Download Collide Beneath The Skin Rar

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Changes: - First, the addition of foot crush, there are three options: crush a single target, crush every tiny that she can find, and crush every tiny but each crush will make her growth. - You can place the new cities, and resize them. You need to choose their scale before placing it in the floor. Also you can place over giantess while in they are in pose mode.

Don't try it on animations or you will have lag. - I bring back the main screen, where you can choose the micro and the map. For now, only two maps, plus one empty map where you can put custom stages. - Super fly speed mode: press Shift twice while flying, the model will jitter a little bit until the map stabilizes it again in 10 seconds. - Added some improvements to foot placement, but they are some things that I need to fix like the Y positioning. - Added a basic breast expantion command.

Download Collide Beneath The Skin Rar

It only works on models that already have breast physics. - You can set the player to shrink / growth. - Buildings can now be destroyed by the player. Download (Windows and Linux versions): And thank you for the support in patreon, I will invest it in the game to improve it more. Something I noticed, obviously with some models the feet clip into the ground and when trying to adjust the Y axis, it doesn't adjust properly, but you knew this already I believe. The OTHER thing I found out, when you get to the smallest size, the player model starts to distort and jitter a little bit, like before. Other than those, I like this build a lot more than the previous.

There's actual level select and character select like the old versions. I like that a lot. Being able to finally place stages in a blank white space so there's no collision issues like with the island map. Many thanks for the new build! When enjoying a few tests I found that sometimes the gts will somehow get stuck trying to stomp. I assume she want's to reach a certain position but can't so the stomp is not triggered.

Then I tested the height adjustment as some big ones kept stomping into the ground without hurting anybody under their feet. That could be the y positioning you mentioned. But there's already an improvement compared to the previous version.

An interesting reaction was that the gts seemed to guess the target position different when the y adjustment was changed - and she missed her target by far. Many thanks for the return of the player selection. Wandering gtses seemed to keep within a certain area. The model names in the menu are very helpful. Many thanks again!

Another amazing update! The new cities are excellent, really great job.

The building destruction is a lot better though they don't often seem to register when in contact with giga-scale giantesses. For some reason I was imagining that the scale option for the cities would change their generation to cover more area rather than actually scaling up the buildings, but I guess it works well enough to place several of them in a cluster. The stomp action is cool, though it would be nice if it obeyed the animation speed slider. As more of an 'unaware' fan I would love it if you could make the giantess just walk past with a guaranteed step on a selected location, but I can imaging syncing up the footsteps isn't an easy task so don't take that as a request. For now the suspense of not knowing whether she'll step on you or over you is a nice touch.:).

You can actually kind of do that if you've got a phone VR headset. There's a piece of software (which is free) called TrinusVR, which can essentially turn your phone into a VR headset. Basically you tether your phone to your computer, activate Trinus on both your phone and your computer, and whatever is on your computer will streamed to your phone. It also breaks the image into 2 (so google cardboard/whatever headset you're using works). Now when you look around with your phone, it'll translate those movements into mouse look.

There's a bunch of other options to customize you're experience as well, but I find the default is good enough for me. It's a much cheaper alternative to the Rift or Vive, and you don't need a beast of a computer to run it either. It adds a nice sense of scale, and adrenaline when your running from a gts chasing you down. I didn't make the post, but i have tried the method they described, and the first person camera works decently for VR. It seems to kind of 'click' between view angles as you look around rather than fully smooth motion, but that may be how TrinusVR handles it rather than your game. If you could add a slider to adjust the field of view (fov) by at least 15 degrees, that would probably improve the experience. Also, if unity allows you to enable 'oculus mode' in a game relatively easily (I have heard that something like that is built in) that would be even better.

Not only could people with a rift/vive play the game, but it would also work better with GearVR (which has an app called RiftCat that can stream rift/vive content directly to the phone & uses the GearVR sensors instead of the weaker ones in Cardboard) That is probably more than you needed to know, and it's definitely not a priority. But I do hope this game gets native VR support someday:). Aiiko, there's a bit of collision issue with your new build, especially at giga sizes. I find in the new build, when you start increasing the girls to larger sizes while climbing on them, eventually she will grow 'through' you and you will end up inside her body instead of remaining attached. Climbing at these sizes is sketchy tooit's hard to make contact with her, and when I do the very minute movements of her body end up causing my character and camera view to appear to clip through. I've attached a screenshot of the new build of this happening, 300 km with a 'May' model. For now, you can put the giantess in a pose, the character won't jitter, but the skin of the giantess will jitter a bit.

