Easy Web Gallery Builder Crack Cocaine

Battle to cut the cost of cancer drugs is as easy as A.D.C. ADC Biotechnology, based at OpTIC Glyndwr in St Asaph. A TECHNOLOGY company is playing a major role in the fight against cancer and aims to crack a drugs market worth £5billion. ADC Biotechnology, based at OpTIC Glyndwr in St Asaph,.

LAWRENCE -- A variety of area complaints led to the arrest of two alleged drug dealers and seizure of stolen firearms, heroin and crack cocaine at an Inman Street apartment complex Friday night, police said. A stolen motorcycle was also found in pieces in the middle of the dining room in the apartment, according to a police report. Roberto Santana, 21, and Juan Carlos Avalo-Santana, 32, who both live at 4 Inman St., unit 4, were both arrested and charged on a lengthy list of criminal offenses; including three counts of illegal possession of a firearm, trafficking more than 100 grams of heroin, illegal possession of crack cocaine, improper storage of a firearm, illegal possession of ammunition (237 rounds) and receiving a stolen motor vehicle, according to a police report. Both men were arraigned in Lawrence District Court on Monday; Santana was held on $75,000 bail and Avalo-Santana on $50,000, according to court records. After an investigation into alleged drug dealing from the apartment, detectives in the department's Street Narcotics Enforcement Unit went to the 4 Inman St. Apartment complex armed with a search warrant Friday night. A series of large apartment buildings are located on Inman Street, which is off Broadway in South Lawrence.

During their search, detectives reported recovering the following; * Two Glock handguns, one of which reported stolen. * A rifle that was reported stolen in Methuen. * An array of ammunition, including hollow point and jacketed bullets. * 162 grams of heroin that carries an illegal street value of roughly $6,000.

* 1 gram of crack cocaine. * A gun holster and two digital scales. * Identification and a bail receipt for a person known as Arismendy Santana. Detectives also noted 'in the dining room area on the floor in numerous pieces was a motorcycle,' according to a report. The motorcycle, a 2008 yellow Yamaha, was reported stolen in Lowell, police said. Police Chief James Fitzpatrick said the city's inspectional services department was notified of the raid and will conduct their own inspection of the until. Management at the apartment complex was also encouraged to immediately start the eviction process.

Santana and Avalo-Santana are both due back in court on June 26. Follow staff reporter Jill Harmacinski on Twitter @EagleTribJill.

DarkRP has no economy. Well, it has no functional economy. Money printing and admin grants throw out any real balance, and lack of business opportunities means money doesn't really circulate. It gets eaten up by the mod. It is all an illusion.

DarkRP is all about crime. You become a criminal to steal from other criminals. Money laundering, bank robberies, printer farms, drugs, oil monopoly and gun stores. The list is large and corrupt. It doesn't have to be this way. DarkRP is intended for roleplay, but there are very few servers where this actually happens.

Easy Web Gallery Builder Crack CocaineEasy Web Gallery Builder Crack Cocaine

Prop limits prevent any real ability to build houses, businesses, and do more than mess about. This is to your advantage. People just want to have fun on DarkRP servers, and you can easily grab some attention and use it to earn money. Exploit the players curiosity. Make them laugh. This guide is about proposing ideas that can make you anything from $0 - $1,000,000+ in one hour to several hours.

Combine multiple ideas to have some fun and explode your bank account. You might crack it in 30 minutes, or you might need a few days to get lucky and score payment from a rich player. Either way, if you want some extra cash on your favourite DarkRP server, this is the way to do it. What NextAnnounce the opening of the gallery using an advert. Keep the entrance door open and locked.

Don't let anybody close it or it is un-inviting. Stay inside the building but walk in and out every so often to catch the interest of passers. Be open to donations; this is where you will get the most money. Put up a sign to indicate how many donations you have received to bring attention to your efforts. When somebody enters, put on a little act.

