Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer 11 is the latest version of Microsoft's default browser. It provides all standard features that you'd want in a Web browser, while giving excellent integration with other Microsoft programs; but you won't find the same customization options here as you'd see in other Web browsers. Pros Fast loading: Web sites, videos, and images loaded at a comparable speed to any other Web browser on the market. This is a great improvement from the previous versions of Internet Explorer. Detailed support: Internet Explorer 11 comes with detailed tutorials, forums, FAQ pages, and direct support. The support offered is much more informative than many other FAQs we've seen, presenting help in topics like 'Tips & tricks' and 'Add-ons.' Cons Instability: We recorded several occurrences of Internet Explorer 11 crashing.

Internet Explorer

Often, this only resulted in the program closing and restarting. On one occurrence, we were on a reputable Web site, but IE 11 still crashed, resulting in a total restart of the computer. Iffy compatibility: Internet Explorer 11 easily navigates to and from Web sites, but at times, certain Web sites do not load properly. This was supposed to be fixed with IE 11, but it appears that these problems are still effecting the browser. Bottom Line Internet Explorer 11 is the standard browser that most individuals are familiar with. It is great for those that want only a basic online experience.

Other programs, like Google Chrome, offer more personalized displays and features, and Microsoft should add these options to improve IE 11. The constant instability is also a nuisance, and this is why we suggest downloading other Web browsers that are more reliable. From Internet Explorer 11 is the new browser from Microsoft with improved performance, faster page load times, new standards support for next generation sites, and completely revised F12 developer tools.

Get the Internet Explorer help you need to navigate IE 11 and earlier versions, including IE 8, in this free tutorial.

It includes new capabilities to improve real-world Web site performance, support for the well-defined and commonly used features of the emerging ECMAScript 6 standard, support for WebGL, and high quality, power efficient HTML5 video without plugins. Internet Explorer 11 is compatible with existing sites, which just run faster and look better in IE. In IE11 we have also added a number of APIs to enable new experiences, and we have changed or removed APIs to ensure that more sites work today and in the future.

• • • • • • • • • • • Internet Explorer (formerly Microsoft Internet Explorer and Windows Internet Explorer, commonly abbreviated IE or MSIE) is a series of developed by and included in the line of, starting in 1995. It was first released as part of the add-on package that year. Later versions were available as free downloads, or in, and included in the (OEM) service releases of Windows 95 and later versions of Windows.

The browser is, but still. Internet Explorer was one of the most widely used web browsers, attaining a peak of about 95% during 2002 and 2003.

Internet Explorer

This came after Microsoft used bundling to win the against, which was the dominant browser in the 1990s. Its usage share has since declined with the launch of (2004) and (2008), and with the growing popularity of operating systems such as,, and that do not run Internet Explorer. Estimates for Internet Explorer's overall market share or by StatCounter's numbers ranked 3rd (others place 2nd just ahead of), just after Firefox (or even as low as 6th when counting all platforms ), as of September 2017 (browser market share is notoriously difficult to calculate). Microsoft spent over US$100 million per year on Internet Explorer in the late 1990s, with over 1,000 people working on it by 1999. Versions of Internet Explorer for other operating systems have also been produced, including an version called Internet Explorer for Xbox and for platforms Microsoft no longer supports: and ( and ), and an embedded OEM version called Pocket Internet Explorer, later rebranded made for,, and previously, based on Internet Explorer 7 for. On March 17, 2015, Microsoft announced that would replace Internet Explorer as the default browser on its devices. This effectively makes the last release.

Internet Explorer, however, remains on Windows 10 primarily for enterprise purposes. Starting January 12, 2016, only Internet Explorer 11 is supported. Support varies based on the operating system's technical capabilities and its support lifecycle. The browser has been scrutinized throughout its development for use of third-party technology (such as the of, used without royalty in early versions) and security and privacy, and and that integration of Internet Explorer with Windows has been to the detriment of fair browser competition. Main articles: and The Internet Explorer project was started in the summer of 1994 by, who, according to the Review of 2003, used source code from Mosaic, which was an early commercial web browser with formal ties to the pioneering (NCSA) browser. In late 1994, licensed Spyglass Mosaic for a quarterly fee plus a percentage of Microsoft's non-Windows revenues for the software.

