Characters Kof Mugen Download

With such a large variety of.well, everything for an engine whose name can mean 'infinite', there are an infinite number of things that people disagree on. PLEASE KEEP ALL EXAMPLES SUBJECTIVE. •: Anyone with a copy of the engine and movie editing software can contort all their favorite fighting game characters (and some from outside the genre) into their own twisted concoction of a storyline. •: Would it not be easier to list the characters that haven't been put into a strange fan pairing by Japanese MUGEN fans? • Jam/ A joke character has her knocking the opponent into the bed, where she proceeds to dry hump both of them into unconsciousness. • You can find all pictures related to this weirdness on. •: • Any fight between (Giji) Rare Akuma, Dark Donald or similarly overpowered characters tend towards this in an EXPLOSIVE fashion.

• It's pretty safe to say that wouldn't be anywhere near the powerhouse he was if he wasn't completely bugfuck insane. One's a, the other's. Both are REALLY,,. Quickly getting a small yet DEDICATED fanbase completely devoted to their and • Ahuron's seems like an ordinary Mukuro until you hold start while selecting him and.

Characters Kof Mugen DownloadCharacters Kof Mugen Download

He has a large variety of intros and outros and summons. With an AI Patch, he's even more insane. • is the AI-controlled of Gram Parson's Undertale screenpack. While already chaotic as hell in the screenpack itself, the pattern to defeat him (enter the doors he spawns and attack his followers) is at least possible. But when you put him in MUGEN, the man who speaks in hands is able to KO characters in a matter of seconds, with epileptic attacks that do serious damage, Windows errors flashing across the screen, and many more batshit insane attacks.

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•: • used to be a fairly popular character, but soon became very hated as time went on. • Cheap character busting used to be a very popular fad, but has since died out, usually not helped by the fact that said 'cheapie-busters' had. •: Lots abound. • A rather old one, but a version of Geese Howard known as Master Geese was called Master Cheese a lot back in the day. •: If you lose to Ricepigeon's Yukari, she says that if you had beaten her,. What if she already had? •: Kung Fu Man.

In that he's a template character who's designed to help newcomers understand how to make characters. •: • Michael Jackson as he appeared in is available, with all his moves from the Genesis game. Try holding down the spin button for a few seconds while fighting any overpowered badass characters and watch what happens. • Omega Tom Hanks.

His Arcade Mode intro consists of him flying in the air, saying 'Hey everybody! I'm invincible!' Omega Tiger Woods is also hilarious for many of the same reasons. • 'Adam West' Batman's Level 2 super has him lift up his opponent, pull out a can of Bat Opponent-Repellant spray (with a close-up showing your enemy's portrait on the label) and give 'em a good spritz, all with appropriate sound effects. Laurel's special win animation: 'Looks like you have the right to remain. *dons sunglasses* Unconscious.' • The hilarious that is.

• The sheer absurdity that is Rare Akuma. So, but so quirky and hilarious! • Sad Claps, a version of with a block of code added to him that, is absolutely hilarious.

•: • Though there are too many examples to specifically list them all, there are a lot of characters that are more or less walking doom machines. Many characters from games with unique or unorthodox mechanics become either this or when they are initially ported, but newer versions of those characters may or may not clever coding or mods to balance them out. • Honorary mention goes to, who has a 'Hyper Kamehameha' that can deal over. Only the creator of his MUGEN can tell exactly how many hits it does. • A built-in example is the F1 key.

It ain't called 'The Heart-Attack Button' for nothing. It was eventually made into its own character. • The biggest game breakers are those who literally KO the opponent, and are also immune to the F1 key.

• There are even characters that can beat characters that literally do nothing like the DEAD HORSE (which is just a punching bag that cannot die, apparently) and Rick Astley (a dummy character that has no attacks or collision detection AT ALL). • There are characters that literally break the game itself- when they are loaded, they use a file or.exe to hack MUGEN and make them win. More information can be found.

