Slender Game Source Code

README. Myob Asset Manager Pro V3 Test Drive Crack Download. md Description Slender Man Returns is an psychological horror indie game, based on an urban legend about a murderous creature called Slender Man. The game is completely in 3D, it is designed for the Windows platform, but I also made a port for the mobile version, and is controllable with comfortable touch buttons on the screen. Slender Man Returns is a software project for the course of 'Digital Game Development', C.d. Hospice To Ibis Converter Online. L. In Computer Science, University of Catania. The teacher of the course is Prof. Giovanni Gallo.Ideazione, design and implementation of Rosario Terranova. Info • Name: Slenderman Returns • Platform: Windows, Windows Phone, Linux, Android, Mac, iOS • Game Engine: Unity 4 • Programming language: C# Screenshots Download build for Windows desktop.

Mod source code released. It is taking a whole lot longer to get that second post done on the slender game we made, so in the meantime, I thought I'd let you know that we've released the source code of Slender. For some reason, our commit history wouldn't come over.

Slender Game Source Code