Plus One Maths Question Paper Free Download

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Plus One Maths Question Paper Free DownloadPlus One Maths Question Paper Free Download


I appeared in this prelims exam. I was prepared with conventional source. I did give less emphasis on current affairs. I didn’t revise them seriously. I am getting 55 correct and 26 incorrect. I hadn’t joined Insight test series or any test series.

I hadn’t joined any Mains test series? Can you please help me, What should I do now?

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Join Insight Prelims Test series with Mains self study and study according to this timetable with all other initiative on this site. Vision 2017 Mains test series and study according to their time table and follow Insigths test series? IASbaba’s ILP 2017 Program and follow just paper of Insight test series. I would be obliged, if you could give some insight into it. Actually I am very confused? Your valuable suggestion will be of immense help for me. I really don’t know about Baba and Vision test series; So I can’t comment about their plan.

If you join Insights and follow their plan and study accordingly – Meaning completing the syllabus before each test; Giving the test punctually; Seeing whats lacking; Aiming for continuous improvement – Then it will work; Right now you are already doing good – you will do much better after an year. You can also look at Vision’s tests – They are top class too. A little tougher – so if you score a little less – don’t be disheartened. Paper being difficult or easy is a relative affair.

But it is a fact that there is considerable deviation in pattern of question asked compared to last 5 years, not by margin of 5 or even 10 question but over 30. And that is what makes this paper so ridiculous, tough is a wrong word, ridiculous is what it was. My first attempt, spent 8 months 8 hour average, books after books on geography polity economic (Static/theory) portion based on what the paper used to be like only to end up with a paper that probably had 15 current affair question from 2015 (largely handled 2016 current aff. )and not poodle puff easy either as current affair questions normally used to be. The feeling of utter dejection and regret I am feeling right now is difficult to explain after the effort put. Getting 108 as per Sankar IAS key, and I stepped into the hall a confident chap after getting average 125 in 2011, 2013 and 2015 paper that I had solved at home.

Why even bother prescribing a syllabus. I thought I was well buffered to bypass the unexpected, it is just that I never expected 50 current affair and 3 or 4 polity question and I think zero physical geography (as in cyclones, monsoon etc and they were all in news!!! I was grossly over prepared as far as basic subjects are concerned and having started in jan 2015, had no idea about abstract information from 2015’s. Like I knew Mangalayaan but not the navy ship. Any chance with 108 though?

I am to be on safe side further deducting 3 marks and counting it as 105. That redd+ question, poverty reduction option was correct or wrong?

Hey @sushmitadigon:disqus Sushmita! I appeared in this prelims exam. I was prepared with conventional source. I did give less emphasis on current affairs.

I didn’t revise them seriously. How To Install Cccam On Blackhole more. I am getting 55 correct and 26 incorrect. I hadn’t joined Insight test series or any test series. I hadn’t joined any Mains test series?

Can you please help me, What should I do now? Join Insight Prelims Test series with Mains self study and study according to this timetable with all other initiative on this site. Vision 2017 Mains test series and study according to their time table and follow Insigths test series? IASbaba’s ILP 2017 Program and follow just paper of Insight test series. I would be obliged, if you could give some insight into it. Actually I am very confused. Your valuable suggestion will be of immense help for me.

Dudemost peoples (as per my last yr analysis) boast their score on forumiaslast year everybody talking of 120 as cutoff for sure & those who talking of 105-110 on that forum, they got trolled.but when result came they themselves got don’t take gossips on forumias so seriously.My sincere advice to anyone will remain the same till result-Those scoring >105 have Fair chances of clearing this so they can start for mains”Fair”- I’m talking because I had interacted with several fellow those who are not on any of forum6-7 members who are currently in FC @lbsnaa serving ips,irs,etc. Have scored 94,98,107,104,111& with their experience they told (considering past yr que toughness) they concluded that cutoff will be more or less similar to previous case.

Last yr distribution of questions is quite good across all subject.this yr polity & geography reduced from avg 12-13 que to mere 3-4 questions & Current affairs drastically increased to its setback for those who are not updated with current affairs.Mostly it will happen with senior players.So considering all these headwinds, my analysis concludes, cutoff at max will touch ~109 for open & ~107 for obcSo its better for those scoring 105+ to go ahead for mains.thanx •. Yes u r right.

