Install Modem Laptop

Make sure that you have all of the required cables. A modem generally requires a coaxial cable to connect to the cable output, as well as a power cable to connect to an electrical outlet. Sauer 1913 Serial Numbers. Both of these cables should come with your modem, but if you bought it used, you may need to find replacement cables.

• If you plan on attaching the modem to a router, you will also need an Ethernet cable. • Consider buying a longer coaxial cable if the one that you have is too short to allow you to mount properly your modem. Attach the modem to a router.

If you have a Wi-Fi router that you want to use in conjunction with your modem, plug one end of an into the square port on the back of the modem, then plug the other end into the 'INTERNET' (or similarly labeled) square port on the back of the router. As long as the router is plugged into a power source, the router should immediately light up. • Give your modem and router a few minutes to boot up before attempting to. Prins Afc Software V24. • You can also connect your computer directly to your modem via Ethernet if you have a Windows computer (or an Ethernet to USB-C adapter for a Mac).

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Install Modem Laptop