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Saw 50 Shades last night with another couple. It is the ultimate (bad) chick flick, and such a major set-up of the lifestyle that it's absurd to call it anything to do with BD or SM. See, the girl, is a cute senior in English Lit in Vancouver with a couple doofuses after her but apparently without much history of boyfriends and still a virgin at 22 (uh-huh) though not apparently for any reason having to do with chastity. Just hasn't found the right guy yet. And her mother is on her 4th marriage, and can't come to the kid's graduation because her golfer hubby has a cold or something. But when we see mom and daughter together, wow!

So lovey-dovey, and mom and hubby4 are playful and affectionate and form a wonderful alternative to the 'sick' relationship she's in. And Mr Grey (that's us, sick fucks!) is 27, and his first four years were spent with a crack-whore mom (you can hear the women going 'Awwww, poor thing') who apparently at least burned him. But then (lucky guy) he was adopted by a well-to-do couple (happens all the time), spends several years as the submissive in a relationship with his own 'Mrs. Robinson', which 'frees' him. And then he goes on to become a billionaire in something having to do with telecom. OK, so maybe THAT's not so realistic, but it certainly makes him palatable to ANY woman, especially since he's 'hot'(?) Meaning, I guess that he has heavy closet and a stable of costly cars.

The problem with Christian isn't that he's into S/M. He's (and this part is fairly realistic, even if it's appended onto someone else's character) unable to be touched by, won't sleep with or live with a woman, doesn't go out on dates, must have total control (and distance). He has to have a non-disclosure agreement signed before he'll start a relationship and gives his chicklet a contract with 1500 clauses she needs to 'negotiate' with him. He IS a sick fuck (who somehow just happens to have become a billionaire with his remarkable people skills, of which he brags), but it ain't tying and whipping that are the problem. He's dead-empty and seriously limited as a human being.

Oh, except for the fact that he has a chauffeur and pilots his own helicopter and plays the piano and does all kinds of gentle romantic things while waiting for her to close the deal with the contract, visits her family, etc. The girl, in one of my favorite scenes, in negotiating the contract, which requires her to approve or disapprove the various options he's offering, knows what 'anal fisting' and 'vaginal fisting' are (turns them both down) but doesn't know what a 'butt plug' is. Your standard 22-year-old virgin, I guess. OK, so the reason we might be interested in this flick is for the occasional bondage and discipline--certainly not torture and certainly not non-consensual, but R-rated nude--make up about 8-10 minutes of the flick. She gets wrists bound with Armani neckties and is told to keep them over her head while being fucked. Next time they are tied to the headboard.

She's finally taken into his playroom (the guys from Kink are going, 'WTF?!' --looks like it was done by an interior decorator--which of course makes it more acceptable to the chicks). The scene isn't terrible in terms of erotic bondage, but it's VERY tame and all about how much she's digging it. Then (spoiler alert for those of you who I know are considering watching the flick after reading this) he suffers some unknown frustration in his business and, instead of pounding out Rachmaninoff on the piano, takes her into the chamber (she tells him, 'show me what the worst would be') and whacks her 6 times on the ass while bent over a table, making her count the strokes.

THAT does it. She walks out, never (we hope against hope) to return. Who wouldn't?! 5699) Shackled. For Shackled: I would first put her feet to the fire, to male them a bit more sensitive, then apply the bastinado to secure her confession. Then a ride on the horse to contemplate her fate, followed by a stretch on the rack to secure the names of her accomplices. About 50 Shades: isn't it odd that movies would build such elaborate sets and make so little use of them?

Not just 50, but so many others equip elaborate dungeons for brief and glancing sessions within. I wonder if there is more material in private collections, or if the director might keep it for himself? Any guesses about whether an R-rated 50 will be followed by an unrated one containing 17 minutes of never before seen footage.of a gentleman's wardrobe!

Wouldn't it be great if Hollywood or even some well-financed indy group made a film with some bondage and/or sadistic elements in it that would catch the attention of a good chunk of the mainstream viewership? Hey, I know that film is NOT Fifty Shades of Grey, but that film does have at least some of the elements that would appeal to our crowd and apparently it has caught on with a good amount of the general public. I expect once it gets to DVD and the streaming services even folks who would not want to be caught in a theater seeing it will view it. That's kind of like the women who read the book on a Kindle, etcetera rather than as a book. I do maintain that this film's success will hopefully spur interest in some other films with titillating elements that would appeal to many of the GIMP crowd and the public at large as well.

There are 2 sequels to Grey coming out as well for those who are interested. I also believe there will come a day when Amy and friends mount a new erotic production that not only clicks with us but arouses a sufficient number of people in the general populous to become what one calls a major hit. I know--it's quite the wet dream. It's a stretch.

5703) JD (the second). Petelobo: I loved reading your comments about 50 Shades of Grey.the more I hear about this film, the more I think it's a must-see, if not for GIMPers, but for lovers of bad movies. At any rate, what you wrote is certainly enough to constitute a review, so if you give me a grade, I'll add it to the Reviews section for you. More lunacy about 50 Shades, apparently it started off as Twilight fan fiction.I kid you not.

Regarding the popularity of the film, I took a look at the box office figures. It took in a record 85.1 million in its opening weekend, and 68% were female. That means the other 32 percent presumably were dragged there, kicking and grumbling, by women.

I mean, you knew women would flock to this film, but that's just nuts. The good news is that Hollywood is bereft of imagination so no doubt we'll get a lot more movies that are bondage related, at least for a while. The bad news is that they'll likely be as lame as that Charisma Carpenter Bound film that JD posted the clip for earlier.

Face it, with some small crossover, the bondage-themed movies that men like are NOT the same as the kind that women like. And the nonconsensual men's entertainment, once so prevalent in the movies and on video, is largely still politically incorrect, so don't hold your breath hoping to see rape and torture at your local cineplex. 5706) Covers the Relentless. Erodite said: I like the atmosphere the girl is subjected to, but quite frankly, I've seen some incredible contortionists but this seems an impossible position without breaking bones.

Also, her arms are far too long. That's the part of weirdness I find interesting. Like a Moebius string representation, it's supposed to make you have a second and maybe a third incredulous look. The kind of passing an idea beyond the constraints of accuracy. Like a BDSM themed of Guernica, if you want.

You don't look at it and say ' it's OK but the horse doesn't look right'. And I love how he used Amanda Seyfried's face!:) Here's some more, all thought provoking. [] 5712) erodite. J Scourge said: 'Wouldn't it be great if Hollywood or even some well-financed indy group made a film with some bondage and/or sadistic elements in it that would catch the attention of a good chunk of the mainstream viewership?'

But they do it. All the movies from Saw franchise to Hostel and beyond do have the bondage/ sadism elements you mentioned. What it missing is the eroticism blended into those scenes and that is what you don't see in Hollywood output. Eroticism AND bondage/sadism. Modern sadism in media is supposed to shock you, to horrify you, not to titillate you. It's not the only forbidden combination. Drug use or an abortion choice and non-disastrous outcomes is another example of no-go in modern movies.

That's why I enjoy older movies, when those combinations were not PC anathema. Am I the only one that missed this GIMPage? Just found out earlier today that Lizzy Caplan of 'Masters of Sex' and recently 'The Interview' fame had a couple of AOH gimp scenes in a random spaghetti-type western called 'Last Rites of Ransom Pride'. The first one is unfortunately too quick for me as she's strung up tightly AOH and doused with water as a mob bids for her in an ad-hoc slave auction. The high bidder then ties her to a reclined AOH position in preparation for rape (she's given one hard smack) before the fun is ruined by.I'll let you guys figure out who the guy is. 5715) Shackled.

Petelobo wrote: I guess I'd just say C, since as a movie (not a major hype--the Macarena of Hollywood 2015) it's about average. And as for the GIMP scenes, they were far below average for most of what we see, but a ways above what you expect to find in La-La land. That makes sense. For the purposes of this forum, the only thing I care about is how well a movie works as GIMP fare. Fifty Shades of Grey may be a tremendous piece of art that will cause me to re-examine my entire sense of self-worth and how charitable I am towards others.

But if it doesn't score any points on the GIMP-O-Meter, it should still get a low grade. 5723) El Wananchi.

Esteemed readership, Ralphus has allowed another story of mine into the proper section of the Forum. It is a follow up to an earlier story of mine, with the same title, about the activities of Iranian intelligence officers at Buenos Aires, related to the bombing of a Jewish social institution in the city, called 'A.M.I.A.' (Israeli Argentinian Mutual Association). As the previous one, it is a kind of 'spy story' with strong elements of GIMPery. If any of you have been watching international news, may be you have noticed that early in January a Federal Prosecutor in Argentina investigating the bombing had evidence to prove that the government had been covering up the perpetrators, who would be Iranian agents. The Prosecutor intended to make a formal accusation against people in the highest political level, including the President of the Nation and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as parlamentarians and mid to low-level agents and thugs. Of course, in a 'House of Cards'-like development, he showed up dead in his flat, hours before going to expose before the Congress, shot in the temple.

So much for the story´s background. These things are happening now in Argentina, a country where I have many good friends. Hope you take the time to read it and eventually like it. Here is the link: [] Regards to all, El Wananchi 5724) frog. It doesn't surprise me at all to read a while back that ElitePain/Mood had their greatest sales ever from their first Inquisition production. People are entitled to whatever scenario turns them on as fantasy BDSM scenes, but I think the historical reality of trials for witchcraft exceed all others in their kink potential. Witches were questioned, including under torture, about all of their alleged misdeeds.

Their questioners wanted to know about the livestock that were killed, or the crops that were destroyed, etc. But the line of inquiry always turned back to sexual themes. The (supposedly) celibate Church officials or secular judges wanted always to know how the witch kissed the devil's ass, how big was the devil's cock and how it felt inside, how the witch had intercourse with fellow witches, etc. And the standard procedures of stripping the accused witch naked, shaving her completely and examining with the most minute care every inch of her body especially the 'shameful parts' was obvious in its real intent even if hidden by the official reasons given for the practice. Of the tortures themselves the highest grades usually involved pain applied to the breasts or sexual organs: riding the 'horse,' candles applied to the breasts and/or nipples, being fiddled between the legs with the hair cords, etc. I don't know of many scenarios in a BDSM context that exceed the picture of a woman having her nipples pinched or the hair cord drawn between her legs while she has to answer questions about her sexual encounters with the devil. 5730) Pulligirl.

Pulligirl: Welcome to the board. The 'Blue' series, which I believe is also known as the 'Violence' series, were a series of 3 movies made by John Blakemore that were filmed strictly for the European market. They are virtually impossible to find online today, at least in good prints. The Clips4Sale site has some clips from them under the name 'Punished bitches'. That may be your best bet.

Blakemore talks about how he did the skewered tits effect in my I did with him years ago. It's an interesting read, if you haven't checked it out. ------------------------------------------------ JD: Thanks for the clip from Hotel Paradise. I had seen the 2 woman whipping scene before (in a lousy copy) but up until last night, I had never seen the entire film. Wow, this one is loaded with great GIMPiness, just like its companion piece Escape From Hell, which was filmed the same time as this one, using the same sets and the same actresses (although playing different roles).

Anyway, this movie is filled with loads of naked babes being whipped, raped with an iron rod (awesome) and even hung up by her thumbs, which I've never seen done before on film. That occurs right before your edit of the whipping scene begins, and then immediately afterward, another woman tries to stop them and she gets bullwhipped! If you would like to see a more complete version of the aforementioned scene, I've uploaded it to xHamster below: 5734) Fritz. Damhouder wrote: 'It doesn't surprise me at all to read a while back that ElitePain/Mood had their greatest sales ever from their first Inquisition production. People are entitled to whatever scenario turns them on as fantasy BDSM scenes, but I think the historical reality of trials for witchcraft exceed all others in their kink potential.' Between the two studios, there have been three Inquisition-themed movies. Mood Pictures built the set for 'History of Pain: Inquisition' and it was then used for Elite Pain's 'Inquisitor 1' and 'Inquisitor 2'.

You can now get the movies at a special discounted package rate. I don't know if there will be another 'Inquisition'-themed film from them anytime soon.

Mood Pictures is most likely working on a new genre for the 'History of Pain' series (I had suggested Roman period for bastinado and a crucifixion, but Pedro said that may not be possible). I think as far as the Inquisition itself goes, the reason it is popular is because in no other period of Western history have women been so controlled, subjugated, and cast as moral sinners so heavily.

Plus, the tortures were elaborate and nastily gory, so there's that. 5736) Covers the Relentless. Ralphus said: '. Even hung up by her thumbs, which I've never seen done before on film. That occurs right before your edit of the whipping scene begins, and then immediately afterward, another woman tries to stop them and she gets bullwhipped!' /rant If you look a bit at the picture, by the angle of rope and arms you can see it's as fake as a 3 dollars bill. Not that I expect to subject an actress to the real deal but they could have done it more believable.

