Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen Wii Game Manual

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Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen Wii Game ManualTransformers Revenge Of The Fallen Wii Game Manual

I look out there at and I say to myself, 'What I wouldn't give to be 20 million years younger. And a woman'.' Jetfire was a living legend both in the air and on the battlefield. Sadly, his day has long since passed.

His body went south years back. His bunny is dead on the wheel. He's got rust in places he didn't even know he had.

Basically, Jetfire's old! An ancient Decepticon, Jetfire was around long before the war broke out, and unlike many, came to see his 'comrades' for what they were. This caused him to defect to the Autobots, something virtually unheard of. As a consequence, Jetfire never managed to fully obtain the trust of the others back in the day. He's still a fine asset, powerful and able to activate a to teleport across great distances. This is slightly offset by the fact he's so old. After years without a proper source of energon, he's practically falling apart.

His processor gave up the ghost millennia ago. These days he has a hard enough time remembering his name, and he's lucky if his teleporting puts him on the right planet.

It makes him a bit crotchety and also leaves him with the nagging feeling he's forgotten something important. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Fiction Movies Revenge of the Fallen film Voice actor: (English), (Japanese), (Chinese), (German), (Latin American-Spanish), (Italian) Jetfire was one of the Seekers dispatched by The Fallen to locate the after the hid it on Earth. However, Jetfire and the other Seekers were unable to locate the that the Primes had forged. The only clue they could find was a riddle: 'When dawn alights the Dagger's tip, Three Kings will reveal the Doorway'. Eventually, the Fallen abandoned the Seekers and they were forced to go into stasis lock out of a lack of energon. 'How are ya, sir?' Goddamn it, Bill!

I'm supposed to be in California!' For many years, a dormant Jetfire had hidden in his alternate mode at the 's, until,,, and broke in with a small fragment of the. It was only after the AllSpark shard hit Jetfire that they bothered to check which side he was on. The sight of the Decepticon sent the humans scrambling for cover, but the surge of energy awoke him. Confused at the 'hideous mausoleum' he was held in, Jetfire decided to head outside to get a better handle on where he was. After his attempts at overriding and shooting the doors failed, Jetfire smashed them aside, then wandered about the planes outside, damaging a few. When the humans tried to talk to them, he initially claimed that he couldn't deal with them, as he had a mission, but did ask what planet he was (he wasn't too fond of the name 'Earth', feeling it might as well be called 'Dirt').

Jetfire inquired on the state of the civil war, and revealed that he had defected to the Autobots (it's an intensely personal decision). This led the smaller Wheelie to defect to a he dubbed 'warrior goddess'. After the human Sam asked what he was saying, Jetfire, still confused, pounded the ground and shouted that he had a lot of issues regarding his mother, and that his father was the first wheel, who did not transform but performed his functions with honor and dignity. At which point a parachute stored in him suddenly popped open, bringing him down.

Sam then tried to explain what was going on. 'Every time I give an order, it gets screwed up! Plan a reception, wrong hors d'oeuvres!

Appoint an ambassador, he leaves the country!' When Sam was finished carving on the ground, he mentioned Megatron and. Jetfire ranted that The Fallen was the original Decepticon and had left him on Earth to rust. The symbols were a part of Jetfire's mission, and they jogged his memory banks enough to convince him to open a, teleporting the entire group (including,, and Wheelie) to. Thankful that he had managed to stay on the planet, Jetfire then told them the story of the Dynasty of Primes and The Fallen, Cybertron's first contact with Earth, the which could destroy a and convert it to energon, and the Matrix of Leadership needed to activate it, hidden on Earth.

He revealed that only a could defeat The Fallen, but he believed that none were left. Sam told him of; this caught the ancient Seeker's interest, revealing eagerness in the Prime's whereabouts, but became distraught to hear of Prime's death.

Sam then wondered if the Matrix could restore Optimus to life. Jetfire said it was not the Matrix's intended use, but that the power within was unlike any known. Sadly, this was all Jetfire could do for the group, and after telling them of the riddle, he urged them to hurry off and find the. 'I mean, one minute you're in bed with a knockout gal.or guy. And the next, you're a compost heap. Doesn't that bother any of you? Because it scares the living piss outta me!'

During the final around the (which contained the Star Harvester), Jetfire arrived and attempted to 'stick' the landing, which didn't go quite as he planned. He immediately decided to 'show how they brought the pain in my day', using his axe to slice across the chest and decapitate the. He was critically wounded by a surprise attack from and although he managed to crush the Decepticon's head, the injury was fatal. Fortunately, Jetfire was treated to one last wonder, as Sam Witwicky used the Matrix to resurrect Optimus. Jetfire was overjoyed of the moment, hardly believing that he was seeing a living. Unfortunately, The Fallen teleported in and attacked, damaging Optimus and stealing the Matrix, placing it in the harvester.