At this point, i'm reaching the engine limits, and i would need to use another kind of tricks, like the kind of techniques to render planets, i would need to divide the giantess into separate chunks, because of the limited precision on the cpu, it can't render the entire model in one go. After all, the giantess height is half the moon size. And that just gives me the idea of a 'skin terrain' on top of the normal skin. Like i just build the city on top of any surface. The animation will be the problem. But that is not easy. Well, right now they are only giantess to player interaction, but i would like to add some player to giantess interaction, like touching certain body parts that trigger some kind of response to the giantess.

Also i want to implement a fluid system, also swimmable. And well increasing the body detail.

I'm more on the exploration side of things, as well in the insertion things. So i want also a good AI, to make an emergent gameplay, instead of manually telling them what to do each time, they should be able to decide what actions to take based on their personality traits. That can be a different mode.

And well creating custom scenarios can be cool, so i just need to add an objective system, dialogs, and more stuff. I'd like to throw in one thought. A true giantess wouldn't really need to stomp brutally. I think she'd look more majestic to put her foot down slowly - or completely unaware as was asked for. I don't know if the quick fix did something for the collider issues concerning crushing. But I started to write up sizes that work well.

Micro 0,4mm / GTS 1,6m / city 0,45mm using the room stage with it's flat floor. Stomping giantesses will rarely succeed in crushing their victim. Maybe because with a quick stomp the colliders are passing through or rather jumping over the target without triggering. I was wondering if the missing crushes are a model issue or a game issue.

Can't thank too much for continuous effort, aiiko! This is some of the most fun I've ever had with any size game I've only noticed a few bugs, but nothing really that bad The only Issues I've had are that if you spawn more then one giantess, and then select the crush and grow option, they will always go for the same micro, and will more often then not clip through each other to get it. The only other problem I've had is I can't get planes to turn their engines off, or slow down but that probably just me being retarded. Either way, fantastic game mate!

Well, your priorities are perfectly aligned with mine, so I am very excited to see where this game goes in 2017:D considering that breaking these size limits require complicated workarounds (Star Citizen was delayed so much in part to figure out how to make their engine render at planetary & galactic scales), I don't know if it's really necessary to go any bigger. Like you say, the max scale giant is already half the size of the moon compared to the minimum size. That's already more than we can really comprehend lol if you want to make a space map (and I would love one) you don't have to make the planets genuinely planet sized. Shrink the whole solar system to fit the limits of the engine.

Sure, players won't be able to shrink down to 'true' human size relative to those planets, but at that scale, who cares? To fix the bug i just need to do is put a smaller bodyWeight value.

The clamp is to get a 0-1 value, the closest the player is to the giantess, the less will be the weight on the head, and it will not move. And the giantess looking up instead of front wehn looking to another giantess, is because I changed a scale value that messed up this part of the code. Originally the value was 1000. So multiply by 1.6 that is 1600, the giantess. But after changing the base scale, now is 1600 * 1.6 = 2560, for that reason is looking up.

Ok, 2 things I found were that once you make a city appear you can't change its size with the sliders anymore unless you choose to Move it and while it's in that state then you can change it's size, however you can't change it's Y position. The other thing has to do with the foot placement function you added. Its pretty good but one downside I found is that is a model is wearing high-heels and then you attempt to increase her Y position then she will automatically go back where she was before unless you increase the Y positioning by a lot but that does not fix the problem. One awesome plus however is the breast expansion feature you added. Now, even small breasted models which normally would be extremely difficult to increase their bust size using PMXEditor can somehow look decent. Again, one suggestion for future builds would be the addition of NPC screams and possibly making them run in panic.

To handle the problem with the collision detection I'd go with some kind of a trick: Use the Y coordinate of the player and two Y coordinates of the GTS' body: her sole and another one above, e.g. Her head or whatever. When she stomps and raises her foot above the player, both vectors (Y_Player ->Y_Sole and Y_Player ->Y_Head) are point in the positive direction (assuming Y counts positive in the direction from ground to sky). As soon as she stomps the player and the sole should pass the player, the player is located in between her sole and her head. That means one of the vectors (namely Y_Player ->Y_Sole) points now in a negative direction and could therefore lead to a 'collision' detection. However you should enabled this methode of detection only if the stomp is right ahead because this situation is not exclusive.