It's the same letdown when a vic is screaming on the rack and her arms are totally loose. /endrant Ralphus said: If you would like to see a more complete version of the aforementioned scene, I've uploaded it to xHamster /rant I dislike any video host that doesn't allow to download your own copy. It can be done by screencapping but require extra software and knowledge that might not be available to your average user. That's why initially I give a chance to Vimeo, before they proved too prudish for the content. As for size, I'm limited at 200 MB, anything bigger needs to get split and becomes messy. Whoever wants to see the whole deal should make a run to WIP or rarelust and get the flic in full.

Most of them deserve a full length viewing, cuz a lot of subtleties are lost when being chopped. /endrant 'Nways, here's the catch of the day. Patrizia Gori in Nathalie (1978). [] 5740) Ralphus. JD wrote: If you look a bit at the picture, by the angle of rope and arms you can see it's as fake as a 3 dollars bill.

Not that I expect to subject an actress to the real deal but they could have done it more believable. Yeah, I know, but it's not that bad. At least her arms weren't bent, which is usually the giveaway clue that a suspension is being faked. Ideally, the two ropes holding her by her thumbs would have been drawn closer together as the weight they were supporting would have concentrated onto a single mass, that being her pendant body. Still, I give the movie the benefit of the doubt. How often do you see a woman hanging by her thumbs? I appreciated the effort.

I dislike any video host that doesn't allow to download your own copy. It can be done by screencapping but require extra software and knowledge that might not be available to your average user. That's why initially I give a chance to Vimeo, before they proved too prudish for the content. Yeah, but with adult content, it's not like there's a lot of good choices out there. I like Vimeo a lot, since they give you HD playback and have no ads, plus they give you the opportunity to download the clip.

But ever since Vimeo deleted yours and Thomas Chaser's accounts, I've been a lot more careful uploading any racy clips to that site. So basically, if it's got tits, xHamster gets it.

'Nways, here's the catch of the day. Patrizia Gori in Nathalie (1978). Now, that's a classic! A much better print than I had in my collection, too. The nice thing about seeing these clips again is that a number of them have been remastered on DVD, whereas when I first came across them in the 1990s, the only option was a badly-duped bootleg VHS tape. Patrizia Gori was a babe, and you've gotta love the exuberant joy of performance by the woman playing the stereotypical Nazi henchwoman. And of course her name is 'Helga', what else could it be?

BTW, I don't know if any of you heard about the recent story that the same actress was fired from her drama school, where she had been teaching for years, because some of her students found out about her films, including this one. We're talking about movies she had acted in some 40 or 50 years ago. It's not like they were porn or anything. Yeah, they had nudity, but they were still legitimate films.

And thankfully, the story now has a happy ending, as the school realized they had overreacted and hired her back. 5741) ZombieBoy. Patrizia Gori in Nathalie (1978). Now, that's a classic! A much better print than I had in my collection, too. The nice thing about seeing these clips again is that a number of them have been remastered on DVD, whereas when I first came across them in the 1990s, the only option was a badly-duped bootleg VHS tape. Patrizia Gori was a babe, and you've gotta love the exuberant joy of performance by the woman playing the stereotypical Nazi henchwoman.

And of course her name is 'Helga', what else could it be? I second Ralphus' sentiments. You really hit a homerun with this one.

The image clarity is certainly better than what I had on my harddrive and your editing of all of her best scenes is a job well done. 5745) Bleeder666. Fritz, thanks so much for sharing scenes of that custom work of tormented females having their clothing ripped off on Tuesday 3/3.

Yes, I am a big fan of ripped clothes. As much as a completely nude woman is appealing in various torture scenes, oftentimes having torn clothing adds a particular appeal to the proceedings. At the very least it should be as a precursor to the nude scenes. There is always an extra turn-on as the girl's clothes are ripped or in some cases, whipped away in tatters.

The sight and sound of it always gives me an extra charge. 5748) Floggomaniac. Okay, now I will invite abuse (and, alas, I'm only into watching it being administered, not receiving it myself) by giving unsolicited advice to people who probably don't need it. Meaning Jac and Amy. Actually, not so much 'advice,' more a suggestion from a fan, to be considered or not considered as you please. This is also following on some long-ago posts I saw here, one about the kinds of things where Amy suffered a bit too much for her art, and wasn't crazy about trying again. I seem to remember the upside-down head under water stuff from Agent X and the roasting coals scene from Maleficarum as principal examples-- I can fully understand not even wanting to go through those even once!

There was also something about new medieval tortures that Jac and Amy would like to try in the future, and I think it turned out to be a 'Quoom wheel,' as the post put it. I thought that was great, by the way, as you may know I'm a big fan of Quoom's body of work, so it's pretty cool that you could use a term like 'Quoom wheel' and everyone here on the list knew exactly what you meant. And of course I'd love to see that. But it does strike me that it would take some money, time, and materials to build one, and also that it might involve a level of discomfort equal to Amy's experience on the horse in Maleficarum for whoever had to be put on the thing. Especially if you make it with spikes, like the wheel on Quoom's main page.

So on the off chance that you might make another medieval interrogation movie on the lines of Maleficarum, given that you already presumably have some great torture props on hand, I have another suggestion, which might be a lot cheaper, easier to make, and also painless for the actress: thumbscrews (or leg screws, but they'd probably have to be bigger). As far as making them, well, Amy's already built a rack and a horse from scratch, and I'm guessing would also build the wheel if you ever did it, so I think this would be easier. I also think that one or both of the jaws could be made from wood painted to look like iron, as I think might have been done in one of my favorite, indeed life-altering, scenes from my youth, in the movie Mark of the Devil (Hexen bis aufs Blut gequalt). So that would keep the cost down, I presume, using wood instead of metal as much as possible. Here's a link, though this was all I could find on Youtube in a quick search, and the thumbscrews are near the end, just past the 9-minute mark.

My thinking, in relation to some past conversations I've seen here about what actresses go through and are willing to put up with to make the kinds of scenes GIMPers like, is that a big advantage of thumbscrews is that you could make a set that didn't actually tighten. The big bolt-like screws (in my mind I see one on each side of the jaws) could turn realistically, and protrude further and further out the other side with each turn, but they wouldn't have to necessarily draw the jaws of the device any tighter, they could just turn in the bore. So the actress would feel zero pain from this. The jaws could be arranged to look properly tight between shots, blood effects applied according to taste and budget constraints, and the rest is all on the actress and any sound effects of the jaws tightening to make it seem as real as possible.

Certainly not a problem if Amy is the victim, based on her large body of previous work. So, sorry for sticking my opinion in where it doesn't belong, I'm obviously no expert on the movie-making or prop-building part, far from it. But I'd love to see something like that in a future production, and I think it would work really well. Since I'm talking out of turn here, I might as well go for it all, and offer my one small critique of Maleficarum. Bear in mind, please, that I think it's-- as I think Ralphus says in his database, that was what made me buy it in the first place-- the best Inquisition movie ever made, at least from a GIMPer point of view, by far. So I'm not complaining, just offering another, even more annoying suggestion if you ever go there again. One thing I thought a bit odd about the torture scenes was the lack of active interrogation.

The Inquisitors would show up periodically, ask one question, and leave. The young Inquisition priest talked a lot about how vigorously Mariana denied the charges, but we didn't see so much of that, only the consequences of her denial-- which of course was great, and also at the heart of the movie.

But to me it would have been a bit more realistic if, say, the lay member of the tribunal, the alguacil or whatever he was, would have done more of the in-your-face constant urging to confess that happened briefly during the standing on spikes scene, Of course, I could also see a scenario where the prisoner was 'relaxed to the secular arm' for a while, that is, given over to the hangman, and other than their occasional visits for an update, he could just work on her and send word to the tribunal when she's ready to talk. So even my criticism isn't really a criticism, as I can see a justification for doing it exactly as you did it. Maybe I'm just expressing a personal preference here, not a complaint. On the flip side, I must say I thought the interspersing of the torture scenes with the testimony of various witnesses before the tribunal was brilliant on several levels. First of all, it helped to turn the film from basic GIMP-interest fare into a 'real' movie in that there was a good bit of plot in addition to all the torture and abuse. Second, in relation to driving the plot, it did a great job of showing exactly how rumor, innuendo, petty jealousies and malicious slander played such a big role in historical witch proceedings.

Lastly, it was brilliant because it had to be fairly cheap to film, just talking heads with candles, basically, but at the same time it gave a very polished, professional, bigger-budget look without, I'm guessing, the actual bigger budget. So please excuse me for so freely expressing my opinions about someone else's work, in a forum where I know those people are present. Hopefully it will be received as fan feedback, because I'm definitely a fan of Jac and Amy's stuff, at least what I've seen of it.

While I'm here, I also want to tip my hat to Quoom, for bringing back a story I really like, Daughters of the Fallen king. Hopefully we'll see a bit more of what happens to the black-haired sister before he moves on from that one. He already fooled me as to what was coming next in that story, I expected one of two things, and instead got something else. Those kinds of surprises I like. Last but certainly not least, since this grew from a request I made on this forum, I want to publicly thank Zylinderohr for his amazing generosity in sending me a bounty of Balthazar stories. He not only supplied me with every one I asked about-- having seen only a few pictures from each and wanting more-- but also many other stories I didn't even know about, all of them in my preferred 'sweet spot' of medieval interrogation, and especially witch trials, and some of them really outstanding, already among my favorites. So thanks again!

A picture from one of those stories is attached above, since I was going to talk about thumbscrews. 5753) Bill K. Flo burned at the stake commercial: Well, it's a start.

Someone needs to tell Progressive I would gladly switch my insurance company if they would set the fire for real and burn that annoying wench so I wouldn't have to be subjected to any more of those insipid commercials. Is burning at the stake a proper punishment for being annoying year after year after year? Not really, I was hoping for something more severe, but this will do. -------------------------------------- adelbert: Really nice post, thanks for contributing. You know, you don't post that often, but you really should because you have a lot of interesting things to say. Like you, I'm a big fan of Inquisition tortures.

I agree with Thomas Chaser's comments that the tools they used to torture were really elaborate and designed to produce maximum pain. I mean, how awesome is the rack?

It's a classic, one that has stood the test of time for many reasons, not the least of which is that women look fantastic tied to it because it stretches them out so you can see her entire body on display. That being said, and maybe others might not agree with me, but I'm not a huge fan of the thumbscrew.

The thought of a woman's fingers being badly mangled and bloody just isn't appealing, I think mainly because I don't consider hands to be a particularly sexual aspect of the female body. Now the breast press, or the breast ripper, I'm all in favor of those. The Pear of Torment inserted in a woman's pussy? Hell yes, make her suffer. But leave her hands alone.

See, I'm not a total sadist. Bill K: I can't believe I'm admitting this, because I've always hated your work in the past, but this latest witch in the cauldron artwork is actually pretty darn good! Not perfect; the flames look they're made of paper on the sides, but the smoke is good and the damsel looks properly scared. The breasts roasting on the grill is a nice touch.

You're definitely getting better, my friend! -------------------------------------- Silvio Dante: This is the best news of all. I'm glad to see you're back at work creating new stuff.

I've gotten about a half dozen people contacting me over the past couple years wanting your e-mail so they could commission artworks from you. You're one of the very best out there, so it's no wonder. And this latest drawing is terrific, thanks for sharing it with us.

5756) MrAnthony. Thank you, Ralphus.

The truth be told, working with Poser makes it much easier for me to create good BATS and other damsels in fiery perils. Example is all five of those witches and their facial expression and poses were done by the Daz Studio Poser program. I just click on scared and or surprised facial expression icons for each model and adjusted level I needed. Took me less then a minute to do for each model. The sweat I just click on sweat icon for the model you're cooking or torturing and you got a sweaty body in seconds.

I should have gotten into Poser a long time ago. Silvio Dante: great to see you creating your wonderful artwork again. Are you just doing commissioned work or did find a home site to showcase your work? 5758) JD (the second). Said: I should have gotten into Poser a long time ago.

There must be a reason they charge 450 bucks for their software and still be in business after all these years when competition offers their software for free. @ Dante: Nice drawing style, I love it. Ralphus said: 'What a tease.that scene with the young cutie strapped down to the metal platform for electric shock had so much potential.and then it stops. And I'm assuming, since that's where your edit ended, there was no more?'

Catch of the (yester)day from The Long Swift Sword of Siegfried (1971) [] 5759) Provost. Thanks very much for posting the scene from 'Long, Swift Sword of Siegfried!'

That is precisely the one I had in mind when I said that there probably was much more on the cutting room floor--or in the director's private collection--than ever reached the screen. It is hard to believe that they'd go through all the trouble to set up a shot like that for so little screen time (given the small budgets these things were made with). Or, perhaps, some scenes were done for the sheer fun of doing them. This board is an incredible repository of knowledge about arcana in this arcane realm, and so I wonder if anyone else remembers and perhaps can dredge up a copy of a magazine called 'Men's Digest' that had as one of its cover stories 'The Ten Tortures Women Fear Most' (or something to that effect). It was published c.

1963, I believe: my uncle would buy the magazine and I'd look through copies when visiting. I must say that particular story caught my eye.

I think it had some photos, too, probably movie stills. Anyway, I've been looking for it on and off for years. It might be interesting to produce our own list, and perhaps also to illustrate it. Any views about what belongs on the list of tortures women fear most? I well remember Long Swift Sword.