As he lay dying, Jetfire, who felt that during his entire life he'd never done a thing worth doing, offered his parts to Optimus Prime, saying that they would give him 'a power like you've never known'. Telling Optimus to fulfill his destiny, Jetfire ripped out his own spark and died. 'God, I love a good funeral!'

Jetfire's sacrifice was not in vain: within moments of his death, instructed to begin a full transplant of the rocket thrusters and weapons systems onto Optimus. Now equipped with Jetfire's powerful weapons and engines, Optimus broke through a blockade of debris The Fallen had telekinetically erected around the Pyramid and destroyed the Star Harvester before it could be used against the Earth's Sun. Prime then faced the Fallen and Megatron, using his afterburners to send Megatron flying through some ruins. During the battle, The Fallen pulled off the left afterburner and used it to strike Prime in the face, but Optimus ultimately triumphed and ripped out the Fallen's spark core, killing the treacherous Prime. After the battle, Optimus quickly detached Jetfire's parts. 'You know, I've personally flown over 194 missions, and I was shot down in every one. Come to think of it, I've never landed a plane in my life.'

In the distant past, the Cube created of powerful, trans-dimensional beings as the first inhabitants of. The Cube gave these beings mighty powers, as well as terraforming their world, but it was not limitless, and gradually became depleted. The first beings learned that the AllSpark's power could be replenished by harvesting the energy of stars, but they were unable to locate new stars to suit their purposes, despite their amazing ability to travel between dimensions. Once again, the Cube came to the rescue, creating a race of workers who had the ability to change their shape. Jetfire was among the very first of these new beings, a ' with the ability to travel across the vastness of space in search of new suns.

Once located, he would lead others and his masters back to it so a could be constructed to drain the energy of these stars, thus replenishing the AllSpark. 'No you're not. I've seen him on TV.

He's an older fellow. Jetfire served directly under the who would become, finding for him various stars to harvest, believing he was serving the as a whole, rather than The Fallen's machinations in specific. Over time, The Fallen began to open up to Jetfire, his most loyal and capable Seeker, and told him that the Dynasty no longer served Cybertron's best interests. Jetfire had unwittingly sacrificed a populated star system under The Fallen's misdirection, and became confused. Still, Jetfire continued to work with The Fallen, despite his doubts. His master and a small army of drones had fashioned a new, secret faction called the Decepticons with the intention of eventually subverting the Dynasty. Jetfire followed them to a desert on to build another star harvester when life made itself known.

The Dynasty arrived soon thereafter to put an end to The Fallen's betrayal. Jetfire realized too late that he was on the wrong side, and so The Fallen warped Jetfire and the other 'underlings' into orbit so that the Primes could face each other alone. As they fell planetward, Jetfire fought the Constructicons, and was eventually victorious, but with a price. He crashed from orbit into the Earth and laid dormant for thousands of years. 'In exactly five hours and 17 minutes, we hit the enemy toast. Wait, coast?? That'll take a little more planning.

But it doesn't matter.' After he awoke, Jetfire began wandering the Earth periodically adopting new alternate modes to remain hidden. In, while disguised as a portion of the vessel the, Jetfire sensed energy similar to the Fallen's, and broke away from the wooden housing that formed the rest of his alternate mode (inadvertently leading his human crew to believe they had been attacked, thereby initiating the Spanish-American War) that he might settle the score. Tracking the signal to the Arctic, he instead found a near-comatose robot bearing the Decepticon mark instead. Upon discovering that he was not The Fallen, but someone Jetfire had never heard of named, the Seeker just punched him and turned to leave. At this point, Jetfire realized he had an audience: a who had been studying Megatron, and who reacted to Jetfire's presence by shooting at him.

Jetfire promptly seized and hurled him to his death, while the other humans used explosives to crack the ice sheets and send Jetfire plummeting into the frigid depths. 'It seems like only yesterday I was strafing so many of your homes. Here I am today, begging you not to make such good cars.' At the bottom of the ocean, Jetfire discovered a subterranean cave network in which he took refuge. Sensing a familiar energy source somewhere on the planet, the Seeker began to seek.

But he was growing progressively low on power, and it took him fifteen years of crawling about underground before he could track the signal to its source. Along the way, he was confronted by that inhabited the caves, and slew all those that dared attack him. Finally, in, addled and sluggish from lack of energy, he found the source of the signal: the AllSpark itself, which was in the process of being excavated by the same humans he had met in the Arctic! Fending off another attack on his person, Jetfire reached for the cube, inadvertently triggering a discharge of from it that brought, and overloaded his systems.

