. 1900 Vic Oil. Vulcan Oil 31, White Oil 300 Woodburn. Alas-H- r Col. Pi 100 Am Mines. 1 1500 Atlanta t 2 4800 Belcher Dlv..t 7 filOi) Dlv Ext.f 8 4300 Big Ledge 1200 t Bon 4 Mont.t 1000 Caled

100 Can Cop Candelarla M. 1100 Carson Hill. 1500 Arizona. 1000 WO Con Virginia..

4300 Cortex Silver. T 1000 Creasnn Gold. 3'i JniOO Divide l!xt.t 1200 Salvador.. 2i 2000 Emma Sllver.f 8 8(s X) Eureka Croe. I Eureka Holly. 200 Mining 700 Gadsden Cop.t Goldsn Gate..

L.VS) Cons.f 1000 Dcvel.t 1800 Kewanat 150O Merger, t Hll Plck.t 10000 Hattle Ootd.t 500 Hecla Mining. 4U ira itonauras 1200 Blosaom.

Jumbo Ext.f 700. 1300 Louisiana Co.

Magma thtef.f 2TiH Marsii,Min.t 400 Mason Valley. ItO) Mother Lo.f (new). Mogrldgct Mount States.t COONlplsslns North 8lar.t 1200 0phlr Silver. 700 Prince Con lots) Hex t 1500 Horhester M.t 4000 Hoper Oroup.. San Toy t MAO Silver Mount,.t 20(OSll Arli. IWSI Hunburst 1011 12(') Success MlrT.t 400 Tonopnli Bel. 1200 Ton t iu(i-ion- Dtvlle.

3.h m 33 44 A 22 20 4'. 20 ft 80 27 1 ft '4 59 lft 31 El 1A 1 75 9 7 7 20 22 16 n 1 19 57 lis) M ( M 7d 9 1 ' K of 23 77 lft M.

24 ft ft l l'i I z. T 2 A 0 6 5 VvOTononah t ii 25O0Tonopali Tonu MUpali, t ii 1 37 $1 HI 10 3H i s 3'.i lb'i 8H 6U 1 7H P4 U 7i!4 3d 31 3'i! U 8'i 0 15'i 2H I Pi 134 3A 1 3V4 25 33 3H 11 '.4 30 13 7'i 3'i 4 'i 14 oi w 2h 4ft 2'i ft 1 ft 1 3H 4 1ft 1 F. 78 27 1 1 1 73 oH 7 2 i 18 20 10 ft 4 Si 0 u 20ft 18 lft 57 rt 7fi b!) 9 I 6 16 ft 76 lft 20 r.

Ni 6 34 07 w 32 W m Mi 5. 1 U 31 -- 3U 9 H 12 23 41 1 201 34 an) 3'J 41 13 M 13 l.i 400 32 2U 2'i 5T5 2 2 i of Oil 2',i 000 Xm Oil '.4 400 000 rts.

200 21 l'i 411 200 10 100 10.t 4'i 14 ft 1; OS 19 M 310 363 1 2'i 33 81 If. 3 lft it 34 19 8ft 04 ft 4',i 7i4 Pi i 214 7'i 2ft J' ffl:: lis 2S 73 ft 'A 1', 35 l'i 5V4 ft IS ft 8ft 9 2, 4ft 13 l'i 140 ft 3'i 1ft 3'.4 S3 3V5 12 38 13 7ft 3ft 4i ft 14'A 10 20 2ft 4ft 2'i 44 11 1 21 lft 3'i 4 1A 1 3i;t 59 ift 'J 8' 1 75 V. 0 7 2 2 20 22 ioA 0 4 19,1ft 5t I!

7rt OH Oft 4 ft ft 6 16 77 lft 20 n 2 5 U H H 1H 1H - H 1 - U A -- 1 '.4 - H -- 1 -!i 1 - H - '.i -- 0;.i u M 2 1 2 7 1 H ft - ft ft - ft ft i - ft ft 3.i - ft ft (I 0 0 ft -- 1 ft - ft ft 1 3 - ft - ft 1,i 1 2 r ft ft ft ft 2V, ft lft ft lft - ft A ft -- 1 ft -- A - ft -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 U 42 ft ft 1 ft. 1 1 1 A --0 1 5 Re EuU.t J4 U S Cont.,j 0i Eastern. 3i Victory t 12 Wash O Q. Hi 700 West M White Caps.1 8 Wh Caps Eit.t 2 1000 Wllbert t H Yerrlngton.f 3 BONDS. 110000 Al Tacker jiwi Am Tel 6s.

M'4 04 l 0s, '24 02H 000 Oil 7US.100U 14000 Atl C L 7s. 08 Un R ItUs.lOOVi 17000 CCCiSI-OlMl- i 4 7s. 4000 Goodrich T 7s 05 Int n T 7s. 72 Kennecntt C 7s 7000.

Lo 4 Nash 7s. 1A000 Ilus Gov Ms.

20000 Sinclair C Swedish Gov 0s K3 22000 Texas Co 7s... TSi Odd tSells a dend.

I'nrU Ilourse Trndlnir. Paris, May Prices weak on Houree Three cent, rentes, 60 franca; exchange on London, 50 francs; S cent, loan, S7 francs SO centimes; dollar, 13 francs centimes. SHOUT TKtLM NOTES. AmTeliTel O AmTelATel...0 AmTlireailCo...0 AmTotrax;o..7 AmToliaccoCo... 7 AmTohaccoCo...

7 AmTobacroCo.. 7 AnacnndaCopCo.r) AnnouriCoCon 0 IlethsteelCorp..7 DethSteelCorp..7 (!anadlanl'acHy 0 OntralAwIty.0.

CIliyl!H(iolnt).4 CCC&SLKrCo. 0 Cub.Vm8ulI.len.a Cudahyl'kuCo..7 Del&lludKIt.5 Dflilludltlt.7 KedSugKefCo. 0 GenKlectrlct'o. 0 OreatNorKy....8 UFflCoConv.7 GulfOUCorp... 0 (lulfOUCorp 0 GulfOUCorp 0 IIockln2ValKIl.O IHTCoConv 7 KanCTerIlyCo.O KennecottCopCo.7 UclnleULlstcH7 Llwetti.MTot). 0 NTentralHH.a PhnHplnhl&Cn A I5,'21 Apr.

Iv-i- 7 0 15.' Amalg 42 do pf. Am Chicle 38 do pf. 3'.i Am Tyt V do pi 4 A D T N Atlas P C. 60 Barnh iSpln 1 83 Barnh 2 03 Bor O M.103 do pf. Invest.135 Chllds Co.

Do pf PL4W Co.KV) Drap Am Brass..200 Cs '22. Chi Del 23 Am 40 23 67 88 95 Ilato. 01 Bid 50 VJ 42 90 3i 43 88 33 C5 S3 Ask.!

163 1701 do Df 82 85 Bab WII.107 113 Bliss, E W.400 do pf CO 70j Carb 8teeL. 00 100 do 1 110 do 2 pf. Du P 290 Ex dividend. TIM A.k.l Am 2d 30 do pf 52 3d Bv Prod.

103 108 Casein 40 50! 230.: Du Ch pf.

8 Fed Ch 100 103 do pf 03.130 143! 50 Am 10 Ahmeek.

335 Ariz Coml. Big Heart Am Agr pf. Tel 14:i 10 ft 3 H.T.I 001 72 Ottl 21 share. MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS..ft Oct, 1022 FCC, 1024 1028 NOV. JimMA 95 July 1522 I3.'

2I 04 IW'27 81 M July 1021 03 July 1021 j( July 1523 07 1UXU Nov. 102 July Sept. July July Sept.

1021 Jan, Sept. PejinylvanUCo.4l rennsyivanuiiu. LrocteriOambl8.7 far. Piwter&Ganble l'rocteriOarable.7 Pub!trCpNJCnv7 ItJKeynoldVTob 0 192J Soutbcrnlly 1022 StPaulUnDGuar.SK hwllliCo 0 ThuTeiksCo Utihccl'orD 0 WetKI('o.t'onv.7 Bid.

J p p 0 4 P 0 1021 Sept. 22 Apr W I ooW MLxt'ELLANKOlS M4F.100 Celluloid. Crp.133 pf.100 Int Sll Leh V C Lima L pf. (Nat STKEI CHEMICAL Cn. R.r.n.dll Nor.15,'23 hTOCKS. St.203 L O'Neill pf.

Pf H Bk Pdr.l30 do pf. 82 L Singer 120 Br pf HM4P Ch pf.100 3 D Warren pref.lO0 Baaite Co Pf. W 4 It IVnle T. 10'East Am pf. I.i P 210 do Nlles-B-- do pf 95 Scovill Thomas Winch Corp. 425 Woodward. 00 pf CO MerekACo Solvay.

S3 Mulford Co. Nlsg Alk 90 130 Process. CO (10 Oft 810 Bingham 0'i 30 Cal and Ariz.

61 61 40 Cal and Hecla.327 330 Carson 28 15 Chlno 31 lit 243 Copper Range. 813 Davis Daly. 8ft Oft 240 12'i 13 723 Franklin 2'4 2ft 50 Hancock 5 n 20 Helvetia 2 2 10 Inspiration. 120 Island Creek. 43ft Isle Royale. 3i 3ft 30 Keweenaw. 3ft 8ft 109O Mayflower OC 5ft Oft 10 Mohawk 0.1 6.1 8V) Cornelia.

17 Old Dominion. 2rt 5 Osceola 40 50 Seneca 15 St Marys.

40 41 45 Superior 5 340 4 Boston 3ft 4 100 Trinity lft lft 255 Tuolumne. 73 75 101 U.S Smelt pf.

44 41ft 250 Utah Apex. Oft 20 Wolverine.

10ft RAILROADS. 12 Bos Albany 122 140 Bos Elevated. GO 01 3 Boston EI pf 82 82 53 Maine.

27ft 3 Maine Cent.,05!4 3 pf. 7 7 47 N Y, N H 4 H. 125 50 50 MISCELLANEOUS. 60 23 Am Am OII.L. 37 Amoskeag 6 Sue 7.10 Am Caskct.100 161 iuj.

73 nf Wool Anglo-A- morion PratttW Ky Merrlmac pf. 103 81 87 4ft,106 02ft 80 20. 0 pr 070 Atlas Tack. 21) 170 Bos 2 Eastern Mfg.

32 133 Eartern S 22ft 25 Edison 14.T 2.10 Elder 31 485 Fairbanks 62 Gorton 10S5 Gray Green T 4 D. 60 800 Indus Oil 4 O 105 Int Cem. 21 225 Int rrods 20 200 Island Oil.

6A 990 Llbby 22 ft 40 Ixjews 10 000 J T Connor Co 208 Gas. 33 Gas,58 28 McElwaln 1 90 475 Mex Inv 660 Nat Leather.

11 New Tel 220 Body. 25 105 Orpheum 5 Pac.160 Parish 30 410 100 Reece Folding 3ft SOShawmut. 26 160Rlmms 18 640 Stewart 39 822 Swift 110 160 Swift Intl. 66 7 United Drug. 12.1 6 Drug pf Fruit.195ft 293 Shoe. 260 Ventura 1033 Waldorf 21 lOWaltham.

34 lOWaltham 213 Wick Wire. 23ft BONDS..1fifiO rnrson 109 'noon River 5s. 71 1000 New T 3s 78 U!4 n n 100 100W 7Ti A 81 87 84 107 03 07 30 2.1 144ft IV, 20 oSA 10 73 58 06 37 26 160 30 30 2d 111 GO 123 193ft 4J Ts'ft 34 109 71 78 it mpioj mnn.

14 -- 1 0'i!4 3ft -- ft 10 -- S 1ft A 5 3 h oi V4 loo os loovi W 72 I 24 -- 1 08, li lEx-dlv- l. Per 2 Lth 02 H 09 Ji III out h 01)!i lva 5ft 3ft all 04 03 2H OlH on( looK 09i 03H 00 08 93 M 96 H 02 74 0.1K oo el H 80 U 07 H oo ii 02 03 90 00 U ioi ii ioi y, loo H ii 100 09 H loo H 84 05J OIK Oil 07 h Bid. 03 87 85 pi iuu nw OS D. 03 H t 60 Stern 04 St L 40 V lnc 33 do 7.W Open. 13ft Boa 03 270 Bid. Do pf pf 07 395 do pf 48 S 1.1'i 13',i, 10ft,. 50 pf 10 55 49 15 7s 81 88 n 31 60 21ft 14 19 49 1 - 8.

- - - 4-- 83 - J 4 98 25 40 80 GO 9:4 10 8 60.11 8ft 12ft 2ft 62ft 29 3ft 1ft 3ft l'H 16ft 39 40 3i lft 63 lft Oft 16'i 122 GO 82 28 8t 4 106 06 8ft 2') 143.lO'i 62 17ft 22ft CO 19ft 20 8ft 10 68 11 83 160.10 3ft 20 18 39 110 06 123 49 193ft 43ft 15 21 34 78 BOSTON CURB CLOSING., J,. 4 6 'Majestic. 16 11 it Hl,v c' M -- - M. 92 U H 100 100 00 ( loo 08 K 93 8S 72 8?

Oo 09 bS 109 1 95 9S 08 f 99 07 00 95 115 Kit 210 101 200 140 Sfl 02!4 12.1 100 47 103 '4 10314 40 80 102 101 2S3 80 35 85 215 101 106 425 45 475 43 70 70 06 110 PO 5.1 100 160 60 8 ISO 31 40ft Oft 13 2ft 62ft 47 20 3ft 1ft 3ft Gft 6.1 17 26 40 41 6ft 4 111 63 lft 6ft 122 61 82 27 28 ft 81 4ft 83 ft 107 92ft 97 9 30 2.1 144ft 31 m 24ft GO 20 h 10 73 58 37 S3 20 160.10 39 3ft 20 19 39 37 ft m 123 49 193ft 2.1 13ft.14 a inn 70 ft 78 1 70 10 m j U.6 8 J& ft y J8 COTTON MARKET. The cotton market Bhowed a decidedly ( bettor undertone yesterday and a grade of rallying; power that surprised moro than ono operator. Buyers were chiefly Liverpool trade Interest, Walt street aborts gavo market a good deal of support at times In session. Bullish factors Included a higher stock market, Improvement In foreign exchange, strong Uverpool cables early reports of unfavorable weathe )n tho cotton belt It was evident that, bullish feeling by no means dted out, the upturn crowd being quick to take advantage of tho market's tech- nical position to recent declines.

Liverpool spot market was moder- ately active, 3,000 bales changing hands. Future market was higher owing to Manchester support. Ilcports from I Egyptian trading circles somewhat Improved nnd undouuieaiy neiped to im- part confldenco to many holders of staple. At outset here the was lrrer-ula- r 20 points lower to C higher.

Immediately following the tho mar- ket better support, which car NEW VOKK CITY BONDS. Hate and Asked. 00 Inter June. 4V4s, March, 1063. 4Hs, Nov., 1057. 90 Inter, 4V4s. Coupon 4',is,.

5, 75 Coupon 4J4s,..6. 4t4s, April, I960. 1900-3- 0 84 Inter. May, 1939 81 Inter. 4s, 81 is, mw bi Registered 4s.

Registered 4s, Nov., Kegisterea 4s, iimu. SHs, Nov., 1033. 3Hs, May, 74 Coupon 4Vis, 1 Coupon 3 Registered 3Vis, Registered 3V.

Regis, 3Hs, 1920-192- Registered 3s, Reglitered 3s, Registered 3s, YOBK STATE BONDS. And Coupon Jan., Regis. 4Hs, Jan., Coupon 8ept., Regis.

4s, sept., Coupon March, 1063. 44S, 141.11, it'uu. Coupon 4'is, Jan., 1965.