Although bearing a name similar to NCSA Mosaic, Spyglass Mosaic had used the NCSA Mosaic source code sparingly. Microsoft was sued by Synet Inc. In 1996, over the trademark infringement. Internet Explorer 1 – Internet Explorer 8 [ ]. Main articles:,,,,,,,, and The first version of Internet Explorer, Microsoft Internet Explorer (later referred to as Internet Explorer 1) made its debut on August 16, 1995.

It was a reworked version of, which Microsoft licensed from, like many other companies initiating browser development. It was installed as part of the Internet Jumpstart Kit in for and Plus! The Internet Explorer team began with about six people in early development. Internet Explorer 1.5 was released several months later for and added support for basic table rendering. By including it free of charge on their, they did not have to pay royalties to Spyglass Inc, resulting in a lawsuit and a 8 million settlement on January 22, 1997. Internet Explorer 9 [ ]. Main article: Internet Explorer 9 was released on March 14, 2011.

Development for Internet Explorer 9 began shortly after the release of Internet Explorer 8. Microsoft first announced Internet Explorer 9 at, and spoke mainly about how it takes advantage of hardware acceleration in to improve the performance of and quality of. At, Microsoft showed and publicly released the first Platform Preview for Internet Explorer 9, a frame for IE9's engine not containing any UI of the browser. Leading up to the release of the final browser, Microsoft released updated platform previews, each featuring improved compiling (32-bit version), improved scores on the, as well as additional standards support, approximately every 6 weeks. Ultimately, eight platform previews were released.

The first public beta was released at a special event in San Francisco, which was themed around 'the beauty of the web'. The release candidate was released on February 10, 2011, and featured improved performance, refinements to the UI, and further standards support. The final version was released during the (SXSW) Interactive conference in Austin, Texas, on March 14, 2011. Internet Explorer 9 is only supported on,, and, and was supported on SP2.

It supports several properties (including border-radius, box-shadow, etc.), and embedded v2 or v4 support via. The 32-bit version has faster performance, this being due to a new JavaScript engine called 'Chakra'. It also features graphics rendering using, hardware-accelerated text rendering using, hardware-accelerated video rendering using, imaging support provided by, and high fidelity printing powered by the print pipeline. IE9 also supports the and tags and the.

Telugu Full Hd Videos 1080p Free Download. Internet Explorer 9 initially scored 95/100 on the Acid3 test, but has scored 100/100 since the test was updated in September 2011. Internet Explorer was to be omitted from Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 in Europe, but Microsoft ultimately included it, with a browser option screen allowing users to select any of several web browsers (including Internet Explorer). Internet Explorer is now available on with support, as of October 2012. Main article: Internet Explorer 10 became generally available on October 26, 2012, alongside and, but is by now supported on Windows Server 2012, while Windows Server 2012 R2 only supports Internet Explorer 11. It became available for on February 26, 2013. Microsoft announced Internet Explorer 10 in April 2011, at in Las Vegas, releasing the first Platform Preview at the same time. At the show, it was said that was about 3 weeks in development.

This release further improves upon standards support, including HTML5 Drag & Drop and CSS3 gradients. Internet Explorer 10 drops support for and will only run on Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and later. Internet Explorer 10 Release Preview was also released on the Windows 8 Release Preview platform. Internet Explorer 11 [ ]. Main article: Internet Explorer 11 is featured in a update which was released on October 17, 2013.

It includes an incomplete mechanism for syncing tabs. It is a major update to its, enhanced scaling for high DPI screens, prerender and prefetch, decoding,, HTML5 full screen, and is the first Internet Explorer to support and Google's protocol (starting at v3). This version of IE has features dedicated to Windows 8.1, including cryptography (WebCrypto), () and.

Internet Explorer 11 was made available for users to download on November 7, 2013, with in the following weeks. Internet Explorer 11's string now identifies the agent as ' (the underlying layout engine) instead of 'MSIE'. It also announces compatibility with (the layout engine of ).