I'm guessing aiiko's 'half the size of the moon' estimate was relative to the scale of the land, not the minimum player size. If we imagine minimum player size to be 'human size' (2m tall) for a solar system map, and assume the maximum map size is the same as the max model size (1600km), you could create a fairly expansive solar system map within those bounds that could look something like this. It would look more spacious than this ofc because the planets would be distributed in their orbits, i just aligned them to show relative size/distance for a 800km radius. I suspect the sun & other planets would still look unreasonably huge in the sky of the Earth at this scale, though. If maps can actually be larger than max model size, you could double or triple the distances between everything to make it look a little more believable. At this scale (with Earth about 5km diameters) the minimum player size would be 2500x smaller than the Earth, which in real world proportions would make the player 3km tall. I suspect there is probably a freely available 3d model of the Earth at that resolution with basic geography & topography intact.

Sure, the player would be as tall as most mountains in this scenario, but the planet would still seem appropriately huge, and the biggest giants could still make the whole planet look like a speck of space dust. I also spent my day thinking about the colliders. That area effekt (booming) you were thinking about would be difficult with high heels (wich is really implemented nice currently). But that could be used to make micros fall from near misses. Great for atmosphere. One solution could be to add more colliders within the shoe and the foot. I didn't look into the models, so I was wondering if a collider fires if the collider boxes partly overlap each other or also if one is completely within the other?

As far as I remember the colliders have to overlap while it is very hard to calculate if one box is within the other. I hope we can find a solution that will work for walkovers, too. I really like the unaware scenario. However I like playing the game and I think nobody mentioned how good those building crushes look! I got bored, so here's a different view of the same map idea at the same scale (1 pixel = 1 ingame 'kilometer' relative to minimum playersize). Again, it would be better if the map size could be larger than this to increase the space between bodies. But if 1600 'km' is the limit, this would work okay.

Also, definitely not suggesting the map would need actual moving planets, i just drew the orbit lines to help place them at the right distances. It would be cool if the planets had Mario Galaxy-style local gravity though, at least below a certain size. Perhaps it is possible to include different kinds of movement for the giantess.

At the moment there is walking. But perhaps crouching is also possible. Sche could use her hand to crush instead of the stomping animation. Running would also be a possibilitie. It would be funny, if she would just jump to stomp things, but thats perhaps tricky to to do. A number for her movementspeed would be also nice, like the number for her size. And a number or a slider for the playersize would be nice too.

This is definitly the greatest GTS Game ever. Thank you so much. There's a weird but useful bug that allows you to make a giantess grow much, much faster. By alternating between 'Grow Continously' and 'Grow Spurt' multiple times, then leaving it on 'Grow Spurt', spurts will be much more frequent. There's seem to be something important in either timing or amount done, since there seems to be a time where the original spurt is supposed to happen, but if a extra spurt is going on, it will cancel the spurt all together. The tallest in the picture, Galaco Neo, had a great timing, with pratically no cancellation. Under her, is a hastily done technique, with less spurts (and maybe some cancellation).

I also did a normal spurt and a normal continous. These were the results when the first giantess got to 1600KM, don't have numbers on hand anymore, so they are very approximate: - Normal Spurt: 100-200m - Continuous: ~2km - Super Spurt (non ideal): ~200km?

- Best Super Spurt: 1600km. Hello Aiko, now that you mention it. It would be nice if there were more shaders that could show up in game, and their effects aswell. Like shiny/glossy skin or metallic. One of the problems is that most shaders except for MMD4Mecanim don't work properly. For example, the standard shader looks too dark and the metallic/smoothness effect don't show up in the game at all.

Also normal and specular map textures don't work properly/aren't shown ingame either. P.S: Legacy shaders are really good for transparent textures (For example some hairs use them) but they don't work.

P.S 2: A FOV slider would be neat too. This is just a suggestion tho, just take your time with anything you consider more relevant. A super slow mode would be a cool toggle - as a giantess is trying to stomp you, there could be a slow-down sound, you can savour the moment with her foot slowly inevitably lowering toward you, and then toggle it off just as you escape and it comes crashing down To add to the haze idea, perhaps there could be a 'disoriented' toggle, for after you shrink, where everything would be blurry as you get your bearings. How about about an effect where the skyscrapers slowly wobble back and forth whenever a larger giantess is walking nearby?