Jan., 94 Coupon tl'is, Jan., 1013. 04 Coupon 4s, 1000-T-, J 4 J. 1060-- J 4 J. Coupon 4s, 1038-6- 7 M 4 8 Regis. 1038-0- M 4 S. Coupon 4s, Jan., 1946.

Coupon 4s, Jan., 1942. 4s, Jan., 1942.

Anglo-A- 20 Atl Ret. Do pf.lCM 0 V L. 85,C M C.2I3 do pf.lOO Continent. 30 C P L Inc.115 Eur P L. 42 do pf old 05 do pf nw 90 III P L.160 Ind P L.

87 Int Tftrol. 3d Nat Trans 26 N Y Tr.l0 North P L 03 208 Pa Mex F. 8.1 Pr O4G.530 Card-Am-. 53 O Agulrre.121 Central. 75 Fajardo Federal.105 Gt West..

Do pf 11.1 Guanta'mo.100 New. 103 473 00 233 103 135 32 130 103 4S l(s) 03 163 01 37 2S 165 98 302 42 8)1 503 23 80 65 12.1 37 80 245 110 413 110 103 200,, About. STANDARD OIL. Radiator..8.75 NEW Form. 02 Pr P L.193 Solar Re f.363 South P L.U3 South 283 S Pa PL 83 Std of Cal.310 Std 075 Std of Kan.3iU) Std of Ky.360 Std of 23 Std NJ.700 do pf.10t Std of NY.383 Std of 0.423 do pf.l00 Swan 4 F.

Union Tk.l07 do pf Vacuum..335 Washing. 27 Std subsld en Std old st all SIT.AU STOCKS. Pf..140 Calaveras. Baltic 3 4 Chief 3ft 3ft Nev Doug.

14 2ft 3ft Mxon 7 9 Crown Res 23 Onondaga. 12 lt Denbigh. 1 Eagle B B 2ft Rang Pet. Seven Homa SWMlaml. 3ft 4 Houghton. 60 Silver 7 8 Iron Bios..

1 lft La Rose.. Am Albert Tick. 40 218 Armour Leath 60 Armour L pf.

3.10 ArmouriCo pf Beaverboard.. 48 200 Briscoe Chi Ry pf Oft 150 Chi El pf 3ft 00 Cudahy 89 410 Motor.

Oft 600 Hupp 250 J I J I c P 1st pr 89 463 Lindsay Light 6 1S30 Llbby Montgomery W.llft 375 Mitchell.10 1033 Nat Leather., Quaker O pf. 00 Reo Motor. Sears Hoebuck205 300 Shaw Stewart Warn Stand G 4 E.

Stand pf 2000 Swift Int 8wlft 4 Co. 110 203 Temtor Prod.. 10200 Union Carbide 800 United Iron...

25 230 Western Knit. 60 Wrlgley ex dlv 74 BONDS.

$4000 ChtCRy 1st Ed 1st 5s 78 6S Gl 89 23 12 17 19 18 13 20 GO 10 40 12 27 23 03 OO 80 15 23 66 High. 48 10 111ft BALTIMORE. Atlantic Tet. 3ft 3ft Ala 80. 20 Cen Teresa 8'J 200 525 Celestlne 140 140 1 Citizens Bank.

100 Davison Chem. 71 5 Water Pwr 1O0 United Ry 12 12 25 U 180 160 33 Wash A. 13ft $I00t) Con 71 6s.

1000 Car 5s dlv ctfs. 100 100 6s 4s riTTSBCRO. 14 130 Am W Mch.ll3ft Ark Nat 10 10 Am Nat pf.121 30 Barns Corp 41 100 Carbohyd. 4 803 Guffey allies.

383 Labelle 43 Gas 27 Marland Refg. 4 Nat Flrepf pf. 27' 213 600 Jerome. 71 Union.123 125 W P. 0 05 A B.lOlft ftftles. 200 Charcoal J 40 Charcoal Pf. 3ft 400Cont Motors.

Oft Detroit Edlson.lOlft 10 303 130 Noble 1.43 873 Packard M C. 10 M 89 80 Motors. 99 09 99 09 94 04 02 8.1 70 Yield Asked..5.23.S.50., Asked.

102 102 102 92 3 pf. National 167 N Nlquero.230 Cecilia. 3 40 Oft 3ft ft 9ft 6 30 208 8ft Cosden 3ft 3ft 11 Casualty.

2000Elkhom 4 N II O 84000 Ry V O O 4 Westing DETROIT. C 3ft Oft 365 92 02 02 86 V, 83 70. 02 92 W of of 00 08 II 71 60 60 11 40 14 10 32 60 23 36 41 67 93 13 80 66 ft 41 01 03 08 69 89 86 A. 15 02 83 83 8.1.i 40 48 611 314 89 Oft 15 89 6 205 GO. 109ft 40 25 74 02 Low. 3ft 80 8'i 3ft ISO 41 63 70 12 100 74 89 100 High. 113ft 104ft Open.

Pack Paige lTWReo Godchaux Fidelity. 101ft. Oft 100ft S05 1.45 20 VJ 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.07 5,00 C.02 5.03 G.01 5.02 4.03 4.04 4.93 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 lnd. 5.00 5.02 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.43 4.43 4.43 198 116 295 70,315 600 390 475 710 102 387 103 93 110 100 33 do 03 30 do 75 80 S, do pf 97.23 1ft 23.80 2ft 20 1ft OIL 30 73 50 100 450 200 Gas 60 00 00 36 74 62 78 123 Co 80 pf. Pf 30 Oil 70 Pa 74 89 Go Un Ry 86 Un pf. 143 Ga Mt 270 Pa W 123 80 30 70 102 60 30 00 30 78 86' 5.01 4.43 t.i 40 03 48 50 Oft 3ft Oft 10 oo 6 30 lift 00 208 Gil.16 111 74 62 78 Last. 3ft 80 8ft as 1311 41 69 71 12 160 74 89 100 80 Last.

14 II 14 114 114 16 121 121 121 41 41 it 4 4 4 129 127 129 27 27 27 4ft 4 4 14 14 14 27 27 27 32 80 8o 8c 41c 41c 14 123 123 123 0 0 0 101 3 8 Sft 21 80 390 500 450 330 41a 104 Last..1 3ft 100V, S83 21 80 SO 22ft tha to 20 to 40 points more than Tuesday's final figures. At morning's topmost level there was a small reaction, tho general under- tone held rather firm. Hang of prices: Mon-Ope- n. Jun 38.3JN 37.M July SC.03 87.0J Srt.05 87.81-8- 1 37.03 August. 30.00 S4.00 3d.00 Sn.M-9- 1 &J.23 September. 34.80 34.80 34.80 S3.63N October.

34.20 S3.08 34.13 M.03-B- 8 34.15 November. 33.30 33.50 33.50 S4.30N 33.50 December. 33.20 33.18 33.88T 33.12 January. 32.43 33.35 32.39 33.2JT 32.38 February S3.00N 82.20 March 32.0S 32.00 32.03 32.73-7- 7 32.00 April 32.23N 31.50 Spots-Lo- cal, 40; Orleans, 40.

COTTON STATISTICS. Receipt 11,217 ll.r.73 20,437 Exports Sid 38 JjMiS Exports season. 5,830,(101 B.802,375 stocks 45,375 47,701 IOJ.OjS stocks t.08,753 1.1I.J.8M Interior recelpta. O.mW 8.403 10.2M Interior shlpm'ts O.OrtO 8.051 17.0J8 Y'k arrivals 2.133 39.

Liverpool Cables-Sp- ot cotton dull at.n points (lecllno; middling, 23.53d. Sales, 3,000; Amcrlcnn, 2.O0O. 21,000; Ameri- can, 23,000. Putures opened steady at 02 to 82 points decline. Closed quiet at a net de- cline of 47 to 68 points.

23.00d.; July, 23.2d.; October. 23.0ld.; 22.45d.s January, 22.2bd. Manchester larns and cloths dull and Irregular. NEW YOBK HANK STOCKS. Bld.Ask, America 213 2231 Atlantic 213 Am Exch 273 Battery 203 Bowery 420 Bryant Park. 150 B'way Cent. 130 Butch 4 D.

33 415 430 4 I' 290 290 Chelsea 123 Chemical.575 685 Citizens 30. 250 Commerce.210 Colonial 330 Continental Columbia.180 Eich.440 450 Cosmopolitan. Commercial E.425 Com'wealth. Fifth Ave..OOO Foreign Tr B 70 80 TRUST AND COMTAME9. Bld.Ask Alliance 80. Am Trust Am Surety. 73 78 Bankers 330 360 4 Mtg.233 Brooklyn Tr.490 Union.

370 Columbia 335 Commercial.143 Emp Trust.. 300N 40311'eorles Fulton. Guaranty Hamilton Hudson T Kings Co Westchester M.U5 M N. Pf pf 0 Ad EI'C. L4T.133 do pf 79 G4E. 03 do pf 37 Am PiL. Do pf W do 1 pf.

SO do pf 5 Appal do pf 20 PRiL. 81 Comwlth PR4L. 36 El pf 83 EmpDE pf GO EOaFCotst 6s 92 Cigar. Do pf 80 To dv icp.190 W Helme.lGO do of. OUT OF TOWN MARKETS. Dlv Divide Dlv Cons.

Dlv Hennessey. Olfford Hargraves. SO 1 7 0 1 o 20 1 10 4 1 1, C.

Res.180.270.310.233.160 Am pf. Sugar 2851 213 100 100'.293 200 112.300 W.

25 100 MOl 380 3: 170 Garfield Gotham Giecnwtch Harrlman Ilano'-i- r. Industrial Trad.

Irving Nat..260 Liberty Lincoln Manhat Mech M.. Metropolitan Mutual 233 243 530 American.150 Netli 195 N B.460 N Co 125 720 Pacific 133 Produce Ex Public Seaboard 630 Second State 23d.190 United States.183 Ex Wash His. 323 Yorkvllle SURETY.

Lawyers T.140 Lincoln.... 2C5 Mtge Bond. Mut W.103 123 Manufac'rs. N fill T.715 Tr.620.. Equitable.2HO Y Title 140 Farmers S03 275 Fldelltv...

IOi 2.12lTltle T.390 United States.8.10 M T.410 O. AiO Lawyer 125! ROII.IC UTILITIES.

720 Cities Service.330 320 1800 S 1003 S B OVi 5ft 5ft 4412 shs. Deb 0 Am Am Am P Am 2 par Pr. 2 Car C Col pf.

129 A G J 8 pf. Lake.160 Ask.l lft 160 395 123 170 025 4 4 Y Y T T C. I 4 4 C C C S C S C 8 4 12 'E G 4 73 140 1021. 84 81 do 8TJ pf stock SI.19 Fed 55 do pf.

70 1G4E do pf.. N Ont 10 n do pr wj 41 O Elec.. Do pr N Pr 23 do pf 80 35'i R4L. 12 48 11 83 19 40 88 70 07 133'.

85 00 6 0 6 ao pi. Cal 80 do Pf. Std G4B., do pf., TRL4P. Do 1 pf., Pow. TOBACCO STOCKS 300 do new pf.190 do scrip.

RJReyn A..610 110.45.i 100: do rf ISOIUniv 100' do pf. I85IWeyman-- do pf PHILADELPHIA. 380 550 283 3S3 285 230 325 300 490 173 480 133 473 183 145 Tr. 310 107 730 400 3301 860 203! 420 CG01 nts 100 IN 200 Un Ask.

$8 50 36 CI P R-- T.110 125.. 04 110 0.10 r.nn 101 200 108 170 Sales. Am Alliance 20 107ft 110 107 110 3 Asph pf.102 102 102 102 220 Ins Co N A. Lake Corp Lehigh.

Cum pf 1050 Ph Elec. 600 Ph 20 20 100 Belmont, lft 1ft lft lft IM Mining. 1ft 1ft Ift lft 101 Un 609 Un Imp..

Sft 8ft 81i 8!i BONDS. $10000 Peo 88 '58 10000 lnc 2000 L V 13000 Ph 1st 4000 Welsbach 5s. FRANCISCO MININO STOCKS. Allied Dlv Annex Belch Belch Brougher.

Hasb 3 6 Sft 34 Ask 1.03 Union (Revert. Verdi Victory.

TONOPAH.- -.. 1 4 8 '4 1 Cash Boy. 12 Jim North Star.,1 McNamara Midway. Mlipah Ex 17 West GOLDFIELD. Atlanta 2 Gt Bend. 4 r Ext 6 O O D.

2 Comb 2 Star. 8 R Hills l 2 Goldl 19 23 Rick. 7 MISCELLANEOUS. Amparo Mines Unit. 4(r Tecopa Mayflower.

White Caps NevWond, WCExt. Adaoac Bailey 3 Crown 23 Foster Gt Bay. TORONTO CLOSING, COBALT. Beaver Chamb Conlagas. S Cement 4ft 2141 03 of 02 Junior pres. Royal King.160.375 42 20 30 90 PhC65 Butler 35 Rescue 13 Jumbo La Rose.

57 C C Nlplsslng. 10.00 Ophlr Peterson L of 2ft Iaf. Trethewey, Wettlaufer. Monesba Davidson. Newray Dome Or. Dome M.1000 ll.OOIPoro Reef.

Keora Thomp Mclntyrsu. West Dome KIRKLAND LAKE. Elliott Lake Kirk Lake Teck II. Atlas 33 IWasaplka. MONTREAL CLOSING Ansa Brazilian. Brompton Smelt. Cement Dome Iron Ward.

Leaf 72ftl Myra Reno Toggery.175 End..1 1.7WRoch Right 3 Rhatrlnfo 1AU Span Rlv. Span Pf.1324 Rlordan P.171 Laurentlde Montreal Quebec lita Tex.l32 Hll. 6 7 9 3 9 SS 4 83 53 53 84 14 82 97 60 16 S3 10 40 40 40 82 20 20 20 40 41 40 41 20 20 23 59 69 69 50 50 20 20 4s 68 5s 40 40 49 40 6s 5s 83 8.1 60 11 31 23 CO pr 38. 11 10 31 14 11 11 65 18 45 40 31 58 14 16 10 14 33 31 12 1 4.

20 5 20 S 1 2. T 1 2 7 8 10 12 t - 23 27 2 4..

6 43 i.95 10.50 31 Apex. 8., iti t 3ft VNT. 72 Can SS pf 82. 61 4.S0 03 42ft sVi A. Sllv.273.360.813. Nat.173 New LIT.103 Bid..101) Bid.

1.50 Sllv 40 W 36 14 n Ptl of 05 P 84.. 200 303 335 203 740 375 673 200 273 207 328 173 338 ami o. A 400 e Gas 610 Stg Gen S Ton Gas 100 4 S. 9 2 15 17 1.60 1.53 1.60 San. 7 Nev 2 2 MIn Sllv 3 14 3 2 3ft 2. 27 7 3 lS'i O..

Hoi 5.23 8.35 1.77 s I Can 1.02 144 15 Ask. Inn 03 133 W 171K 84ft 132ft I nMtnATVnllimn rVHUIN IK I I Ufa Greater cos In funds, a strained credit situation, Improved foreign ex- change conditions nnd eomo urgent short covering combined ns potential influ- ences making wide and rapid es throughout of Con- solidated Stock Exchange yesterday, in steels, weclaltles gains ranged from 3 to 6 cent, while in nctlvo rolls was recorded an averogo improvement of about 2 point Sus- tained strength! And activity In usually dormant ceppera attending gains of from 3 to cent, the outstanding feature of final liour. Crucible Steel up C to 0. Republic to 89, Lackawanna o 08.