Welcome them to the gallery. Krylack Volume Serial Number Editor Crack more. Ask them if they want help. Take them to the artworks and make up a history: 'this picture was painted in Paris during the great baguette shortage'.

Push for a sale: 'I could really see this in your house, it is perfect for you. Free deliviery included.' When a sale is made, move the artwork to a place of their choice. Sometimes the buyer will ask you to put it in a building.

Other times they will ask you to keep it at the gallery as a 'donation'. This is where having two rooms comes in handy; one for selling, one for private ownership.

Other ideas: • Let players pose as local artists, and have them contribute artwork to your gallery when you sell something. Sell it on behalf of them, then take 75% of the profit (you can take a lot because the other person probably won't care enough to start their own gallery). • Report an artwork as missing to cause drama and bring attention to your gallery • Host an auction • If people try to reproduce your artwork, report it to the police and try to have them arrested and the fake destroyed.

Real ResultsThis technique was tried two times on two separate servers. On server A, the gallery received little interest due to low players (less than 10). Three paintings were sold and one donation was made. Total profit after 30 minutes: $120,000. On server B, the gallery received interest from admins and players.

Five paintings were sold, three of them by a player posing as a local artist who received between 25% and 50% per sale. Two rich players (including an admin) donated because they thought 'this gallery is an awesome idea'. Total profit after one hour: $1,600,000 (mainly donations of $1m, 500k, plus sales).

The 'Ponzi' scheme is a risky, cruel strategy that works best on massive servers. It is difficult to get started and requires patience and risk.

Be careful where you try this because you could get banned from the server. This will require $50 - $300 for buying a property, and a prop limit of at least 10. A text screen is highly recommended. This scheme has you starting a hoax printer business in order to steal investments. You offer a bogus return, like 50% extra, and then eventually never pay it. You then target the richest players to take bigger and bigger investments until you disappear completely.

Example: 'If you invest $2000 in my business, so I can buy new printers, I'll give you $3000 within the hour! Feel free to reinvest afterwards.'

Part 2 - Pitch to PlayersAsk players if they want to invest in your company. Tell them you have a network of hidden printers and you want money to buy more.

Claim you are working with other AFK players who are increasing the printer amount. Take them to your office to make it look legit. You have to be a bit of an actor here. Don't be laughing and sounding stupid.

Be sincere, intelligent, and dress properly. It sounds dumb, but people do take you more seriously this way. If you are giggling and wearing a chicken hat, you'll be lucky if someone doesn't shoot you. Get investments of at least $5000, but push for higher.

Approve a maximum of $100,000 and suggest you 'wouldn't take a higher amount because it'd take too long to return it'. This will make you seem more legit than accepting a massive amount. Target at least 10 different players.

Once you do, use the last investments to pay the first player their money + 50% extra. Encourage them to re-invest it.

Some players will if you manage to pay them back quickly. This is how a ponzi works, more or less. There is no real profit, and you don't really have any printers. You are just paying old investors with the money from new investors and pretending there is big business in between. What NextTry to target rich players.

Once you build up trust, attempt to take the full investment amount (i.e 100k) from all of the players who have worked with you. When you have your $1m, that is when you do a dash. From here on you are keeping the money and paying nobody back. The scam is in full swing now.

Sell up your doors and clear your props. If you want to be a bit of a joker, trash your office and make it look like you ran off.

Put a 'bankrupt' sign out by the front door. You have two options: the first, you disappear and don't return for ages.

You might choose to run this ponzi scheme during hours when you don't usually play, hoping that the players you have stolen from never come online when you are. The other option is to disconnect, or hide, and just hope for the best. You are keeping the stolen investments, without any plan to return them. Preventing a BanIn real life, this would be major financial fraud and you'd be in deep♥♥♥♥♥♥ In Gmod, it doesn't really matter, but you are at risk of getting banned from the server you try it on.