I could keep going haha. VR is really cool. Like, it's on a whole other level of immersion. I've got a HTC Vive, and have managed to make some very basic setups in Unity of essentially a city model, MMD model and VMD animation with the scale starting at '1' and ending at '5000', and it's pretty awesome. Not sure if it's possible to develop a VR game without having a VR headset, but the tools I used to create this setup for the Vive were from this guy's page: He has a series of Youtube videos on how to implement them into Unity: With essentially zero coding knowledge, I manged to follow his videos to create a simple play area and teleport controller, allowing me to move around the city map and watch the gts do her thing.

Not sure how you'd go about implementing this into your game, but it's a possible starting point? There was a guy who posted earlier on here who had gotten your game to work with VorpX - a VR 'injector' as far as I can tell.

I went and bought a copy of VorpX, and fiddled with it for a little while. The first person mode was very nauseating, but there is a 'big screen TV' mode which worked moderately well with your setup. I would kill to see proper VR integration though! Also, something more concrete I may be able to offer to this project I work in film and television sound by trade. I have a library of 50,000+ sound effects.

I really like the sounds you have present in the game, but if you need any further sound effects, I'd be happy to send some your way. Like sure, giants bigger than a dozen meters are already breaking a bunch of physical laws by not immediately collapsing into a pile of slush that doesn't change the fact that larger things have a further distance to travel to complete the same movements, so from the perspective of smaller things they appear to move more slowly.

When you have mega giants zipping around at the same animation speed as micros, aside from the collision problems it makes by moving at impossibly high speed, it also creates a visual 'power rangers monster' effect that makes them much less imposing. Aiiko can probably make the slowing optional when it's implemented if you really prefer that look, but there are very good reasons to move slower when you grow. Idk if this has been said but I have found a few problems that may need to be addressed, if you wish to atleast uwu 1) gts eventually start clumping together to stomp towards the same thing when told to stomp everything. Even if theres 200 micros, they'll go after the same ones eventually 2) they start stomping the same spot even when there is nolonger anything there 3) somethings they're semi stuck in the floor and regardless of how much you edit the Y-axis, they will not budge 4) sometimes, for some reason the gts will get what I call confused, and ignore all orders. Merely walking to where they need to gothen stand there 4) The gts will get stuck on walls/tables/chairs if there is something underneath.

Maybe that's the best solution - but it won't help with the unaware walkover scenario I and obviously others like, too. Did you test it with high heels? The gts named silver works very well with high heels - maybe her shoes are kind of low poly. I realize we do have a lot of gts models but wouldn't it be best to allow editing of the collider polygons? That way we could possibly solve this for every game situation. The user who's transforming the model could define regions with complex collider structure and others with rather large and simple polygons.

Sry, but you don't understand. Totalcmd Crack Serial Key. Problem is that walkover crushes (well currently any crushes) fail if the size difference is too big. Actually the chance that a crush fails to trigger grows with the size difference. The stomp animation is a nice thing and you see it all the time in the movies - but a big girl doesn't have to stomp. Personally I think stomping makes girls ugly.

Where's the female elegance in that? However if aiiko can't see another way I'm still happy with the way it works right now. No other game before offered all that stuff he implemented! So a couple quick questions to float by y'all.

How easy would it be to: -Set the stomp's geometry at a fixed scale rather than relative to the giantess (e.g. Define the initial alignment as, say, ~10ft above the tiny's head, rather than the current ~lower arm length over it's head) -Plug the IK system into the collision meshes the player uses (so the giantess stands on roads and rubble rather than phasing through and standing on the ground. Dicking with the Y-axis translation would show it to be pretty flexible) Both of these seem simple, though if they actually were I get the feeling they'd be implemented already. Figured at least one or two of you other than aiiko would have some experience. Can I make a Suggestion? WHen I load a Stage into the empty Level, ist Floor keeps conflicting with the White Floor. Is There a way to fix this?

Because if I lift up the stage with the Y-slider, this may stops optically, but if I know activate the 'Stomp and grow' function my GTS does not stomp the Tinies, but rather pushes them through th stage into the White void again. Because of this the game does not Count them as stomped and my GTS does not grow:( and because this Feature is the best Thing someone every produced for a GTS themed game, really like to have it on custom stages. I hope you understand what I mean. Regards, anon. I honestle WOULD title it something generic like 'Mod' or 'Simulator' or 'Sandbox' or 'Maker'. It gets the points across immediately.

