I Am T Pain App Free Download Ipod Touch

Jul 26, 2011 - 3 min - Uploaded by Sulayman JagneHad a friend that wanted to know how to download I am t-pain. So I decided to make this. It's a fact: everyone sounds better with the T-Pain Effect. Transform your voice and get your T-Pain on with scrolling lyrics and original beats from the hottest producers. Sing the songs included in the app or give your voice the T-Pain Effect while singing along to any track in your iTunes library. Featuring the T-Pain Effect.

From With I Am T-Pain (iPhone), select your favorite track, and just sing into the mike on your iPhone. I Am T-Pain (iPhone) will record your new song.

I Am T Pain App Free Download Ipod Touch

Then, with a single button, publish your song over email, Facebook, or MySpace. You can also select the freestyle option and use auto tune for singing without companion tracks. Use this option if you simply want to send someone an auto tuned greeting over email.

The application bundles several of T-Pain's top songs, complete with lyrics, integrated Auto-Tune settings, and timings. The application also bundles four previously unreleased original T-Pain background tracks. Full Specifications What's new in version 1.4 Version 1.4 can use Auto-Tune with your existing iTunes library, and listen to performances from all over the world.

General Publisher Publisher web site Release Date March 01, 2010 Date Added March 01, 2010 Version 1.4 Category Category Subcategory Operating Systems Operating Systems iOS Additional Requirements Requires iPhone OS 3.1.2 Download Information File Size 3.72MB File Name External File Popularity Total Downloads 25,584 Downloads Last Week 1 Pricing License Model Purchase Limitations Not available Price $2.99.

Description It’s a fact: everyone sounds better with the T-Pain Effect. Transform your voice and get your T-Pain on with scrolling lyrics and original beats from the hottest producers. Sing the songs included in the app or give your voice the T-Pain Effect while singing along to any track in your iTunes library.

Featuring the T-Pain Effect technology used by T-Pain on his albums. As seen on The Ellen Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, and the Jimmy Fallon Show. I Am T-Pain was chosen as one of the Top 25 Paid Apps of All Time has been featured in the New York Times, CNN & Billboard.

“Do you have any idea how many hours I could waste getting my mom to sing hip-hop?” – Mashable 'Death of Auto-Tune' - Jay-Z ___________________________________________________________ Sing into the mic on your iPhone, and I Am T-Pain will record your voice and give you the T-Pain Effect. Then, with a single button, share your song over email, Facebook, or Twitter. • Receive 9 tracks FREE with the app. • Get songs by Lil Wayne, Eminem, Usher, 50 Cent, and Tupac featuring Dr.

• Look out for brand spankin' NEW beats from the hottest producers. The first 5,000 to download them get them for FREE! Enable push notifications to be the first to know!

• Use Freestyle mode to sing with the T-Pain Effect without background music. • Sing any song in your iTunes library with the T-Pain Effect (iPhone and iPod touch only).

• Get previously unreleased T-Pain original beats! • Create your own T-Pain Effect videos (iOS 4.0 required with iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4). ____________________________________________________________ “Yo, this is gonna be a smash” – Akon “I Am T-Pain” – T-Pain “This is really fresh” – Kid Cudi ____________________________________________________________ We recommend using the headphones with the integrated microphone that came bundled with your iPhone. IPod touch 4th Gen users: Because of hardware limitations, we recommend you use a headset or headphones with this product. Note that I am T-Pain 2.0 uses the T-Pain Effect pitch correction by Izotope, not Antares Auto-Tune. Unfortunately, we are no longer supporting iPod 2s with iOS 4. By Deems19 Yea.

I get that this is a gimmicky app. But why is there seriously no form of audio routing support.

AudioBus integration is a must before this would deserve anything more than one star. I would even take AudioCopy or JACK support. The creators have no intention of letting you use the app as a tool. They just want you to buy a bunch of crappy songs through the in app purchases. This app will remain an overpriced toy until a real implementation of audio routing app to app is added. Smule is one of the biggest money grubbing offenders that offer no real support for any of their apps.

Just look at the version history for this app. Pretty much every single update is an ad for selling some crappy new song they added or a warning that some past bug is still not resolved (sometimes spanning over 5 or 6 updates before they fix it). How To Live 365 Days A Year Ebook Library more. Don't buy this app and don't buy anything from Smule. This completely backwards way of treating your customer base is disgusting and shouldn't be helped continue by giving them your money.

It's a mistake I made and one I hope you won't make. By Cmoney048 Hi, I am a fan of T-Pain and I love what he does with his music and I love using his app. I recorded a few songs from the beats list and they turned out fine when I did them a long time ago but recently when I use the app and I record a song and play it back, my voice goes faster than the beat itself and that was not how recorded it. I always stay on beat but when I play it back the app just starts to play it back in a bad way. I think it's because I recorded the same beat so many times. I tried restarting the app and turning off my Ipod but it doesnt seem to work. I dont want to delete this app because I know that it would delete the songs I made so I am asking if you guys/girls can fix this problem for me please and also can you make the songs we make be shared via Itunes so I can keep the songs in my music library on Itunes or on my Ipod.

By Aka206 I bought this app years ago because it was powered by 'Antares' the same company that makes the auto tune the big boys( and girls) use. Now it's powered by 'the t-pain effect'. I'm glad I have the original version on my old phone. I would recommend not updating. Did Antares realize they let out a too powerful version and it was cutting into software sales?

Did the Antares contract expire? Whatever it is this app has suffered for it.

1kz Te Cylinder Head Crack Filler there. I'm all about giving musicians as much money as possible for quality. Also for anyone using this app in a studio setting please realize that a few milliseconds of latency exists between your voice and the recording.

This can be easily fixed with multitrack editing software. All digital has latency and it takes a lot of hardware(money) to reduce it. TL;DR This is a powerful and fun app but not as good as it once was. Do not update from the original version you will be mad.