To expend the excess energy, Jetfire promptly teleported via to parts unknown. 'I don't have a clue what you're talkin' about, Phil. Not a fracking clue. I have a shell fragment the size of a fist in my head. Pork Chop Hill, 1953.'

Jetfire next surfaced in, in the form of a Lockheed P-38 Lightning, when he was captured by scientists during and imprisoned in a cryo-chamber in. Download Keygen 3ds Max 2009 32 Bit. The Nazis studied his body and mind, reverse-engineering transforming tank-mecha from his systems and prising a map of the cave system from his memory.

When —the government organization which had grown out of that original group of humans Jetfire had fought in the Arctic—got wind of the new Nazi technology, they dispatched a unit led by to find and destroy Jetfire. Simmons was the only survivor of the team, and made it into Castle Neuschwanstein before being confronted by the Nazis' ultimate creation, the, which he tried to destroy by throwing a satchel of explosives at it. The explosives instead struck Jetfire's chamber, freeing the Seeker from his confinement, and he proceeded to stop the Panzer-Giganten by tearing out of its human components. Demanding to know how humans could do something so hideous to their own kind, Jetfire was told by Simmons that it was not his doing, and that he believed his bomb would have killed them all, prompting Jetfire to inquire why he valued his life so little.

Simmons retorted that he did value his life, but valued freedom more, something that gave Jetfire pause, reminding him of his reasons for turning on The Fallen millennia before. Seeing a kinship in Simmons and in humanity that he had not felt before, he silently destroyed the castle and everyone in it, then flew Simmons to an Allied outpost before disappearing once more. 'Looks like the upper hand is on the other foot!' Jetfire's experience with Simmons deeply affected him, and he evidently shadowed the man and his organization over the following five years, taking the form of a Lockheed U-2 spy plane.

In, he was present when sabotage at Sector Seven's Arctic base left Simmons and a small crew trapped with a rapidly-thawing Megatron. Called for liquid nitrogen bombs to be dropped on the complex, at which point Jetfire swooped to intervene, transforming and shielding the younger Simmons's wife and from the freezing blast. When Jetfire sadly informed Walter that he had been unable to save William, Walter could only ask why he had done anything at all. Jetfire explained that William's nobility had driven him to atone for past sins: before departing, Jefire told him that he was no longer the creature Walter had met in those caves half a century before.

And Walter did not have to be either. 'My skin's made of asbestos. Tanning parlor accident at Dien Bien Phu.' At some point in the latter half of the twentieth century, Jetfire was wandering in a desert when an SR-71 Blackbird crashed into him and exploded.

Amidst the chaos, he took its form. Toy bios Sickened by the war, the Decepticon Jetfire left Cybertron and went into hiding on Earth.

When the war came to Earth and woke him up, he decided to rejoin the fight on the side of the Autobots and use his might to bring his former comrades to justice. Titan Magazines Jetfire harkens from a time when warriors stood by a code of honour. He was first sent to Earth by the Fallen, and believed he was working in the best interests of Cybertron, and so was a little upset to find the Fallen was actually an evil bastard. After seeing the Fallen imprison the, Jetfire went into hiding. In, he took advantage of the SR-71 being retired to hole up in the National Air and Space Museum as a permanent resident. At some point, he found himself at odds with the Decepticons' credo and switched sides. When is not clear.

Unite for the Universe manga Following his death, Jetfire's remains were attached to Optimus Prime once more as part of, a joint /Autobot project that would give Optimus Prime permanent access to the jet-powered form he'd used in Egypt. Prime first utilized the parts in battle with a group of Decepticons in the, then used them to fly to where the Autobots had discovered 's base. After foiling an attempt by Starscream to use Project: Unite for himself, Prime had the project canceled. Games Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - The Game.

On,, Jetfire was one of a handful of downloadable characters in a DLC pack for XBox 360 and Sony Playstation 3. He could be used in multiplayer games only. Xbox 360/Sony PS3/PC Autobot campaign Jetfire had been dormant for years in the Smithsonian Museum, but that changed after got a tip from about his location, and that he would know where the was. Sam woke Jetfire up, and got the sort-of-cryptic clue 'When dawn alights the Dagger's tip, Three Kings will reveal the Doorway'. After that, Jetfire transported Sam to via to look for the Tomb, and the Autobots followed. In Cairo, Jetfire assisted in battle against and.