Vanadium to; 71. BePlot7to 4 to 87Vi. Hctlilehcm Steel li 2J4 to Mfc,. Bald- win United States Steel to Locomotive to ll!t4.

American Locomotive 3 lo 9! TudJe0l,nt H to 65 W, Plerce-Arro- to Petroleum 6 to.l76ft. U to lloyal Dutch, New orlt, 3 to ill., Sinclair 2 to 31. Shell Transport --! Io TS'-- i, American Sumatra s' Tobacco Products to. Utah Copper moved up 4 to 71. Ameri- can Smelting to 61.

Cerrc, do Pasco ift to 45, Inspiration t'U 1 u- -' American wooien y, - to 63ft. Stromburg 3 to 63, Com to 3 to 92, Cuba Cane Sugar iia. Texas Pacific 1 to 40 J.

Southern Pacific to 2 to 82, St Paul 1 to 32 and Rock Island to 34 PRODUCE MARKET. Snd trade taking Creamery, higher extras, 00 ' J' 02 score, OOc-- i firsts, 50c. 88 to 80 MftS.ftc. Seconds 83 to 67 score, M'JS. Grades, 48351c; held, tr.,fXd firsts.

55357c.; seconds, 616540.; higher extras, 63ft864c; extras, firsts, 68060c.; seconds, 6385iC dairy, tubs, finest. MftS30c.; good to prime, 60?58c.; common to SSjjc. Novated, extras. 64355c.; ', A2?8 ladles, current make, firsts, fi,VL. 41ftJ42c; lower packing stock, current.. I lower grades, S'W'Oe.

Tone 01 uie.a:; - whole anil such, steady on fancy though not demand for old Wins. Sklma slightly easier. H0'flr fresh, flats, colored or wh te, b,, f specials. Average run, 276 31R32C.; average run. Lower grades. 209200.: twins, held, specials, white, r.nue colored.

30931c; average run, white or lolored, 28'4fi29c; lower grades, 20B.C-.; Wisconsin, whole neia, i'. ;: single or double daisies, 3033114C., Young Americas, fresh. State skims, and twins, held, specials. Fresh specials. LtlftS20c: prime to choice.

HUffllSVw.: fair to good. 12fllGc; lower grades, 56 10c.,7!.4.l.rrf,i. M 0.17 The recent decline In egg prices has not stlmulnteu any material siietuiou.o In tills market. Arrivals continue liberal,. AMmi,laln nnrf RtOCkS In storage are Increasing at a more rapid chiefly uider shippers' orders.

Lcal deal ers are not incnneu to uuy imu age, but a good many of the best goods ar- riving ere being ordered Into the warehouses for shippers' account. To effect quota- tions aro as much reduced as could be ob- tained, and It is doubtful if any free move- - - i r.,a.t V. O nnri mnnv lain im-Il- l luuiu w - o of quality eggs are going to warehouses rather man iirwin pvM.t Dirties and checks nre easier. Ui..dnm nttfttltv are In comparatively light supply and receiv- ers report some outlet for at sustained prices. There Is constant accumulation ot the averaw!

Good and lower grades which aro pressing for sale and favoring the buyer. Fresh gathered extras, dozen, 447c; stor- age packed, firsts, 43f4j'jc; firsts, 43344!sc; fresh gathered, firsts,. Stnrnee packed.

SGflSOftc: regular packed, 35S3j14c; No. 3033; checks, good to choice, 33334ftc; State, Pennsylvania and nearby,.

Nvfrn ViTC.Yle.! Western iikiiuci v firsts, 50651c; firsts. 46349c; gath- - erea wnues. Iirsts io wun m.w, under grades, 41ff43ftc; Pacific whites, extras, firsts, 60351c;,iKa. N!hir Western and couth- - em gathered vvhltas, 44848c.; State, sylvania nno browns, extras, wmit.! 4647c: firsts to ' '? F l'llUJ.llVS, IS.ISV5JC.BJ t 15.I..H anH,trV iresn ttuieu ijuuiu,, iii.w packed, were comparatively moderate yester- -....

Slrtriri- - rtn large packed fed fowls, Icea lots sicauj. At the moment and about steady. Dressed Long Island spring ducks in fair supply and working out at 35c. For choice grades. Comparatively few squabs in 5 ester-da- y and prices unchanged.' Fancy grades of fed frozen broilers, roasting chickens and large fowls fairly steady, but corn fed chickens coming in rather more plentiful, holders nnxlous to sell and tone ir- regular.

Other ftcSfn poultry shows chango In condition or prices.. 32tf42ftc: corn fed. Fo.l hhl and kegs, 40311c. OLD COCKS-D- ry packed, 28c; scalded. DUCKS Long Island, spring, 33c. SQUABS-Lar- ge. White, 0 lbs.

$.1: culls, $1.505T2. FROZEN M??nr.: Western, old rjHi.vte. RniCKENS Broilers, fed.

44 350c; corn 40352c: dry picked, milk fed, 4UV43C.; corn teu, I'OWLS fed, boxes, 33343c; corn.;rffr42c CAPONS?-West- crn, 52337c. OLD 59c DTIfiKS Western. GEESE 285731c. L'Ol 1,111V, i.ivirnere were miriy-nin- o freight cars reported In yesterday, of which Steady market fowls at unchanged.e., other freight poultry unchanged. Express broilers In light sunply early and market r.A- - CT A I, IW, lll4illt:i.

W4- - UIKIIl, IllTiiluiu lu heav--, via express, loifllc.: broilers,.1.1,1 nrf mtWi.. Activate Verizon Dsl Without Installing Software. tnm.i 75?IS0c.' ; White Leghorns, express.

43!?70c nr.n nonsTrmS-Frele- ht. 23c TIIRKR3S 30c DUCKS Western, freight..c: houtnern ami oouinwesiern,.it)--.; Long Island, spring, 40c; breeders. GEESE Western, freight, Southern and Southwestern. 20ff22c PIGEONS Pair, frelsht or express, 60c.

GUINEAS Fair, $1.23. Live Stock anil Stent Prices. Common to prime steers, 100 lbs. $10 Common to choice bulls, 100 lbs, 7 common io cnoice ids..t In nl,v,a. N 1 (VI lha 11 Common to prime sheep (ewes) its..ns i Common to prime lambs, 100 lbs, 12 Spring lambs.

100 hogs, joo in Dressed beef, sides, lb. Dressed veals, lb Dressed mutton, lb.I 1nv,t. 11, Dressed spring lambs, ih 9.50,00516.00,50316.00,OOrfr!6.00 15T20c. 14i?20r 25W.1IC 3740c DIVIDENDS. Stock of able. Arkansas Gas, pf, ml, n, 1 Aug.

Uijr, Central Leather, pf, q, lft4.June 10 July 1 Computing, i & re- cording, q. $1 25 1 Cuba R. UK TnnA in In. N Fairbanks, Morse & $1.25 June 30 - airDanKs, uorse a wo. Pi., lftft June 1 Guantanamo Sugar q, i --.

1!t Tut Guantanamo Sugar ex. 13,uin in J uiy 1 Llbby, McNeill & Llbby, rjv S Jul- - i Mackay q, 5 July 1 Mackay CO., pr, q, i June o i Nashua Mfg. 2V4 25 June 1 N. 0 July 18 Penna.

Water wo., q, lft 18 July 1 Rainier Motor Corp., pf, q, 2 MayW Jane 1 Realty Associates, 3. July 6 July 13 S. Q, lft 10 July 1 to holders of new stock Issued May 2S. Continental OH rtji. TiVs n isrvn afVlr Federal Smelt pf Niquero Nlquero Sugar extra. Nlquero Sugar pf Nlquero Sugar pf extra.

Thursday t Cnnsol Cigar pf WWJ12.75,fin10.50,fsvr22.00. 10 $1.73 Exporta From New fork. Buckwheat, 10,996 bu.; bacons. 4,473,-00- 0 lbs.; flour, 13,634 sacks; oil cake, 1,400,000 lbs.; malt, 9,150 bu.; lard, 1,290,900 lbs.; hops, 2,700 bales; cheese, 261,210 Rubricating oil, 230,:0 gab. WANTED Foreign Bond Specialist 11 1, House has an exceptional ffi&lar with Foreign ExchanEe and Fo?dcixWcs.

A hlgh-grnd- e man wUl receive compensation with hUability. Your confidence repeated. Address Specialist P. Box 372, City Hall Station, New York. Clarence llodson Co. ' 26 Corthndt St.

1893 Three Attractive Issues Credlf Finance. (Corpniorclsl Bank-er- a) 7 Delwnture, Oold Bonds wltn bonus of Profit Sharing Certificated. Uti Quarterly. Write for Circular Beneficial Loan Soelety (National Sya-ter- n uf Industrisl In 17 cities) 0 Debenture Gold Bonds bomw ot Profit Sharing Certificates, which pay yearly 8 cxtJ Pays 11 Annually..It'riie for t'irrufar u. (Chain Jowolry Htorcs) 10 Debenture Profcrrod Stock, participate lnguptop20.3M 0uartfry H'rlfs lor Circular F. Office Manager A high-grad- e investment house requires the services a thoroughly competent executive to take complete charge office.

The man want must have a proven record accom- plishment in the securities business and know how to build up a strong selling force. To the right man the salary will be right.

Give references. Replies will be treated confidential.

U., Post Office Box 372, City Hall Station, New York. STOCK SALESMEN WANTED sell stock in a well known motor truck company, paying dividends since inception in 1911. Liberal compensation to right men. Room 1453, Pennsylvania Hotel.

Dividends and interest. AmaSTloci CO Church Street, York, 20, A Quarterly Dividend of One and Threo-quarte- Per Cent. (lft 6) the Pre- ferred Capital Stock of the American Loco- motive Company has declared payable on 30, 1020, to the Preferred Stock- holders of record at tho of business on 11, Dividend checks will be mailed 29, A Quarterly Dividend of One nnd One-ha- Per (lft) tho Common Capital Stock of the Company has declared payable on June 30. 1920, to tho Common Stockholders of record nt the ot busi- ness on 11. Dividend checks will be mailed 20. SPENCER ROBERTSON.

GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY. Notice Is hereby given that a dividend of two dollars per share has declared, pay- able In on July 15, to stockholders of the General Electric Company of record at the of business hours on 10, that a dividend of two per has declared, payablo In stock of tho Company at par on 13, 1920, to stock- holders of record at the of business hours on 10, 1D20. Stockholders will be paid the value of fractional shares arising out of dividend, based the market price of tho stock on 10, 1020, except as to who request scrip certificates for frac- tions. The stock transfer books will not be closed. By order of the Board of Directors.

GUANTANA1YI0 SUGAR COMPANY The Board of Directors has this day de- clared n dividend of one dollar and twenty-fiv- e ($1.25) per share, or at the of two and one-ha- lf per cent (21451). On the stock of the Company for the quarter end- ing 30. 1020, and an divi- dend of five dollars ($3.00) per share, payable July 1, 102q,)o stockholders of rec- ord at the of business 13, 1020. Transfer Books will not be closed.

GEO, 1L BUNKER, Secretary and Treasurer. IRON STEEL COMPANY. PREFERRED DIVIDEND NO. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Republic Iron nnd Company, the regular quarterly dividend of lftft on the Preferred Stock was declared payable July 1, to stockholders of record 15, Books remain COMMON DIVIDEND 15.

At a meeting.of the Board of Directors of tho Republic & Company, a divi- dend of 114 on the Common Stock was de- clared navable August 2, 1920. To stockhold- - ers of record July 10, Books will re RICHARD JONES. PENNSYLVANIA WATER & POWER COMPANY. At a meeting of Uie Board of Director to-d- a dividend of one and one-ha- lf (lftft) Per waa declared for the quar- ter ending 30, 1920, payable 1, 1920, to stockholders of record at the close of business 18, 7. ALLEN, Secretary. THE AMERICAN COMPANY', 104 Market Street,,,' Camden, N.

A quarterly dividend of 154 or $1.00 per share, lias declared on the capital stock of this Company, payable 1st, 1020, to the stockholders of record at three o'clock P. May 10th, 1020. Checks will be mailed. AMERICAN CAN CO. A quarterly dividend of one and per has declared on the Pre- ferred Stock of this Company, payable Jttly lst, 1020, to Stockholders of record at tlte of business Transfer Books will remain.


THIS CERTIFICATE. Issued In duplicate, hereby certifies the WUNDERMAN-SILVERMA- N CO. INC., a domestic stock corporation, has In this office on this of May, 1S20, papers for the voluntary dissolution ot corporation under section 221 ot the General Corpora- tion Law, and It appears the corporation has compiled said section In order to be dissolved. WITNESS my hand and the seal of office pf the Secretary of State, at the City ot Albany, this ot May, A. PARKER, Deputy Secretary of State. New Orlenna Cotton Market.

New Orleans, May 25. While cotton market was Irregular unset- tled In the early trading; It de- veloped decided strength, later until lt stood 70 to 81 points last prleo of yesterday. Tho closo at net gains tho day of 60 to SO points. Close: July, 37.70; October, 84,83; December, 33. January, 33.20; March, 32.65; spot closed steady un- changed; middling--, 40. Custom House rtecelpt.

Receipts for duties at Custom House yesterday $685,481.82. Of which $247,584.15 was for merchandise withdrawn frorn, bonded warehouses and 1437,897.67 Ttcent Importations. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company Empire Building, 71 Broadway New York. March 23d, 1020. GENERAL MORTGAGE In accordance with the terms of the Get. Mortgage of Company the follow, lng one hundred seventeen (117) bond, have drawn for the Slnldar, Fund, vlx.t ' 13 0304 12123 1 1 1554 0 127 0813 3 9 0 100JO 3 5 4 1 1 18326 S053 2 1 8160 7 15701 1S331 2 0 8404 2 9 1 16243 1S373 8350 4 2 8603 5 9 3 3 868S 3 0 8710 1 2 8S38 9 5 0 3 5, 1 3 3 1 5 Interest on the same will cease 1920, and the principal of the bonds, plus ten per cent, premium, wiH be redeemed at office on and after date.

McDonald, Assistant Treasurer. FINANCING CORPORATIONS Corporations requiring addi- tional Griancc, that arc on earn- ing basis, and have been in business one year or longer, can secure immediately; 8100,000 or more through the increasing of the capitalization, or to issue treasury stock or bonds. Corpo- ration must have paid or pay dividends and have less than 1,000 stockholders. Address FINANCIER, Room 1407 Times Bldg., New York. SERVICES FOR SALE An American business man look- ing for a constructive enterprise to mnnnrrrs. Rierferablv in a foreitttl country requrinjr development. Advertiser is lony-tw- o years has had invaluable experience along financial and constructive lines; prlnrntinrt.

Initiative and a record for achievement; is a big man and is looKinp; a jod. Reply, A 478, Sun-Heral- Herald Square. FRISBIE & STANSTIELD KNITTINO CO. First Mortgage Twenty-Ye- ar Making Fuaiff Per Cent. Pursuant to Article VI. Of the Mortiit dated 1. Securing Uie aforesaid bonds, Bankers Trust Company, as under Mortgage, Invites proposals lot the sale to lt on July 1, 1020, of bonds I- ssued thereunder, nt prices not to exceed Wj per of their value.

In an amouct sufficient to exhaust as nearly as may M the sum of $23,003.60, to be deposited to tlus credit of tho Sinking Fund on that date. All proposals should be enclosed In sealed en- velopes and should be delivered to the Tru- stee, at Its corporate Trust Department, is Wall Street, York City, not tltso 12 o'clock noon on 10. 1920, McH notice will be mailed to bondholders wnose proposals may be accepted, and the Tniitf. To the extent of funds In Its available therefor, on July 1, pur chase tho bonds so offered and accepted in the manner provided In Mortgage. Dated at York, 19th day of My BANKERS TRUST COMTANT. TrUJtrt- By H. S' A responsible company, having sixteen producing wells, nineteen hundred teres, proven ground, wishes to secure the services of few good men who will sell their se- curities by telling the facts.

