Generic Usb Mouse Driver Windows Xp

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So I'm running a repair install of Windows XP today. I get to a part where I need to click yes/no. Should be simple, right? Oh wait, neither my mouse nor keyboard can select an option!

Say, I'll just try their ps/2 counterparts (currently USB), oh wait those don't work eiher! I might note that keyboard works fine in BIOS, other boot disks, etc. Just the Windows XP (home) installer where it doesn't. Anyone have a clue what might be causing this? Mighty tough to install when all your forms of input cease to function.

Generic Usb Mouse Driver Windows Xp

Google search yields a couple other people with the same problem, some of them solved by switching to USB from ps/2 or vice versa, but that didn't work for me of course. Neither the keyboard nor the mouse work. The likely suspect has to be the motherboard USB controller. I have an older motherboard (ECS), but it does the same thing when I try to use a USB mouse and keyboard. In my case, I plugged both their receivers into the respective PS/2 ports and haven't had a problem since. Maybe a BIOS update can fix it.

Generic Usb Mouse Driver Windows Xp

Rockwell Rslinx Classic Gateway Download. **** Never Assume ANYTHING ****. I understood you to say that one day it just stopped working while rebooting.

Rebooting implies that the system was working at one time. Maybe you could clarify the timeline a little?

If you were running a repair install on XP, then I'd say it was working at one point. So, maybe the right solution is to assume that the entire system is unstable- in other words, you've got one messed up install of XP. You can try to take the drive out and install it in a second machine, backup your data, and then put the drive back so that you can repartition and reinstall XP. If XP is messing it up, then that should do it. I guess if you want to do an end-run around XP, you could download one of those 'super boot disks' and boot from CD.

If that works and the keyboard/mouse works when you're done booting, then you know for sure that XP is dead and it's time to do a clean install. I assume that, since you're posting to Tom's, you have access to a second machine) **** Never Assume ANYTHING ****. Sorry for the confusion. Timeline: - Windows XP working. (several months) - I do a hard shutdown (hold power) - Upon attempting restart, freezes at 'Verifying DMI Pool Data' - I attempt several things to fix said error.

- I update BIOS in vain attempt to resolve - I back up files to a second hard drive. - I attempt Windows XP repair install. - Keyboard & Mouse do not work during install. I essentially came to the same conclusion you did - XP install is royally screwed. So earlier today I reformatted the drive and re-installed Windows XP from scratch. This installation worked perfectly. So, I'm guessing it was the previous install preventing the repair install from functioning.

Computer is working fine now (although I lost my original install of course). Funny thing is, nearly all those files I backed up from the OS hard drive to my second hard drive are gone. So now my backups are gone but I have a working computer. I just can't win. But I guess recovering those files if possible is the subject of another post. Thank you for all your help!

I really appreciate it. I'm just sorry that you seem to have lost those files and for the time it took to untangle exactly what had or hadn't been done. I would have to guess that XP had been bunged up for some time before it failed and was slowly drifting into trouble. I've had it happen now and then.

What happened to you was that it wasn't writing the file tables correctly, so every time you saved a file, it was writing garbage. You may be able to save some of it on the second drive with a utility like GetDataBack for FAT (or NTFS). **** Never Assume ANYTHING ****. Let's say instead that XP's HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) was corrupt and writing data that resulted in a bad FAT (or file table if you were using NTFS). NTFS is able to recover from truly horrible screw-ups, so I'm guessing you're using a FAT32 file system. So, the data was being written to disk, but not in a way that a correctly functioning XP install could read at all. It's like someone wanting to write a letter, but having the letter come out in Swahili, instead of English.

The letter information is there, but he doesn't know Swahili, so he can't tell that the right waords are even there. Someone (you) asks him if he wrote down the right information, but all he can say is 'What information?'

**** Never Assume ANYTHING ****. I know this is a really old thread, but I'm currently having the exact same problem. Doing a repair install of XP everything is going fine until Windows starts whining about some unsigned driver for my video card (Sapphire Radeon x1650 Pro). No mouse, no keyboard. Man Vs Wild In Hindi Full Episodes Download Torrent. Both were working fine just 2 seconds prior to that window coming up wanting me to click Yes/No to continue.

The system isn't froze because the green indicators are still moving. My mouse has LEDs on it (for da bling!) ad they are still lit. Keyboard, however, has NOTHING. No CAPS light or anything. Even if I reconnect the USB. I'm gonna do a Debug 0-wipe on it and start from scratch.

I'll post my success here once done.

I have Notebook Dell Vostro 1510 with internal Bluetooth adapter. My Microsoft Bluetooth Notebook Mouse 5000 works fine in OS Windows XP SP3. Now I install Windows 7 and Mouse doesn't work at all. When I switch on the Mouse comes window asking a pairing code for device and mouse recognized correctly as 'Microsoft Bluetooth Notebook Mouse 5000'. I enter 0000 and then comes Error:'Adding the device failed resulting in an unknown error. The reported error code is 0x80007048f.'

And Mouse doesn't appear in Devices and Printers window. Computer contains Dell Wireless 360 Bluetooth Module (hardware ID: USB VID_413C&PID_8140&REV_4870) with preinstalled Generic Bluetooth Adapter Driver from Microsoft.

Please, any suggestions.