Cw Skimmer Serial

Update January 2015:- The methods below assume that the FCDPro+ can only be tuned in 1KHz steps by FCDHid. BUT it may be tuned in 1Hz steps by using the DLL. For example setup HDSDR with the FCDPro+ DLL. Then just use HDSDR to tune the 'LO'. HDSDR only needs to be the active window, it does not need to be running. HDSDR may be used in 'compact mode' Options - Visualisation - untick 'Show upper display' and 'Show lower display'.

Cw Skimmer Serial

It could be terminated once the frequency has been set. Note if you have more than one FCD HDSDR can select from multiple FCDs. WSPR, Upload Batch File:A CLS @ECHO ON 'D: MoreProgramFiles WSPR-Folder curl.exe' -F allmept=@'D: MoreProgramFiles WSPR3-Folder ALL_WSPR.TXT' -F call=G4ZFQ -F grid=IO90IR @ECHO OFF ECHO%TIME% ping -n 200 >nul goto A rem For this to work get curl.exe from put it in your WSPR working folder. Rem Modify the 4th line above by editing the paths (in 'inverted commas') so it is your WSPR folder. Rem Then double clicking this.bat file should upload your ALL_WSPR.TXT rem You could place this bat file in a convenient place or make a shortcut to it. Rem You could place curl.exe in it's own folder, then the start of line 4 would be different, perhaps 'C: Curl curl.exe' rem This bat is just my updated version of the one on the WSPRnet site. Summary:- Full coverage, typical 50kHz to 260MHz and 410MHz to 2.05GHz with 11 band pass filters incorporated.

N4PY Software is your source for high quality, effective rig control software for your transceiver. N4PY offers rig control software for a wide variety of receivers. Recent Posts. ISS Images, Dec 7th - 8th 2017 Posted last week. In total nine of the twelve were copied during the afternoon passes on December 7th and 8th 2017. ISS Images, Dec 6 2017, 15:03 UTC Posted last week. Excellent images copied from the ISS. Radio is the Airspy HF+, 12 element X Yagi, satellite tracking etc.

With SAW filters especially for the amateur 2m and 70cm bands. Narrow band, 192ksps 16bits. Like many wideband SDRs the lower frequencies especially will benefit from LPFs to keep out signals on bands at odd multiples from the band in use. For example the UK the Long wave 160-250KHz will suffer interference from AM stations 5 times higher in frequency.

With suitable LPFs low frequency reception is good. A test is to remove ALL USB devices, plug in the FCD. Then plug in your mouse, keyboard, other devices. Then if something else does not work you have the above problem. ALL USB DEVICES INCLUDES KEYBOARD AND MOUSE, PLUG THEM IN AFTER THE FCD.

Finding which USB socket it is in. There are similar 3rd party utilities. Device Manager The FCD is a Composite Device. See lower down this page for a typical driver installation.

The FCD appears in Device Manager as a USB Audio Device with a a Windows driver. It also appears as a HID, If you do not see these two then the FCD is not being seen correctly.

Another, A 2015 motherboard, Windows did not allocate any drivers to the FCD. Was Mike's solution, the thread starting. It is not known why these default Windows files were not in the folder. Dashboard message 'Unable to capture.' 'It seems that the warehouse needs to have an output sound card. And the one in my PC is only accessible when something is plugged into one of the jacks.

This soundcard feature is a real problem, I reckon leaving extensions permanently plugged in will stop audio devices shifting and becoming unavailable.

PZTLog came about because I wanted an easy-to-use logging application with simple/quick entry of various QSO fields plus some form of export of data so that I can display it on my website as text and GoogleMaps. This project evolved from an earlier attempt at a logging program called MiniLog which was abandoned after I lost interest in the hobby in late 2009.

Fast-forward to the start of 2012 When I started operating again, I immediately found that several of the popular logging applications available didn’t suit my needs or my operating preferences. Whether you want a simple QSO logger for the odd bit of HF DX or VHF “square-bashing”, or an everyday logger with Stats, PSK/RTTY modes, eQSL uploading and simple Contest dupe/serial-number integration – PZTLog may be just what you’re looking for [] [] So – What Does It Do?