Microsoft claimed that Internet Explorer 11, running the WebKit SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark, was the fastest browser as of October 15, 2013. End of life [ ], officially unveiled on January 21, 2015, has replaced Internet Explorer as the default browser on. Internet Explorer is still installed in Windows 10 in order to maintain compatibility with older websites and sites that require and other Microsoft legacy web technologies. According to Microsoft, development of new features for Internet Explorer has ceased. However, it will continue to be as part of the support policy for the versions of Windows with which it is included. Features [ ].

As seen in Internet Explorer has been designed to view a broad range of web pages and provide certain features within the operating system, including. During the heyday of the, Internet Explorer superseded only when it caught up technologically to support the progressive features of the time. [ ] Standards support [ ] Internet Explorer, using the: • Supports 4.01, 5, Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3, 1.0, and Level 1, with minor implementation gaps. • Fully supports 1.0 as well as an obsolete Microsoft dialect of XSLT often referred to as WD-xsl, which was loosely based on the December 1998 W3C Working Draft of. Support for lies in the future: semi-official Microsoft bloggers have indicated that development is underway, but no dates have been announced. • Almost full conformance to CSS 2.1 has been added in the release. The trident rendering engine in Internet Explorer 9 in 2011, scored highest in the of all major browsers.

• Supports in ( version 5.0). Prior versions can render XHTML documents authored with HTML compatibility principles and served with a text/html.

• Supports a subset of in ( version 5.0), excluding SMIL, SVG fonts and filters. Internet Explorer uses to choose between standards mode and a ' in which it deliberately mimicks nonstandard behaviours of old versions of MSIE for HTML and CSS rendering on screen (Internet Explorer always uses standards mode for printing). It also provides its own dialect of called. Internet Explorer was criticised by for its limited support for which is promoted. Non-standard extensions [ ] Internet Explorer has introduced an array of proprietary extensions to many of the standards, including HTML, CSS, and the DOM.

This has resulted in a number of web pages that appear broken in standards-compliant web browsers and has introduced the need for a ' to allow for rendering improper elements meant for Internet Explorer in these other browsers. Internet Explorer has introduced a number of extensions to the DOM that have been adopted by other browsers. These include the innerHTML property, which provides access to the HTML string within an element [ ]; the XMLHttpRequest object, which allows the sending of HTTP request and receiving of HTTP response, and may be used to perform; and the designMode attribute of the contentDocument object, which enables rich text editing of HTML documents [ ]. Some of these functionalities were not possible until the introduction of the W3C DOM methods. Its extension to HTML is also accepted as a module in W3C XHTML 1.1, though it is not found in all versions of W3C HTML. Microsoft submitted several other features of IE for consideration by the W3C for standardization.

These include the 'behaviour' CSS property, which connects the HTML elements with JScript behaviours (known as HTML Components, HTC); profile, which adds timing and media synchronization support to HTML documents (similar to the W3C ), and the file format. However, all were rejected, at least in their original forms; VML was subsequently combined with (proposed by and ), resulting in the W3C-approved format, one of the few vector image formats being used on the web, which IE did not support until version 9. Other non-standard behaviours include: support for vertical text, but in a syntax different from W3C CSS3 candidate recommendation, support for a variety of image effects and page transitions, which are not found in W3C CSS, support for script code, in particular. Support for fonts in. Favicon [ ] Support for was first added in. Internet Explorer supports favicons in, static and formats. In Windows Vista and later, Internet Explorer can display native Windows icons that have embedded PNG files.

Usability and accessibility [ ] Internet Explorer makes use of the accessibility framework provided in Windows. Internet Explorer is also a user interface for FTP, with operations similar to that of Windows Explorer. And were added respectively in Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7. Tabbed browsing can also be added to older versions by installing. Main articles: and Internet Explorer caches visited content in the folder to allow quicker access (or offline access) to previously visited pages. The content is indexed in a database file, known as. Multiple files exist which index different content—visited content,, visited, cookies, etc.