It was on a double bill with the 3-D mess The Stewardesses showing at a downtown Chicago theater where having your shoes stick to the floor like crackling bubblewrap was the norm. A pretty blonde leading lady, godawful acting and dialog, and sex scenes where the hero never seemed to get it up; but it was the all-too-brief rack scene (the first one with a nude victim and the promise of whipping her breasts) that I ever saw. A memorable whoa bitch unexpected squirm-uncomfortably-in-my-seat moment from my youth. The rack scene greeting visitors to GIMP is in my top 5 ever. Zell/Bazell, I think, an artist who seems to have vanished, unfortunately. A fair bit of crap (early in CG so forgivable), but when he was good he was very good. This one beautifully captures one of the best moments in a girl's torture: Face up and stretched just enough that she can fully appreciate the horror of her situation, able to see the irons heating in the brazier, and feeling the Torturer's hands fondling her naked body to reinforce the sexual nature of the ordeal to come and her helplessness to prevent it.

She's even stretched enough that her body has taken on the flat stomach and defined rib cage I so enjoy. Delicious for a medieval torture chamber lover like me.

5761) Zylinderrohr. Gee whiz, Ralphus, you really gave me an opening by posting that rack picture from Zell as today's pic! That's from one of my favorite Zell stories, called Cold Cruel Vengeance (the dude leaning over the rack is the husband, and he caught wifey in bed with some other guy).

As you can see, he's not real happy about that (the guy got off 'easy' with an instant knife through the heart). Anyway, if you have that picture you probably already know all that, because you would have the story too.

Which brings us to another point, about me posting. Aside from any comfort level issues (here among the like-minded those are of course largely diminished) me posting a lot would only reveal how little I have to say in the long run. Better to dole it out in smaller doses and let people think there's a great reservoir of cogent observation behind it if they so choose! As to the thumbscrews, well, maybe it's just the strong way the movie Mark of the Devil impressed me when I was still back in high school. I had never even really contemplated what thumbscrews were or how they really worked, but I was already deep into the GIMP fantasy life, just it was mostly in my own imagination or print material (words more than pictures). Then I got hit with that scene from that movie as my first exposure-- and the first real torture scene in the movie, with a hot-looking blonde rather than some dude as the subject-- and it just imprinted on me.

Maybe too it's my liking for a degree of authenticity, I've always been deeply interested in history generally, I even wound up doing a college paper on the German witch trials. That was a marriage of my two great loves in terms of intellectual or other brain-related 'interests' (since my GIMP-ing is purely of the fantasy kind, no desire to act any of it out, even with women who dig playing the victim.

Tried it a few times at the request of others but it didn't do much for me, really-- I suppose that's partially because my fantasies work better when they're very realistic-- and often taken to extremes, I like repeated and prolonged torture scenarios-- but in real life I don't want to hurt any woman so there's a conflict with any role-play there), At any rate, the German witch trials are my all-time favorite scenario, luckily the Germans have produced an abundance of material on that very subject, in video and 3-D art format. I'd have to say they're the world leaders in that respect, which for me is a good thing. It's just taken me until the last 10-15 years to discover how much is out there! But back to thumbscrews. As I said, my favorite scenario is German witch trials, and I like authenticity to the max.

Except of course all the women are allowed to be hot-- and I appreciated the authentic touch in some Balthazar work of women with hairy legs (as well as having a wide variety of body types, as would undoubtedly have been the case back in the days in which many are set, and unkempt body hair generally. But I don't mind artists modernizing a bit and giving us more of a modern, American grooming look, no armpit hair and a perhaps trim bush. I don't prefer some artists' choices (these I think are people who draw free-hand, not 3-D poser artists, and who if so are very talented at the drawing part) to have Medieval women totally hairless, I don't think many went Brazilian back then, so I wonder why they do it? Ferres and Feather have some medieval-set stories where that's the case, and it's not like they get shaved during the story as in many Balthazar things I've seen (that was actually done in a lot of witch trials, but these other artists just show their women shaved all the time, in fact, the stories I'm thinking of by Ferres and Feather aren't even witch trials).

Just like it bothers me in a medieval-set video when the actress won't lose her body jewelry for the shoot. Like in the classic Red Feline inquisition story, hmmm, here's a 15th-century nun with a stud in her tongue, damn straight the Inquisition would want to have her in for a chat. Alas, tattoos also put me off if the setting is Medieval, yet another reason I've gravitated to 3-D and other art instead of live action as a viewing preference. Things like that make me appreciate even more when folks like Amy and Jac go to such lengths to get an authentic look. I also give props to Balthazar for having a wide variety of body types on his women, including breast sizes from itty-bitty to humongous. Quoom's victims tend to all be incredibly slim and toned supermodel types, not that I have any problem with seeing them as torture subjects either.

See, this is why no-one should encourage me to post more, I do go on. As I was trying to say in regard to thumbscrews, the actual German witch trials used them a lot, almost universally (leg screws, too), so that's another reason for the preference. The authenticity thing. In the same regard, Ralphus and I will have to agree to disagree slightly on preferences there, because I find too much of a concentration on sexual areas of the body for the torture (always something stuck up the pussy) is less interesting to me than a well-rounded tour of the torture chamber and all it's amusements. I do like breast torture a lot, though, I must admit.

I found a lot of the Balthazar stuff dealing with witch trials to be particularly good in the 'this is kind of how it was' category. He had his own favorite recurring tortures, as just about every artist does, that show up in most or just about all his stories that I've seen (it doesn't hurt that red-hot pincers to the breasts are one of them, I like that one a lot). The best artists, specifically Quoom and Balthazar in my book in this respect, generally strike just the right balance between depicting a whole lot of torture to the sexual organs and erogenous zones, while also mixing in various other procedures, and historical ones in particular when they're doing stories from the Inquisition and witchcraft era, or ancient times.

Ferres is a talented artist in terms of the drawings, his work looks amazing that way, but does every single victim have to sit on the wedge and have something stuck up pussy or butt or both pretty much all the time? That's just for my personal tastes, I'm sure it works for a lot of other people so I'm not criticizing the artist per se, even though I've now mentioned Ferres twice in the context of what I like less, so indeed let me repeat the technical part of his drawing is amazing, and in spite of all the wedge and anal fisting action, not so much my cup of tea, I did find some of the scenes in Masque to be terrific! Let me wind down this endless post by musing on one other thing related to what I said above in terms of my favorite 3-D artists and their favorite or recurring torments. I've mentioned here at least once before that one of the many things I like about Quoom is his imagination, and the variety of things he thinks up to do to those poor young (supermodel ) ladies.

To the degree that I had to think pretty hard to come up with common medieval tortures that he hasn't to my knowledge depicted. I managed to come up with two, and they both relate to other things I said in this post, so I might as well roll with them: One is red-hot pincers to the breasts, a big Balthazar favorite. Quoom probably has work in various places from back in the day that I haven't seen, but I never saw that in one of his stories, although it was heading in that direction, and talked about in the accompanying text, in one story called Fallen Patrician, that alas never quite got to that point in the narrative before it was dropped (lots of good stuff before that, though!). The other thing I can't recall seeing from Quoom is thumbscrews used on the actual thumbs. Fingers, feet, big toes, knuckles where the hand joins the fingers, all these I've seen, but never on the actual thumbs. Maybe something to look forward to in the future! Anyway, that's a pretty short list, so I'm not complaining, just I must have too much time on my hands to think about such things.

I wanted to ask if anyone knows if the Zell picture I posted is from a bigger set or story, and if so where I can find it! I have one more that is definitely from the same set, will post that in a second, without all the blather. And as you can see, Ralphus, I have nothing against genital torture per se 5774) adelbert. This seems to be an earlier picture from the same story as the one I posted a minute ago.

Does anyone know if there is more to this set, and if so, where I might get my hands on it? I heard Zell (or Bazell? Yet another German?) is no longer working either, like Balthazar. I like his stuff less consistently than Balthazar or Quoom-- again, the work itself is excellent technically, but the stories and scenarios are more hit and miss with me. But there are several of his stories, including four medieval ones I can think of, a couple modern interrogation of dissidents,and even one with medieval tools used by Goblins (though I don't generally go for critters and mythical beings) that I like very much, right up there with my other favorite artists. Like I said, for me he's just more hit or miss for reasons of his artistic choices and my interests not always matching.

Any help with locating the rest of this set, though, would be greatly appreciated. Assuming there is a rest of this set, that it's not just these two images. Provost wrote: This board is an incredible repository of knowledge about arcana in this arcane realm, and so I wonder if anyone else remembers and perhaps can dredge up a copy of a magazine called 'Men's Digest' that had as one of its cover stories 'The Ten Tortures Women Fear Most' (or something to that effect). It was published c. 1963, I believe.

Sorry, that's a no-go on Men's Digest, at least so far. You brought this one up a couple years ago on the board so I asked around and neither of my 2 main sources for MAM material (Sloth and Covers) had it.

Covers says the issue came out in 1966, though, not 1963. I recently signed up at a Men's Adventure Magazine Facebook group; we'll see if anyone there knows anything about it. It might be interesting to produce our own list, and perhaps also to illustrate it. Any views about what belongs on the list of tortures women fear most? Let's make it official and see what response we get. GIMP POLL: What belongs on a list of tortures women fear most?

Name as many as you want, but what, in your opinion, should be number one? It's a tough question, since not being a woman, I have no idea what would most install fear in their hearts.

I mean, no woman wants to be tortured, except a deviant perv like Erodite My guess, though, would be something disfiguring, since women place such a high value of their looks. So while something like electric shock or whipping would be painful, it doesn't leave a permanent mark. Being burned with a hot iron, though, that would have to be high on their list. All right, guys. Whether ye be a regular or a lurker, this is a good time to step forward and cast your vote. Make me proud.

5779) Bill K. Asking what tortures women fear has to start with the physiological difference between men and women, namely genitals and protuberant breasts. My own preference for breast torture encompasses quite a few tactics that can be employed on both, but just look better on a female. There was also the psychological aspect of the victim knowing that her torment would be sexual, the worst kind.

So specific to the ladies: The worst in my mind has to be the Pear. Cruel rape with a fiendish device created for no other purpose than pain, then expanded within her to distort the genitals, and then the handle-screw can even be heated to add to the agony. (Bazell did a scene depicting this very thing in Lucia--posted here.) For the breasts two spring to mind: hanging by ropes tied around the bases and the breast press.

I like the latter as it has finer adjustments to add pain in small increments. One variant I prefer was called the Mangle which used rollers instead of plates to crank the breasts back and forth to more easily allow the blood to return if they started to grow numb. It also held them firm and bloated for whip or irons; and a final ghastly use would see the rollers tightened before the breasts were cranked back out until the pressure made blood shoot from the nipples and then literally burst like a balloon.

So while whipping or (and!) hot irons applied to the breasts remain personal favorites, for the purpose of this poll I go with the Pear and Mangle. 5782) JD (the second). I was wondering if I am the only one on the planet who really likes wrist suspension scenes when it comes to GIMP. I am talking about actual suspensions, feet off the ground (although plain AOH is very nice too). There are understandably very few scenes that depict this type of bondage, but even when they happen, there is usually something that spoils it; no full body shot, poor lighting, blink and you missed it, and so forth. Commercial BDSM sites tend to bungle wrist suspensions too though it's usually for different reason. Somehow, they can never just hang a woman and leave her be for one microsecond without some guy obstructing the view, groping or whipping her.

Those things are fine, but WHY in the world can't they have a single frame where it would just be a nice shot of the suspended woman? Baffling really. So, I wanted to probe the minds of the residents here, what notable wrist suspension scenes do you know? Preferably from mainstream movies, though good commercial scenes are fine too. Zell and I are friends, though we haven't spoken in a few years. I looked at Poser when it first came on the scene and its kink-potential was obvious.

But the results, back then, were soooo primitive (read:laughable bad, as erotic art). So I decided I wasn't going to get into that arena until it could produce something AT LEAST as good as I could draw by hand. With that goal in mind, I looked to Zell's work as my barometer of progress.

He got into it fairly early (around 1999-2001) and seemed to be an artist who knew how to get the most out of the tools/media. As I later found out it was due to his also being a pro artist. I jumped in around 2005 and Esso's history with Zell mades me laugh.

That's was also my first interaction with Zell - the gag debate. He loved that one. And because of that passion I was tickled pink when he looked at one of my series - 'Student Body', I think - and actually said that he can now see how someone could still sexilly emote while gagged. Few compliments can rate higher for me! Zell stepped off the scene when Britain brought on their draconian anti-bdsm laws a few years back.

His lawyer convinced him it was too risky to continue in that climate, so he punched out (though I can pretty much guarantee you he's making art for himself). That said, here's another Zell work to further fuel the discussion. I love this poll question. I agree with those saying the psychology is super-important here. The question of what tortures a woman fears most depends on what tortures she can conceptualize -- which makes that a separate list from both the ones that are the most effective, and the ones that will truly horrify and break her. For example, air-deprivation tortures (bagging, slow strangulation, waterboarding, near-drowning, submarino, etc.) drive terror at the biological level -- the victim really can't control the fear or struggles because it's the body itself that is reacting to the lack of oxygen. But I doubt whether this would appear high on most women's lists because the mainstream definition of torture revolves around pain, and inability to breathe (for those who haven't experienced it in any meaningful way) isn't typically mentally associated with pain.