The term is used to refer to rupee-denominated borrowings by Indian entities in overseas markets. The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the investment arm of the World Bank, last November, issued a ₹1,000 crore bond to fund infrastructure projects in India. These bonds were listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE). IFC then named them Masala bonds to give a local flavour by calling to mind Indian culture and cuisine. With talks of a full rupee convertibility back home, Masala bonds can help the rupee go global. Its helps corporate sector/ companies expand their business as well as prop up the value of rupee in overall Worldwhith respective countries those are interested for investment in masala bond Hope this help uThanks bro.😄👍 •.

Getting 129.26 as per diff keys (ForumIAS, Officers IAS Academy Chennai, Shankar IAS Chennai). Should be able to clear. My guess for cut off is slightly higher than last year.

Waiting for Insights key. It was the closest to my actual score last year 🙂 Last year cut off was 107.34 for GEN and I scored 114, though some keys were giving me 105 which made me upset.

Some users in online forums were predicting cutoff ranging from 110-130:(. This year my guess for cutoff is 110 (105-110 actually). So, if you are scoring 100+ in any key, you have a high chance of clearing.

105+ means you should not waste any time and start preparing for Mains. I must say thank you to Insights for the wonderful test series. I have solved 12 tests (21-32:)) and gone through solutions of other 20 tests (1-20). Definitely, a lot of questions, especially S&T and Environment came from this wonderful test series. Last year also, I enrolled for Insights test series but was extremely irregular in taking tests, costed me many questions.

Starting with Mains preparation without delay, Ethics and Essay writing practice and Optional revision are priority now. Wish you all good luck. Hello friends, I am not a regular commentator of this forum but I am definitely a regular viewer here. This years prelims was my 3rd attempt, I have scored really low in my 1st two attempts and none of them are worth mentioning.

This year according to Shankar IAS academy my score is 114.66 (65 C 23 W). I have been a subscriber of Insights test series for the past two years. My scores: Lowest: 79, average 100 – 105, Highest 128 (approx). My prediction this year is that I will clear cut off by a very slant margin.

My 2 cents about this exam: i. Never underestimate the power of a good revision.

This is most probably my 3rd year of being cocky about myself and right about this moment I want to hit myself for the mistakes I did. I have made mistakes in about 15 questions of which I have read in Insights’ collaborations. I just didn’t read carefully/thoroughly enough. Believe me, if you make a mistake on a known topic in Prelims it’s a hurt which won’t scald quickly enough. Insights is brilliant. I will start my mains preparation ASAP.

Even if I don’t clear my prelims this time I don’t care. I am here for this exam till I cross 32 (I am in my 29s now). I have a feeling that by the grace of destiny I have been given a faint view of mains this time and I am definitely not going to procrastinate the way I did for prelims. My request to future upcoming online prelims aspirants will be to finish off their papers within 1hour and forty minutes because you will need the other 20 minutes in an offline scenario to shade the options, shift through questions, conceding to regular demands of an actual offline exam scenario. If you do not have prep for aptitude, do not ignore CSAT prep.

It may prove costly. The English/Hindi Comprehension portion this time was punchy. To Insights regular commentators. You guys are a fresh breath of air in my otherwise sordid existence. Your comments keep me going. I have never seen such infectious positivism in a group.

I truly and deeply love you all. -Just another aspirant. Folks!!!None of the papers were easy or difficultthose who know answers and marked it correct (even by guess) papers were easy for them otherwise a nightmare.every serious candidate have some clue or hints of 80-90 questions.choosing a correct option changes the game.upsc is nt unpredictable in terms of framing questions, we only make issue of it.come out of this psychoanalysis part and focus on ur preprtn.if it works this year it’s good otherwise next chance is always thrr in life to succeed •. Regarding the CS, Governor question. Lets get one thing right.

What UPSC decides is final. The UPSC has already decided in IES 2006 paper that the answer to this question is (d) Neither 1 nor 2. Yes, this question is a straight forward repeat from IES 2006 General Studies Paper.

This is the link: [0]=field_question_year%3A2006. Remember the President vs Supreme Court controversy regarding the custodian of constitution last year in prelims?? In that one also there was a question in 2005 or so in one of the UPSC conducted exams in which a few statements were given and the option containing the correct set of statements was to be marked. The correct answer in that did not contain that statement in the question which says “The President is the custodian of the Constitution”. UPSC’s views and interpretations matter.