Prior to IE7, clearing the cache used to clear the index but the files themselves were not reliably removed, posing a potential security and privacy risk. In IE7 and later, when the cache is cleared, the cache files are more reliably removed, and the index.dat file is overwritten with null bytes. Caching has been improved in IE9. Group Policy [ ]. Main article: Internet Explorer is fully configurable using. Administrators of (for domain-joined computers) or the local computer can apply and enforce a variety of settings on computers that affect the user interface (such as disabling menu items and individual configuration options), as well as underlying security features such as downloading of files, zone configuration, per-site settings, ActiveX control behaviour and others.

Policy settings can be configured for each user and for each machine. Internet Explorer also supports. Architecture [ ].

The architecture of IE8. Previous versions had a similar architecture, except that both tabs and the UI were within the same process. Consequently, each browser window could have only one 'tab process'. Internet Explorer uses a architecture built on the (COM) technology. It consists of several major components, each of which is contained in a separate (DLL) and exposes a set of COM hosted by the Internet Explorer main executable, iexplore.exe: • WinInet.dll is the protocol handler for, and. It handles all network communication over these protocols. • URLMon.dll is responsible for -type handling and download of web content, and provides a thread-safe wrapper around WinInet.dll and other protocol implementations.

• MSHTML.dll houses the introduced in, which is responsible for displaying the pages on-screen and handling the of the web pages. MSHTML.dll parses the HTML/CSS file and creates the internal tree representation of it. It also exposes a set of for runtime inspection and modification of the DOM tree. The DOM tree is further processed by a layout engine which then renders the internal representation on screen.

• IEFrame.dll contains the user interface and window of IE in Internet Explorer 7 and above. • ShDocVw.dll provides the navigation, local caching and history functionalities for the browser. • BrowseUI.dll is responsible for rendering the browser user interface such as menus and toolbars.

Internet Explorer does not include any native scripting functionality. Rather, MSHTML.dll exposes an API that permits a programmer to develop a scripting environment to be plugged-in and to access the DOM tree. Internet Explorer 8 includes the bindings for the engine, which is a part of and allows any language implemented as an Active Scripting module to be used for client-side scripting.

By default, only the and modules are provided; third party implementations like (for support) can also be used. Microsoft also makes available the runtime (not supported in ) that allows, including -based dynamic languages like and, to be used for client-side scripting.

Introduces some major architectural changes, called Loosely Coupled IE (LCIE). LCIE separates the main window process (frame process) from the processes hosting the different web applications in different tabs (tab processes). A frame process can create multiple tab processes, each of which can be of a different; each tab process can host multiple web sites.

The processes use asynchronous to synchronize themselves. Generally, there will be a single frame process for all web sites. In with Protected Mode turned on, however, opening privileged content (such as local HTML pages) will create a new tab process as it will not be constrained by Protected Mode.

Extensibility [ ]. See also: and Internet Explorer exposes a set of (COM) interfaces that allows to extend the functionality of the browser. Extensibility is divided into two types: Browser extensibility and content extensibility.

Browser extensibility involves adding context menu entries, toolbars, menu items or (BHO). BHOs are used to extend the feature set of the browser, whereas the other extensibility options are used to expose that feature in the user interface.

Content extensibility adds support for non-native content formats. It allows Internet Explorer to handle new and new, e.g. In addition, web pages can integrate known as controls which run on Windows only but have vast potentials to extend the content capabilities; and are examples. Add-ons can be installed either locally, or directly by a web site. Since malicious add-ons can compromise the security of a system, Internet Explorer implements several safeguards. Internet Explorer 6 with Service Pack 2 and later feature an Add-on Manager for enabling or disabling individual add-ons, complemented by a 'No Add-Ons' mode., Internet Explorer and its BHOs run with restricted privileges and are isolated from the rest of the system.

Internet Explorer 9 introduced a new component – Add-on Performance Advisor. Add-on Performance Advisor shows a notification when one or more of installed add-ons exceed a pre-set performance threshold. The notification appears in the Notification Bar when the user launches the browser. Windows 8 and introduce a of Internet Explorer that is entirely sandboxed and does not run add-ons at all. In addition, Windows RT cannot download or install ActiveX controls at all; although existing ones bundled with Windows RT still run in the traditional version of Internet Explorer.