Angry players might complain to staff who aren't willing to allow for you to get away with it. If this happens, you could attempt to cut deals with the players. Claim you 'don't have much money left because it was used on printers' and settle to pay them back for 25-50% of their initial investment. Because the person wants their money back, they'll be quick to agree. If not, insist you have no money and that they should accept the offer of they risk getting nothing. Example: Look, I have 5 other people who need bigger refunds.

The only reason I'm offering you this much is because you invested earlier so I owe it to you. If you don't take it, it might all go away to the other people.

I cant' pay everyone back full. Most of the others have accepted lower amounts. I'll go 55% tops, I really can't do any better. Obviously you're talking bull, but that is the point.

Remember, this is just RP. Nobody is really getting hurt. DarkRP money is bogus and easy to make and lose. If they can afford to pay you, they can afford to lose it; most people don't even use all of the money they earn because there is little to buy. You're not being too much of a jerk. It might annoy some people, but it is memorable and funny. People enjoy quirky RP.

How often do you hear of fictional investment fraud in DarkRP? If the refunds don't work, try to argue that you are just committing organized crime in the RP. Stealing from players happens all the time in DarkRP. This way is just bigger and classier.

Real ResultsThis technique was tried two times on two separate servers. On server A, the ponzi scheme business received no investment. There are 15 players but nobody claimed to be rich enough to invest. After 20 minutes, the building was bought out by another player for $5000 and was convereted into a printer base.

Total earnings: $5000. On server B, the company was setup and received two investments of $5000 and $20,000 respectively. One client was returned money and then re-invested over a period of about 40 minutes. The company closed after the investor left, and he was never seen again.

Total earnings: $19950 (less door fees). No moderator repercussions, no complaints. Part 1 - SetupGo to the designated hospital area and decorate the place. Add paintings, a vending machine, plants, a reception area.

Make it feel inviting. Put up a sign indoors with your name and title, and include pricing. For example: Dr.

Thompson (currently in) Quick heal - $250 Become a patient- $2000 (10 instant heals for $500 less) The sign can also be used to indicate if you are in the hospital. Below you have listed the costs. Always charge money.

People don't often become doctors in DarkRP, and if they do, they run around on the streets and are difficult to find. Setting yourself up in a hospital means you will earn repeat customers who are willing to pay for the convenience. Charge a lump sum fee (i.e $2000 for 10 heals) for people who want to be healed immediately without messing around with payments. This means you heal them when they show up and ask for it. Keep tabs on how many times they have been healed so you don't give them free extras. You will find richer players will overpay or give you large donations sometimes.

This is another perk of the job, and one of the reasons you can earn a lot here. You will also be paid regularly by the DarkRP mod (salaries vary but you can earn several thousand an hour at best). Other ideas: • Be open to leaving the hospital to do house-calls. Criminals sometimes ask for you to visit their base and heal them. They will pay more for this, and so you should charge a higher price ($1000 recommended).

• Offer a discount for police. They will be in combat a lot, and are more likely to visit you if you give them a special price. • Get a friend to become a doctor and split the work. You can share the profits 50/50 with each other. Part 2 - Grab a CustomerFind players on the street to lure back to your property. Charge them between $500 - $1000 for a reading, and offer a refund if the prediction fails.

This is where acting comes in. Have them sit on the table and perform a reading.

Be specific about an event that will happen in the game, but use cryptic language to allow room for different interpretation. Some examples: 'I see red. The colour is appearing in my mind.

Beware of them. Beware of the red person.' 'You are in danger. It is pointing at you. You are running from it, but he is shooting. I am not sure if you are safe.

Stay indoors this week or you might get hurt!' If we were going to use the second example, you would then tell your friend over Steam that you need him to 'track player A and try to mug him with your gun'. Communication is key. Your friend will now act out your prediction and mug the person you gave the reading to. Once it is complete, the player might return back to tell you.