L0UGHREY, Room 504, Maritime Exchange Blag. 80 Broad Street.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, at a sMCttl meeting of stockholders of SIMON tI BURG & BRO. At the off ce of Company, at No. 18 West Street.

Ough ot Manhattan, of York, o the 14th day of May. 1920, the following s olutlon was adopted by the unanimous wis of nil the stockholders of company, vw RESOLVED, by the stockholders of GINSUURQ & BRO., at a meeting c vened this day of May, that It ' deslrahlo the corporate of i company should be changed mat Simon Glnsburg Bro.

To the ' Simon t.insnurg & inc. 132 MORRIS J.

GINSnURG, President SIMON GINSBUnG, Secretary TEXTILE BANKING COJirAXY. Fhn fttnCliholnCrS V. Textile Banking Company. For tha poso of electing directors for the j! And Inspectors of election and for transactlen of other business as row properly come beforo the meeting, at the office of the company. 50 Squaro, Borough of Manhattan.

Of York, on Wednesday, 0, 1920, st o'clock By order of the oBard of Directors. JEPHSON, Secretary Tork. May 26, 1920 TO STOCKHOLDERS! Notice is hereby given the sn3 '!

Meeting ef the stockholders of Consolidates Coppor Mines company will do item ' principal office of the company. In Pont Building, In Wilmington.

On day, the 8th of June. At o'clock noon, for tho election of four ton. Tor a ot years ana mo action of other business as may come beforo said meeting. SHELBY IRON COMPAM.. 80 Broadway, York. Annual meeting of the stockhpldf(J, the Shelby Company will bo t. Company's office, The Commercial Tr Company Building, Exchange Place.

City, Jersey, on Wednesday, Juw J 1920, at 12 o'clock for the election oj Directors and any matters may prTOg before the meeting. T u.Ann uu.a uaj,rV I.

P ' A RPFrtAr. Mtln nf the stockholders tJ St. Lawrence Quarries, win s h.H ih. Fhn Pnmnanr at, Broadway, In the of York, ver ot Manhattan, on the day of J al ror w --., of directors and other bulne S as im- properly come before uct. 1 'B -- a bl(C and this OF first and suit, thtrt other Boat St.

(330 First 327 the Sent W. 209,'rtr York Scto York.Vnc York Irani Stock 27 tOOS 25 Xew 1888. New ir, l'lne buy. Ig9i, ISO Tho Tho 100 and but the were last was the and and were The more Oil. Oils the and and more were nnd and the were dull and and Tho less but were nnd and and Coal,2S 2100 114 ll'.i 3900 Wool 1400 Auto Cl'a Foil 20Ji Coal 0000 3700 22'i WOO 5000 pf. Hall 224 1000 2IO0 l.tnr-nl- 13H 14'i Zinc rts.

13H 13'4 im Com Hep Tire S 33'4 5.VO S3ii Auto 10VI riou. Prof Co.-- PL Allen Anne Hells Gas.

2300 2200 Mtt 0000 Casa Syn. 10O0 Dom 2800 G200 20H 3000 OIL. Kay 1100 1SO0 1800 Pete.

Ohio Fuel Okla Gas. Hoy Salt Shell 2100 1700 OIL. 2300 20O0 4lli 0400 Coal 1300 1700 8200 llelo nootti 3200 Cons Ccns Cop M. Cres 2300 Gold Gold Gold Gold Zone Iron Kerr Lake Knox liver Eit. 10H 104 3G?i 33'.4 14!i 17!i Texas 5000 OIL.

6300 3700 OoU Gold.t 8000 syn. 7000 1000 5300 Lodo 2.VS) 1200 Cons 1000 Cash Hoy Mid. (lft 1300 35Vi 104 '2'4 20'i 32'i 33'., 21i lfii 42!4 104 10'4 191, 2HH 22U 22H K.H 13H HH S3 4 3SVt Uoat Auto 33j. 10',i 33i Guff 3300 1IH 10U 33S 10V4 10', 20H 10V4 304 13i 334 21ft 1714 20i i 1000 Tno 2000 1100 Unit 8C0O 2300 End C.

1300 2000 K00 An-- 3000 2000 Hud OOV 1000 2000 0IU 09i 7V4s I7H 7000 01i 40O0 Elec lota. Tents were 'per Mar. 82K 87V4 Bros Bros Spln Bush Hid. II7U 0st4 the 2.'

1022 1023 1020 1023 Ask. '20-2- 4 08!f July 1929 82K Jan. 1030 1920 Apr. 1923 1021 July 1922 192.T Mar. 1030 1929 Dec. 1921 Juno 1921 Mar.

1023 1922 Aug. Thrd City 4501 Pow. Dow Zinc 1080 04'4 09. NJZ Nwn Mfg Stnll Sue! Here.102 Mfg.

Iron Solv 1.7ft 10ft 10ft 10ft 2340 2614 38ft 40ft East 52ft 52ft Lake Cons New 17ft 23ft 1.1ft Sup Utah Cons 10ft.122 27ft 05ft Mass Elec 28ft West 30ft.10ft West Agr 83ft 90ft Mex Pet. 17ft 21ft 1216 19ft Port 13ft Mass 72ft Mass pf. 31ft 85ft Ohio Mills Root S9ft Unit Unit Unit 43ft Unit Shoe 2114 pf. 73ft Miss Eng CJH4 04H 02i U8i Kerr 28ft J' 3214 17ft 23ft 22ft lift 83ft 28ft 37ft 21ft 73ft 25ft m 831J 0914 94!i oi'i 07ft OK'i oow 03t 01) OAK OIK WH OSK oK Emp Low. 13ft Mass Cop.

20ft 38ft 45ft 23ft 13ft 4.1ft 65ft 39ft 49ft 83'i 83ft 02ft 20ft 22ft 13ft 72ft 03ft 34ft 24ft 28ft 38ft 35ft 24ft 73ft 24ft 70ft rS,,l Ariz W 'rU 80i Ask. 10ft 10ft 00ft 27ft 1.1ft 44ft 16ft 65ft 39ft 49ft 85ft 3214 17ft 21ft 12ft 03ft lift 28ft 110ft 4.1ft 21ft 73ft Ak. Ft 1 and but the tho The and had duo The Tho were the the Ifct and call met soon Mat.

90ft 41i, 4'is. 1958 inter, jiay, 60ft 1935. SOH r.ov., coup. 4'4s, 4lis, 8.S14 88'4 8SVJ 8S4 S8V4 8SV4 A8V4 8314 1130 Buck Cres Ohio Bid..2.18 Ask, 1200 16H Ask. June Cent..163 New Cons Cop. Crys Reef Iron 29ft 30ft Full 15ft 04ft C4C Rys Ci,nt 10ft Case Plow 22ft lift 1475 21ft 1700 S8ft 14ft G4E 30ft 1000 63ft 17ft Com Cons SUM Hons Pwr 82ft 1000 60ft 60ft Gas. 26ft.127 Lone 1043 Ohio Fuel Okla 32ft Pitts Pitts Pitts Ford 110O Mich 10ft 21ft pf.

20ft 21ft Ask. 13ft 05ft 22ft 31ft 22ft S7ft 67ft 26ft 17ft 33ft 77!i 77ft 1314 82ft notes Iron. 13ft 10ft 1.45 21ft 8fl4 864 864 em Bid. 2375 7290 01ft 10ft UK 30ft 14ft 2000 5.00 Bid. Cons 13ft 94ft 16ft 22ft 31ft lift 21ft 38ft 14ft 3014 03ft 17ft 00ft 33ft 77!i 13ft 82ft 00ft 4.9T 6.00 4.76 5.00 8.00 5.00 Bid. 04ft C.03 4.40 is; 94ft 80ft 16ft 22ft 31ft 39ft 37ft 4014 60ft 2IV4 17ft 90ft 35ft 16ft 15ft 26ft 33ft 33ft 13ft 13ft 10ft Sift Ask. Star 22ft 14ft 77ft 13ft 82ft 60ft 26ft 26ft 10ft 1.43 ried list the but day.

34.00 New Wk. Last rort New York rort New.150 Chas Chat Ex. City Coal.120 Corn.215 East First Nat..160.025 Bond Cent B4S Ext. 2.90 Hud A?o. West bank 93'.k 01ft Ask. Ask,.170 39ft Co.

Mcr.190 York Title Tills MtB. 044 04vi 0t4 35ft 1026 FCO convt Lt. Rep EdI..105.165 Low. Brill Elec 28ft 13ft 13ft Nav. 30ft 30ft 30ft 30ft 21ft 21ft 21ft Rap Ton Trac 31'4 31ft 42ft 4211 42ft Elec Lake 04ft 01ft 04ft Elec 8.1ft 8.1ft 98!i 08ft OSft Alto Dlv.

(Told Zone Tono Bid. Ftflft 4214 Ask, Imp New Park L4T.

West 2174 Trs. 08ft IAN Oft1 Ask.

Knox McN Mon Fr. Lone Flor Gold Ariz Eden Bid. 38ft Kerr Bid. 13ft 20'4 Ext. Rorc I'orc Tls. 02ft 0.1ft SOft 104ft Nat..425 Bid.

75ft 24ft ioi 2Sft 12ft 12ft 42ft 04ft 1.5rf Ask. Gold Pres Ask. 0214 1.06 95ft 24ft less for tho list the tho oils and per tho tho and per was the was bid 3T4 3W 6U 2t4 3i3 3'i 103, and 24 uml 214 3?i 2tt and H.4 l?i hold very than 683 score. 628 than State fair.

Mane, 42c: milk iiiiimvi old, mucu local 28c; held ats, 30c: SOff num. 34C; flats CaseS.

Rate, sales tmnu, lilgh accepi most them extra extra 4314 iftc. Dry, extra coast 63c; extra ArntAUi. Penn neurujr.

Mivprf extra fnnrv. Box, milk with lainy held milk held with little milk doz., doz. Milk fed, oic. Milk fed, for, jiliiro..,, 40c: TMtTTu.

Mlnf-Ai- l 22c: cows, lbs. Live steer City Nat. IftfJ June June July June Co., Co., Co. June lft-- June July May July rower June June Also Mng New nunr New New New,50? & Pays and Fair of of we of A.

To its New May 1020. Upon been June cloe June 1020. Upon been Close June 1020. Been cash 1020, close June 1020. Also cent, been July close June cash such stock upon June those cents jate June extra cash both close June The. New May 1920. Iron Steel 1020.

Held cent, June July Jum. OAS been Juno cent, been dose June 16th. THE that filed 17th day such that that such with 17th day 1920. The and and roso over the was for S3; and the were for eral 'his end this day been 4610 7490 0618 1MH 7771 0053 7015 702J 8343 8483 8071 8800 0061 0140 0324 Tbe Junt 1st, this that for will soon not oia; has lor biff Gold July Trat said cent, face New later June after then hands will, 1020. Said New this JR.

Oil all See held jM 22nd City New said SDW duly 14th 1020, that namo from sons, New York May 1th. Nnnnat Inc., l'Jr year such held tig City June noon.

New THE that Del., W. DlV tem three auch erly New May The Iron held J ' New noon, that come The Inc., City New oush 31st 1020, i::oo noon, such. Newspaper Page Text M V s ( 8 14 - 'THE SUN AND NEW YORK HERALD, WEDNESDAY, MAY' 26, 1920.' Manufacturing a gasoline substl-tul- e that is proving a commercial and mechanical success1 INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL Li an example of how a In- dustry thru foresight can entirely change Its business make a itvcesa of It discussed week. RETURN THE 100c DOLLAR When John U'anamaker started price-cuttin- g the whole country marvelled then followed Home stock market read- justment that will prove bene-tid- al are treated. 7n addition, art tetetai rrgular lealures and dUcussiont on Amer.

Asphalt miumhla t.rapli..Merrllt Oil Utah Copper hiilnnarlne In the Current l.sue MMlKETOl-IXtU- Gratti on request tor. R.H.MAGMASTERS & CO. Member i Consolidated Stock Exch.,S. S2-S- 4 IJroad New York none: Itroad Hoot ducsgo OfF.ce: South USalle St.

Salt Creek Producers Readjustment of capi- talization and proposed distribution to stock- holders reviewed in cur- rent issue of Financial Forecast Other lMuea treated; Ryan Consolidated Stclft International Cosden & Co. Texas Pacific Coal upon request.

COS 41 BROAD ST. NEWVOKFL Phone BrbadCS THOMSON AND McKINNON 42 Broadway, New York S. La Salle St., Chicago Fletcher-Ame- r. Nat'l Bank BIdg., Indianapolis Stock Exchange Cut:on Exchange Produce Exchange Members.Veto Or Cotltm Exchange of Chicago Exchange Chicago Hoard ot Trade Winnipeg drain Exchange DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES SEW ISSUE BROOKS STEAMSHIP CORPORATION STOCK Circular on requu'.

Pine Strcct-Nc- w York Special Letter this week on Island Oil & Transport Recent Special Letters on United Retail Candy Heyden Chemical Ryan Petroleum Federal Oil Copies upon request ESTABLISHED Ment'jers N Y- - Curb Mctrltec Assn. ' BROAD ST., NEW YORK, 'telephone Broad 7171.

Odd Lots Write Dept. (hjsholm & (hapman Members York Stock Exchangt 71 Broadway, New York City Uptown Office JO 15.

Circle Office 200 W. Harlem Office..200 Lenox Ave., cor. 123th llronx Office 3U1 K.

Brooklyn Office 32 Court St. Yonkers Officii 12 N.

Broadway Ken ark Office 777 IJroad St. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE STOCK CLINTON GILBERT 2W.IISt,N.Y. 4M8 Rector Racine Water 5s, 1931 Westinghouse MachineGs, 1940 FREDERIC H. LMahlMird Phone Hector 6.140. LIBERTY BONDS All f'enonilnntions bought for cash. Based on the closing we pay $40.13 for a Itond, SS Coapens tll.S.1 for n $.V-- 2il 4it llond. No Coupons KI4.ll for n $30 M 4Vi llond.

No Coupons $42.49 for 30 llll 4Vi Ilimil, 1 Coupon S48.CS for a $30 5th llond, 7 Coupons PURDY & CO. John 3174.3-0-- 7 34 SI. T, LIBERTY BONDS, Bought, Sold Best Market Prices.

V,' sell or Jurr.ili quotations on any listed or unlisted stock or bond. Specialists In dividend pnjlng securities.

COItKESTONDKNCi: INVITED. WILKINS & CO., 2W llronil irny. Corllnndt The National Bank of South Africa, Ltd.

Resources Exceed $287,000,000! 10 Wall Street New York II. Trnctor for I'hlllpplne.

J I C'nso Plow Comptny rcport for V April aRxrecnt- - hillmas of j',i.i 3'rK-- of farm Iniplenit.itf. It was have befn livrend 12'; per. Tnt company announced yester-ds'fJi- B receipts of nn order from the Philippines for tractors. Trlcea of curb stocks moved yester- day steadily higher and business was on a moro active broader scale A light demand carried values higher all through, the session, largest gains made In the hour, when there considerable short covering. Leading stocks responded substantially to demand advances of 2 3 points common.

Largest gain of than 10 points was mada In Houston Houtb. American were among first to display strength.

General As- phalt Closed with a gain of moro than 4 point Tropical Oil, International Petroleum Carlb Syndicate closed with ndvance.i of than a point. Standard Oil stocks In good de- mand, with heaviest activity In Ktand-nr- d Oil of California Standard Oil of New York, which scored substantial gains.