Internet Explorer itself can be hosted by other applications via a set of COM interfaces. This can be used to embed the browser functionality inside a computer program or create. Security [ ]. See also: Internet Explorer uses a zone-based framework that groups sites based on certain conditions, including whether it is an Internet- or intranet-based site as well as a user-editable whitelist. Security restrictions are applied per zone; all the sites in a zone are subject to the restrictions. Internet Explorer 6 SP2 onwards uses the Attachment Execution Service of to mark executable files downloaded from the Internet as being potentially unsafe.

Accessing files marked as such will prompt the user to make an explicit trust decision to execute the file, as executables originating from the Internet can be potentially unsafe. This helps in preventing accidental installation of malware. Internet Explorer 7 introduced the phishing filter, that restricts access to sites unless the user overrides the decision. With version 8, it also blocks access to sites known to host. Downloads are also checked to see if they are known to be malware-infected. In, Internet Explorer by default runs in what is called Protected Mode, where the privileges of the browser itself are severely restricted—it cannot make any system-wide changes. One can optionally turn this mode off but this is not recommended.

This also effectively restricts the privileges of any add-ons. As a result, even if the browser or any add-on is compromised, the damage the security breach can cause is limited. Patches and updates to the browser are released periodically and made available through the Windows Update service, as well as through.

Although security patches continue to be released for a range of platforms, most feature additions and security infrastructure improvements are only made available on operating systems which are in Microsoft's mainstream support phase. On December 16, 2008, recommended users switch to rival browsers until an emergency IE patch was released to fix a potential security risk which 'could allow outside users to take control of a person's computer and steal their passwords'. Microsoft representatives countered this recommendation, claiming that '0.02% of internet sites' were affected by the flaw. On December 17, 2008, a fix to the security problem above became available, with the release of the Security Update for Internet Explorer KB960714, which is available from Microsoft Windows Update's webpage. Microsoft has said that this update fixes the security risk found by Trend Micro the previous day. In 2011, a report by Accuvant, funded by Google, rated the security (based on sandboxing) of Internet Explorer worse than but better than.

A more recent browser security white paper comparing,, and by X41 D-Sec in 2017 came to similar conclusions, also based on sandboxing and support of legacy web technologies. Security vulnerabilities [ ]. See also: Internet Explorer has been subjected to many security vulnerabilities and concerns: much of the,, and across the Internet are made possible by exploitable bugs and flaws in the security architecture of Internet Explorer, sometimes requiring nothing more than viewing of a malicious web page in order to install themselves. This is known as a '. There are also attempts to trick the user into installing malicious software by misrepresenting the software's true purpose in the description section of an security alert.

A number of security flaws affecting IE originated not in the browser itself, but -based add-ons used by it. Because the add-ons have the same privilege as IE, the flaws can be as critical as browser flaws. This has led to the ActiveX-based architecture being criticized for being fault-prone. By 2005, some experts maintained that the dangers of ActiveX have been overstated and there were safeguards in place.

In 2006, new techniques using automated testing found more than a hundred vulnerabilities in standard Microsoft ActiveX components. Security features introduced in Internet Explorer 7 mitigated some of these vulnerabilities. Internet Explorer in 2008, had a number of published security vulnerabilities. According to research done by security research firm, Microsoft did not respond as quickly as its competitors in fixing security holes and making patches available. The firm also reported 366 vulnerabilities in ActiveX controls, an increase from the prior year.

According to an October 2010 report in, researcher Chris Evans had detected a known security vulnerability which, then dating back to 2008, had not been fixed for at least 600 days. Microsoft says that it had known about this vulnerability but it was of very low severity as the victim web site must be configured in a special way for this attack to be feasible at all. In December 2010, researchers were able to bypass the 'Protected Mode' feature in Internet Explorer. Vulnerability exploited in attacks on U.S.