•: • KOF-centric Vans gave his take on Kyo Kusanagi an aerial version of his classic Orochinagi DM. Fast forward a few years later, and now Kyo actually has the move in-game. • Nightmare SSJ3 is an infamous edit of by Gulthor that is damn cheap and consists of stolen code and super broken attacks and is supposedly in Super Saiyan 3 (though it really looks more like a Super Saiyan 4.) Then came Dragonball Raging Blast, and guess who got a Super Saiyan 3 form.

• Primeus, the giant fish out of nowhere, whose intro was knocking out. Then gave us a giant catfish boss. • There was a named Mugen in a few years before, which had a prominent structure that. That's one possible explanation of, at least. • Alot of vs videos are all the more hilarious with the actual crossover episode having the two duke it out. •: Some people who use MUGEN care less about the play balance and more about what the special and super moves look like. Maybe, but they're still having fun.

• Other users are just here for cartoon and platformer characters. •: • Everyone hates Homer. He loses in pretty much every video involving him.

Hima Elop Ii Crack. • rides the Yukari Express. Note Yukari Yakumo, a character, has a very powerful attack (taken from the Touhou fighting game spinoffs) which summons a train from a portal to run the enemy over. Looped videos of various characters getting hit by the 'Yukari Express' are common, often set to Kylie Minogue's 'Do The Locomotion'.

• The Rugal/Krauser/Goenitz/Juli/Sayurispin. Note All of these characters share an attack that has a form of spinning involved.

• Being drunk makes you a god as strong as a DBZ character, you got to remember that. Note Judge Spear's Homer Simpson has a 'drunk mode' which damages him, but gives him extremely powerful attacks. • Mario as Freddie Mercury, Krizalid as Billy Idol, etc. • The winquotes on Linkmyu's Kyo. For example, LOOK AT ME FUCK BITCH! ITS FACE ME BITCH, LOOK MY EYES!/ YOU THINK YOU CAN FUCK THIS?!

YOU THINK YOU CAN FUCK THAN ME EH?! • note In a rant, Ainotenshi says this in a rant against his detractors • 'I saw nothing.

BUT RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!!! • note French for 'GOAL!' , used as the 'KO!'

Announcement of a screenpack used by The_Noone. • Everyone hate Homer, (yes, most people spell it incorrectly) where characters preform supers, infinites, and fatalities on Homer Simpson and is usually accompanied by Yakety Sax.

Homer also often says 'You suck-diddly-uck' at his opponent before each finisher. Started by Judge Spear, who used Homer a lot and eventually modified him. • Which leads to 'Everyone hates X', where a at the hands of as many fighters as they could possibly find. • From Salty Bet: • Mexican/Mexihealth/Mexidamage: Spun off from poorly-made DBZ characters who had gimped health and damage and used Latin American DBZ voiceclips. Cisco Vpn Client Batch File. While most of them have been trimmed. • ALWAYS BET DBZ: There are still a BOATLOAD of glitchy, shittily-made DBZ characters. • DISRESPECT: When one character begins attacking before the round starts proper, during the 'Place your bets' stage.

Usually when a character steps up to bat. Note This is due to GG characters having insanely broken AI. • Potato: A fighter characterized by being poorly made,, or.. •: When you put two of these said potatoes together, expect disaster and a really boring fight. • Scam/Self-Scam: When a character wins/loses as a result of a glitch.

Typically happens when a poorly coded character knocks someone off screen in a state where they can't take any more damage, randomly turns off its hitbox, or flies away and doesn't come back down. • Plot: Whenever a fighter has a super animation so long that it might aswell be a cutscene. • Canon: When two or more characters from the same main or crossover franchise are met.

