Bsava Manual Of Exotic Pet And Wildlife Nursing Care

Click on the Google Preview image above to read some pages of this book! Exotics and Wildlife: a manual of veterinary nursing care provides a hands-on approach to nursing exotic pets and wildlife common to the UK.The increasing popularity of exotic pets sees a wide variety of species pass through practices on a daily basis of which the care and management is the responsibility of the veterinary nurse. This change in pet ownership has been recognised and reflected in the updated curriculum of the veterinary nurse.

Pain Management in Small Animals Veterinary Clinical Examination and Diagnosis BSAVA Manual of Exotic Pets Clinical Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual for Veterinary Technicians BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Rehabilitation, Supportive and Palliative Care: Case Studies in Patient Management. The number of exotic and wildlife cases presented at the veterinary practice has increased significantly in the past 10 years, with increasing expectations regarding level of care. The nursing requirements of these less familiar species are significantly different from those of dogs and cats. This Manual aims to provide.

Exotics and Wildlife: a manual of veterinary nursing links with the current S/NVQ syllabus, informing, preparing and teaching the veterinary nurse to deal with the variety of species they are likely to see in practice. Species covered include: rabbits, rodents, snakes, lizards, chelonia, cage and wild birds, birds of prey, bats, foxes, hedgehogs, squirrels, deer and badgers. Telugu Full Hd Videos 1080p Free Download. This one-stop reference tool is perfect for use in the daily clinical management of exotic species.Comprehensive information is presented on the day-to-day management of the more unusual patient.Practical advice is given on providing effective nursing care for the exotic pet.Unique Tips of the Trade are offered by VNs with experience working with this type of patient.

Bsava Manual Of Exotic Pet And Wildlife Nursing Care

Contributors p. Vii Acknowledgements p. Ix Preface p. Xi Rodent care Introduction p. 23 Snakes, lizards and chelonia care Introduction p. 47 Snakes and lizards p. 51 Chelonia p. Dell 2520 Network Drivers.

87 Bird care Introduction p. 117 Cage birds p. 119 Birds of prey p. 141 Wild birds p. 149 Wildlife care Introduction p.

179 Hedgehogs p. 191 Squirrels p. 217 Badgers p.

223 Appendices Rabbits p. 231 Drug dosages p.

233 General information on hand rearing mammals p. 237 Feeding and caring for baby birds p.

245 Table of Contents provided by Rittenhouse. All Rights Reserved.