Giving it a long title like 'Titanic Problem!' Makes it sound like an RPG or story, or a long quest even though its just a sandbox-style game. That just gets people's hopes up.

If you do make a mode where there's a point/high score/story, then this is fine though IMO, but if its just a playroom then forget it. And something specific like 'Under her foot!'

Is way too specific. The game's all about doing whatever you want, and you'd want something that captures that theme. Something that says 'You can make any scenario you wish to make.' Also make sure it's not a 'trashy' name. You would not want it to be something like 'big sexy gurls', 'fetish fun time!' Or something.

Keep it classy. I don't have any specific ideas. Maybe something with the word 'Scale' in it since immense scales and size-difference is the main feature. I just mostly giving suggestions of what to avoid. Sorry if somebody has pitched this idea before, but would it be possible to add breathing and heartbeat sounds to the game?

I was just thinking today that it would be pretty cool if you could not only have the sounds of breathing and the heartbeat, but also have them get louder and deeper with an increase in scale, like the footsteps do right now. You would probably need to have the sounds able to toggle on and off, since some people might find them distracting.

But, personally, I think it could add a new layer of realism to the game! Hello, i have a new update for today. Not much new in gameplay features, but I have been working in some things. -Redesign of the Pause menu, now i'm including a Restart option to quickly reload the level, and i divided the Settings menu in 3: game settings, video settings and audio settings. - Game Settings: in addtion to the look at player, and crush tinies, i added a new option to set if you want the giantess to slow down the bigger they are. - Video Settings: I have new graphical settings, including: Shadow Distance, Field of View, Chromatic Aberration (lens effect), Color Gain and Value (adjust the intensity of color and if you want to see the scene darker or lighter), Bloom effect, Field of View (from 45 to 110 degrees). - Audio Settings: I still need to work in this area, for now you can only set the Ambiance Volume.

- Improved the stomp, now it should work at bigger size. - Fixes with the game speed, now changing the global speed also changes the walk speed. And the animation speed of each character will also change the stomp speed. - When the giantess are walking it shouldn't walk over eachother.

- Fixed the stomp in the custom maps, previously it wasn't working. =D But that stomping thing seems to be tricky. I cannot even say, if the collider works better because now she almost always misses her target. The distance her foot moves is too short. And when she has reached a certain size, she just looks at the target again without doing anything but having her leg jittering from time to time (this is also the case with non-moving targets ->Player).

She also still aborts stoming sometimes and just moves on to the next target without her foot having even reached the ground. I think present solution is too complicated and too error-prone.

May you should go easier by having a sort of movearound. Why not having the target 'killed' and the growth trigered just after she has completed the stomp animation?

Then you would not have problems with any colliders. Unity Player [version: Unity 5.5.0f3_38b4efef76f0] gtsdemo.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module gtsdemo.exe at 0023:00b0d665. Error occurred at 2017-48. C: Users Documents My games Archive-8dec GTS Game Windows Build 2017-01-01 GTS Game Windows Build 2017 gtsdemo.exe, run. 18% memory in use. 0 MB physical memory [0 MB free].

0 MB paging file [0 MB free]. 0 MB user address space [3112 MB free]. Read from location 5f8ecde0 caused an access violation. Context: EDI: 0x2e420800 ESI: 0x378b32b0 EAX: 0x00000000 EBX: 0x172103fc ECX: 0x34766e40 EDX: 0x8ac617e8 EIP: 0x00b0d665 EBP: 0x0917fb44 SegCs: 0x00000023 EFlags: 0x00010a86 ESP: 0x0917facc SegSs: 0x0000002b Bytes at CS:EIP: 8b 3c 91 8b 4d c4 8b 55 f4 89 3c 11 89 7d c8 8b. Any space map would need to be scaled down somewhat due to the limitations of the engine, but within the current limits of the engine it could still look incredibly vast to a player at the smallest size.