Midwest Itrflnlng was In vigor- ous demand toward the closing moved kcvcr.-t- l points higher. With the exception of Cleveland, motors little changed.

That stock was bid up sharply by shorts quickly gained 6 points. Metal group was active, prices continued their upward trend. Gains generally small, however, most nctlvlty continued confined to gold silver issues. Total sales range of prices follow: INDUSTRIALS. 1S00 Acrno Mi Hi Aetna Explos. (Hi.5 t S (i(X) Allied Tacking.

18 17 JJW Ji SOD Amcr Candy. 01, 61, OH -- ft tOO Autln Nichols 24 23 21 42 100 Atlas Truck.

11, i J4 Amcr rts 1H H l's M 200 llrlt-A- Chem. 31 34 Car Light 2!j 450 Cleveland 08 W) Colum Emer'ld OH 6H COO Conley Tin 23 WO Farrell..

33 51 Gen Asphalt. 09 64 Gen Motors rts 114 1 BOO Goldwyn I'lct. 12 Grapa Ola HI Ml Grapo Ola 2ft -- ft 100 Signal.

900 Hercules Pap. 21 H Heyden Chein. 5 4U 400 Hydraul Steel. 33 SI 200 Imperial Too. 9 9 Indian Tack. OH 0 500 Int Rubber.

Llbby McNeil. 24 'nn Mnt A 444 44 070 LlE-M- Coal. Ll 1M 400 Mercer Motors IH1 N J Zinc.120.1 1OT lfw N J Mio North A I'ap. 5',, 3'4 1fl rim circuit. ' Perfection T. 2ft 2'i 2A rrcssmen Tiro i', i'n -- y WJ Itadlo Com. 2 1 2 7W Itadlo pf 2 2'i 24 Sis) Ilanler Motors VA St '.) Hub 2ft 2i 2Jj 2HO H J Hee II w.

41 41 COO It de Franco.. 3li r.14 lOSInstr Mfg. 120 120 120 10O Stand C, 4 K.. 1100 Sub 12 MS) Swift Int 37 30 J7 Sweets Co li m Times Sq 20i)T Sa pf..133 131 131 KX)V S II S Tool. 3I 32 210OU S I. 4 Hi W0OU S dteam. 300 U S Tinnport.

10li rJi uti ric - - OfiOUn Bh. L l1 liOUn IUt Candy. 14 1L' 7O0Un Carbide. S M 100 Willys. 19 18 lOlnd 8S H HO Std Cal.310 3.l 1M) Kid of N Y.3S3 37 INDEPENDENT OILS. COO Arcadia TM Oil 137K) Alllnl Oil Ms) Associated...t 3d 4200. 1 100 Atlantic Gulf.

81 200 Ark Nat Id Ark Nat (! Rts Illg Heart... L.Vs) Hoono Oil 3'A 1000 Dos Jtex Hos Wyo KSI Oil 1300 Carlb Synd.. 200 Central States 2 200 Cities S U ctfs 1500 Columbia 0 010 Cosden 4 Co. Oil 300 Duqesne 500 Elk Dasln Pet l) Engineers Pet Esmeralda Oil 000 Federal Oil. 100 Fensland Glenrock Oil 1000 Granada Oil. Kss) Harvey Crude, ti Home 01) 8 0 Homo Pet.

FeOO Houston Oil. Hudson 1000 Int Petrol.

2600 Invincible 2100 Island Oil. 1200 King Pet ICS'S) Livingston Oil. 1000 Livingston Pet 3!4 OH 4' 7H ll4 7i 2H:t 73 A 3! 2, ft 84 r.oo Manhattan on 10 Merrltt. 10 700 Metex Oil.

24 Metropol Pet. L!i 700 Mex Pan 15 200 Mexico Oil l'i Midwest Hef.l40 1000 Midwest Tx. A 700 Morten. 3'i 10000 Noble O 4 G. 1ft 100 No Am OIL. 3V4 inn 25 300 Nat 1300 Omar Oil 3H Si) Panhandle.

12 1500 Phillips Pete., m 100 Pittsburg Oil. 13 700 Producer 4 It. Ited Hock Dutch 0300 Hyan Oil 2100 Creek P. 1300 Sequoyah Oil.. 700 T T rts Slmms Pet. 1000 Skelly Oil 700 Spencer Pet., 1800 Stanton Oil. 100 Stelner OIL., Superior 34 2i 300 Ken....

S!i Texas Hanger. 1 Tex Pac Coat.t Tex P rts 11 12200 Texon O 4 L. 1 Tropical 1400 United Tex Oil. 1900 Vic Oil. Vulcan Oil 31, White Oil 300 Woodburn. Alas-H- r Col. Pi 100 Am Mines.

1 1500 Atlanta t 2 4800 Belcher Dlv..t 7 filOi) Dlv Ext.f 8 4300 Big Ledge 1200 t Bon 4 Mont.t 1000 Caled 100 Can Cop Candelarla M. 1100 Carson Hill. 1500 Arizona.

1000 WO Con Virginia.. 4300 Cortex Silver. T 1000 Creasnn Gold.

3'i JniOO Divide l!xt.t 1200 Salvador.. 2i 2000 Emma Sllver.f 8 8(s X) Eureka Croe. I Eureka Holly. 200 Mining 700 Gadsden Cop.t Goldsn Gate.. L.VS) Cons.f 1000 Dcvel.t 1800 Kewanat 150O Merger, t Hll Plck.t 10000 Hattle Ootd.t 500 Hecla Mining. 4U ira itonauras 1200 Blosaom. Jumbo Ext.f 700.

1300 Louisiana Co. Magma thtef.f 2TiH Marsii,Min.t 400 Mason Valley. ItO) Mother Lo.f (new). Mogrldgct Mount States.t COONlplsslns North 8lar.t 1200 0phlr Silver. 700 Prince Con lots) Hex t 1500 Horhester M.t 4000 Hoper Oroup.. San Toy t MAO Silver Mount,.t 20(OSll Arli. IWSI Hunburst 1011 12(') Success MlrT.t 400 Tonopnli Bel.

1200 Ton t iu(i-ion- Dtvlle. 3.h m 33 44 A 22 20 4'. 20 ft 80 27 1 ft '4 59 lft 31 El 1A 1 75 9 7 7 20 22 16 n 1 19 57 lis) M ( M 7d 9 1 ' K of 23 77 lft M. 24 ft ft l l'i I z.

T 2 A 0 6 5 VvOTononah t ii 25O0Tonopali Tonu MUpali, t ii 1 37 $1 HI 10 3H i s 3'.i lb'i 8H 6U 1 7H P4 U 7i!4 3d 31 3'i! U 8'i 0 15'i 2H I Pi 134 3A 1 3V4 25 33 3H 11 '.4 30 13 7'i 3'i 4 'i 14 oi w 2h 4ft 2'i ft 1 ft 1 3H 4 1ft 1 F. 78 27 1 1 1 73 oH 7 2 i 18 20 10 ft 4 Si 0 u 20ft 18 lft 57 rt 7fi b!) 9 I 6 16 ft 76 lft 20 r. Ni 6 34 07 w 32 W m Mi 5.

1 U 31 -- 3U 9 H 12 23 41 1 201 34 an) 3'J 41 13 M 13 l.i 400 32 2U 2'i 5T5 2 2 i of Oil 2',i 000 Xm Oil '.4 400 000 rts. 200 21 l'i 411 200 10 100 10.t 4'i 14 ft 1; OS 19 M 310 363 1 2'i 33 81 If. 3 lft it 34 19 8ft 04 ft 4',i 7i4 Pi i 214 7'i 2ft J' ffl:: lis 2S 73 ft 'A 1', 35 l'i 5V4 ft IS ft 8ft 9 2, 4ft 13 l'i 140 ft 3'i 1ft 3'.4 S3 3V5 12 38 13 7ft 3ft 4i ft 14'A 10 20 2ft 4ft 2'i 44 11 1 21 lft 3'i 4 1A 1 3i;t 59 ift 'J 8' 1 75 V. 0 7 2 2 20 22 ioA 0 4 19,1ft 5t I! 7rt OH Oft 4 ft ft 6 16 77 lft 20 n 2 5 U H H 1H 1H - H 1 - U A -- 1 '.4 - H -- 1 -!i 1 - H - '.i -- 0;.i u M 2 1 2 7 1 H ft - ft ft - ft ft i - ft ft 3.i - ft ft (I 0 0 ft -- 1 ft - ft ft 1 3 - ft - ft 1,i 1 2 r ft ft ft ft 2V, ft lft ft lft - ft A ft -- 1 ft -- A - ft -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 U 42 ft ft 1 ft.

1 1 1 A --0 1 5 Re EuU.t J4 U S Cont.,j 0i Eastern. 3i Victory t 12 Wash O Q. Hi 700 West M White Caps.1 8 Wh Caps Eit.t 2 1000 Wllbert t H Yerrlngton.f 3 BONDS. 110000 Al Tacker jiwi Am Tel 6s. M'4 04 l 0s, '24 02H 000 Oil 7US.100U 14000 Atl C L 7s.

08 Un R ItUs.lOOVi 17000 CCCiSI-OlMl- i 4 7s. 4000 Goodrich T 7s 05 Int n T 7s. 72 Kennecntt C 7s 7000. Lo 4 Nash 7s. 1A000 Ilus Gov Ms. 20000 Sinclair C Swedish Gov 0s K3 22000 Texas Co 7s... TSi Odd tSells a dend.

I'nrU Ilourse Trndlnir. Paris, May Prices weak on Houree Three cent, rentes, 60 franca; exchange on London, 50 francs; S cent, loan, S7 francs SO centimes; dollar, 13 francs centimes. SHOUT TKtLM NOTES. AmTeliTel O AmTelATel...0 AmTlireailCo...0 AmTotrax;o..7 AmToliaccoCo... 7 AmTohaccoCo... 7 AmTobacroCo..

7 AnacnndaCopCo.r) AnnouriCoCon 0 IlethsteelCorp..7 DethSteelCorp..7 (!anadlanl'acHy 0 OntralAwIty.0. CIliyl!H(iolnt).4 CCC&SLKrCo.

0 Cub.Vm8ulI.len.a Cudahyl'kuCo..7 Del&lludKIt.5 Dflilludltlt.7 KedSugKefCo. 0 GenKlectrlct'o. 0 OreatNorKy....8 UFflCoConv.7 GulfOUCorp... 0 (lulfOUCorp 0 GulfOUCorp 0 IIockln2ValKIl.O IHTCoConv 7 KanCTerIlyCo.O KennecottCopCo.7 UclnleULlstcH7 Llwetti.MTot). 0 NTentralHH.a PhnHplnhl&Cn A I5,'21 Apr.

Iv-i- 7 0 15.' Amalg 42 do pf. Am Chicle 38 do pf. 3'.i Am Tyt V do pi 4 A D T N Atlas P C.

60 Barnh iSpln 1 83 Barnh 2 03 Bor O M.103 do pf. Invest.135 Chllds Co. Do pf PL4W Co.KV) Drap Am Brass..200 Cs '22. Chi Del 23 Am 40 23 67 88 95 Ilato. 01 Bid 50 VJ 42 90 3i 43 88 33 C5 S3 Ask.! 163 1701 do Df 82 85 Bab WII.107 113 Bliss, E W.400 do pf CO 70j Carb 8teeL. 00 100 do 1 110 do 2 pf.

Du P 290 Ex dividend. TIM A.k.l Am 2d 30 do pf 52 3d Bv Prod. 103 108 Casein 40 50! 230.: Du Ch pf. 8 Fed Ch 100 103 do pf 03.130 143! 50 Am 10 Ahmeek.

335 Ariz Coml. Big Heart Am Agr pf. Tel 14:i 10 ft 3 H.T.I 001 72 Ottl 21 share.

MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS..ft Oct, 1022 FCC, 1024 1028 NOV. JimMA 95 July 1522 I3.' 2I 04 IW'27 81 M July 1021 03 July 1021 j( July 1523 07 1UXU Nov. 102 July Sept.

July July Sept. 1021 Jan, Sept. PejinylvanUCo.4l rennsyivanuiiu. LrocteriOambl8.7 far. Piwter&Ganble l'rocteriOarable.7 Pub!trCpNJCnv7 ItJKeynoldVTob 0 192J Soutbcrnlly 1022 StPaulUnDGuar.SK hwllliCo 0 ThuTeiksCo Utihccl'orD 0 WetKI('o.t'onv.7 Bid. J p p 0 4 P 0 1021 Sept. 22 Apr W I ooW MLxt'ELLANKOlS M4F.100 Celluloid.

Crp.133 pf.100 Int Sll Leh V C Lima L pf. (Nat STKEI CHEMICAL Cn. R.r.n.dll Nor.15,'23 hTOCKS.

St.203 L O'Neill pf. Pf H Bk Pdr.l30 do pf. 82 L Singer 120 Br pf HM4P Ch pf.100 3 D Warren pref.lO0 Baaite Co Pf. W 4 It IVnle T. 10'East Am pf. I.i P 210 do Nlles-B-- do pf 95 Scovill Thomas Winch Corp.

425 Woodward. 00 pf CO MerekACo Solvay. S3 Mulford Co. Nlsg Alk 90 130 Process. CO (10 Oft 810 Bingham 0'i 30 Cal and Ariz.

61 61 40 Cal and Hecla.327 330 Carson 28 15 Chlno 31 lit 243 Copper Range. 813 Davis Daly. 8ft Oft 240 12'i 13 723 Franklin 2'4 2ft 50 Hancock 5 n 20 Helvetia 2 2 10 Inspiration. 120 Island Creek. 43ft Isle Royale. 3i 3ft 30 Keweenaw.

3ft 8ft 109O Mayflower OC 5ft Oft 10 Mohawk 0.1 6.1 8V) Cornelia. 17 Old Dominion. 2rt 5 Osceola 40 50 Seneca 15 St Marys. 40 41 45 Superior 5 340 4 Boston 3ft 4 100 Trinity lft lft 255 Tuolumne.

73 75 101 U.S Smelt pf. 44 41ft 250 Utah Apex. Oft 20 Wolverine. 10ft RAILROADS.

12 Bos Albany 122 140 Bos Elevated. GO 01 3 Boston EI pf 82 82 53 Maine. 27ft 3 Maine Cent.,05!4 3 pf. 7 7 47 N Y, N H 4 H. 125 50 50 MISCELLANEOUS. 60 23 Am Am OII.L.

37 Amoskeag 6 Sue 7.10 Am Caskct.100 161 iuj. 73 nf Wool Anglo-A- morion PratttW Ky Merrlmac pf. 103 81 87 4ft,106 02ft 80 20. 0 pr 070 Atlas Tack. 21) 170 Bos 2 Eastern Mfg.

32 133 Eartern S 22ft 25 Edison 14.T 2.10 Elder 31 485 Fairbanks 62 Gorton 10S5 Gray Green T 4 D. 60 800 Indus Oil 4 O 105 Int Cem.

21 225 Int rrods 20 200 Island Oil. 6A 990 Llbby 22 ft 40 Ixjews 10 000 J T Connor Co 208 Gas. 33 Gas,58 28 McElwaln 1 90 475 Mex Inv 660 Nat Leather. 11 New Tel 220 Body.

25 105 Orpheum 5 Pac.160 Parish 30 410 100 Reece Folding 3ft SOShawmut. 26 160Rlmms 18 640 Stewart 39 822 Swift 110 160 Swift Intl. 66 7 United Drug. 12.1 6 Drug pf Fruit.195ft 293 Shoe. 260 Ventura 1033 Waldorf 21 lOWaltham. 34 lOWaltham 213 Wick Wire. 23ft BONDS..1fifiO rnrson 109 'noon River 5s.