The battle went in the Autobots' favor, but Megatron was able to stab Jetfire through the back, mortally wounding him. Afterwards, a dying Jetfire asked Prime to take his parts, and shortly after, Optimus was wearing a new combat suit with winged rocket thrusters. Decepticon campaign Starscream was sent to destroy the Smithsonian Museum, where Jetfire laid dormant.

He succeeded, but it was too late: both Jetfire and Sam Witwicky had already left for Cairo through a space bridge. In Cairo, Jetfire battled Megatron alongside. He was killed. Wii/PS2 Voice actor: (English) Jetfire was hiding in a museum at one point, until found and captured him with some.

Starscream reported to that he had found Jetfire. Jetfire was kept in the base. After the Decepticons captured, Jetfire went to rescue him. Bumblebee thought he was an enemy, but Jetfire explained to Bumblebee that he defected to the at one point in the war and about the Fallen's plans. Later he showed Bumblebee some escape pods, and they witnessed the battle with and. Jetfire put Prime in one of the escape pods, and he left to spy on Megatron and Starscream. After the two Decepticons got an artifact, Jetfire chased after them but Megatron shot at him.

Jetfire followed them by tracking Energon radiation. Meanwhile Starscream found Optimus and attempted to kill him, but Jetfire took the shot that was meant for Optimus.

Later he combined with Optimus Prime. The Game Full of Death and Suffering.!

This character article is a and is missing information on their video game appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki.

Transformers Autobots/Decepticons In Autobots, Jetfire appears after you beat. The seeker doesn't appear again until after beat Megatron. He doesn't get turned into a corpse backpack, and is standing silently next to. Revenge of the Fallen (mobile game) Jetfire was an old friend of 's who defected from the Decepticons when changed the Decepticon cause from rebellion to conquest. He ended up on in, where he was soundly defeated. Before he fell unconscious, he told that Optimus should salvage his parts in order to gain the power needed to defeat. While he was unconscious, Optimus did just that, terminating Jetfire's life.

Toys Revenge of the Fallen Legends Class toys. 'Have no respect for the dead?!'

Class Jetfire transforms from a tiny spy plane to a sort of hunchback robot. In a bit of character design accuracy, his left arm has a cane. The upper fuselage of the plane mode has a thin rectangular peg to slot into the back of to recreate the powered up mode at the end of the movie.

There are no instructions on the packaging making mention of this, but they're hardly needed, as it's as simple as plugging him on and folding his wings backwards. • • War for the Skies (Legends multipack, 2009).

Use your friends wisely. • Jet Power Optimus Prime (Voyager, 2010) • Japanese ID number: UA-01 • Accessories: 2 rifle/smokestack-fuel tank assemblies, 2 missiles,, Jetfire armour parts Jetfire appears in this set as snap-on armour parts for a redeco of Voyager-Class. Obviously, the armour fits onto Optimus Prime's robot mode to form the Jet Power Optimus combination, but when removed, can be assembled into a gun platform, or can be fitted to Optimus' vehicle mode as some sort of rocket booster. Optimus Prime himself has been redecoed similarly to Buster Optimus Prime, in that he has an extensive, paint scheme.

'Of course I'm alright! Why, what have you heard??'

• Jetfire (Leader, 2009) • Japanese ID number: RA-13 • Accessories: Front landing gear/walking stick, rotary cannon missile launcher, projectile, back panel/cannon Jetfire transforms into an spy plane, quite possibly the largest alternate mode yet for the price point. Unfortunately, the vehicle mode he has chosen means that he also has one of the largest amounts of underside robot ever, with his bulky robot mode parts being blatantly visible underneath his sleek jet mode parts.

For accessories, he comes with a spring-loaded, -launching rotary cannon which can be mounted underneath his cockpit or onto his left forearm, and his front landing gear becomes a walking stick that he can hold with his jointed hands. Jetfire features several electronic lights and sounds; in jet mode, pushing the button on his back activates a 'swooshing' noise. Pressing the tab on Jetfire's chest turns on the lights in his chest and head, and activates his moving gears and head, accompanied by Jetfire announcing: 'Jetfire's mah name!'

The European version has the clip abbreviated to 'Jetfire' (humorously, due to the way that the original clip is trimmed, the end of the word is cut off, so it sounds like 'Jetfi-'). Unlike previous ROTF Leader Class toys, this is not the version sold in the UK. In contrast to the film, where the character speaks with a Yorkshire accent, the toy is positively Scottish.