So many women won't think to include this one. It's what Chomsky called the 'bounds of the conceivable' -- the things that the mainstream has depicted as 'torture' will make the list because 'that's what torture is' to the mainstream. Everyone has been burned once or twice and many people have experienced an electric shock; these will make the list because people remember that they hurt and it's what they will have seen in movies or read in a horror novel.

Similarly, I would expect to see being beaten or cut or maimed, starvation, sensory deprivation, etc. On the list because these are the tortures it's OK to depict in typical entertainment and news venues, so they are what are broadly perceived as torture. Even though it's usually only alluded to in the media, sexual torture would make the list because women do fear (rightly) that as soon as they're helpless, their captors will begin to 'do things' to them. So gang rape, insertion of foreign objects like the vaginal pear (so mainstream now it's even been on CSI), and maybe even a hot iron up the passage should make the list, as others have said.

But it's the tortures that most women don't realize are possible that really evoke the panic, dread, and horror we love to see when they realize it's coming. This is why I've always felt the rat-in-the-vagina torture must be incredibly effective at breaking a woman's spirit. While not fatal and far from the most agonizing thing that can be done to the inside of a cunt, for the women who don't read the kind of books we do, it's just not conceivable (hence why it evokes such strong reactions to books like American Psycho that do depict it). But this is the kind of torture that perfectly illustrates just how powerless the victim is in this situation and just how much control over her that the torturer has.

And that's what leads to the understanding that it's simply not possible for her to win the fight. I'm confident there are other tortures that fall into this camp -- for example, sexually torturing a mother's daughter in front of her with offers to stop if she talks.

Using the family in this way is again outside of the usual bounds of the conceivable. Other thoughts? O/R 5794) adelbert. I don't usually go for polls, when I have an opinion on something I usually express it at great length and liberty, as recent events have shown. But since Ralphus issued a rallying call for the troops on this one, and it's an interesting question, I'll chime in, sort of.

It depends what you mean by 'worst.' If we're talking about what the potential victim might fear the most, I'd side with Ralphus and others who have stressed the psychological component, and go with something disfiguring. But if we're just talking most painful, then it would be along the lines of what Ed suggested, as in the attached (repeat) picture or the Zell pic on his post. I also agree with Ralphus that it's hard to make the call as a male, but as a male I think I myself would fear most something to the genitalia, so I would project that into a female as well, if we're only talking the pain factor. A red-hot iron thrust in deep enough (could also be done very slowly) to ruin a woman as a potential mother, or similar damage inflicted by the heated pair Ed depicted, would fit the bill in both cases, disfigurement plus about the most pain I can imagine. Thank you Esso for pointing out that the Zell story Fritz so helpfully referred me to is not the one I'm looking for, though very similar. One other reason I rank Zell a tier below Quoom and Balthazar, though he's done some very good stuff, is both his women and a very short rotation of hangmen look virtually identical in multiple different stories.

Quoom and Balthazar mix it up quite a bit more, even if the torturers get re-used from time to time (I'm guessing the available options in the programs make that inevitable to some degree). Many thanks to Fritz for trying, nonetheless. Also, alas logger13, I am familiar with that site, which is a great one, I found some of my favorite stories there, including Persuasion. So bottom line, I'm still trying to find more pictures from the set including the one attached to this post, if anyone has any clues. From the style, I'm thinking it might be earlier Zell. 5795) adelbert. @Michael Max-AOH is my wheelhouse.

Here are the most recent mainstream ones I can point you to: Yvonne Strahovski was hoisted AOH and not tortured in 'Chuck', then hoisted strappado and cut then electro-tortured in '24'. Minka Kelly hoisted AOH off the ground then beaten and tasered for information in the now defunct 'Charlie's Angels' revamp. Rhona Mitra in Doomsday, who is swinging off the ground AOH while the villain slaps/punches/tasers her for information. Bobby Phillips chained up AOH off the ground and electro-tortured in 'Chameleon 3: Dark Angel'. There are few other since that IMO requires a strong actress. You can see a bunch of other AOH scenes where the arms are stretched but the feet may not be off the ground at my DFN club 'website' link.

Poll question: IMO, I think dismemberment of tits or burning in the breasts or vaginal area are probably the most feared. 5798) CrueltyTurnsMeOn. Commenting on a few recent posts. JD: Thanks for the past 2 clips you've added. Download Summertime By The Jamies Youtube Broadcast. I've never seen The Long Swift Sword of that really all the longer that scene is?

The reason I ask is that the same 24-second clip you uploaded also is shown in its entirety in the for the movie that was posted on YouTube. So I'm wondering, why would they show the entire scene in the trailer? Isn't the idea of trailers to entice the audience into wanting to see more? As for the hanging scene in Cut, I do like hanging, so the clip was definitely appreciated by me at least. But boy, she sure snuffed it fast, didn't she? People don't normally die that quickly from hanging unless their necks break instantly. The guy grabbed her in a matter of seconds but she was already dead.not very realistic.

It would have been better to make her gasp and struggle a bit longer next time -------------------------------- Arcas: So that's what happened to Zell! What a damn shame.censorship effectively silences one of the great bondage artists. I don't understand how an entire country like the UK can be so repressive in this supposedly enlightened day and age. True, they do have a reputation for censoring violence in films for the last several decades, but that doesn't make it any less ridiculous. Those of us living in the states should count our lucky stars for the freedoms we have in this country, and make sure we don't vote in leaders who make it their priorities to eliminate them.

Because once freedoms are lost, it's very difficult to get them back. -------------------------------- Michael Max: Just letting you know, in case you or anyone else is not aware, that we have clips from nearly every scene on your list (and all the scenes on MAV's) in the. The database has always included both rack and suspension scenes. One of my goals for the upcoming year is to follow Fritz's suggestion and make an entire database devoted to suspensions and keep the rack entries separate.

They're not really the same thing, but that was the way that Tony Wood originally created his original database and I didn't deviate from his list. In the meantime, feel free to roam the Rack Database and look for entries marked with an 'S' (for suspensions) as opposed to the ones with an 'R' (rack). You might find a number of good scenes you haven't seen. -------------------------------- Poll results: Some really good answers so far, particularly Online_Ratt's well thought-out reply.

By all means, keep them coming. It's early still, but at least a half dozen people have mentioned burning/damaging/destroying the pussy, which as Ted adroitly noted would remove her only reason for existing I think there's a lot of truth to that; from early on through adulthood, it seems a female's main goal in life is to become a mother. So if you threaten to take away that means through torture, that would seem to be an effective way to make her cooperate. And I have to admit that the number of pictures posted in the past day, particularly from Zell, are especially exciting to me. To see a heavy plume of smoke escaping from between a woman's legs and realize it's her pussy that's burning is a huge turn on.

It's part of the reason why I created the Hot Iron Database, for scenes like this: 5802) MrAnthony. Or, last but certainly not least, a contribution from Quoom (linked above), who I hope doesn't mind if I post one of his pictures, he has said in the past here that showing one or two is no problem. The Quoom picture comes from his outstanding, and very long, story Inquisition Hell.

The young lady here surely seems to be (understandably) pretty terrified at what's going to happen. And at this point she's already had her clit squeezed with hot pliers, her tongue torn out by same, and a nasty whipping as part of her extended public execution. It's a pretty intense sequence from start to finish, to say the least! The thing with the plumes of smoke Ralphus mentions happens here, too, in multiple pictures, but to see the rest of the sequence you'll either have to go subscribe to Quoom's site (well worth it if you dig this kind of stuff), or rely on the man himself to show a bit more of it here if he feels so inclined. Quoom also does the iron horse heated by coals like the Balthazar I just posted, in his medieval Japanese warlord story Midori. 5804) adelbert. The Banshee scene: JD, man, you are Johnny on the Spot when it comes to grabbing and editing these clips.

And MAV, thanks for letting us know about it. And the scene itself.Damn, I'm loving it! Might be the best scene I've seen so far this year.

I like Ivana Milicevic; she's still sexy after all these years. And I'm thoroughly convinced that's really her up there and not a stunt woman. Love the fact they had her feet tied, too. Great beating scene; impossible not to smile while watching that. God, I hope there's more next week. On the theme of burning the female genitalia, here is a picture by MkGrr, also known as MkG2k7 ([]).

I tend to prefer this form of slower roasting than the hot iron version, because it prolongs the agony and makes for a longer show. Also, in MkGrr's version, the girl participates in a way making this a predicament bondage too. POLL ANSWER The consensus so far seems to agree that disfiguring/burning the genitalia is the torture a woman would fear the most.

However, I am not so sure. While I certainly understand the appeal a GIMPer would derive from watching a girl being subjected to this treatment (in fantasy land of course!), are we certain that we are not confusing our most-enjoyable torture with a girl's most-feared torture?

I am male so my opinion could be very different from a woman's but I don't consider my genitalia as valuable as my eyes or my limbs. Losing one of those produces permanent and profound disability throughout all aspects of life and a disfigurement that is always apparent to others, unlike in the case of losing one's genitalia where it's obvious only when undressed. It's also very painful, perhaps on the same level or worse than genitalia torture, especially when cutting the bone. However, as a torturer (in this fantasy land of mine) I wouldn't want to submit my captives to this treatment because amputees are not appealing to me and I consider amputation a foolish waste of good-looking specimens.

So, there you have it, I vote for amputation which produces disability i.e. Finger/limb amputation or eye enucleation and I invite any female GIMPers here to share their thoughts. 5809) Centaurus. On the poll question: OMG boys! This is why I lurk.

Most of your opinions are based on movies or stories, etc. And they're way out of line with reality. I really can't relate to being tortured for information, or religious persecution or any of these other motives for torturing people that make for good drama. In my reality at least, I'm being tortured for sex. So the goal for torturing a woman is key. If someone is burning my genitals or otherwise causing permanent damage, they've already gone too far, because I would figure that I'm already dead. I'd be dead inside anyway and wouldn't care what else they did.

They're psychotic. They're going to kill me anyway, so they get nothing from me. A simple AOH suspension does it for me. The pain gets real after only 5 minutes and continues to escalate. I don't think I've ever lasted more than 20 minutes before giving up. Adelbert, in regards to your comments about women's body hair and witch trials, I think an effective BDSM scenario is showing the process of the shaving of public hair and hair in the armpits. As far as the historical record and authenticity which I agree adds a dimension of kink, there is an account taken from Robin Briggs' book about Witchcraft in Lorraine where a woman suspected of witchcraft when stripped was revealed to have no pubic hair.

This hairlessness was immediately taken by her judges as an irrefutable further proof that she was indeed a witch despite her denials that the condition was caused by a skin rash. There's a surprise in my story section!! Ralphus has just posted there a story written by Fritz about his and my favorite topic -- a battle among female spies. Russian and East German and Chinese. Three-way action you might say.

And we all know that, when Fritz writes, he pulls no punches (nor anything else for that matter, other than perhaps a few female breasts). Let's just say his story had me sweating and ready to confess even though I was just reading it. Enjoy it and send him your feedback, which is always appreciated.

5819) Sanderson. As a long-time reader, but first-time poster, I thought I might contribute to the poll with a piece of research data (albeit more anecdotal than quantitative), which strongly supports Online Ratt's hypothesis about what women most fear. Ximena Bunster-Burotto, in an essay called 'Surviving beyond fear: women and torture in Latin America' (in Miranda Davis, ed. Women and violence (Atlantic Highlands, 1994), pp.156-76), writes as follows about women who were tortured under the Chilean military dictatorship: 'The use of animals to torture women physically and psychically is yet another phase in this unutterable process. Women's mental stability and physical health have been seriously threatened, sometimes destroyed, by the introduction of mice into their vaginas.

Foreign objects, such as sticks and dull instruments, have also been introduced into the vagina and anus, but it is difficult to compare even such abuse with the psychological and physical suffering brought about by a scratching, biting, disorientated mouse forced into a female's genital region. Women, now in exile, who have survived this torture explain that they have not, nor do they believe they ever can, recover from the trauma'.

So that gets my vote!!! (By the way, the whole of Bunster-Burotto's essay is pretty graphic, and as such of interest to people in the forum, though the book seems to be pretty hard to find these days - neither Amazon nor AbeBooks even has a used copy listed for sale.) 5820) Joanna. My first response to the poll questions was the red hot poker up the pussy, but a few people have said that the torture should be applied over a longer period. Now that got me thinking about the non physically damaging tortures.

So I'll pose a question: If a woman was given the choice of these 2 tortures, which would she choose? 1) The red hot poker slowly inserted up her pussy. 2) Being stretched to her physical limit on a rack, having electrodes applied to her most sensitive parts, and given brutal, but not fatal, electric shocks. Then taken to a cell, force fed, and allowed to rest. Only to have the process repeated the next day, and the next, and next. 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (366 on leap years) for the rest of her life.