•: A creator known as altoiddealer coded from scratch and without help a MARRIAGE PROPOSAL to his fiancee on his W.I.P. The best part? She said YES. •: • All of Yagoshi's 'Symbiote' edits of,, and have, especially whenever they take damage. Any character with poor sound effects can do the same. • The announcer. The main reason he was so overused is because he was part of the super-popular Everyone vs.

Everyone pack. • Dutch Schaefer by (^o^) makes a really loud and long noise when he is beat in battle.

He even makes it during the match and when he wins! Though it can be humorous to some. •: • An obvious example would be. In particular is Noroko, the. She has an instant killing desperation that is a literal screamer, and a win pose where she attempts to 'escape' from MUGEN. • StormEX's becomes this when he.

• The_None's. Put simply, if you once feared but then grew desensitized towards Giygas, this version of him will rekindle that fear, permanently. He can summon stuff like, as well as employ his endless repertoire of PSI-powers, at seizure-inducing levels and plays horrible sound clips of at completely random intervals. One of his special moves involve throwing the victim into one of two stage fatalities from EternalChampions: Challenge From The Dark Side (they function like ), and they are signaled by a red flash picture of. When a new round starts, it looks as if you're fighting someone completely different, like, but SPENGBAB IT'S A TRAP. And when he wins.he'll either flash stuff at you, a pic that and.

• Other deathtraps of his involve shooting monsters while trying to avoid shooting.and another is the closet scene from. His other winposes can remind people of bizarre childhood nightmares; such winposes include a hideous face approaching the screen while appearing and disappearing randomly, bizarre lines of text in an unknown code,, another hallway culminating in a faceless man you,, a still of the parking lot from, eventually having a giant thing crawling towards the camera, and. • Dee Bee Kaw, while normally very humorous, is actually rather disquieting when he wins via the, because he stands over his opponent's lifeless body and while the screen goes from black to red. • Jinmen from is just as creepy as he is in his source material. He's a giant humanoid turtle whose shell is composed of the sorrowful faces of his victims.

He has a super where he drags an opponent into a murky pool of water, where he restrains and attacks it while helpless. He can also trick an opponent into killing one of the faces, which bloodily explodes and causes damage. He even has a finishing move where he eats the opponent and. • Crazy Catastrophe's 11P can be seen as this. It offers seven 'levels' of full screen stuff happening all over, with low-pitched voices from Mizuchi and Orochi, later joined by female laughter and voices usually found within Oni-Miko. The fourth and seventh levels even has the screen alternate colors between red, green, blue and white, while some of the kanji include 'Metsu' (destruction) and 'Satsu' (Murder). • Dark Donald and Dark Excellent Donald have actual coded into them upon starting the second round, first by deceiving the player by fighting (or controlling) a different character, followed by a like the Exorcist girl from the Maze Game or Smile.JPG after which the battle resumes as normal.

• DRAGON-TIER CHEAPIES. Not only are they the to ever exist, but they can also literally There is a supposedly confirmed one named 'Mathrus', appearing as a. And it apparently does destroy your computer. Thankfully, none of them are public for download, and very likely never will be. Everything about Kyouki.

An emaciated, towering monstrosity with a mask-like face, black sockets for eyes (except in it's win-pose), and matted black hair. When you KO it, it disintegrates into a swarm of possessed-looking baby dolls, followed by a cutscene of it getting closer and closer to the screen, ending in a static image of it's mask-face.

It then reappears, with YOU KO'd instead as it does it's disturbing win-pose. • A tamer example, but one of Lonnir's 's has him run over opponent with his vehicle, take them inside said vehicle, and then starts to rip them apart with his gloved hands, complete with gory sound effects. •: • La=Gooth, a pathetic attempt at making an by some guy. • An unknown character called (LucasX3 in earlier versions) fits this trope well, with said character being filled with ear-blasting sound effects from La=Gooth, and generally mediocre gameplay.