Despite the back of the package showing two lights within Jetfire's torso, he only has one light, in his left side, while the other socket that would normally house the light is replaced with a button that emits Jetfire's transformation noise when the toy is transformed. Amusingly, the two jet kibble panels above his head like to pop off their sockets during transformation. It makes him a little more screen accurate, after all. The remarkably small text written under the cockpit windows reads, ' WARNING THIS AIRCRAFT CONTAINS A SEAT CONTAINING AN EXPLOSIVE CHARGE SEE MAINTENANCE MANUAL BEFORE REMOVING.'

Jetfire died to become a power mushroom. There have been worse fates.

As seen in the movie, he can combine with to form Prime's powered-up mode, albeit at the cost of Optimus Prime's leg articulation. During combination, the (difficult to open) panel on Jetfire's back is removed, revealing on his rear (beside the 'swooshing noise' button) a new button that triggers a mechanical stomp sound. The panel itself is transformed and combined with his walking stick to form a skinny-barreled, less slender, and somewhat-inaccurate version of the cannon that Optimus wielded in his combined form. A few inaccuracies are present in the combination instructions: for instance, while the instructions say to position the cockpit halves behind Prime's shoulders, they actually are meant to sit on top of them (as seen to the left), and feature small grooves into which the small silver triangular prongs lock.

In addition, while Optimus' rear cab sections are shown as being folded out like rectangular wings in the instructions, it appears they are intended to sit flat against the sides of the portion of Jetfire that connects to Prime's back. Jetfire has two tabs that sit directly above the panels when folded back which better support the weight of Jetfire. Along with back panels, the struts on which Jetfire's engines are mounted on also pivot back to allow exactly enough space for the folded cab panels to fit. When Optimus plays Black Ops, he doesn't just call in the Blackbird. He equips the Blackbird. This Asian market Leader class two pack consists of a redecoed Jetfire and an altered.

Jetfire has a more subtle, more colour scheme, replacing his white and gunmetal blue parts with gunmetal brown. Buster Optimus Prime has the head of the first release of Revenge of the Fallen Leader Class Optimus Prime instead of the new head sculpted for Buster Optimus Prime, and prop vehicle-accurate blue pin striping instead of CGI-accurate white. In mid 2010, this set was released in Australia. In early 2011, it was released in the Philippines. In late 2011, was in packaging. Fast Action Battlers.

I dropped me cane. • Photon Missile Jetfire (Fast Action Battler, 2009) • Accessories: 'Photon Missile' projectile Jetfire is a simplified, roughly Deluxe-sized toy of Jetfire. In vehicle mode, he transforms into a sort of cute, super-deformed SR-71 Blackbird jet.

As with most Transformers toy jets, he has a fair bit of undercarriage junk from his robot mode, though not to the extent of the Leader class toy. In robot mode he has a reasonably accurate depiction of Jetfire's design, though his right arm ends in a spring-loaded projectile launcher shaped like a rotary cannon. It also combines with Optimus Prime although it is unmentioned anywhere.

• Jetpower Optimus Prime (Mega Power Bot, 2009) Jetpower Optimus Prime represents the Autobot leader in his combined form with Jetfire. Designed for younger children, he is a large, bulky, non-transforming figure with limited articulation. Pressing the Autobot insignias on his chest and arm plays various sound effects and cause blue lights to flash in his head and gun. As a Mega Power Bot, Optimus features what his package claims to be a transformation: his wings can flip up to become his 'flight mode'. Robot Replicas. To date, this is the only Hasbro release of this figure that acknowledges the combining feature between Jetfire and Optimus Prime.

• • Jetfire (EZ Collection, 2010) This Japanese exclusive release of Jetfire features much more black colouring than his previous releases, so as to be used with the similarly-repainted Legends Optimus Prime figure to form the Optimus' powered up combination. Dark of the Moon Leader Class toys • Jetpower Optimus Prime (Leader 2-pack, 2011) • Accessories: Front landing gear/walking stick, rotary cannon missile launcher, projectile, back panel/cannon A re-release of the, this time in Dark of the Moon-branded packaging. Both toys are unchanged. 'Looks like aircraft at 12 o'clock.'

Well, that gives us about.25 minutes. Think I'll step out for a burger.' • Jetfire VS Megatron (two-pack, 2010) • Series: Battle Series 2 • Number: 02 of 08 This two-pack contains a metallic purple of RPM and. A barely-changed Jetfire.

It lacks some red detailing, and changes the tail Autobot symbol to silver. Unusually, the back of the packaging features a significantly different deco for the toy, with brighter silver and more red. Though this particular redeco was seen at, it was never released anywhere. As part of the final wave of RPMs, Battle Series 2 did not get released through normal retail outlets in the United States, instead showing up for sale first in Canada, Asia and Europe. Later, though, it would show up in the US though mall stores and discount chains like Ross and TJ Maxx.