And if you think she'll choose the rack, how long before she's begging for the poker? Eda: Thanks for your inspiration and for your generous story introduction, which you graciously wrote in spite of all the agony I inflicted on you last month. It's good to see you don't hold a grudge over a little thing like being tortured to death. For those interested in reading, a word of warning it's long. Also, it has a plot and (I hope you agree) some characterization to accompany about a dozen GIMP scenes, varying from relatively mild to, well like Eda said.

Of course, you can fast-forward through the text and read only the peril action, but then you'll be missing half the fun. So for best results, enjoy it as you would a non-fetish tale, one which just happens to be peppered with interrogations, torture and other nasty stuff. * * * * * esso wrote (regarding post 5734): I recognize the four images Fritz posted from three Deadly Interrogation videos and another PFK production but Scourge where is your image from? Actually, just two of the caps I posted are from the Deadly Interrogation series and only three are from PKF videos.

Clockwise from top left, they are taken from • Never Return (PKF) • Deadly Interrogation II (PKF) • Deadly Interrogation IV (PKF) • Sarducci Strikes Again (CoH) As I mentioned earlier, the picture J Scourge originally posted is from another one of my commissions. It was produced by KHP and was released simply as Britton's Torture, though since KHP folded, I've seen it listed under several other titles (and frequently truncated). Poll: As is usually the case, I find what seems to be a straightforward poll question to be more complex than it first appears. I suspect that the torture a woman fears most depends on a number of circumstances, not the least of which is the psychological profile of the victim herself. For example, if she were known to have a phobia of snakes, her fate might differ dramatically from that of a vain exhibitionist who has spent a fortune customizing the perfect pair.

Then there is the not-so-small matter of the circumstances under which the torture will be or has been revealed. Is it • something the woman has never before experienced (and thus can only imagine)?

• something that has been done to her previously (so she knows exactly what she's up against)? • something that she envisions as a fantasy (and so excites as well as scares her)? • something she fears encountering in real life (and hence is truly terrifying in all respects)?

I would guess #1 is where you'll find the most extreme, exaggerated punishments – especially those which threaten a woman's beauty and sexuality – like hot irons up the hoo-haw and debreasting. But as Nia points out, severe punishments like these can prove ineffective once administered because they usually leave the victim, well dead.

Threat of terminal trauma might frighten a woman for a short while, but more traditional tortures like whipping, branding and bone breaking – those which can be doled out incrementally, and over a period of days or weeks – have the benefit of building cumulative fear, which may be more detrimental than sudden shock followed by a relatively quick demise. As per #2 (and also suggested by Ted), if a victim expects painful abuse on a daily basis, she may well prefer death at some point. As I've been told by several female friends, tortures that fall in category #3 are usually ones that are painful but do not mar a woman's beauty, at least not significantly so.

As always there are exceptions, but fantasy fear typically is generated by intense but bloodless torments like electro-torture, the rack, suspension, object rape and slow asphyxiation. As these are “chosen” by the victim, one could argue they don't belong here, but fantasy fear is still fear, and a gentleman GIMPer should be accommodating. In category #4 I suspect we'd find the non-deadly but truly frightening tortures used by professional sadists and psychopaths in the real world. Things like pulling fingernails, clitoral circumcision and is-it-safe style root canals come to mind. To my mind, these are the ones that should be at the top of the list, if for no reason other than that they squick out both GIMPs and GIMPers alike. It's odd, but I've been told more than once that having a toenail ripped out is scarier than cutting off the whole toe.

Of this last bunch, one seems to stand out above the others. Almost every GIMP I've known has mentioned that she is absolutely petrified of anything happening to her eyes – and that even as part of a fantasy, ocular tortures and enucleation are off-limits.

So, combining the worst with the worst, I vote for a hot iron applied to a single eye of the victim, then letting her linger for a few days while contemplating the fate of her remaining orb. Note: Sorry about the tattoos in the picture. I find that armband tattoos are the least offensive and IMO this pic is good enough to overcome that flaw. The poll - 'What belongs on a list of tortures women fear most? Name as many as you want, but what, in your opinion, should be number one?'

I think the worst would be some variant of this: Each morning she is removed from her cell and handed a whip. She is given an hour in which she may use that whip to beat her 18 year old daughter to death.

If she does not she is returned to her cell where she can hear (but not see) her daughter being raped and tortured. How many days of this would it take before she could bring herself to complete the act?

And what would it do to her when she finally did? 5827) MrAnthony. Nia: yeah, you definitely have to make the distinction between what's pure fantasy and what you might act out in the real world.

Myself, and I'm guessing probably some others here, it's strictly in the fantasy realm. But not in the sense that that's a bad thing. For me, and I assume for others, it's by choice, for a lot of reasons (and I have tried acting it out to some extent at the request of partners, but found I myself prefer to keep it fantasy).

The main reason is, the fantasies that really turn me on involve some hard, realistic torture, that I'd never want to see done in reality to any human being, male or female. I'm big into Inquisition and especially witch trial scenarios, and you can't really role play them to suit me, the realism of the fantasy is part of the turn-on, and I don't envision consensual fun that would involve using thumbscrews until blood spurts and fingers break, or hanging in strappado with heavy weights until the shoulders dislocate. Yeah, sick stuff, which is why I wall it off as being for me completely in the fantasy realm, chalk it up to the duality of nature or whatever and the paradoxes that sometimes exist within us, or even call it a harmless catharsis for violent thoughts, though I don't conceive it so much in the latter sense. Still, maybe it does help me achieve some kind of balance between the person I want to be in day-to-day relations with the world, and the sadistic bastard who gets off on the branding iron up the pussy fantasies. For myself, if I can have these brutal fantasies yet still be a generally loving and considerate person in my day-to-day actions (I hope), everybody wins, and I'm not going to hate myself for having those naughty thoughts that aren't about the real world per se. I even have gravitated toward the world of drawings and 3-D rather than visualizing scenes that excite me by watching stuff with live actresses, just as one more firewall to keep it all in the realm of fantasy.

That said, we are talking about two very different things in regard to this poll, and it was good of you to make the distinction in your post. In my dark world, it's all about things I'd like to see done in a clearly fictional setting, and not about things I'd actually like to do. And the stakes are way higher in my torture scenarios, if you give in you don't just have to have sex with someone, if the women in my fantasy scenarios give it up they are basically going to die, and probably die horribly, as being burned alive is a pretty nasty way to go. So a big incentive not to throw in the towel.

Not that either what you fantasize or what I fantasize is right or wrong just because we go to different levels and for different reasons. Kinks wouldn't be kinks if they worked the same for everyone, and it's definitely not an either-or situation, everyone's personal flavor is their flavor and that's cool. A win-win scenario again in my book. Centaurus: I asked the same question here in the forum regarding Balthazar a month or two back-- in fact, I didn't even know his name, just had a few pictures and wanted more-- and the answer seems to be, no, there isn't anyplace currently hosting a bunch of his stuff online, and he's not producing any more either. If you sort through the forum archives you will find one link, but that still only gives samples, maybe five or six pictures from stories that have 80-100 or more. A kind volunteer from this forum privately sent me a whole lot of Balthazar stuff, and I'd be happy to 'pay it forward' and send some of that to you, but I didn't see an e-mail address with your post. The attached picture is another Zell pic I really like, but I'm thinking it may be a one-off shot instead of part of a series.

For my tastes, as I've said, I rank Zell a tad below Quoom and Balthazar, but that's not to say he hasn't produced some outstanding stuff. There are several of his stories I've seen that rank among my favorite material.

The other two guys just hit that 'sweet spot' more often for me. 5830) Centaurus. Adelbert: Thank you for that offer!

This post has my e-mail address that you can forward to. Fritz: I like the way you have categorized the methods. It's quite helpful for reaching conclusions. And you've picked the same treatment as me: eye enucleation (although I offered it in the broader context of debilitating amputation). Ted: You are making a strong point there and I am rethinking my selection.

I can definitely see how a torment that can be continued ad infinitum can be more frightening than a brutal one-off (although the victim may not realize this in the beginning). 5831) Covers the Relentless.

Poll of the Month: What torture women fear the most. Well, anything that will defeminize us such as clitoris circumcision (still done in west Africa by Muslims), cutting off the breasts, destruction of the vagina, and blinding. I rarely enjoy any extreme torture in real life. I've had a nipple burned with a cigarette and when the smoker aimed for my sex I told him our session was over. But that was play. If I was being really tortured for whatever reason, then my mind would only be on the fear of death, and whatever was done to me I could live with afterwards if I lived at all. I have a personal fear of snakes so that would be my number one fear, although I've seen oriental films with eels slithering in and out of pussies, and even seen the photos of the mice entering that woman's pussy (she allowed a lot of strange things in there).

None of that is as fearful as just the sight of a snake in a film, let alone live nearby. Thus the whole idea of what we fear most is subjective to each of us. But this is a site for fantasy, and the expressions on the actresses or 3D/art models is a particular fear, not a generalization of feminine fear.

So, dear Ralphus, watching the smoke rise from a woman's pussy turns you on, so be it. But that's fantasy and that is what this site is all about and I've even included something like that in a new story I'm writing. But not real life.

We women like our bodies to be used again, whether it is our breasts, rectum*, pussy, clit, eyes, fingernails. *Mr.Bush: put a baseball bat up your ass, and sit on it for a day or two. Fritz: love you man, but I don't think I want to go out on a date with you without my bodyguard. Nia: wonderful insight as usual.

AOH suspension is one of my favorite activities and I have surpassed Nia's time frame several times, but I work out and have great arm strength. So when my playmate ties my legs out and I can't swing or kick that's when I know that I can't really stop what will happen next. I have to trust my playmate. The stories I write are about women who find being restrained and played with, or tortured, to be enjoyable and want more.

That's fantasy too. But then I'm, as Ralphus so kindly noted, a pervert. 5833) MR BUSH. Centaurus-- I never have any luck using the built-in e-mail here on the forum, mainly because I don't like to download any new software I don't have to, so when I see the word 'wizard' in a pop-up I bail.

So if you would do me the favor of just e-mailing me instead, I'd have your return address from your e-mail and will send you a few things. Thanks, and sorry about the work-around. (as Ralphus can attest, I'm having a bad tech week, but this is just a preference matter of not wanting to add capacity for a different e-mail system.) And I too agree tortures that can be repeated are preferred, and that was the way it usually happened in the witch trials, for instance. People subjected to the leg screws four or five times or more over a couple weeks, or the thumbscrews twice in a single session. That said, who says things like a heated pear or a branding iron you-know-where can't be done more than once? It happens that way in fiction, at least, in the first book of Richard K Morgan's classic Takashi Kovacs science fiction trilogy. 5835) JD (the second).

I'd like to ask a question of the GIMPdom. If you were reading a GIMP themed E-book, watching a GIMP video, etc and the media started to stray into an area that to you would be a turn off, would you stop reading/watching right then and there? Would you decide to not bother finishing it? I had such an experience myself yesterday. I was reading an E-book and was enjoying it. Then about 25% of the way into the story, it suddenly shifted from a middle-aged (40 something) man dominating a young woman type story to an old woman (really old, portrayed as being around 60 or so) paddling the middle-aged man who was the main perv in the story.

Suffice it to say that this sudden change not only ruined the fantasy for me, but also was a major turn-off. I stopped reading right then and there and decided that I not only didn't want to finish reading the book, but that I also no longer wanted to keep the title in my collection.

5840) JD (the second). TGG said: 'I'd like to ask a question of the GIMPdom. If you were reading a GIMP themed E-book, watching a GIMP video, etc and the media started to stray into an area that to you would be a turn off, would you stop reading/watching right then and there? Would you decide to not bother finishing it?' If the swing goes too far, I'd probably give up reading. Happened to me while reading the Gor novels, somewhere around the 10th book, when it started to be more gay than I like.

Generally speaking, there is little flexibility in the tastes of an 40+, we pretty much know very well what we like and what press our buttons. For younger audience, probably there's more elasticity in what turns them on. BTW, I don't keep track of what I post here, so if they repeat stuff every now and then, blame it on the agave juice. Various in The Haunted Palace (1963) [] 5841) Reine Margot.

We interrupt this program to announce that the issue# 340 of Fangoria features the film Olalla and an interview with its director, the now world famous Amy Hesketh. Enlarge the image and you'll see that the title of this magnificent film, Olalla, appears on the cover of the magazine. Fangoria will be in newsstands, stores, supermarkets and wherever magazines are sold (yes, even airports) in MARCH (This month, that is). Get your issue. Don't miss this historical event in the world of GIMP. Second time for Amy in Fangoria, of course, and we're sure it won't be the last. More news later.

5842) boccaccio. I have come somewhat belatedly to the ‘clothes in tatters’ theme but I came across this inspiring image today.

Perhaps the back story of this image might go something like this: Lord Clarkson eyed the thieving young maid with undisguised pleasure, his cock throbbing with lust. Benton, his butler, and Jennings, his valet, had displayed surprising artistry in binding the thief after they had dragged her out of bed. Upon being accused of pocketing a sterling silver spoon after dinner, Fiona, the delicious young maid, had pleaded innocence, claiming that she had slipped the spoon into her apron absent-mindedly and had simply forgot to remove it in the kitchen. But Clarkson wasn’t having it.