•: • Shaq, from, is a surprisingly popular character despite hailing from one of the worst fighting games of all time. Most of it has to do with the rather humorous additions to the character, including merch-based moves, voicelines, and other types of sillyness. • after an author, Zero-sennin, made her less cheap along with adding his own twist to the character. • In general, when a hated character receives a good edit. •: • Gouken by Alexlexus has been beaten by.pretty much everyone. • Same goes for EmoSuicideXFAHV's Rugal_. • 's hate-level got up to the point where fight vids of newly-made characters involving her usually have a half-hearted disclaimer of 'No, you're not finding any bashing here.'

IT died down after some time and with her being. • Characters that have been dubbed 'retarded' by the community. These tend to have hideous spritework, stiff animation, terrible hitboxes, graphical errors, crappy movesets, programming glitches, or any combination thereof, therefore making battles containing them an excruciating experience. • Spriteswapped characters are highly frowned upon by a majority of the community they not only show laziness, but also a lack of respect for the original characters' author. In particular cases the original's fighting style or hitboxes don't even fit the 'new' character, and in other cases not all their sprites aren't properly changed causing them to flicker back to the original character. In even worse cases, no credit is given to the original creator or the filenames aren't even changed from the original's at all.

• characters are not that well regarded either, since cheap busting had been a fad in the past. •: • Can happen with the more customized fighters, as they are made to suit the maker's personal tastes. Take (the currently only known existing version of), who has a suspiciously large number of poses showing her butt, a seemingly random attack, a swimsuit outfit that makes up more than half of her palettes, and a during her hyper where she's naked. (With, but still, the fact that her toes and navel are visible shows that this is the intent.) • There's also, who has an overdose of Gainaxing, and, combined with her win pose and voice. •: • Bebum Ryo. This ridiculous edit of has a that does insane amounts of hits, combos that should never be possible, hair resembling that of an 80s glam rocker, and FATALITIES.

One of his intros is about a minute long, featuring him getting by Johnny Cage, who is in turn chased down by Shao Kahn. And that's just the beginning. Melty Blood,, and a whole lot more collide to make this massive ball of hilarity. • RicePigeon released Primeus aka Gay Bahamut, who's essentially a parody of crappy characters. The end result is something that's. And hilarious to boot. While RicePigeon did strive for a 'King of Shitty Characters' type, he managed to not overkill Primeus which made him somewhat a decent foe.

• is Ryu as a after training with Oro for years. Seems like a pretty standard and forgettable Ryu edit, but then you see it in action. The moves in his repertoire were much more badass in the author's head than in actuality. One of them has him doing a horse stance while firing a huge Hadouken with Dragonball sounds. One of them has him fire a bunch of odd looking, almost Metroid-ish projectiles.

One of them has him punch the victim so far they slam against the wall, and he gives chase and beats them down in the corner. The highlight, however, is one where he throws a punch that launches the enemy, then proceeds to LAY DOWN ON HIS BACK AND FIRE A SHINKUU HADOUKEN UP AT THE VICTIM. •: If not created correctly, characters or their effects can have bizarre color schemes, appear in the wrong places, or generally not work. •: Mostly in the shape of, who still declare that the only good fighting games were those made by SNK on its glory days and will put down (most of the time, violently) people who use characters from doujin games or with new-generation mechanics. This is not to deny the doujin side of its share of meanies, either— a lot of them seem to really hate the characters of, and being prime victims, and fans of DC Comics sometimes come under fire as a result. •: Many characters in MUGEN may come from their source games that are known to be. There are too many bosses to list that could be consider difficult or cheap.

Though, the difficulty of the boss varies depending on which fighter you use. • Cheap or Brutal AI characters would count due to either, cheap move set, counters, fast reactions or all of the above. • Surprisingly enough, Bandana Dee is this, considering he was a joke boss from his (DS remake only).

Though he is still pathetic as his source game, his works a bit different. Due to a bug oversight(?), Bandana Dee can damage you if you make literally any physical contact.

