How Much Do Uber Drivers Make In Phoenix Arizona

How to Find Free Vehicle Inspections For Uber and Lyft Drivers I now use for all of my car’s maintenance but when I first signed up for Uber over a year ago, I used a local auto shop that charged $20 for the inspection. Now obviously that’s not a lot but if you’re a new driver or even an existing one who needs an inspection, Uber now offers free inspections in most major cities. Remember, you have to get an inspection on your vehicle annually! Free Vehicle Inspections From Uber Uber really wants to keep drivers on the road so this is a nice perk that you should take advantage of if possible. When I clicked on the link, I saw that they actually have lots of places and times that you can go get your free inspection if you’re in LA or OC. Note, the times and places are always changing so make sure you contact Uber via the help tab of the app or Update (12/30/15): Uber now lists inspection locations and times on the Uber Movement website, here’s the website for LA for example: Related: You don’t need to bring anything to the actual inspection but you do have to show some type of proof that you are an Uber driver (your driver app should be enough). The inspections take around 15-30 mins depending on how many other drivers there are and YourMechanic is one of the companies offering free inspections.

As you guys know, I am a big fan of YourMechanic so it’s cool to see them partnering with Uber to offer free inspections. You can read more about my experience with YourMechanic. Vbs Count Files With Extension.

How Much Do Uber Drivers Make In Phoenix Arizona

Jun 17, 2015. As the American workforce ages, some retirees are becoming Uber drivers to earn extra income. A look inside. Judith Gordon, an Uber driver in Phoenix, Arizona, is 69 and drives up to 50 hours a week. Ride-hailing competitors Lyft and Sidecar would not disclose how many drivers they have over 50. Where do I start. Well lets start with the vehicles. I use Select or XL because I am tall 6-5. When I use select it's a crap shoot what your going to get, Stinky mini van with 300,000.00 miles on it to a compact honda. Some of the drivers are a piece or work. They either look like they just got out of bed and smell that way to, Don't.

How Much Do Uber Drivers Make In Phoenix Arizona

Related Article: Vehicle Inspections From Lyft Lyft doesn’t offer free vehicle inspections like Uber does but they should send you a link to local repair shops in your area where you can pay to get your car inspected. Here’s the link for Los Angeles. I’ve heard from some Uber drivers that they were able to take their car in to a free Uber vehicle inspection site (see above) and have the mechanic fill out both Uber and Lyft inspection forms since the forms are nearly identical. Uber and Lyft Inspection Forms If you go to a designated Uber or Lyft inspection location, they should have inspection forms on hand, but if not here they are: • • In the past Uber would accept Lyft inspection forms and vice versa but now it seems that your results may vary. Some drivers have been able to get Uber reps to accept the Lyft form and vice versa but others have not had as much luck. You should be driving for so if Lyft doesn’t have free inspections in your area, check with Uber and get your inspection done there. Once you get the inspection, upload your form to your partner dashboard and Uber should approve it within a day or two.

Inspections At Home With YourMechanic Now, I actually just moved to Long Beach so none of these free inspection locations were nearby (Long Beach is technically in LA but it’s really in the middle of LA and OC and often gets left out) but YourMechanic is a cool mobile mechanic service that I use for oil changes and they were also able to do the inspection for me at the same time. An oil change normally costs $40 (or $60 for synthetic) with them so if you’re in a smaller to mid sized Uber market that doesn’t offer free inspections, this is probably your best bet. YourMechanic is available in more and more cities every day and it’s pretty nice having a mechanic come to your home or business to get services done. If you’d like to use my link to sign up and get an oil change and/or inspection, please and use the code RSG10 to get $10 off!

Drivers, did you know about Uber’s free inspection locations? Please tell us about your experience in the comments below. Lexware Financial Office Plus 2008 Election. Thanks for the info Harry. I’ve been reading your blog since I’m looking at driving for Lyft/Uber part time in addition to my full time job. I’m going with Lyft first (pretty sure I used your referral code) and just purchased an eligible vehicle, however have not had the inspection. They do have free inspection days up here in Seattle according to the Lyft mentor that already reached out to me I’m assuming run flat tires are ok in place of a spare and jack?

The tires are clearly marked on the sidewall as such. I have a fairly new BMW and they don’t even offer spares anymore to my knowledge. The mentor mentioned getting a can of ‘fix-a-flat’ but I don’t think she was understanding what run flats are. Yeah, this information is totally outdated. I just found this post yesterday afternoon after spending 2 hours going back and forth between Carmax (where I purchased my car less than a week ago) and Toyota Service Center to get a free or low cost inspection to no avail. Then I do a quick google search and come across this post. I head to the nearest Uber inspection center and when I give them my Lyft Vehicle Inspection form they look at me like I have two heads.

Uber’s inspection center doesn’t use forms anymore. It’s all online 2. They do not inspect your vehicle and fill out your Lyft inspection form 3.

They will look at you like an asshole and say, “Ummm no. We’re two totally different companies. Where did you get that information?” And when you say, “The Ride Share Guy.” They will look at each other, and send you on your merry way like the asshole you are for listing to this dumb ass information. It was clear to me that he meant if you have a completed Lyft inpection form Uber will accept it and vice versa. It would never occur to me to take a blank inspection form Lyft to an Uber inspection facility and expect them to fill it out. Also, the inspection facility still fills out a form, they will just upload it for you right there. You can still request the form, or make a copy of it from your partner dashboard later and submit it to Lyft.

So really the post is still 100% accurate, it’s just missing one small detail which only occurs at some dedicated inspection facilities. Most still need the form. So in a more polite manner than a previous commenter: indeed, Uber Greenlight does not provide copies of inspection forms anymore. They still offer the form, in case people want to go to their own mechanics, etc. I just asked Lyft & they said they can’t accept screenshots from the Uber dash that shows the inspection was approved.

Methinks the companies have caught on and put the kibosh on (some of) our shenanigans. That said, if you’re already getting service done & your mechanic will throw it in for $20 or less, then download the forms. Or just use Harry’s link. As for me, I’ve got to get a second inspection done.