In appreciation for their help in binding the thief, he had given his servants the first two strokes with the heavy tawse. Jennings had delivered a stinging downward stroke to her right breast splitting her flimsy chemise in two and baring half of her tender globe. Benton’s opening sally had been even more vicious, a blistering right cross that had exploded into the outer curve of Fiona’s left breast, shredding the fabric and denuding her tender globe of its gossamer protection. Clarkson held the evil two-fingered tawse up against Fiona’s succulent treasures. Six withering strokes to Fiona’s tempting young nipples would teach the little wench not to steal 5843) Ralphus. Commenting a few recent posts. Poll question: We've had 21 people weigh in on this one and some really fine discussion so far.

Looks like the chatter is starting to fade a bit, but it's certainly not too late to chime in. 21 responses means we haven't heard yet from about 2300 of the other readers so far. C'mon lurkers, it's a good question, let's hear from you.

-------------------------------------- JD: Thanks for The Haunted Palace; your edit was almost exactly like the one I made years ago, except mine was off a fuzzy VHS print. Gotta love Vincent Price; he appeared as the bad guy in so many movies where women were tied up.

Not great GIMPage in this one, but still a nice couple of scenes. I can't resist that beautiful imagery with the women in bondage accompanied by fire and smoke. So I was curious to see if the movie poster played up that scene. Yep, they sure did.

The studios knew exactly what sold a movie. Arcas: I didn't have a chance earlier, but thanks for your latest. Terrific work, as always. Always a pleasure to see Joanna suffer. -------------------------------------- Anybody been reading the latest by Fritz? I admit it, I sometimes have a bias toward really long stories, and after I spent all day checking and coding and uploading it to the Stories section, I e-mailed him and wrote, 'Jesus Christ.32 chapters plus an epilogue? I'm sure it's stimulating stuff, but who can hold an erection that long?'

But you know what? So far, it's really, really good. I haven't read all of it yet, about halfway through (yeah, it's long), but if this were a GIMP movie, it would already be a classic just based on the number of quality scenes.

It's rough stuff, and I have the feeling it's going to get rougher for the victims in the story as it goes on, knowing Fritz's taste in GIMPage. But how can you resist a story that contains the line, “Harpoon her fucking clitoris'? Check it out.if you think you can handle it.

-------------------------------------- TGG asked: If you were reading a GIMP themed E-book, watching a GIMP video, etc and the media started to stray into an area that to you would be a turn off, would you stop reading/watching right then and there? Would you decide to not bother finishing it?

I watch more videos than I read books, so I'll limit my answer to just those. And based on your question, no, of course I wouldn't stop watching.

Okay, I might stop actively watching, but there's always the fast-forward button. What about the good stuff you've just enjoyed? Based on that, I'd say it's at least worth a quick skim through to see if there's anything else there; otherwise, how are you gonna know if it might get better? It takes about 10 minutes to zip through a DVD on fast-forward. That's not too much of a sacrifice. There have been lots of movies that had good scenes at the beginning and turned to crap afterward; the most obvious examples would be the I Spit On Your Grave films. Those are usually equal opportunity horror films, with the girls getting it in the first half and the guys getting their comeuppance in the second half.

So it goes from must-see GIMPage to just the opposite afterward, but that sure as hell wouldn't make me NOT want to include those earlier scenes in my collection just because something bad happens to the villain later on in the film. You must have a real bias against 60-year old women paddling middle-aged men 5844) Covers the Relentless. TGG asked: 'I'd like to ask a question of the GIMPdom.

If you were reading a GIMP themed E-book, watching a GIMP video, etc and the media started to stray into an area that to you would be a turn off, would you stop reading/watching right then and there? Would you decide to not bother finishing it?' I had this happen to me while reading 'Let's Go Play At The Adams' when the babysitter starts to dream about her boyfriend and even gets into discussions with him.

Obviously the boyfriend was the author's tool for giving his story a social message, but that whole sequence was dated and detracted from the pace of the story. Whenever I saw a discussion with Terry coming, I skipped ahead a few pages.

It actually made the story much better that way and gave the ending a good bang without getting bogged down with preachy dialogue. I recently pulled out my copy and started reading it again, and I will probably skip over those parts again. Its my little way of editing a book to make it better. Here, have a random picture. 5847) Jlive99.

BP wrote: I'm thinking torture to the face. You can cover the naughty bits with clothes afterwords but anything done to the face is out in the open. Knife Scar, Hot Iron to the face she carries that forever. Right after checking what GIMP is doing a moment ago, I went to Tumblr and saw this on one blog. Not, repeat NOT something I fantasize about (there are so many other more erotic and enjoyable things to do to a girl, after all.-), but undoubtedly ghastly under the poll of worst things to fear, especially to a girl forced to watch before her turn.

5852) Zylinderrohr. I read something about assaulted with a coke bottle.

I'm thinking in Chile the police would integrate student protesters. Those old 6 ounce bottles were hard to break. You can beat the person with it, assault them with it and when you release them they are reminded of that every time they see one for the rest of their lives. I also fancy viewing of a foot flogging when they show them on Youtube.

Most of them are in Spanish but its amazing the girls start screaming in English. 5866) JD (the second). Fritz said: 'Perhaps this is about testing limits, but that thing (how do you know it's even female?) just zipped past mine and landed five miles east of the funhouse.' @ Covers the Relentless: Hmmm. That Painmaster illustration makes me want to read the story at page 44.

Thomas Chaser said: 'I concur. That pic was way past sexy and well into creepy/gory/OMYGOD land. Horror fans might like that, but not in my house.' And yet, current zeitgeist would make a scene like that perfectably acceptable for a large screen (albeit with an R rating) while a romp in the dungeons followed by copious fornication would be an absolute no-no for modern political correctness.

'Nway, here's the catch of the day. I also included the rape scene for our despicable host. Various in Six Women (1971), from a mediocre VHS transfer. [] One night, Dolores, a Mexican girl, tries to escape. Charley catches her and has her tied to a tree, hanging by her wrists, for punishment. He strips her to the waist and lays a bull whip on her back.

The other women are forced to watch the punishment. Finally, one of the guards tells Charley that Dolores has had enough. Charley agrees and has her untied from the tree.

(IMDB) 5867) Ed. Thomas Chaser said: 'I concur. That pic was way past sexy and well into creepy/gory/OMYGOD land.

Horror fans might like that, but not in my house.' Completely agree. I didn't find it remotely sexy, either.

Sickening, to tell the truth. Hell, if you wanted some quick answers and thought pain could get them, some brutal dental work would likely do the trick (ala Marathon Man--'Is it safe?' ), but that isn't nearly as erotic as nipple electrodes. And JD (The Second) added: And yet, current zeitgeist would make a scene like that perfectably acceptable for a large screen (albeit with an R rating) while a romp in the dungeons followed by copious fornication would be an absolute no-no for modern political correctness. Don't even need the dungeon romp.

You can't even show consensual, loving sex in mainstream media if it shows the genitals or penetration. Society makes NO sense. 5868) erodite. JD wrote: @Covers the Relentless: Hmmm. That Painmaster illustration makes me want to read the story at page 44. Not sure if Covers has access to that many of the actual stories, but I can check with my main man Sloth to see if he has the magazine. If so, I'll have him scan the story and we can put it in the queue for restoration to the Men's Magazine Stories section for you.

I'd say you've earned enough brownie points based on your contributions here to qualify for a special favor. BTW, that movie you clipped today, Six Women? I had never heard of that movie, but I instantly recognized the whipping scene as one that we have listed in the database as The Last Sundown.

We have an edited clip of the scene off YouTube; I'll replace our link with yours. What's strange is if you do a search on the IMDB for either 'Six Women' or 'The Last Sundown', nothing comes up. Same thing if you do a search for the film's director, zilch. It's like the IMDB is trying to hide that movie, in the same way that they don't offer the search function for adult titles.

But this isn't an adult movie as far as I can tell; it's simply a softcore western with nudity and rape, along the lines of The Ramrodder or Hot Spur. I finally found it listed by directly typing in the title on Google. At any rate, a really nice find once again. I love the freedom they had back in the 1970s to show anything they wanted. We'll never see those days in mainstream cinema again. BTW, anyone catch the continuity mistake in the editing?

Earlier you see the woman with some nice bloody slash marks on her back, but a few seconds later, her back is completely clean. Erodite wrote: Let alone listening to Sarah Palin or Michele Bachman trying to talk. Where is Shackled with his brank when we really need it?

Yes, slapping a brank on them would be wonderful. I suspect it didn't make the list because these two don't only terrify women, but men, as well. And you have to live in the US; the rest of the world find people like this in our elected government hilarious.

There was a clip on YouTube where someone asks John Cleese (Monty Python-a pretty far out there troupe) 'What do you think about Sarah Palin?' He just starts laughing. 5874) Wasa33.

JD wrote: @Covers the Relentless: Hmmm. That Painmaster illustration makes me want to read the story at page 44.

Then Ralphus wrote: Not sure if Covers has access to that many of the actual stories, but I can check with my main man Sloth to see if he has the magazine Ralphus is correct that I do not have any more of the story. I have complete scans of about 25 man's adventure type magazines, but this is not one of them. Today's MAM cover is from Man's Daring May 1962 V3#5 Candar Pubs. 5876) JD (the second). Okay, I'll chime in with the almost unanimous chorus to Ed's 'Face-hook' picture (including Ed himself) and say, ew, gross! But in all fairness, the original poll question was what torture would terrify a woman the worst, not what's the most terrible torture to a woman that is also a turn-on. In terms of being the most painful and most likely to induce the required cooperation by mere threat, that picture was a yes, in terms of the turn-on part, pretty much the total opposite.

But that made me start thinking about another question, namely, what is so totally over the line that it is in no way a turn-on? I'm guessing everyone has their limits there, and it's a tricky question just because much of what does excite members of this forum is over the line for those not sharing these peculiar interests. My sense of it is also that just about everybody's line is different.

Ralphus, for instance, earlier said that thumbscrews don't do much for him because he doesn't need to see mangled fingers afterwards (see pic above). On the other hand, I'm pretty sure many forum members kind of like to see some body 'decoration' in the form of welts from a whip, blood, burns. I myself just extend that to encompass the visual manifestations of other tortures performed. The wrists bloodied from the ropes of rack or suspension. Yes, the fingers or thumbs after the screws.

And I for instance love the fact that Quoom, when he illustrates strappado, generally winds up with the victim looking like the picture attached, with widespread discoloration around the shoulder area as a result of torn muscles, sprained ligaments, etc. In other words, realistic. And the good artists like Quoom, also Balthazar, will also maintain a continuity of those marks and wounds.

It really bothers me when for instance in Feather's Shadow of the City, a pretty good two-part medieval dungeon story (also his Chinese warlord one), the victims get burned with red-hot irons, leaving the expected marks, but the next time you see them, the marks are gone (nasty welts and cuts from whipping the same thing). I'm pretty sure too that the point where marks of torture and abuse change from 'decoration' to a form of disfigurement that makes the victim no longer attractive (thereby defeating the point of the exercise, at least for me) will also be different depending on the beholder. But to get back on-point, The thing I find oddest about my own limits, and what's over the line for me, where it changes from arousing to disgusting, is that they tend to be somewhat fluid or paradoxical. Amputation of digits, limbs, etc, is a real turn-off for me, does absolutely nothing for me.

Yet there are two Quoom stories that include the victim having her tongue torn out, and I like both those stories and both those scenes very much. Likewise I've seen a couple renderings of an ear being cut off (one of those also Quoom) that also work for me.

And of course, I find an occasional nipple removal extremely exciting (likewise clit, as happens in one of Zell's modern-day dissident stories). So for me, I guess there's no rhyme or reason, nor a consistent definition of where that line is.

I remember that Silvio Dante was nice enough to run a story of his serialized here on the GIMP forum a while back. It had one picture featuring disemboweling, and I found that to have a high yuck factor for me personally. Generally, disemboweling is also on the no-no list for me.

Yet I have one fumetto fragment where it's happening to the victim that I do for some reason find borderline exciting. Likewise, Silvio's preference for scat in his torture scenes is another turn-off for me personally (though that's my personal taste only, like I said, I suspect everyone's is different, and thus this is in no way meant as any criticism for Silvio Dante as an artist, as the whole point of this post is that everyone seems to draw the line at a different spot, and even that can be a moving target).

To show how irrational I am about that, I do find loss of bladder control under torture kind of a turn-on (and I'm not the golden shower type, I assure you). And so it goes. Impalement also is more likely a turn-off than a turn-on. Part of it is, I don't necessarily want to see the victim die. I'd actually prefer to have her live through an extended ordeal. Now if death happens in the form of execution after a witch trial, I'm cool with seeing that, in fact it enhances the story for me.

Dying under torture is also not a problem. But I'm not at all into basic snuff, where the sole object is to kill the woman in question, even if done slowly and torturously. So I give most of the private hobbyist psycho kidnapper stuff a pass.