71 1000 New T 3s 78 U!4 n n 100 100W 7Ti A 81 87 84 107 03 07 30 2.1 144ft IV, 20 oSA 10 73 58 06 37 26 160 30 30 2d 111 GO 123 193ft 4J Ts'ft 34 109 71 78 it mpioj mnn. 14 -- 1 0'i!4 3ft -- ft 10 -- S 1ft A 5 3 h oi V4 loo os loovi W 72 I 24 -- 1 08, li lEx-dlv- l. Per 2 Lth 02 H 09 Ji III out h 01)!i lva 5ft 3ft all 04 03 2H OlH on( looK 09i 03H 00 08 93 M 96 H 02 74 0.1K oo el H 80 U 07 H oo ii 02 03 90 00 U ioi ii ioi y, loo H ii 100 09 H loo H 84 05J OIK Oil 07 h Bid. 03 87 85 pi iuu nw OS D. 03 H t 60 Stern 04 St L 40 V lnc 33 do 7.W Open.

13ft Boa 03 270 Bid. Do pf pf 07 395 do pf 48 S 1.1'i 13',i, 10ft,. 50 pf 10 55 49 15 7s 81 88 n 31 60 21ft 14 19 49 1 - 8. - - - 4-- 83 - J 4 98 25 40 80 GO 9:4 10 8 60.11 8ft 12ft 2ft 62ft 29 3ft 1ft 3ft l'H 16ft 39 40 3i lft 63 lft Oft 16'i 122 GO 82 28 8t 4 106 06 8ft 2') 143.lO'i 62 17ft 22ft CO 19ft 20 8ft 10 68 11 83 160.10 3ft 20 18 39 110 06 123 49 193ft 43ft 15 21 34 78 BOSTON CURB CLOSING., J,. 4 6 'Majestic.

16 11 it Hl,v c' M -- - M. 92 U H 100 100 00 ( loo 08 K 93 8S 72 8? Oo 09 bS 109 1 95 9S 08 f 99 07 00 95 115 Kit 210 101 200 140 Sfl 02!4 12.1 100 47 103 '4 10314 40 80 102 101 2S3 80 35 85 215 101 106 425 45 475 43 70 70 06 110 PO 5.1 100 160 60 8 ISO 31 40ft Oft 13 2ft 62ft 47 20 3ft 1ft 3ft Gft 6.1 17 26 40 41 6ft 4 111 63 lft 6ft 122 61 82 27 28 ft 81 4ft 83 ft 107 92ft 97 9 30 2.1 144ft 31 m 24ft GO 20 h 10 73 58 37 S3 20 160.10 39 3ft 20 19 39 37 ft m 123 49 193ft 2.1 13ft.14 a inn 70 ft 78 1 70 10 m j U.6 8 J& ft y J8 COTTON MARKET.

The cotton market Bhowed a decidedly ( bettor undertone yesterday and a grade of rallying; power that surprised moro than ono operator. Buyers were chiefly Liverpool trade Interest, Walt street aborts gavo market a good deal of support at times In session.

Bullish factors Included a higher stock market, Improvement In foreign exchange, strong Uverpool cables early reports of unfavorable weathe )n tho cotton belt It was evident that, bullish feeling by no means dted out, the upturn crowd being quick to take advantage of tho market's tech- nical position to recent declines. Liverpool spot market was moder- ately active, 3,000 bales changing hands. Future market was higher owing to Manchester support. Ilcports from I Egyptian trading circles somewhat Improved nnd undouuieaiy neiped to im- part confldenco to many holders of staple. At outset here the was lrrer-ula- r 20 points lower to C higher. Immediately following the tho mar- ket better support, which car NEW VOKK CITY BONDS.

Hate and Asked. 00 Inter June. 4V4s, March, 1063. 4Hs, Nov., 1057. 90 Inter, 4V4s. Coupon 4',is,. 5, 75 Coupon 4J4s,..6.

4t4s, April, I960. 1900-3- 0 84 Inter. May, 1939 81 Inter.

4s, 81 is, mw bi Registered 4s. Registered 4s, Nov., Kegisterea 4s, iimu. SHs, Nov., 1033. 3Hs, May, 74 Coupon 4Vis, 1 Coupon 3 Registered 3Vis, Registered 3V.

Regis, 3Hs, 1920-192- Registered 3s, Reglitered 3s, Registered 3s, YOBK STATE BONDS. And Coupon Jan., Regis.

4Hs, Jan., Coupon 8ept., Regis. 4s, sept., Coupon March, 1063. 44S, 141.11, it'uu. Coupon 4'is, Jan., 1965. Jan., 94 Coupon tl'is, Jan., 1013. 04 Coupon 4s, 1000-T-, J 4 J.

1060-- J 4 J. Coupon 4s, 1038-6- 7 M 4 8 Regis. 1038-0- M 4 S. Coupon 4s, Jan., 1946.

Coupon 4s, Jan., 1942. 4s, Jan., 1942. Anglo-A- 20 Atl Ret. Do pf.lCM 0 V L. 85,C M C.2I3 do pf.lOO Continent.

30 C P L Inc.115 Eur P L. 42 do pf old 05 do pf nw 90 III P L.160 Ind P L. 87 Int Tftrol. 3d Nat Trans 26 N Y Tr.l0 North P L 03 208 Pa Mex F. 8.1 Pr O4G.530 Card-Am-. 53 O Agulrre.121 Central. 75 Fajardo Federal.105 Gt West..

Do pf 11.1 Guanta'mo.100 New. 103 473 00 233 103 135 32 130 103 4S l(s) 03 163 01 37 2S 165 98 302 42 8)1 503 23 80 65 12.1 37 80 245 110 413 110 103 200,, About. STANDARD OIL.

Radiator..8.75 NEW Form. 02 Pr P L.193 Solar Re f.363 South P L.U3 South 283 S Pa PL 83 Std of Cal.310 Std 075 Std of Kan.3iU) Std of Ky.360 Std of 23 Std NJ.700 do pf.10t Std of NY.383 Std of 0.423 do pf.l00 Swan 4 F.

Union Tk.l07 do pf Vacuum..335 Washing. 27 Std subsld en Std old st all SIT.AU STOCKS. Pf..140 Calaveras. Baltic 3 4 Chief 3ft 3ft Nev Doug. 14 2ft 3ft Mxon 7 9 Crown Res 23 Onondaga. 12 lt Denbigh.

1 Eagle B B 2ft Rang Pet. Seven Homa SWMlaml. 3ft 4 Houghton.

60 Silver 7 8 Iron Bios.. 1 lft La Rose.. Am Albert Tick. 40 218 Armour Leath 60 Armour L pf. 3.10 ArmouriCo pf Beaverboard.. 48 200 Briscoe Chi Ry pf Oft 150 Chi El pf 3ft 00 Cudahy 89 410 Motor. Oft 600 Hupp 250 J I J I c P 1st pr 89 463 Lindsay Light 6 1S30 Llbby Montgomery W.llft 375 Mitchell.10 1033 Nat Leather., Quaker O pf.

00 Reo Motor. Sears Hoebuck205 300 Shaw Stewart Warn Stand G 4 E.

Stand pf 2000 Swift Int 8wlft 4 Co. 110 203 Temtor Prod.. 10200 Union Carbide 800 United Iron... 25 230 Western Knit. 60 Wrlgley ex dlv 74 BONDS. $4000 ChtCRy 1st Ed 1st 5s 78 6S Gl 89 23 12 17 19 18 13 20 GO 10 40 12 27 23 03 OO 80 15 23 66 High.

48 10 111ft BALTIMORE. Atlantic Tet. 3ft 3ft Ala 80. 20 Cen Teresa 8'J 200 525 Celestlne 140 140 1 Citizens Bank. 100 Davison Chem.

71 5 Water Pwr 1O0 United Ry 12 12 25 U 180 160 33 Wash A. 13ft $I00t) Con 71 6s.

1000 Car 5s dlv ctfs. 100 100 6s 4s riTTSBCRO. 14 130 Am W Mch.ll3ft Ark Nat 10 10 Am Nat pf.121 30 Barns Corp 41 100 Carbohyd. 4 803 Guffey allies.

383 Labelle 43 Gas 27 Marland Refg. 4 Nat Flrepf pf. 27' 213 600 Jerome. 71 Union.123 125 W P. 0 05 A B.lOlft ftftles. 200 Charcoal J 40 Charcoal Pf. 3ft 400Cont Motors.

Oft Detroit Edlson.lOlft 10 303 130 Noble 1.43 873 Packard M C. 10 M 89 80 Motors. 99 09 99 09 94 04 02 8.1 70 Yield Asked..5.23.S.50., Asked. 102 102 102 92 3 pf.

National 167 N Nlquero.230 Cecilia. 3 40 Oft 3ft ft 9ft 6 30 208 8ft Cosden 3ft 3ft 11 Casualty.

2000Elkhom 4 N II O 84000 Ry V O O 4 Westing DETROIT. C 3ft Oft 365 92 02 02 86 V, 83 70.

02 92 W of of 00 08 II 71 60 60 11 40 14 10 32 60 23 36 41 67 93 13 80 66 ft 41 01 03 08 69 89 86 A. 15 02 83 83 8.1.i 40 48 611 314 89 Oft 15 89 6 205 GO. 109ft 40 25 74 02 Low. 3ft 80 8'i 3ft ISO 41 63 70 12 100 74 89 100 High. 113ft 104ft Open. Pack Paige lTWReo Godchaux Fidelity.

101ft. Oft 100ft S05 1.45 20 VJ 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.07 5,00 C.02 5.03 G.01 5.02 4.03 4.04 4.93 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 lnd. 5.00 5.02 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.43 4.43 4.43 198 116 295 70,315 600 390 475 710 102 387 103 93 110 100 33 do 03 30 do 75 80 S, do pf 97.23 1ft 23.80 2ft 20 1ft OIL 30 73 50 100 450 200 Gas 60 00 00 36 74 62 78 123 Co 80 pf.

Pf 30 Oil 70 Pa 74 89 Go Un Ry 86 Un pf. 143 Ga Mt 270 Pa W 123 80 30 70 102 60 30 00 30 78 86' 5.01 4.43 t.i 40 03 48 50 Oft 3ft Oft 10 oo 6 30 lift 00 208 Gil.16 111 74 62 78 Last. 3ft 80 8ft as 1311 41 69 71 12 160 74 89 100 80 Last. 14 II 14 114 114 16 121 121 121 41 41 it 4 4 4 129 127 129 27 27 27 4ft 4 4 14 14 14 27 27 27 32 80 8o 8c 41c 41c 14 123 123 123 0 0 0 101 3 8 Sft 21 80 390 500 450 330 41a 104 Last..1 3ft 100V, S83 21 80 SO 22ft tha to 20 to 40 points more than Tuesday's final figures.

At morning's topmost level there was a small reaction, tho general under- tone held rather firm. Hang of prices: Mon-Ope- n. Jun 38.3JN 37.M July SC.03 87.0J Srt.05 87.81-8- 1 37.03 August. 30.00 S4.00 3d.00 Sn.M-9- 1 &J.23 September.

34.80 34.80 34.80 S3.63N October. 34.20 S3.08 34.13 M.03-B- 8 34.15 November.

33.30 33.50 33.50 S4.30N 33.50 December. 33.20 33.18 33.88T 33.12 January. 32.43 33.35 32.39 33.2JT 32.38 February S3.00N 82.20 March 32.0S 32.00 32.03 32.73-7- 7 32.00 April 32.23N 31.50 Spots-Lo- cal, 40; Orleans, 40. COTTON STATISTICS. Receipt 11,217 ll.r.73 20,437 Exports Sid 38 JjMiS Exports season.

5,830,(101 B.802,375 stocks 45,375 47,701 IOJ.OjS stocks t.08,753 1.1I.J.8M Interior recelpta. O.mW 8.403 10.2M Interior shlpm'ts O.OrtO 8.051 17.0J8 Y'k arrivals 2.133 39. Liverpool Cables-Sp- ot cotton dull at.n points (lecllno; middling, 23.53d. Sales, 3,000; Amcrlcnn, 2.O0O. 21,000; Ameri- can, 23,000. Putures opened steady at 02 to 82 points decline. Closed quiet at a net de- cline of 47 to 68 points.

23.00d.; July, 23.2d.; October. 23.0ld.; 22.45d.s January, 22.2bd. Manchester larns and cloths dull and Irregular.

NEW YOBK HANK STOCKS. Bld.Ask, America 213 2231 Atlantic 213 Am Exch 273 Battery 203 Bowery 420 Bryant Park. 150 B'way Cent. 130 Butch 4 D.

33 415 430 4 I' 290 290 Chelsea 123 Chemical.575 685 Citizens 30. 250 Commerce.210 Colonial 330 Continental Columbia.180 Eich.440 450 Cosmopolitan. Commercial E.425 Com'wealth. Fifth Ave..OOO Foreign Tr B 70 80 TRUST AND COMTAME9. Bld.Ask Alliance 80. Am Trust Am Surety. 73 78 Bankers 330 360 4 Mtg.233 Brooklyn Tr.490 Union.

370 Columbia 335 Commercial.143 Emp Trust.. 300N 40311'eorles Fulton. Guaranty Hamilton Hudson T Kings Co Westchester M.U5 M N. Pf pf 0 Ad EI'C. L4T.133 do pf 79 G4E. 03 do pf 37 Am PiL.

Do pf W do 1 pf. SO do pf 5 Appal do pf 20 PRiL. 81 Comwlth PR4L. 36 El pf 83 EmpDE pf GO EOaFCotst 6s 92 Cigar. Do pf 80 To dv icp.190 W Helme.lGO do of.

OUT OF TOWN MARKETS. Dlv Divide Dlv Cons. Dlv Hennessey. Olfford Hargraves. SO 1 7 0 1 o 20 1 10 4 1 1, C.

Res.180.270.310.233.160 Am pf. Sugar 2851 213 100 100'.293 200 112.300 W. 25 100 MOl 380 3: 170 Garfield Gotham Giecnwtch Harrlman Ilano'-i- r. Industrial Trad.

Irving Nat..260 Liberty Lincoln Manhat Mech M.. Metropolitan Mutual 233 243 530 American.150 Netli 195 N B.460 N Co 125 720 Pacific 133 Produce Ex Public Seaboard 630 Second State 23d.190 United States.183 Ex Wash His.

323 Yorkvllle SURETY. Lawyers T.140 Lincoln.... 2C5 Mtge Bond. Mut W.103 123 Manufac'rs. N fill T.715 Tr.620.. Equitable.2HO Y Title 140 Farmers S03 275 Fldelltv...

IOi 2.12lTltle T.390 United States.8.10 M T.410 O. AiO Lawyer 125! ROII.IC UTILITIES. 720 Cities Service.330 320 1800 S 1003 S B OVi 5ft 5ft 4412 shs.

Deb 0 Am Am Am P Am 2 par Pr. 2 Car C Col pf. 129 A G J 8 pf. Lake.160 Ask.l lft 160 395 123 170 025 4 4 Y Y T T C. I 4 4 C C C S C S C 8 4 12 'E G 4 73 140 1021.

84 81 do 8TJ pf stock SI.19 Fed 55 do pf. 70 1G4E do pf.. N Ont 10 n do pr wj 41 O Elec.. Do pr N Pr 23 do pf 80 35'i R4L. 12 48 11 83 19 40 88 70 07 133'. 85 00 6 0 6 ao pi. Cal 80 do Pf.

Std G4B., do pf., TRL4P. Do 1 pf., Pow. TOBACCO STOCKS 300 do new pf.190 do scrip.