If not, find them on the streets and remind them of what has happened: 'The visions came true! THE WARNING WAS REAL.' You can hook in repeat customers this way. Players enjoy paying for this service, because it is fun and almost theatrical. You've seen my top 4 roleplay jobs, but here are 10 extra ideas to grab yourself a big payout: • Buy property doors and sell them to other players (some servers have this as an official job, and some servers don't allow for it) • Sell cactus props on the roadside for $100 a pot (it works, try it) • Run up to rich players (you can tell if they have a high level or are dressed up) and beg for money creatively: 'I need $100,000 because I have 5 kids and one of them needs a new leg'. Players can find this funny and will pay you out of good will. • Run up to random people and make them laugh; be strange, funny, or clever.

I've been paid $1,000,000 to leave someone alone because I kept harassing them for insurance papers after they hit my car. This kind of niche RP doesn't happen much and some people find it amusing. • Threaten to sue / demand lawsuit and see if a player will pay you to leave them alone • Ask gun dealers for free weapons and sell them on for lower than retail • Request refunds if a server crashes, and claim you lost printers or weapons. If you pose under multiple names and use text chat, you can get multiple payouts.

Do this with caution, some admins find this funny and others get angry. • Start a bar or private lounge and charge entry (you'll need a security guard for this) • Start a B&B or hotel and charge per room • Open a private investigation agency and get paid to stalk police / mob / gangs by nosey players. These are comments you can find on this guide (updated Jan 2017). -- 'Someone said 'Ill buy all the art. Hondo Bass Guitar Serial Numbers. ' And gave me 10 million.

On a different server someone bought one of my painings for $200k.' - Spy Cooper 'Holy crap. I have been making millions from the art gallery and ponzi scheme.' - Devin 'I made 11k from selling cactus.' - grandruseko 'I made an Art Gallery and gained 15k for placing two props.' - Postino 'I love the private surgery idea.

I tried it and got a 10k payout from people being shot.' - Friendly_Engineer 'Sold cacti in an art gallery for 1k and claimed they were 'Special Cactus'. I tried this and made a couple million from rich players and generous admins!' - Awesomeguy002 'I once got $200K from an admin because of the cactus scheme. I became a hobo and said 'my kid is in hospital and i need money to get him cured or else he will die'. The admin liked this idea very much. - haxterz:D 'I pulled the ponzi scheme off for 400k and it worked brilliantly.

I became a trusted member of the community before. Unfortunately, most of the people I had taken money from had disconnected by the time my sham RP was revealed so there was less of an impact.' - Johnny 'I tried the psyschic trick once. Earned 1M$ from a rich burglar to tell their future. I told them that his printers will be found out in this week. Without even having a friend a cop SERIOUSLY found them. He spammed in OOC: 'HOLY ♥♥♥♥ WHAT HOW' 'HOW DID HE KNOW'.

Best guide ever.' - akos 'It is amazing how incredibly effective the Art Gallery is. I sold 8 paintings/sculptures in under an hour and got $1,100,000 in donations!'

- sledge 'OH MY GOD. The art gallery was a massive success. I've got screenshots on my profile but the co-owner of the server was on, and he bought almost all of it.

I made around 2 mil in about an hour.' - Rick ♥♥♥♥in' Sanchez. DarkRP jobs are boring, and being a criminal can be too. This guide is meant to propose tested, working ideas on how to make big chunks of money with only a little bit of creativity, and a lot of fun. Try all of these schemes in DarkRP and see how you go. Depending on who is playing and what the server is like, you might make more than I've made when I tried some of these schemes.

You might make nothing at all. Keep trying, and always look for new ways to make DarkRP more entertaining. Don't take it all too seriously though. It is a crazy, silly gamemode, and that is what makes it great. BONUS MESSAGE: If you enjoyed my guide, consider voting for my unique Steam Greenlight game:.

If just half of the people who read this gave a yes vote, I could share my game with the Steam community!