But again, I don't mind a story like Quoom's current (I hope) Daughters of the Fallen King, where it seems the whole point of the tale is the two most sadistic of the conspirators who just overthrew daddy amusing themselves by tormenting and abusing three lovely young sisters, the now-surplus princesses whose lives are no doubt already forfeit. And having said that about impaling, Quoom does have a story about a couple priestesses during the sack of Troy featuring impalement that I find very interesting indeed. Breaking on the wheel is yet another turn-off for me. That one seems to be a real line, that I've never crossed yet. Quoom does a beautifully-rendered version in his story An Eye for an Eye (seriously, with the surrounding scenery and the flock of eagles that's eventually going to start nibbling on her while she's still alive flying overhead, some of the pictures are just exquisite visually), but it's still something I don't want to look. Likewise a Balthazar story I just saw, the part where that happens is a turn-off to me. So why does the sight of obviously and grotesquely broken arms and legs make me go yuck, while the sight of broken fingers or severely dislocated shoulders is a turn-on?

I guess I shouldn't be too surprised at all the inconsistencies and paradoxes, after all, for me and I'm sure for most other people on this forum (hopefully all) we don't ever really want to hurt living women, unless they're into it as part of sexual role play, yet we think about such hideous torments to beautiful young ladies. Or at least, I certainly do.

5879) adelbert. ED: yes, I guess I should remember that the two bitches I mentioned are just comedy material for the rest of the world. Adelbert: I'm a fan of Quoom but until you noted it in your comments I never noticed the strappado effect on the body before. Add THAT to my list of things I could do without.

And you are right, the question is what do women fear, and sadly, few of the women who are forum guests have answered. Is it just me and Nia this week? I have an idea for a new poll: Which is the most satisfying as far as appearance rather than usefulness: ball gags, duct tape, horse bit, or a leather gag? 5881) Ralphus. JD wrote: Rather disturbing bouts of cannibalism lately. What, you don't like the women as food pictures? One of my favorite themes.

But since they've gotten only one bit of feedback, and it was negative, we'll move on to something else. But they'll be back in the future, I promise you. I dislike it as much as scatophilia (hope I didn't give our esteemed host an idea for the future posts).

I'm one of those people that doesn't mind shit themed pics, but I realize they're a turn-off for most people here, so this is one of those rare times I'll show restraint. He's despicable enough the way things are now. I'll take that as a compliment. Besides, I have a better idea. Anybody else think the actress in the new Cinderella movie is hot?

I mean, really, really hot? Hey, Lily James, quit wasting your career playing Disney princesses and appearing in stuffy British tea-sipping PBS dramas. Time to move on and sign up for the latest Texas Chainsaw Massacre or I Spit On Your Grave movie. Trust me, it's a wise move. Would I steer you wrong? ------------------------------- Spike wrote: Your short, edited whipping scenes from vintage films are great!

Even though the video quality may be a bit lacking, due to the age of the originals, the actors really 'acted'. We do have a sharper video link of the movie in the Whipping Scenes in Movies Database. ------------------------------- Erodite wrote: I have an idea for a new poll: Which is the most satisfying as far as appearance rather than usefulness: ball gags, duct tape, horse bit, or a leather gag?

We can do that. Since the past poll has faded out, we'll start a new one, right in time for the weekend. Nothing gets the place talking better than gag discussion. GIMP POLL: Which is the most satisfying as far as appearance rather than usefulness: ball gags, duct tape, horse bit, or a leather gag? I'll say first off that if we're talking usefulness, the ballgag is actually quite effective as far as muffling speech, and the tape gag more so, as long as proper mouth packing is applied beforehand (I would recommend the woman's worn panties stuffed into her mouth and taped over). And visually, I would give those two choices my top votes, with a slight edge toward duct tape, since you can improve any woman's appearance that way. So if I'm forced to narrow it down, my vote is for tape.

All right guys, absolutely no excuse for not voting this time, because everyone has an opinion on what they like to shut a bitch's mouth with. Line up and cast your votes!

Another one of Quoom's excellent pictures - Ralphus I'm happy for them to be added to my story if you wish. Bit late for the old poll, but I think most women would be unhappy to be in the situation in Quoom's picture with that prod buried in her vagina. Although I think the repetitive torture when she is already broken would be the worst thing. The fear then is not the specific torture itself, but the opening of her cell door, as she knows she will be dragged to the interrogation chamber and for the next few hours she will be screaming nad begging and pleading and telling them everything she knows, betraying everyone she loves, just to try and end the unbearable pain. And then she's put back in her cell, and waits with horror for the opening of the door and it all to be repeated. Fritz - an excellent story, I really like the length and the detail.

It makes the torture scenes so much more exciting when you know something about the woman being abused. El Wananchi - great story too, and Arcas great image.

On the current poll, I quite like ball gags, but they have to be a bit more serious looking. The red one in the picture doesn't do it for me - looks too much like a 'fun' thing. Tape is good, especially with a fully packed mouth, but basically anything is OK so long as it looks cruel and painful. HOM & Insex have done some good gags over the years. 5883) Michael Max. @Ralphus, @MAV -- thanks for the suggestions:) I visited the Torture Rack Scenes Database (remember the original site from way back) some time ago, and thinking about it now, I recall a couple of other good AOH suspension scenes: - Gestapo's Last Orgy - Adventures of Hajji Baba - A Bell from Hell As usual, all of them have some trade-offs.

'Last Orgy' has a nice nude suspension, but there is only the briefest of full body shots. Since they already had the actress suspended, why couldn't they do a longer one? 'Hajji Baba' has long scenes, very well done from emotional perspective, but the actress is VERY fully clothed. The last one has a nice nude scene, but again the full body shot is extremely brief and only from behind, and only from a distance. It's a bit frustrating being an AOH suspension fan;) Anyway, I love the idea of a site section devoted entirely to suspension scenes; preferably sorted by type of suspension: - by wrists (only feet off the ground) - by ankles - combination of above or other 5884) Michael Max. @JD (Post 5857) From Jesus Franco's better days.

The movie is actually watchable, unlike his later productions when a large FFW button on the remote is a must. Nice looking scene, but deserves a 'loosie' award for the application of shackles. It always amuses me to see that.

Is it really that difficult to have realistic looking restraints? We don't see guns in movies substituted by pink toys for example. Even if they are loaded with blanks (and sometimes, tragically, they are not), they are generally real weapons or look just like the real thing.

So why the loose cuffs which kill immersion? Is it just to wink at the audience that the director isn't REALLY a bondage freak? Is it to placate some overzealous censors? Some movies do get it right, of course, so it can be done, but the preponderance of loose restraints in movies, particularly when applied to women, is more than just random coincidence, I think. 5885) JD (the second).

Spike said: Please, keep 'em coming!!! Big grin Glad you like them. Ralphus said: I would recommend the woman's worn panties stuffed into her mouth and taped over. I was reading an interview once with the legendary Renee Ashley and she said she absolutely hates that combo (gag plus mouth stuffing) because it triggers the gag reflex and if vomit is induced you can suffocate to death very quickly.

So while erotic in concept, it can turn unpleasant in real world. Michael Max said: It always amuses me to see that.

Is it really that difficult to have realistic looking restraints? Franco is known for his shoddy (while enthusiastic) approach to films. Goofs and inconsistencies are his trademark. Anita Ekberg in Mongols (1961). [] Pass: from on. Re: Poll Question My vote is for either the ball gag or horse bit.

All serve the purpose but use of a ball gag or horse bit allows the teeth and remainder of the face to remain visible. Using duct tape or a leather gag covers the mouth and cheeks and -- at least with respect to the duct tape -- cannot be reused. (Think Green!) Nothing destroys the mood like having to pause to run down to the Home Depot for more duct tape! Aesthetically, I like the horse bit slightly more than a ball gag, but either are fine. 5887) Covers the Relentless. JD: Anita Ekberg in The Mongols: How did I not remember that scene? A classic beauty like Anita Ekberg in a whipping scene and I didn't have it in the database.

Maybe because she wasn't tied up? I actually own this movie, too, no excuse. BTW, there's also a BATS scene later on in the film. I know you're probably not into that, but the girl is pretty nice. I think it's Antonella Lualdi from the first whipping scene. --------------------------------------- I was reading an interview once with the legendary Renee Ashley and she said she absolutely hates that combo (gag plus mouth stuffing) because it triggers the gag reflex and if vomit is induced you can suffocate to death very quickly. So while erotic in concept, it can turn unpleasant in real world.

Well, you should never leave a victim gagged alone during bondage play; it's too dangerous. Fantasies are one thing, but safety first. If you were a real bad guy, ideally you'd have her in a soundproofed dungeon or the basement at a remote location where you wouldn't have to gag her at all. Builtlean Program Free Pdf: Software Free Download there.

But most bad guys aren't exactly concerned for the girl's welfare anyhow, otherwise he wouldn't have kidnapped her and tied her up in the first place. --------------------------------------- pcv wrote: Using duct tape or a leather gag covers the mouth and cheeks and -- at least with respect to the duct tape -- cannot be reused.

(Think Green!) Nothing destroys the mood like having to pause to run down to the Home Depot for more duct tape! That's why you should keep plenty of duct tape on hand at all times. It's cheap and effective, and your victim looks so much better with it over her mouth. Covers wrote: Ralphus, you've left ring gags and those dental spreader clamps off the poll. Both are quite decorative and functional in their own ways.

I didn't leave them off, Erodite did. It's her poll question. I thought about making this a full-blown gag poll with a dozen or so choices, which we did years ago, but this is a bit different and these were what she selected.

BTW, when we did that poll back then, we ran it for about a month and it ended up in an even tie, with duct tape and ballgags getting the exact same number of votes. 5890) A Canadian.

I am not really into duct tape in most of its manifestations and basically for aesthetic reasons. It should be, at best, a stop-gap measure when there is nothing else available.

Ball gags I am also not too fond off, they seem to produce a clown-nose effect that detracts from the seriousness of the proceedings. Although they are excellent for drooling, always attractive in GIMP humiliation. The other two gags I will not even consider.

My preference is for more natural materials such as a filthy rag, maybe parts of her ripped garment, and rope. Additionally, gags do it for me if the mouth and face are not overly obstructed so that facial expressions can show. Ball gags and briddle gags are alright in that respect, but duct tape and the leather gag shown just cover the face excesively for my taste.

A bridle gag would be essential for electro torture, if you do not want the GIMP to bite her tongue off. I attach an example of what I consider one of the best types of gag. Finally, gags are just an initial thing, they should be removed so as to be able to hear the pleading and screaming clearly.

5896) Badger. Well, you guys are really into this poll.

Thank you Ralphus. I left off cloth gag but oh well, we've got it started now with those four.

Ring and spreader keep the mouth open and as far as I'm concerned damn unattractive. Plus I said 'appearance rather than usefulness'. There is a rather well known website for gagged females, and whenever I take a look at it I am always drawn to the.what's that honey?

Oh, just telling the gimpers I like the MFFETETEtdedfedefffeidt. He seems to like that one too.

5899) erOdite. Hi all, As some of you knew, I had a blog up on tumblr dedicated to Erotic Sadism and Torture. (That's actually how I met some of you online and even the place where I was reintroduced to GIMP after forgetting about it for several years.) After just completing another phase of repairing my computer post-HDD crash, I discovered that tumblr summarily terminated it as tumblr 'does not allow gore or mutilation'.

Don't try it again. Questioning this action won't help as any such questions won't even be reviewed. It was good while it lasted. I expected I might find a couple hundred like minded people to share stuff with. Instead, after 10 months up I had 9600 followers and who knows how many lurkers. In truth, I'm amazed it lasted as long as it did considering some of the hate emails I received. What I will miss is the list of my own followed blogs stemming from running that one.

Checking into who was following/liking some of my stuff was a great way to find other similar posts. I replied to the tumblr termination email asking about retrieving my old list, but I'm not hanging by my thumbs waiting to hear back from them. Some of you may miss it and wonder, hence this announcement. Another triumph of censorship against sharing legal content (NO kiddy or animal porn) among like-minded adults. At least it lasted long enough to bring me back here. 5901) Bill K. I have to go with the ball gag in the poll question because I like to see the lips and the wide open mouth with the ball gag.

Compare it to a bite down horse bit gag which give me a mental picture of damsel biting into a something no man would want to be biting into. Besides a ball gag be much more painful and uncomfortable then a horse bit thing. Ball gags and horse bit type gags also prevent damsels from biting their tongue which tape type gags I don't believe do. Not that it would matter to the torturer but the damsel, especially a gimp actress, it ruin your whole work day for sure. 5902) adelbert. Ed: Sad to see you got taken down on Tumblr.

I assume you were the guy with That was an excellent site while it lasted, I found a lot of good pictures there!

I saw some Balthazar pictures recently posted here show up there immediately afterwards so I figured you were also on the GIMP forum. Nice job while it was up and running, though.

Our loss, I bet you were a long way from getting your whole personal collection posted. Erodite wrote: Adelbert: I'm a fan of Quoom but until you noted it in your comments I never noticed the strappado effects on the body before. Add THAT to my list of things I could do without.