I edited the solar system model to reflect the actual max model scale (16000km relative to the smallest player size). Now 1 pixel in this image equals about 5km (instead of 1km). After upping the scale, I shrank the inner planets while keeping their orbits the same, so the sun should look a little less massive in their skies, while the planets themselves are still bigger than before. (all the asteroids should be a single pixel or smaller at the new scale, but that's way too many fuckin' dots to fix, so use your imagination) at this scale, earth is 25km wide relative to the minimum player size, so the smallest player would appear about 1000m tall relative to the earth's geography, if that makes any sense. They'd still be giant, but the planet would still appear huge, and the maximum model size (the size of the entire solar system) would be much, much bigger. Calculating how giants and micros should behave on various planets with the gravity system you described (along with the added stress of destroying city buildings) seems pretty damn taxing on your computer. Not to mention the wonderful bugs that'd occur if a giant was big enough to be one two planets at once, and you told it to walk somewhere.

Not to mention I can't imagine the view would be much different than say, setting a gts to max height on the continent map, and shrinking yourself down to minimum size. And if they're still not big enough, I've found that some models are naturally larger than others. So if you spawn 2 40 meters giants, one might be twice as large as the other, simply because of how the model works. You could also set that to a higher number in Unity, meaning it's possible to attain the size ratio you want, just not on a planet system, which again, I mentioned would probably just be easier to act out with imported objects, instead of re-writing the physics engine. Lol, the original wii handled local planetary gravity platforming just fine, and it was just 2 gamecubes crammed into a cigar box yeah, and aiiko responded to the suggestion by saying that local planetary gravity would be relatively easy to implement because the current climbing system already works about the same way, on objects much more elaborate than planetary spheres i made the solar system diagram in direct response to aiiko speculating about limits in the current engine keeping models from getting much larger.

Aiiko was concerned about needing elaborate workarounds to allow for interplanetary scales; I suggested those scales were possible within the current limits. This isn't just coming out of nowhere. Also, if a giant was big enough to span 2 planets, it would be big enough for the local gravity to stop applying to them. We're not talking elaborate astrophysics & true relative gravity calculation here. It's just a simple check: 'if character is. Yes but the Wii, and Super Mario Galaxy was developed by professional engineers over a span of many years, which is much different than one man in Unity.

As for bugs, I wasn't talking to much about gravity, but how it'd affect their walking. For example, in the room map, giants will try to automatically 'walk' up chairs and couches.

Their elevation detection bugs out a bit. Also, while wrapping a city around a spherical object might not be too hard, the destruction caused by a planetary sized giant would definitely lower the frame rate considerably, especially with something like shaders on, and multiple giants walking around. However it might be feasible for aiiko to eventually create a sphere you're always walking on, and never falling off (like SMG), as it'd just be crawling, but standing up. However jumping would be a much bigger problem. It's good that people are trying to test the game & submit bug reports, but reports like these aren't particularly helpful.

Without more details about the circumstances of the issue (and better yet, a screenshot) this just reads like a rambling complaint. For example, you say 'ambient occlusion doesn't work'. This update added a bunch of graphical settings that could affect how AO works.

What settings were you using? Did you even have AO turned on? As for 'looking at player broke probably because the gts doesn't move the torso anymore' the model moving more than just their head to look at the player was a bug introduced in a recent build. That was fixed in this build because it was messing with other animations. So you're reporting a fix as if it's a bug. This is the quick update aimed to address one of the stomp problems, and a new feature that I implemented yesterday.

- For the stomping now it will take some time to raise the foot before doing the stomp, depending on the speed. - I added the positional handles. You can hide them in the transform panel. - I also decreased the vertical offset slider to have more accuracy when adjusting the feet to the floor. Note that this will change the foot offset when walking, if you don't want that just use the new handles. Is is possible to calculate the actual height of a model in game? One thing that has become apparent when playing with different sized models is that the figure displayed on the scale slider doesn't really correspond with reality.

It assumes models are 1.6m tall at 1x scale, which is clearly not going to be the case for all of them. Would it not make more sense to have this display the scale multiplier (e.g. '1000x'), then if it's possible to calculate you could have another figure that displays the actual height of the model? The idea is interesting but there is too much work to be done before doing it. Right now I should make some changes under the hoof to use my custom gravity instead of the default gravity. That can be done silently over the next builds, so when i'm ready to start the space map i have everything set up to work.

For low gravity i will try to make a common code for both floating in space and water diving. But I prefer start to talk about the problems of space once I start doing to create the map and see how everything works in action. The current problem that i know is the jitter when you 'land' in a giantess, the planets can be smaller to avoid problems, but it will be interesting to land in a giantess and explore her like a planet without glitches. Great Fix, Much thanks for that! =) The new colliders seem to work good so far.