It serves as a general-purpose logger (whether live or typing-up later) for ragchews as well as helping me keep track of contest QSOs on HF/VHF. Over the past few months, I have added additional features such as: PSK31 (and 63/125) + RTTY Datamodes, XML lookup, GoogleMaps KML output (eg: display QSOs in Google Earth), ADIF export, eQSL upload, DX Spot database with archive facility, CQ Voice Keyer, Contest “dupe-checking” and more.

The software can run over a network, such as a multiband contest with a shared log and dupe/new-band alerts. There are 2 “modes” that you can run PZTLog in: Full Mode offers a single-window with all of the log/cluster/datamode functions whilst Simple Mode offers a “windows” feature with a low-profile logger and optional Datamodes, DX Cluster and Log Viewer windows which can be moved/sized accordingly. What it doesn’t do: It doesn’t calculate points per QSO/State/Km It doesn’t handle LoTW nor does it control your rotator Features. • Simple Logging without the fuss Small GUI, basic QSO-entry fields and ideal for netbooks/laptops “in the field” • Flexi-Input of QSO Data – in almost any order you like! Enter Callsign, RST-Sent, RST-Received, QRA Locator, IOTA/WAB, CQ/ITU Zone and Comments/Multiplier in the same textbox and PZTLog will place it in the correct field for you – No more tabbing to find the relevant textbox!

Here’s the simple process of logging a QSO using PZTLog. In the Flexi-Input textbox, type the following: G9ABC 57S (this is the signal report you gave him) 59 (he gave you 5 and 9) N BOB Q LONDON IO91WM TQ27 FT-450D, G5RV AT 50FT# All of the above fields will be placed in the correct textboxes – You can save the QSO by pressing (with no text in the box) or by pressing the F5 key. • XML Lookup With a subscription to QRZ, you can look-up the Name, City, Locator Square, IOTA and State when entering a Callsign in either the Logbook Entry or QSO Edit windows. • DX Cluster via Telnet and DX Spot Archive Keep an eye on the latest DX spots, and filter via the band/s you are interested in. A DX Spot archive is now created within the DXSpots.mdb file – this is used to keep a list of previous DX Spots. A new DX Spot review window allows you to easily edit a DX Spot prior to “spotting”. • Contest-friendly You can tell PZTLog to only commit a QSO to the Logbook once a Locator and/or Serial Number has been entered.

The current Serial Exchange is shown in large text for easy viewing. A “dupe” alert is also shown if configured. There is no system in place for calculating points or exporting to Cabrillo at this time. • Datamodes: PSK31, PSK63, PSK125 and RTTY Using the MMVari engine you can operate PSK/RTTY at a variety of speeds – A waterfall display, TX/RX window plus QSO Macros are available and make PZTLog great for casual (not to mention contest) datamode operating. With built-in PSK/RTTY, CQ Voice-Keyer and PTT control – you can easily switch between data+phone without having to fiddle with cables, buttons or settings on the radio! Double-click received text to set Callsign, Locator, RST/Serial, Name/QTH etc – great for a face-pased RTTY contest or PSK QSOs • CAT Control via OmniRig Using the excellent OmniRig software, you can display frequency/band data as well as set the frequency from PZTLog – You can also control the PTT using the F12 key.

Change bands, toggle your internal-ATU, set filtering and IF Shift, change menu items (eg: TX-BW on FT-950). Lorde Pure Heroine Full Album Torrent Download. • Country and QSO Stats Easily check – You can also select from the list of Countries to see at a glance how your band vs mode stats look.

• Networkable Multiple PZTLog workstations can be linked to use a shared logbook file • QSO Log Window Displays the QSOs in the log for easy look-up as well as “have we worked before”, new band/mode slot and new locator square etc. When a callsign is entered in Full Mode, PZTLog will revert the Log display to show all previous QSOs with that station – and, in the case of Contest operating, will alert you to a “dupe”.

