Mystery Ranch

Tom Morris, a writer of western novels, receives an invitation to visit 'Mystery Ranch', where he will see western men that make his characters look like sissies.Tom and his secretary Percy Jenkins arrive and are soon involved in a lot of staged happenings --- a lynching, a runaway, a fake feud, a chase after horse thieves --- strictly for his benefit. Tom is not fooled at all and ranch owner Mrs. Henderson and her daughter Mary and the ranch hands are ready to give up. Then, two real crooks, Blake and Kern, show up and Tom discovers they are carrying a bag of gold bullion. Tom thinks they are just part of another trick and decides to start playing some of his own. Trivia This film is one of over 200 titles in the list of independent feature films made available for television presentation by Advance Television Pictures announced in Motion Picture Herald 4 April 1942.

Mystery Ranch

At this time, television broadcasting was in its infancy, almost totally curtailed by the advent of World War II, and would not continue to develop until 1945-1946. Because of poor documentation (feature films were often not identified by title in conventional sources) no record has yet been found of its initial television broadcast. Its earliest documented Post-WWII telecast took place in Philadelphia Wednesday 9 November 1949 on WFIL (Channel 6). 'Mystery Ranch' has a pretty neat plot--too bad the film is pretty bad in most other ways. The acting and direction are so poor, that a good story just isn't enough to recommend this film.

Bob Morris (Tom Tyler) is an Easterner who writes cowboy stories. However, some real cowboys in California invite him out--to show him that his stories are inaccurate and that the REAL west was far more exciting. However, what really is going to happen is that these cowboys work for a dude ranch and want to put on a real show--one that will send lots of business their way when Bob writes about what excitement he saw during this vacation. So, to create excitement, they arrange for a fake hanging, a bucking bronco and a runaway wagon--but somehow Bob is able to handle all this like a true cowboy. Later, when Bob and his partner see a robbery taking place, they naturally assume it's also a put-on--but it's actually real and they end up getting caught up in the robbery!

Can all this be sorted out? The idea is great for a B-western. Too often, films in this genre were REALLY repetitive and formulaic--but not this one. Too bad that the film is handled so poorly--so poorly that even a good idea cannot overcome the sloppy acting and direction.

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Death Proof Soundtrack Download 320 Soundcloud. Cw Skimmer Serial. Worth a look if you are a very forgiving sort--otherwise, you can skip this one.

Mystery Ranch