They have already been expressed before. Regarding the CS, Governor question. Lets get one thing right. What UPSC decides is final. The UPSC has already decided in IES 2006 paper that the answer to this question is (d) Neither 1 nor 2. Yes, this question is a straight forward repeat from IES 2006 General Studies Paper.

This is the link:. Remember the President vs Supreme Court controversy regarding the custodian of constitution last year in prelims?? In that one also there was a question in 2005 or so in one of the UPSC conducted exams in which a few statements were given and the option containing the correct set of statements was to be marked.

The correct answer in that did not contain that statement in the question which says “The President is the custodian of the Constitution”. UPSC’s views and interpretations matter. They have already been expressed before. But in my opinion, if you compare last year’s and this year’s GS1 papers, Last year’s was little more easy comparing yesterday’s.

Did you feel that? Last year, little more direct questions had asked. Geography got little more questions. But this year, it was more relying around current affairs.

That too from last June I think. That state butterfly question was the news of June 2015. In 2013 and 2014, if you compare, 2013’s was an easy examination. So the cut off was 242. In 2014, the exam was tough. So the cut off got reduced to 205. Now in my case, expecting for a second type situation.

Regarding the CS, Governor question. Lets get one thing right. What UPSC decides is final.

The UPSC has already decided in IES 2006 paper that the answer to this question is (d) Neither 1 nor 2. Yes, this question is a straight forward repeat from IES 2006 General Studies Paper. This is the link: [0]=field_question_year%3A2006. Remember the President vs Supreme Court controversy regarding the custodian of constitution last year in prelims??

In that one also there was a question in 2005 or so in one of the UPSC conducted exams in which a few statements were given and the option containing the correct set of statements was to be marked. The correct answer in that did not contain that statement in the question which says “The President is the custodian of the Constitution”. UPSC’s views and interpretations matter. They have already been expressed before.

I hope Insights will take this input while preparing the key. Hello sir I am ur online test series student. I m working for the past 3 years but still follow ur schedule like 80%.Last year due to less preparation got 80.

This year even after following your tests and schedule religiously I m getting 108 or max 112(Due to some errors in some keys). I never got less than 106 in your tests and have been continuously scoring above 125(Average). My strength is conceptual understanding and not factual based. May be that’s the reason of scoring less.

I want to start preparing for mains immediately but for that I have to apply for holidays from office. Its just one humble request (though its quite unprofessional to ask) to plz provide a tentative cut off based on your analysis. I know your analysis will be very very close to UPSC. I am thankful, is thankful and will always be thankful to you for providing direction, confidence and motivation to thousand of serious aspirants. Brothere are possibly large variations w.r.t cutoff analysis on diff forums.but in general reading between the lines for all forums suggests anyone 105+ should start preparing for mains.This paper had large no of current affairs & schemes related questions,upsc shifted from static portion as far as geo,Polity & history to some extent.

Those who had skipped current have to pay heavy price this timeIn my analysis,discussions with some old players, serving ips,irs officers & other mentors, the cutoff will not cross (108-110) range for generalSo you had fair chances for clearing the pre.go aheadInsight will surely help you successively All the Best!!! Hi Insights Current Affairs Monthly Compilation (Available in “Downloads”) & Insights Test Series with 2 times Revision of both is more than enough Reasons that you should choose Insights Test Series: 1. I have attended some of the tests of another coaching institute (mainly for having off-line practice with OMR), but I found purposefully they are asking tough questions and some questions which UPSC will never even think of asking But, Insights 3200 questions are the best w.r.t. UPSC preparation If you solve the 32 Insights Series and revise it, you may be attending Insights Test-33 on UPSC day Be it Current Affairs/static subjects, my personal view is “Insights is Best” 2.

Their detailed explanation for each question 3. Thanks you Insights! I was initially very skeptical about your test series (Yes some convoluted options, Typing errors). But in the end I realized most questions are covered by the test series in some way or other! Even I wrote only some 20 tests of yours I had a feeling in the exam hall that I should have followed and revised the tests even more religiously. At the end all is well was scoring 140: 74 Correct and 12 Wrong according to Shankar Key. About secure I never had any doubt it is the best available.

I hope you have some initiative planned for first timers like me with respect to optionals. Even a google group for similar optional group can also help a lot. I wish this reaches you 🙂 •.

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