Erodite: Sorry for the inadvertent visual/verbal TMI on Quoom. Wasn't trying to gross anyone out, in fact, sad to admit that picture has quite the opposite effect on me. That's why your comment was a perfect illustration of one of the things I was trying to talk about, how the line for the “ick” factor, the point where it goes from kinky fun to “that's revolting,” is so different even among a group of people who just by reading (and hopefully posting to) this forum place themselves within the same general niche.

It's one of the things I find most interesting about the GIMP forum. Because in spite of all being under the same larger tent in terms of “special interests” there's still such a wide spectrum of views, turn-ons, and comfort levels, etc. And we all manage to play well with each other in forum-land.

Like, in spite of the graphic nature of my own preferred Medieval witch trial fantasies, I'd only place myself as “medium sick” at worst in relation to the overall GIMP crowd, given some of things I've already seen posted here. And that's even discounting Ed's recent face-removal pic, which was so far over the line that you have to toss it out so as not to skew the statistical results unduly After all, there's plenty of other examples around on a forum where for instance Ralphus just got done with cannibalism week in his pic of the day. As usual with me, I guess the point is I don't have a point. I continue to discover the contradictions in myself as to where that line is, like I don't much care for fisting, either, yet there's a current Quoom story employing it and I'm finding that scene really works for me so far. And in the spirit of forum-wide cooperation, with this post I included a “safer” picture A bit of suspension by the wrists. Painful (I sure wouldn't want to undergo it myself), but no visible marks or wounds, and nothing too horrible is being done to her.

As for the poll: Well, with my own peculiar historical interests I'm not well-qualified to express an opinion on things employing modern materials, but I'd suggest something that isn't actually on your list. A rag or cloth wadded up and stuck in the mouth. Secured there with duct tape, if you want to get back to an item that is on the list, and to do it right, I would imagine, so choking it back out isn't a possibility. Easy, cheap, accessible everywhere, innocuous until put into use if that's a consideration (kidnap fantasies?

I don't know, that's also not my own cup of tea), can be adjusted to be anywhere from extremely uncomfortable to not so bad for the recipient, depending on the parameters of the role-play in question. Soiled rag if that sort of humiliation is in play, but there we've veered deep into my own personal “ick” zone again so I'll stop there. Of course, left to my own devices in that poll, literally, I'd come up with something more medieval and nasty that would probably gross you out, as in the following pic. Tape gags are great but they've got to be done right. There's nothing lamer than a bound girl with a little strip of tape over her mouth, as if that would stop any desperate female from screaming and calling out for help. You've first got to stuff their mouths full with cloth, their own bra and panties for instance, then put the strip of tape over their mouths, wrapping several layers all the way around their head good and tight.

That's how to make a tape gag work. Otherwise I say go with the old reliable ball gag, it works every time.

5904) Ralphus. Ed: Damn, I never even got to visit your Tumblr site. I heard about it but never had the URL.

Too bad that certain hosts can arbitrarily just destroy an entire site without warning; I've seen Yahoo and Google groups pull the plug on some fine groups just like that. Hank Hobbs had his groups destroyed many times, likewise with Tarl, who I haven't heard from in years. And those were just vidcap sites. I've seen some really extreme stuff on Tumblr, but I guess the stuff we like is never really safe, especially with a free hosting service. Back in 2009, Tripod nixed the GIMP after we had been with them for 10 years with no problems whatsoever.

That led to us creating I guess the reason I feel a bit safer here (he said with fingers crossed) is because I pay for hosting now. If they were to suddenly decide we were too extreme and pull the plug on us, they'd lose that monthly payment. --------------------------------- GIMP Poll update: After 24 hours, as far as I can interpret the voting, duct tape has 8 votes, ballgags have 5 and bit gags have 4. No one yet has chosen the leather gag.

It's a good start. Let's keep on getting those votes in. Great comments so far.

--------------------------------- Alphonse Monk: I like the way you think. Pervert High Five! Tape gags have to be done right, and sometimes they aren't and it ruins things. It really annoys me when I see a tape gag and it's obvious the tape isn't even sticking to her face all the way.

Check out this vidcap of Teri Hatcher from an episode of Tales From the Crypt she did a while back. Look at the bottom of the tape, you could stick a couple of fingers between the tape and her chin. And there's a shadow between her nose and the tape, so it's obviously not on there tight. The only reason I kept this scene was because it was Teri Hatcher tied to the bed, and she was a major babe back in the day. But there's still no excuse for such sloppy gaggage. It also makes no sense that tape is going to work without mouth packing. Even the strongest tape is going to be worked loose if she can stick her tongue out from between her lips to loosen up the tape.

The way to prevent that is to stick enough cloth into the mouth so that her tongue is blocked, and then using tape all the way around her head is one way you can lock it over her mouth so that thing ain't coming off. Just like Alex did in A Clockwork Orange. Ralphus said: What, you don't like the women as food pictures? One of my favorite themes.

But since they've gotten only one bit of feedback, and it was negative, we'll move on to something else. But they'll be back in the future, I promise you. Well, it's your playground, your rules. Speaking only for myself, if you'd put a warning like SCATO/CANNIBALISM ahead between 14 March to 18 March (just examples) I'd be happy to walk the dogs a bit longer those days. Catch of the day from a rather decent Western.

Valerie Wildman in The Shooter (1997) [] Pass: 5906) Matt. Ed, Put me on the list of people who actually STARTED with Tumblr (as a lurker) because of Erotic Sadism.

Always checked Gimp first (unless Ralphus was doing bugs or cannibalism or some @%#&%$X like that) then your blog. I don't suppose we'll ever be rid of those who decide that because SOME jagoffs choose to go where they will be offended--and then cry and scream to get it removed--instead of just not going there, they should remove the right of others who DO like it to see it. It would be cool to discover who these bitchers are (though of course THEIR rights are protected vigorously) and see what blogs they have or follow (cute kitten pics, world-without-men blogs, blond/blue-eyed Jesus blogs, or whatever) and make a concerted effort to get them taken down. But of course they don't DO blogs--they just complain about others who actually go to the time and trouble. I was just thinking the other day how cool it was that Tumblr had replaced the irritating Yahoo groups set up, when. Maybe we could all move to Great Britain, where freedom is. Oops, my bad.

In honor of those who protect us from ourselves, I present the above image of someone who I imagine might look somewhat more like a moral arbiter getting what she deserves. The Tumblr blood purge: Sure enough we have a lot of missing groups. You used to get a nice 'Nothing to see here folks' but they don't give that to you anymore. I was a lurker on Ed's page. Never signed up for Tumblr since I can click on the group and get my freak on. It is kind of interesting that you follow from one group to the next because if you have good stuff people will re-post.

Can't tell you how many groups and Email addresses I have had deleted for 'TOS Violations' I just dust myself off and start over again. Google used to be great for people like this but now they are just like all the others.

Its free but at their terms. You will get the itch again and when you do post a link and we will lurk again for you. Out of the four choices provided, I vote for the bit gag, since it allows the best view of the woman’s undistorted face. BUT isn't there actually a correlation between “appearance” and “usefulness,” so that the statement to vote for “appearance” and not “usefulness” is a bit (no pun intended!) misleading? Doesn’t something (or someone!!) look better to you when you know that the item (or person) has a particular usefulness?

If you see a woman and think to yourself, “she’s a six in the looks department,” and then you learn that she is very much into BDSM, doesn’t she suddenly become an eight in your eyes in the looks department? So my true vote, once usefulness is considered to improve appearance, would have been for a ring gag. Hi friends, From adelbert: assume you were the guy with Yep, that was the one.

Boccaccio said: Thanks for the mammaries..-) Yeah, there WAS a lot of good breast torture there, if I do say so. BP said: it is kind of interesting that you follow from one group to the next because if you have good stuff people will re-post. You will get the itch again and when you do post a link and we will lurk again for you. I found it a great way to find other posts/blogs in a similar vein that way. Surprisingly, tumblr responded to my question about getting my list back; unfortunately, they said it was purged along with the site. One follower, a fellow GIMPer, was kind enough to forward his favorites list. I still have to rely on my memory for most of them.

Said memory is increasingly spotty as I get older, so it will take a long time to reassemble, but his email will help quite a bit. I am reluctant to try again. It took up a fair bit of time (even to making gifs for posting) and other than proving a good source for similar blogs was largely thankless. Frankly, I'm afraid that if I do attempt it again, tumblr will cancel my root (vanilla--no downloadable images) account. With almost 10k followers and 10 months duration, I didn't think eroticsadism would be cancelled, but it was, so now I don't trust 'em. There are a lot of I-don't-like-it-so-you-can't-do-it people out there and one can't defend sadism like one can a simple nude girls site.

If there was another posting site that was safe for my content I would be willing, but I'm not going to risk tumblr again. Ralphus wrote: I've seen some really extreme stuff on Tumblr, but I guess the stuff we like is never really safe, especially with a free hosting service.

Where do you think I found the grotesque face-peeling picture? Bet that blog is still up. Sorry you never made it there. Besides the many followers, I had some 6000 posts of my own, many multipart. Things are swinging back to a fundamentalist morality again. I was surprised that the net neutrality thing survived, but that was largely Big Media profit-driven and affected many more people than the censorship of 'deviant' content.

Like smokers, there is no defense accepted from the minority of practitioners. Well, as I said, looking back I'm amazed it lasted as long as it did and quite a few people got some enjoyment out of it first. Now to the poll: I usually prefer them able to scream and beg for pity in my fantasies, but gagging is sometimes okay if you don't want the ear assault or to deny them the release even that minimal venting of their pain. Personally, I prefer a simple cloth or leather gag so you can still hear some of their misery. Ball gags are no doubt efficacious, but probably too breath constricting for prolonged work. Also, few things ruin an otherwise good rack or dungeon scene than a bright red ball gag in the 'witch's' mouth. Related to an earlier discussion: I'm not a fan of cannibalism (or any kind of body waste), but to each his own.

I like seeing the obvious results of torture on the victim's body like whip welts, bleeding, discolored joints, etc. My fantasies involve tortures violent enough to cause marks, and images don't work for me if they aren't there. I can deal with the suspension of disbelief, but that suspension shouldn't be more of a stretch than the victim is getting.-) It's also why 90% of the pictures that turn me on the best are art/CG. Very few 'real' ones are realistic and I'm not into real pain infliction. 5926) A Canadian. Poll question - I'd go with the tape gag.

To me it just feels like the natural choice, as it's common to have duct tape lying around. Duct tape is also multipurpose (binding arms and legs etc). And there's always the fun of tearing it off Having said that, I do like the bit gag for electric torture @ Ralphus - Not all your pics appeal to me on a gimp level, but I find almost all of them amusing. Especially with the little comments Although I do have a problem with the blender pic.

The girl in the blender should have been suspended by her wrists and slowly lowered onto the spinning blade. Much more fun 5931) Ralphus. BP wrote: Well hell and damn!

Your throwing me under the bus when I made an opinion on the board. I didn't think I was dissing anyone much less you. My apologies, I might have misunderstood when you mentioned making a mistake here with showing blood and gore. What I was trying to do was show that the pictures I ran didn't have any of that, and that no one really should be offended by what I chose.

It's what happens when I try to dash off a quick reply before going to work. I didn't really give myself enough time to read your comments thoroughly. Still, I'd like to get feedback on what people like and dislike at the top of the site, positive or negative. I have no quarrels with anyone who doesn't like what I run; on the contrary, it's helpful for me to gauge people's reactions. If I don't hear from others, I won't know any better. Otherwise I'll just keep on running stuff I like, and hope that others dig it, too.

I think I do a pretty decent job with what I choose. --------------------------- Eda wrote: If you see a woman and think to yourself, “she’s a six in the looks department,” and then you learn that she is very much into BDSM, doesn't she suddenly become an eight in your eyes in the looks department? You know, Canadian beat me to it. A woman who's 'into the scene' doesn't really appeal to me.

I'd much rather her NOT be into it and imagine forcing myself on her. That's probably why I'm more attracted to innocent-looking girls.

Remember this picture of the day? * * * * * Ralphus wrote: You know, Canadian beat me to it. A woman who's 'into the scene' doesn't really appeal to me. You and A Canadian agree on something?

The apocalypse must be near. I think what Eda means is that for those who play GIMP games in real life, going home with a 6 is better than going home alone (or being charged with a felony). And once the fun begins, enthusiasm and good scotch can turn that 6 into an 8. I'm sure it's happened to many of us, both gals and guys. On the other hand, if I'm in fantasy-land and watching a video, knowing that the actress playing a victim is “into the scene” certainly would not change my opinion of her aesthetic qualities or much else for that matter.

5933) A Canadian. To Ed, A tiny part of your website is copied at [] and [] It was snapshotted on March 15, 2015 and June 25, 2014 and the /archive still has pictures attached, with lists of likes and reblogs. It only seems to be the postings for June 29 and 30, 2014. There may be more there, but I don't know where you kept your favorites list or how tumblr does those things. Since I regard websites as somewhat ephemeral I have about 700 pictures off your site, with their tumblr serial numbers, but they're obviously my preferences and a small fraction of yours.

Excuse me while I run off and lift my preferences off those few saved pages.