He can also combo you and fling you across the stage making it hard to combo him. He is still easy to beat if your character has long-range attacks, projectiles, super armor or a throw. But if your combatant solely fights close-range and lacks a throw.

It first started out as an April Fools Joke with the creator, Garchomp Matt, disguising it as his character. Now as its own character, this boss consist of Peak and Oro doing specific roles. Peak sings his song and when it's over, Oro peaks his head out saying 'Yee'. Rinse and repeat. It's a pretty easy since Peak never moves, making him open to attacks and Oro only attacks if the song is finished. While he sings slowly and attacks less frequently on easy mode, when setting it up on higher diffculty, he starts to sing faster meaning Oro will frequently pop his head, attacking you.

This forces you to kill him faster before you do, and at times nearly impossible. • Certain characters, while otherwise balanced, may have a colour palette (usually 11th or 12th) that makes them overpowered. Palettes can be selected at random. In Arcade Mode: • Daniel is a well-balanced, but his 11th palette is a different story.

He is constantly in unlimited from the get-go, which allows him to use EX special moves, Alpha Counters, and most without losing his super meter. • Kong's characters, all of them, have three different difficulty levels that can be coded in and out - easy, medium and hard.

And if they're in hard mode. Good God, you're in for Hell. In hard mode, these characters become very buggy, broken and cheap, and have a ludicrously aggressive AI. To give you an idea, Kong's Omega Red in hard mode note Admittedly, this was before Rare Akuma was updated and became even cheaper. •: • Characters branded 'cheap,' unless they are intentional joke characters.

Usually, cheap characters are hated for pulling off incredibly unfair methods to win either caused by poor coding, unfair advantages/abilities or flat-out cheating, and had been the subject of many beatdown videoes before retard beatdowns became more popular. • YOUKAI's and ' are probably two of the more infamous examples, as the former spams, uses a repeatedly that leaves him invincible and deals a lot of damage if hit, and has several hard-hitting, trapping regular attacks; while the latter can repeatedly use overpowered attacks such as swinging around Bowser and taking off about half of a regular fighter's lifebar (and if it's blocked, it actually deals more damage instead)..

• Another example was the demon Elque. Not only was it extremely fast with painful attacks that were quickly executed, it could stun-lock the opponent in a corner and spam its 'Evil Claw' move to chip their HP into nothing if they blocked, a bunch of extremely powerful supers such as a fullscreen lightning attack that hit about a third of a character's health if blocked, and a. Finally, it also had a mode where the screen turned dark (making it hard to see) and also caused it to regenerate health quickly. This got bad enough that a edit of Elque was made with almost all of the cheap elements taken out or given harsher restrictions note for example, the could only be used either at very low health and full super meter, as a finisher where Elque was healthy with a full super meter and the enemy was at low health, or in a mode.

• A lot of characters based on the official spinoffs like Scarlet Weather Rhapsody tend to fall into this. The Touhou games are known for their sheer, which even extends to the fighting game spinoffs - they are quite projectile-heavy for being fighting games. Meanwhile, most regular characters in MUGEN tend to be more melee-oriented, with few projectiles and countermeasures against projectiles. This means that Touhou characters are fine fighting against each other, but a fighter from a different series will have a lot of trouble making it into melee range through their countless projectiles. This earns Touhou characters a lot of bile from the community for being 'cheap' and 'overpowered', and some creators like Ricepigeon specialize in creating Touhou characters with more reasonable playstyles for a regular fighting game and few if any projectiles.

•: As noted above, POTS Styled characters usually get this reception. •: Everything about Dragon Claw! His sprites, his effects, his move animations.

• Quite a few stages count, especially the ones on 1.1. •: If increasing levels of content from 2010s pop culture ( especially, and ) and videos made to tie in to contemporary games, comics, movies, and shows are anything to go by, MUGEN may be accused of this. It doesn't help that lots of older characters are nowhere near as popular as they used to be.