RJReyn A..610 110.45.i 100: do rf ISOIUniv 100' do pf. I85IWeyman-- do pf PHILADELPHIA. 380 550 283 3S3 285 230 325 300 490 173 480 133 473 183 145 Tr. 310 107 730 400 3301 860 203! 420 CG01 nts 100 IN 200 Un Ask. $8 50 36 CI P R-- T.110 125..

04 110 0.10 r.nn 101 200 108 170 Sales. Am Alliance 20 107ft 110 107 110 3 Asph pf.102 102 102 102 220 Ins Co N A. Lake Corp Lehigh. Cum pf 1050 Ph Elec. 600 Ph 20 20 100 Belmont, lft 1ft lft lft IM Mining. 1ft 1ft Ift lft 101 Un 609 Un Imp..

Sft 8ft 81i 8!i BONDS. $10000 Peo 88 '58 10000 lnc 2000 L V 13000 Ph 1st 4000 Welsbach 5s. FRANCISCO MININO STOCKS.

Allied Dlv Annex Belch Belch Brougher. Hasb 3 6 Sft 34 Ask 1.03 Union (Revert. Verdi Victory. TONOPAH.- -.. 1 4 8 '4 1 Cash Boy. 12 Jim North Star.,1 McNamara Midway.

Mlipah Ex 17 West GOLDFIELD. Atlanta 2 Gt Bend. 4 r Ext 6 O O D. 2 Comb 2 Star.

8 R Hills l 2 Goldl 19 23 Rick. 7 MISCELLANEOUS. Amparo Mines Unit. 4(r Tecopa Mayflower.

White Caps NevWond, WCExt. Adaoac Bailey 3 Crown 23 Foster Gt Bay. TORONTO CLOSING, COBALT. Beaver Chamb Conlagas. S Cement 4ft 2141 03 of 02 Junior pres. Royal King.160.375 42 20 30 90 PhC65 Butler 35 Rescue 13 Jumbo La Rose.

57 C C Nlplsslng. 10.00 Ophlr Peterson L of 2ft Iaf. Trethewey, Wettlaufer. Monesba Davidson. Newray Dome Or. Dome M.1000 ll.OOIPoro Reef. Keora Thomp Mclntyrsu.

West Dome KIRKLAND LAKE. Elliott Lake Kirk Lake Teck II.

Atlas 33 IWasaplka. MONTREAL CLOSING Ansa Brazilian. Brompton Smelt. Cement Dome Iron Ward. Leaf 72ftl Myra Reno Toggery.175 End..1 1.7WRoch Right 3 Rhatrlnfo 1AU Span Rlv.

Span Pf.1324 Rlordan P.171 Laurentlde Montreal Quebec lita Tex.l32 Hll. 6 7 9 3 9 SS 4 83 53 53 84 14 82 97 60 16 S3 10 40 40 40 82 20 20 20 40 41 40 41 20 20 23 59 69 69 50 50 20 20 4s 68 5s 40 40 49 40 6s 5s 83 8.1 60 11 31 23 CO pr 38. 11 10 31 14 11 11 65 18 45 40 31 58 14 16 10 14 33 31 12 1 4. 20 5 20 S 1 2. T 1 2 7 8 10 12 t - 23 27 2 4.. 6 43 i.95 10.50 31 Apex. 8., iti t 3ft VNT.

72 Can SS pf 82. 61 4.S0 03 42ft sVi A. Sllv.273.360.813. Nat.173 New LIT.103 Bid..101) Bid. 1.50 Sllv 40 W 36 14 n Ptl of 05 P 84.. 200 303 335 203 740 375 673 200 273 207 328 173 338 ami o. A 400 e Gas 610 Stg Gen S Ton Gas 100 4 S. 9 2 15 17 1.60 1.53 1.60 San.

7 Nev 2 2 MIn Sllv 3 14 3 2 3ft 2. 27 7 3 lS'i O.. Hoi 5.23 8.35 1.77 s I Can 1.02 144 15 Ask. Inn 03 133 W 171K 84ft 132ft I nMtnATVnllimn rVHUIN IK I I Ufa Greater cos In funds, a strained credit situation, Improved foreign ex- change conditions nnd eomo urgent short covering combined ns potential influ- ences making wide and rapid es throughout of Con- solidated Stock Exchange yesterday, in steels, weclaltles gains ranged from 3 to 6 cent, while in nctlvo rolls was recorded an averogo improvement of about 2 point Sus- tained strength! And activity In usually dormant ceppera attending gains of from 3 to cent, the outstanding feature of final liour. Crucible Steel up C to 0.

Republic to 89, Lackawanna o 08. Vanadium to; 71.

BePlot7to 4 to 87Vi. Hctlilehcm Steel li 2J4 to Mfc,. Bald- win United States Steel to Locomotive to ll!t4.

American Locomotive 3 lo 9! TudJe0l,nt H to 65 W, Plerce-Arro- to Petroleum 6 to.l76ft.

U to lloyal Dutch, New orlt, 3 to ill., Sinclair 2 to 31. Shell Transport --! Io TS'-- i, American Sumatra s' Tobacco Products to. Utah Copper moved up 4 to 71. Ameri- can Smelting to 61. Cerrc, do Pasco ift to 45, Inspiration t'U 1 u- -' American wooien y, - to 63ft.

Stromburg 3 to 63, Com to 3 to 92, Cuba Cane Sugar iia. Texas Pacific 1 to 40 J. Southern Pacific to 2 to 82, St Paul 1 to 32 and Rock Island to 34 PRODUCE MARKET. Snd trade taking Creamery, higher extras, 00 ' J' 02 score, OOc-- i firsts, 50c. 88 to 80 MftS.ftc. Seconds 83 to 67 score, M'JS.

Grades, 48351c; held, tr.,fXd firsts. 55357c.; seconds, 616540.; higher extras, 63ft864c; extras, firsts, 68060c.; seconds, 6385iC dairy, tubs, finest. MftS30c.; good to prime, 60?58c.; common to SSjjc. Novated, extras. 64355c.; ', A2?8 ladles, current make, firsts, fi,VL. 41ftJ42c; lower packing stock, current..

I lower grades, S'W'Oe. Tone 01 uie.a:; - whole anil such, steady on fancy though not demand for old Wins. Sklma slightly easier. H0'flr fresh, flats, colored or wh te, b,, f specials. Average run, 276 31R32C.; average run.

Lower grades. 209200.: twins, held, specials, white, r.nue colored. 30931c; average run, white or lolored, 28'4fi29c; lower grades, 20B.C-.; Wisconsin, whole neia, i'. ;: single or double daisies, 3033114C., Young Americas, fresh. State skims, and twins, held, specials.

Fresh specials. LtlftS20c: prime to choice. HUffllSVw.: fair to good. 12fllGc; lower grades, 56 10c.,7!.4.l.rrf,i. M 0.17 The recent decline In egg prices has not stlmulnteu any material siietuiou.o In tills market. Arrivals continue liberal,.

AMmi,laln nnrf RtOCkS In storage are Increasing at a more rapid chiefly uider shippers' orders. Lcal deal ers are not incnneu to uuy imu age, but a good many of the best goods ar- riving ere being ordered Into the warehouses for shippers' account.

To effect quota- tions aro as much reduced as could be ob- tained, and It is doubtful if any free move- - - i r.,a.t V. O nnri mnnv lain im-Il- l luuiu w - o of quality eggs are going to warehouses rather man iirwin pvM.t Dirties and checks nre easier.

Ui..dnm nttfttltv are In comparatively light supply and receiv- ers report some outlet for at sustained prices. There Is constant accumulation ot the averaw! Good and lower grades which aro pressing for sale and favoring the buyer. Fresh gathered extras, dozen, 447c; stor- age packed, firsts, 43f4j'jc; firsts, 43344!sc; fresh gathered, firsts,. Stnrnee packed.

SGflSOftc: regular packed, 35S3j14c; No. 3033; checks, good to choice, 33334ftc; State, Pennsylvania and nearby,. Nvfrn ViTC.Yle.! Western iikiiuci v firsts, 50651c; firsts.

46349c; gath- - erea wnues. Iirsts io wun m.w, under grades, 41ff43ftc; Pacific whites, extras, firsts, 60351c;,iKa. N!hir Western and couth- - em gathered vvhltas, 44848c.; State, sylvania nno browns, extras, wmit.! 4647c: firsts to ' '? F l'llUJ.llVS, IS.ISV5JC.BJ t 15.I..H anH,trV iresn ttuieu ijuuiu,, iii.w packed, were comparatively moderate yester- -.... Slrtriri- - rtn large packed fed fowls, Icea lots sicauj.

At the moment and about steady. Dressed Long Island spring ducks in fair supply and working out at 35c. For choice grades. Comparatively few squabs in 5 ester-da- y and prices unchanged.' Fancy grades of fed frozen broilers, roasting chickens and large fowls fairly steady, but corn fed chickens coming in rather more plentiful, holders nnxlous to sell and tone ir- regular.

Other ftcSfn poultry shows chango In condition or prices.. 32tf42ftc: corn fed. Fo.l hhl and kegs, 40311c. OLD COCKS-D- ry packed, 28c; scalded. DUCKS Long Island, spring, 33c. SQUABS-Lar- ge. White, 0 lbs.

$.1: culls, $1.505T2. FROZEN M??nr.: Western, old rjHi.vte. RniCKENS Broilers, fed. 44 350c; corn 40352c: dry picked, milk fed, 4UV43C.; corn teu, I'OWLS fed, boxes, 33343c; corn.;rffr42c CAPONS?-West- crn, 52337c. OLD 59c DTIfiKS Western. GEESE 285731c.

L'Ol 1,111V, i.ivirnere were miriy-nin- o freight cars reported In yesterday, of which Steady market fowls at unchanged.e., other freight poultry unchanged. Express broilers In light sunply early and market r.A- - CT A I, IW, lll4illt:i. W4- - UIKIIl, IllTiiluiu lu heav--, via express, loifllc.: broilers,.1.1,1 nrf mtWi..tnm.i 75?IS0c.' ; White Leghorns, express. 43!?70c nr.n nonsTrmS-Frele- ht.

23c TIIRKR3S 30c DUCKS Western, freight..c: houtnern ami oouinwesiern,.it)--.; Long Island, spring, 40c; breeders. GEESE Western, freight, Southern and Southwestern.

20ff22c PIGEONS Pair, frelsht or express, 60c. GUINEAS Fair, $1.23.

Live Stock anil Stent Prices. Common to prime steers, 100 lbs. $10 Common to choice bulls, 100 lbs, 7 common io cnoice ids..t In nl,v,a. N 1 (VI lha 11 Common to prime sheep (ewes) its..ns i Common to prime lambs, 100 lbs, 12 Spring lambs.

100 hogs, joo in Dressed beef, sides, lb. Dressed veals, lb Dressed mutton, lb.I 1nv,t. 11, Dressed spring lambs, ih 9.50,00516.00,50316.00,OOrfr!6.00 15T20c. 14i?20r 25W.1IC 3740c DIVIDENDS.

Stock of able. Arkansas Gas, pf, ml, n, 1 Aug. Uijr, Central Leather, pf, q, lft4.June 10 July 1 Computing, i & re- cording, q. $1 25 1 Cuba R. UK TnnA in In.

N Fairbanks, Morse & $1.25 June 30 - airDanKs, uorse a wo. Pi., lftft June 1 Guantanamo Sugar q, i --. 1!t Tut Guantanamo Sugar ex.

13,uin in J uiy 1 Llbby, McNeill & Llbby, rjv S Jul- - i Mackay q, 5 July 1 Mackay CO., pr, q, i June o i Nashua Mfg. 2V4 25 June 1 N. 0 July 18 Penna. Water wo., q, lft 18 July 1 Rainier Motor Corp., pf, q, 2 MayW Jane 1 Realty Associates, 3. July 6 July 13 S. Q, lft 10 July 1 to holders of new stock Issued May 2S. Continental OH rtji.

TiVs n isrvn afVlr Federal Smelt pf Niquero Nlquero Sugar extra. Nlquero Sugar pf Nlquero Sugar pf extra. Thursday t Cnnsol Cigar pf WWJ12.75,fin10.50,fsvr22.00. 10 $1.73 Exporta From New fork. Buckwheat, 10,996 bu.; bacons. 4,473,-00- 0 lbs.; flour, 13,634 sacks; oil cake, 1,400,000 lbs.; malt, 9,150 bu.; lard, 1,290,900 lbs.; hops, 2,700 bales; cheese, 261,210 Rubricating oil, 230,:0 gab. WANTED Foreign Bond Specialist 11 1, House has an exceptional ffi&lar with Foreign ExchanEe and Fo?dcixWcs.

A hlgh-grnd- e man wUl receive compensation with hUability. Your confidence repeated. Address Specialist P.

Box 372, City Hall Station, New York. Clarence llodson Co. ' 26 Corthndt St. 1893 Three Attractive Issues Credlf Finance. (Corpniorclsl Bank-er- a) 7 Delwnture, Oold Bonds wltn bonus of Profit Sharing Certificated. Uti Quarterly.

Write for Circular Beneficial Loan Soelety (National Sya-ter- n uf Industrisl In 17 cities) 0 Debenture Gold Bonds bomw ot Profit Sharing Certificates, which pay yearly 8 cxtJ Pays 11 Annually..It'riie for t'irrufar u. (Chain Jowolry Htorcs) 10 Debenture Profcrrod Stock, participate lnguptop20.3M 0uartfry H'rlfs lor Circular F. Office Manager A high-grad- e investment house requires the services a thoroughly competent executive to take complete charge office. The man want must have a proven record accom- plishment in the securities business and know how to build up a strong selling force. To the right man the salary will be right. Give references. Replies will be treated confidential.

U., Post Office Box 372, City Hall Station, New York. STOCK SALESMEN WANTED sell stock in a well known motor truck company, paying dividends since inception in 1911. Liberal compensation to right men. Room 1453, Pennsylvania Hotel. Dividends and interest.

AmaSTloci CO Church Street, York, 20, A Quarterly Dividend of One and Threo-quarte- Per Cent. (lft 6) the Pre- ferred Capital Stock of the American Loco- motive Company has declared payable on 30, 1020, to the Preferred Stock- holders of record at tho of business on 11, Dividend checks will be mailed 29, A Quarterly Dividend of One nnd One-ha- Per (lft) tho Common Capital Stock of the Company has declared payable on June 30. 1920, to tho Common Stockholders of record nt the ot busi- ness on 11. Dividend checks will be mailed 20. SPENCER ROBERTSON.

GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY. Notice Is hereby given that a dividend of two dollars per share has declared, pay- able In on July 15, to stockholders of the General Electric Company of record at the of business hours on 10, that a dividend of two per has declared, payablo In stock of tho Company at par on 13, 1920, to stock- holders of record at the of business hours on 10, 1D20.

Stockholders will be paid the value of fractional shares arising out of dividend, based the market price of tho stock on 10, 1020, except as to who request scrip certificates for frac- tions. The stock transfer books will not be closed. By order of the Board of Directors. GUANTANA1YI0 SUGAR COMPANY The Board of Directors has this day de- clared n dividend of one dollar and twenty-fiv- e ($1.25) per share, or at the of two and one-ha- lf per cent (21451). On the stock of the Company for the quarter end- ing 30. 1020, and an divi- dend of five dollars ($3.00) per share, payable July 1, 102q,)o stockholders of rec- ord at the of business 13, 1020. Transfer Books will not be closed.

GEO, 1L BUNKER, Secretary and Treasurer. IRON STEEL COMPANY. PREFERRED DIVIDEND NO. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Republic Iron nnd Company, the regular quarterly dividend of lftft on the Preferred Stock was declared payable July 1, to stockholders of record 15, Books remain COMMON DIVIDEND 15.