No info In an advisory on January 14, 2010, Microsoft said that attackers targeting Google and other U.S. Companies used software that exploits a security hole, which had already been patched, in Internet Explorer. The vulnerability affected Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP and Server 2003, IE6 SP1 on Windows 2000 SP4, IE7 on Windows Vista, XP, Server 2008 and Server 2003, and IE8 on Windows 7, Vista, XP, Server 2003, and Server 2008 (R2). The warned users against using Internet Explorer and recommended switching to an alternative web browser, due to the major security hole described above that was. The Australian and French Government issued a similar warning a few days later. Major vulnerability across versions [ ] On April 26, 2014, Microsoft issued a security advisory relating to CVE-2014-1776 (use-after-free vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 through 11 ), a vulnerability that could allow 'remote code execution' in Internet Explorer versions 6 to 11.

On April 28, 2014, the United States 's (US-CERT) released an advisory stating that the vulnerability could result in 'the complete compromise' of an affected system. US-CERT recommended reviewing Microsoft's suggestions to mitigate an attack or using an alternate browser until the bug is fixed.

The UK National Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-UK) published an advisory announcing similar concerns and for users to take the additional step of ensuring their antivirus software is up-to-date., a cyber security firm, confirmed that 'the vulnerability crashes Internet Explorer on Windows XP'. The vulnerability was resolved on May 1, 2014, with a security update. Market adoption and usage share [ ]. Historical market share of Internet Explorer The adoption rate of Internet Explorer seems to be closely related to that of Microsoft Windows, as it is the default web browser that comes with Windows. Since the integration of Internet Explorer 2.0 with Windows 95 OSR 1 in 1996, and especially after version 4.0's release in 1997, the adoption was greatly accelerated: from below 20% in 1996, to about 40% in 1998, and over 80% in 2000. This made Microsoft the winner in the infamous ' against. Was the dominant browser during 1995 and until 1997, but rapidly lost share to IE starting in 1998, and eventually slipped behind in 1999.

The integration of IE with Windows led to a lawsuit by, Netscape's owner, accusing Microsoft of unfair competition. The infamous case was eventually won by AOL but by then it was too late, as Internet Explorer had already become the dominant browser.

Internet Explorer peaked during 2002 and 2003, with about 95% share. Its first notable competitor after beating Netscape was from, which itself was an offshoot from Netscape. Firefox 1.0 had surpassed in early 2005, with Firefox 1.0 at roughly 8 percent market share. Approximate usage over time based on various usage share counters averaged for the year overall, or for the fourth quarter, or for the last month in the year depending on availability of reference. According to StatCounter Internet Explorer's marketshare fell below 50% in September 2010. In May 2012, it was announced that overtook Internet Explorer as the most used browser worldwide. Main article: While a major upgrade of Internet Explorer can be uninstalled in a traditional way if the user has saved the original application files for installation, the matter of uninstalling the version of the browser that has shipped with an operating system remains a controversial one.

The idea of removing a stock install of Internet Explorer from a Windows system was proposed during the case. One of Microsoft's arguments during the trial was that removing Internet Explorer from Windows may result in system instability. Indeed, programs that depend on libraries installed by IE, including Windows help and support system, fail to function without IE.

Before, it was not possible to run without IE because the service used technology, which no other web browser supports. Impersonation by malware [ ] The popularity of Internet Explorer has led to the appearance of malware abusing its name. On January 28, 2011, a fake Internet Explorer browser calling itself 'Internet Explorer – Emergency Mode' appeared. It closely resembles the real Internet Explorer, but has fewer buttons and no search bar. If a user launches any other browser such as,,, or the real Internet Explorer, this browser will pop-up instead.

It also displays a fake error message, claiming that the computer is infected with malware and Internet Explorer has entered Emergency Mode. It blocks access to legitimate sites such as if infected users try to access them. See also [ ]. Support (18 ed.).. 12 December 2017. Microsoft Edge Development..

Archived from on 2016-07-16. The latest features and platform updates will only be available in Microsoft Edge. We will continue to deliver security updates to Internet Explorer 11 through its supported lifespan.

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External links [ ] Wikimedia Commons has media related to. Wikinews has related news: Wikibooks has a book on the topic of: • • • – Microsoft's analysis of how webpages can cause memory leaks in Internet Explorer, and how developers can prevent them.