It also shows you DXCC data so if you hear a callsign and can’t remember the Country it belongs to, just type 3 (or more) characters and PZTLog will tell you. • Distance and Bearing Calculator When using QRA Locators, PZTLog will give you distance (in miles+kilometres) plus bearing for the target locator square – For QSOs that have a QRA Locator Square logged, you can filter via band (or other search result) to find the “Best DX” –. • Audio Voice Keyer and CW Keyer Play up to 4 MP3/WAV file CQ messages with PTT keying via COM port – this requires an opto-isolator for PTT switching, eg: a “soundcard” interface as used with AGW/PSK31/WSPR etc. A new CW Keyer using the CWType API can be used to send CW – great for quick CW QSOs. Basic Macros for CW are supported. Video Downloader Plugin Google Chrome.

• eQSL Upload Each QSO, when saved, can be automatically uploaded to eQSL either from PZTLog or via PZTFTP as part of the usual logbook FTP upload process. You can also manually upload to eQSL with a single click via the Edit QSO window. • Export to ADIF/eQSL, CSV, GoogleMaps KML, Text You can export your Logbook Database to a ADIF/eQSL, CSV or simple Tabbed Text File. You can also export to GoogleMaps KML for plotting of worked stations on a map (uploaded to your webspace via PZTFTP). There is also a basic ADIF import routine so you can easily upload the exported ADIF file to ClubLog/eQSL etc. • JT65-HF Traffic Window You can display the CSV file from the JT65-HF software and easily add QSOs to PZTLog but double-clicking the exchanges. The HB9HQX build of JT65-HF is also supported but not the most recent versions as he’s stopped CSV file logging (boo!).

Despite the variety of features, PZTLog is easy-to-use and great for Club-events as an alternative to paper logging. The Flexi-Input allows for rapid-entry of QSO details so great for single-op working or even the non-computer-literate! You are given Logbook Entry, LogView, DX Cluster and Datamodes in a single window. A separate Log Viewer window is also available.

This caters for most requirements, screen resolutions as well as operating preferences. Note: This software is no longer actively developed as it’s reached it’s limit in terms of features vs size vs layout – I’ve put about as much into the software as practically possible and have since moved onto other projects. A Windows 10 issue: I am aware that a recent update on a Windows 10 machine may “break” the Date/Time picker in the QSO Editor.

It seems that this control won’t function after installing the update. I may have to roll-back to the standard picker control to fix this! [13th June 2017] As I operate /P a fair bit during the warmer months and dislike using a paper logbook – I wrote a very simple logging application for the Android OS called.

It outputs an ADIF file so can easily import into PZTLog, Ham Radio Deluxe etc. PZTLog Downloads – updated 21st July 2017 This software is free to use and offered here on the basis that you may find it useful – I don’t provide any support for it. It was designed as a logging program purely for my own needs and operating methods.

Please note that this is a Windows application and I work exclusively in Microsoft Windows – If you’re running Linux or a Mac, I can’t help you. The software works best when installed to C: PZTLog. Some of my programs have their main EXE file compressed which can cause some enthusiastic virus scanners to complain. If upgrading from an existing install of PZTLog, you are advised to keep a spare copy of your PZTLog.exe, PZTLog.ini (settings) and Log.mdb (logbook) This is the full-installer for first-time users – Simply run the installer (as Administrator) and enjoy.

Existing users can just use the Update Zip (below) and put the latest files into their program folder. You can also run this installer over the top of an existing install without loss of any data/settings.

CAT Control: Requires OmniRig – (if you can’t get any CAT functions from PZTLog, try this software before blaming mine!) CW Keyer: Requires CWType – This contains the latest EXE, Help File and DXCC Prefix Database for existing users – You MUST have an existing installation to use these files. Simply unzip and replace your existing files with those in this archive. Please refer to the Help File for a detailed list of changes/fixes You can This is the CHM Help File included with PZTLog but is offered here in HTML for reading in your browser. PZTLog Simple Mode – Logbook Entry Datamodes Skimmer – 5 additional channels of PSK/RTTY decoding Supports “click and log” so ideal for simple split operating Log Viewer Window Edit QSO Window also shows Band/Mode Statistics CAT Control – Adjust Radio Settings DXCC Stats – allowing easy display of Mode vs Band and Squares-worked Stats.