At a meeting.of the Board of Directors of tho Republic & Company, a divi- dend of 114 on the Common Stock was de- clared navable August 2, 1920. To stockhold- - ers of record July 10, Books will re RICHARD JONES. PENNSYLVANIA WATER & POWER COMPANY. At a meeting of Uie Board of Director to-d- a dividend of one and one-ha- lf (lftft) Per waa declared for the quar- ter ending 30, 1920, payable 1, 1920, to stockholders of record at the close of business 18, 7.

ALLEN, Secretary. THE AMERICAN COMPANY', 104 Market Street,,,' Camden, N. A quarterly dividend of 154 or $1.00 per share, lias declared on the capital stock of this Company, payable 1st, 1020, to the stockholders of record at three o'clock P. May 10th, 1020.

Checks will be mailed. AMERICAN CAN CO. A quarterly dividend of one and per has declared on the Pre- ferred Stock of this Company, payable Jttly lst, 1020, to Stockholders of record at tlte of business Transfer Books will remain. Checks mailed.


Issued In duplicate, hereby certifies the WUNDERMAN-SILVERMA- N CO. INC., a domestic stock corporation, has In this office on this of May, 1S20, papers for the voluntary dissolution ot corporation under section 221 ot the General Corpora- tion Law, and It appears the corporation has compiled said section In order to be dissolved. WITNESS my hand and the seal of office pf the Secretary of State, at the City ot Albany, this ot May, A. PARKER, Deputy Secretary of State. New Orlenna Cotton Market.

New Orleans, May 25. While cotton market was Irregular unset- tled In the early trading; It de- veloped decided strength, later until lt stood 70 to 81 points last prleo of yesterday.

Tho closo at net gains tho day of 60 to SO points. Close: July, 37.70; October, 84,83; December, 33. January, 33.20; March, 32.65; spot closed steady un- changed; middling--, 40.

Custom House rtecelpt. Receipts for duties at Custom House yesterday $685,481.82. Of which $247,584.15 was for merchandise withdrawn frorn, bonded warehouses and 1437,897.67 Ttcent Importations. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company Empire Building, 71 Broadway New York.

March 23d, 1020. GENERAL MORTGAGE In accordance with the terms of the Get. Mortgage of Company the follow, lng one hundred seventeen (117) bond, have drawn for the Slnldar, Fund, vlx.t ' 13 0304 12123 1 1 1554 0 127 0813 3 9 0 100JO 3 5 4 1 1 18326 S053 2 1 8160 7 15701 1S331 2 0 8404 2 9 1 16243 1S373 8350 4 2 8603 5 9 3 3 868S 3 0 8710 1 2 8S38 9 5 0 3 5, 1 3 3 1 5 Interest on the same will cease 1920, and the principal of the bonds, plus ten per cent, premium, wiH be redeemed at office on and after date. McDonald, Assistant Treasurer. FINANCING CORPORATIONS Corporations requiring addi- tional Griancc, that arc on earn- ing basis, and have been in business one year or longer, can secure immediately; 8100,000 or more through the increasing of the capitalization, or to issue treasury stock or bonds.

Corpo- ration must have paid or pay dividends and have less than 1,000 stockholders. Address FINANCIER, Room 1407 Times Bldg., New York. SERVICES FOR SALE An American business man look- ing for a constructive enterprise to mnnnrrrs. Rierferablv in a foreitttl country requrinjr development. Advertiser is lony-tw- o years has had invaluable experience along financial and constructive lines; prlnrntinrt.

Initiative and a record for achievement; is a big man and is looKinp; a jod. Reply, A 478, Sun-Heral- Herald Square. FRISBIE & STANSTIELD KNITTINO CO. First Mortgage Twenty-Ye- ar Making Fuaiff Per Cent. Pursuant to Article VI.

Of the Mortiit dated 1. Securing Uie aforesaid bonds, Bankers Trust Company, as under Mortgage, Invites proposals lot the sale to lt on July 1, 1020, of bonds I- ssued thereunder, nt prices not to exceed Wj per of their value. In an amouct sufficient to exhaust as nearly as may M the sum of $23,003.60, to be deposited to tlus credit of tho Sinking Fund on that date. All proposals should be enclosed In sealed en- velopes and should be delivered to the Tru- stee, at Its corporate Trust Department, is Wall Street, York City, not tltso 12 o'clock noon on 10.

1920, McH notice will be mailed to bondholders wnose proposals may be accepted, and the Tniitf. To the extent of funds In Its available therefor, on July 1, pur chase tho bonds so offered and accepted in the manner provided In Mortgage. Dated at York, 19th day of My BANKERS TRUST COMTANT. TrUJtrt- By H. S' A responsible company, having sixteen producing wells, nineteen hundred teres, proven ground, wishes to secure the services of few good men who will sell their se- curities by telling the facts. L0UGHREY, Room 504, Maritime Exchange Blag.

80 Broad Street. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, at a sMCttl meeting of stockholders of SIMON tI BURG & BRO. At the off ce of Company, at No. 18 West Street. Ough ot Manhattan, of York, o the 14th day of May. 1920, the following s olutlon was adopted by the unanimous wis of nil the stockholders of company, vw RESOLVED, by the stockholders of GINSUURQ & BRO., at a meeting c vened this day of May, that It ' deslrahlo the corporate of i company should be changed mat Simon Glnsburg Bro. To the ' Simon t.insnurg & inc.

132 MORRIS J. GINSnURG, President SIMON GINSBUnG, Secretary TEXTILE BANKING COJirAXY. Fhn fttnCliholnCrS V. Textile Banking Company. For tha poso of electing directors for the j! And Inspectors of election and for transactlen of other business as row properly come beforo the meeting, at the office of the company. 50 Squaro, Borough of Manhattan.

Of York, on Wednesday, 0, 1920, st o'clock By order of the oBard of Directors. JEPHSON, Secretary Tork.

May 26, 1920 TO STOCKHOLDERS! Notice is hereby given the sn3 '! Meeting ef the stockholders of Consolidates Coppor Mines company will do item ' principal office of the company.

In Pont Building, In Wilmington. On day, the 8th of June. At o'clock noon, for tho election of four ton. Tor a ot years ana mo action of other business as may come beforo said meeting. SHELBY IRON COMPAM..

80 Broadway, York. Annual meeting of the stockhpldf(J, the Shelby Company will bo t. Company's office, The Commercial Tr Company Building, Exchange Place. City, Jersey, on Wednesday, Juw J 1920, at 12 o'clock for the election oj Directors and any matters may prTOg before the meeting. T u.Ann uu.a uaj,rV I. P ' A RPFrtAr.

Mtln nf the stockholders tJ St. Lawrence Quarries, win s h.H ih. Fhn Pnmnanr at, Broadway, In the of York, ver ot Manhattan, on the day of J al ror w --., of directors and other bulne S as im- properly come before uct. 1 'B -- a bl(C and this OF first and suit, thtrt other Boat St. (330 First 327 the Sent W.

209,'rtr York Scto York.Vnc York Irani Stock 27 tOOS 25 Xew 1888. New ir, l'lne buy. Ig9i, ISO Tho Tho 100 and but the were last was the and and were The more Oil.

Oils the and and more were nnd and the were dull and and Tho less but were nnd and and Coal,2S 2100 114 ll'.i 3900 Wool 1400 Auto Cl'a Foil 20Ji Coal 0000 3700 22'i WOO 5000 pf. Hall 224 1000 2IO0 l.tnr-nl- 13H 14'i Zinc rts. 13H 13'4 im Com Hep Tire S 33'4 5.VO S3ii Auto 10VI riou. Prof Co.-- PL Allen Anne Hells Gas.

2300 2200 Mtt 0000 Casa Syn. 10O0 Dom 2800 G200 20H 3000 OIL.

Kay 1100 1SO0 1800 Pete. Ohio Fuel Okla Gas.

Hoy Salt Shell 2100 1700 OIL. 2300 20O0 4lli 0400 Coal 1300 1700 8200 llelo nootti 3200 Cons Ccns Cop M. Cres 2300 Gold Gold Gold Gold Zone Iron Kerr Lake Knox liver Eit. 10H 104 3G?i 33'.4 14!i 17!i Texas 5000 OIL. 6300 3700 OoU Gold.t 8000 syn. 7000 1000 5300 Lodo 2.VS) 1200 Cons 1000 Cash Hoy Mid.

(lft 1300 35Vi 104 '2'4 20'i 32'i 33'., 21i lfii 42!4 104 10'4 191, 2HH 22U 22H K.H 13H HH S3 4 3SVt Uoat Auto 33j. 10',i 33i Guff 3300 1IH 10U 33S 10V4 10', 20H 10V4 304 13i 334 21ft 1714 20i i 1000 Tno 2000 1100 Unit 8C0O 2300 End C. 1300 2000 K00 An-- 3000 2000 Hud OOV 1000 2000 0IU 09i 7V4s I7H 7000 01i 40O0 Elec lota. Tents were 'per Mar.

82K 87V4 Bros Bros Spln Bush Hid. II7U 0st4 the 2.' 1022 1023 1020 1023 Ask. '20-2- 4 08!f July 1929 82K Jan. 1030 1920 Apr. 1923 1021 July 1922 192.T Mar. 1030 1929 Dec.

1921 Juno 1921 Mar. 1023 1922 Aug. Thrd City 4501 Pow. Dow Zinc 1080 04'4 09. NJZ Nwn Mfg Stnll Sue! Here.102 Mfg.

Iron Solv 1.7ft 10ft 10ft 10ft 2340 2614 38ft 40ft East 52ft 52ft Lake Cons New 17ft 23ft 1.1ft Sup Utah Cons 10ft.122 27ft 05ft Mass Elec 28ft West 30ft.10ft West Agr 83ft 90ft Mex Pet. 17ft 21ft 1216 19ft Port 13ft Mass 72ft Mass pf. 31ft 85ft Ohio Mills Root S9ft Unit Unit Unit 43ft Unit Shoe 2114 pf. 73ft Miss Eng CJH4 04H 02i U8i Kerr 28ft J' 3214 17ft 23ft 22ft lift 83ft 28ft 37ft 21ft 73ft 25ft m 831J 0914 94!i oi'i 07ft OK'i oow 03t 01) OAK OIK WH OSK oK Emp Low. 13ft Mass Cop. 20ft 38ft 45ft 23ft 13ft 4.1ft 65ft 39ft 49ft 83'i 83ft 02ft 20ft 22ft 13ft 72ft 03ft 34ft 24ft 28ft 38ft 35ft 24ft 73ft 24ft 70ft rS,,l Ariz W 'rU 80i Ask. 10ft 10ft 00ft 27ft 1.1ft 44ft 16ft 65ft 39ft 49ft 85ft 3214 17ft 21ft 12ft 03ft lift 28ft 110ft 4.1ft 21ft 73ft Ak.

Ft 1 and but the tho The and had duo The Tho were the the Ifct and call met soon Mat. 90ft 41i, 4'is. 1958 inter, jiay, 60ft 1935.

SOH r.ov., coup. 4'4s, 4lis, 8.S14 88'4 8SVJ 8S4 S8V4 8SV4 A8V4 8314 1130 Buck Cres Ohio Bid..2.18 Ask, 1200 16H Ask.

June Cent..163 New Cons Cop. Crys Reef Iron 29ft 30ft Full 15ft 04ft C4C Rys Ci,nt 10ft Case Plow 22ft lift 1475 21ft 1700 S8ft 14ft G4E 30ft 1000 63ft 17ft Com Cons SUM Hons Pwr 82ft 1000 60ft 60ft Gas.

26ft.127 Lone 1043 Ohio Fuel Okla 32ft Pitts Pitts Pitts Ford 110O Mich 10ft 21ft pf. 20ft 21ft Ask.

13ft 05ft 22ft 31ft 22ft S7ft 67ft 26ft 17ft 33ft 77!i 77ft 1314 82ft notes Iron. 13ft 10ft 1.45 21ft 8fl4 864 864 em Bid. 2375 7290 01ft 10ft UK 30ft 14ft 2000 5.00 Bid. Cons 13ft 94ft 16ft 22ft 31ft lift 21ft 38ft 14ft 3014 03ft 17ft 00ft 33ft 77!i 13ft 82ft 00ft 4.9T 6.00 4.76 5.00 8.00 5.00 Bid. 04ft C.03 4.40 is; 94ft 80ft 16ft 22ft 31ft 39ft 37ft 4014 60ft 2IV4 17ft 90ft 35ft 16ft 15ft 26ft 33ft 33ft 13ft 13ft 10ft Sift Ask. Star 22ft 14ft 77ft 13ft 82ft 60ft 26ft 26ft 10ft 1.43 ried list the but day. 34.00 New Wk.

Last rort New York rort New.150 Chas Chat Ex. City Coal.120 Corn.215 East First Nat..160.025 Bond Cent B4S Ext. 2.90 Hud A?o. West bank 93'.k 01ft Ask.

Ask,.170 39ft Co. Mcr.190 York Title Tills MtB.

044 04vi 0t4 35ft 1026 FCO convt Lt. Rep EdI..105.165 Low. Brill Elec 28ft 13ft 13ft Nav. 30ft 30ft 30ft 30ft 21ft 21ft 21ft Rap Ton Trac 31'4 31ft 42ft 4211 42ft Elec Lake 04ft 01ft 04ft Elec 8.1ft 8.1ft 98!i 08ft OSft Alto Dlv. (Told Zone Tono Bid. Ftflft 4214 Ask, Imp New Park L4T. West 2174 Trs.

08ft IAN Oft1 Ask. Knox McN Mon Fr.

Lone Flor Gold Ariz Eden Bid. 38ft Kerr Bid. 13ft 20'4 Ext. Rorc I'orc Tls. 02ft 0.1ft SOft 104ft Nat..425 Bid. 75ft 24ft ioi 2Sft 12ft 12ft 42ft 04ft 1.5rf Ask.

Gold Pres Ask. 0214 1.06 95ft 24ft less for tho list the tho oils and per tho tho and per was the was bid 3T4 3W 6U 2t4 3i3 3'i 103, and 24 uml 214 3?i 2tt and H.4 l?i hold very than 683 score. 628 than State fair. Mane, 42c: milk iiiiimvi old, mucu local 28c; held ats, 30c: SOff num. 34C; flats CaseS. Rate, sales tmnu, lilgh accepi most them extra extra 4314 iftc. Dry, extra coast 63c; extra ArntAUi.

Penn neurujr. Mivprf extra fnnrv. Box, milk with lainy held milk held with little milk doz., doz. Milk fed, oic. Milk fed, for, jiliiro..,, 40c: TMtTTu. Mlnf-Ai- l 22c: cows, lbs.

Live steer City Nat. IftfJ June June July June Co., Co., Co. June lft-- June July May July rower June June Also Mng New nunr New New New,50? & Pays and Fair of of we of A. To its New May 1020. Upon been June cloe June 1020.

Upon been Close June 1020. Been cash 1020, close June 1020. Also cent, been July close June cash such stock upon June those cents jate June extra cash both close June The. New May 1920. Iron Steel 1020. Held cent, June July Jum.

OAS been Juno cent, been dose June 16th. THE that filed 17th day such that that such with 17th day 1920.

The and and roso over the was for S3; and the were for eral 'his end this day been 4610 7490 0618 1MH 7771 0053 7015 702J 8343 8483 8071 8800 0061 0140 0324 Tbe Junt 1st, this that for will soon not oia; has lor biff Gold July Trat said cent, face New later June after then hands will, 1020. Said New this JR. Oil all See held jM 22nd City New said SDW duly 14th 1020, that namo from sons, New York May 1th. Nnnnat Inc., l'Jr year such held tig City June noon. New THE that Del., W. DlV tem three auch erly New May The Iron held J ' New noon, that come The Inc., City New oush 31st 1020, i::oo noon, such.