But I found some other bugs: She still very often doesn't finish the stomp move. She lifts her leg and after 1 or 2 seconds she turns to the next target without finishing the stomp move. This seems not to be dependend on the size however cause it apperst with 80m as well as wit 6 and 50 km. But what happens only with around 5 km and above is that the growth purt is triggered only every third or fourth time although she has successfully killed her target.

Tried that with different models and got the same experience. If you need more specific information ask what you need to know and I will see if I can find out. Theese bugs are replicable. As i can't test any 3d or vr thing, i will need to upload more builds so you can test and tell me what happens.

This build is for testing what device are working and what not, if the 3d shows up well, and if Unity is able to recongnize vr headsets. Connect them before loading the the game. Right now, i'm using what unity has inside on the box, and I didn't make any change, there are currently 4 options: split, stereo, oculus and openvr, and they will only be shown if unity is capable of recongize that device. Currently this only works for Windows but they might add support for linux in a future Unity update, or by a 3rd party plugin. Awesome, thank you for adding these settings! I don't have a rift or vive, but I have cardboard/gearvr I was able to get this working with Riftcat VRidge by adding this build of the game to my Steam library, running it while Riftcat was running on my PC (and streaming to my phone), and then selecting 'OpenVR' in the game's video settings. Unfortunately, the camera seems to be fixed in place.

You can look around, but it doesn't follow the player character (see screenshot). It's a good start, though If you would like to be able to test out VR on your computer without too much elaborate setup, I think this should allow you to do it pretty easily. Many thank aiiko for the build. I did some testing yesterday and I think the stomps are much better now.

I appreciate that the gts looks rather calm during that. And it was rather thrilling to have that flip-flopped elsa doing it. The only drawback I found was with high heeled models as tinies will be crushed 'by air pressure' when under the arch of the shoe.

Then again I'm glad that the complex colliders still work for walkover crushes. These work once again much better because of the adjustment possible with the y position slider.

I think at this point it rather depends on the specific gts model how good or bad the crush will work. For example I was able to experience a perfect walkover crush with the chatterhead sexu.gts model. The curved tip of her platform sole rolled over lot's of tinies leaving nothing alive while the size difference was quite impressive (skyscraper heels describes it). Reading across the thread I, too, think that improvements of actions like grabbing, etc. Would be appreciated. Personally I'd like some possibility for walkover crushes.

Currently I'd say theres kind of a 1 out 20 hit rate when using 'walk here'. So I tend to let many gts wander and move them closer if they walk off too far. It would in fact be thrilling to have wandering giantesses attracted by concentrations of tinies. And once again as a fitting finishing line: Many many thanks for the game and the continuing effort to improve it! I just tried the VR in this game for the first time WOW. Using Evo VR goggles + Trinus VR. The size comparisons in first-person and third-person really draw you in.

I've done Vive for walking through spaces I've designed, which is totally immersive, but even a Cardboard setup in Sizebox is amazing. I think some interface things could be tweaked, like buttons being highlighted as you mouse-over, so you don't have to pull away the goggles to make a selection with the mouse on the main screen, but these are nitpicks.

You've outdone yourself once again, Aiiko. AND you've made me realize just how fucking scary being in the presence of a giantess would actually be, and I'm loving every minute of it.:D p.s.

- You mentioned you can't do the VR, is that for not having the goggles, or do you perhaps wear a pirate eyepatch? My gf has impaired vision, so we don't go to see movies in 3D, which is fine since it ends up saving us $$$. Last night I was mucking around in Sizebox (is that the name we're going with?) and I had a thought. Right now, the biggest thing that you can compare a giantess to other than another giantess is the buildings in the city. I was thinking that what could be fun is putting an actual mountain on the island map. Like, one at least 2-4 km high (9,000-12,000 feet).

That would give something significantly larger for comparison and, as a bonus, could be used for some rather lewd situations in a pinch. And it seems like it would be simple to do, though I have no idea. I know that map building isn't a huge priority right now, but I thought I would share the thought anyway. The one and only!

I get paid to do high-end graphics nowadays, though the hours are ridic. I'm only a footnote in gts history on YouTube. Haha The model works fine, and the anatomy kicks ass; thanks for the conversions. Can't recall of the top of my head but I think its 'blushing/shy' morph/material may not have the right transparency working? A lot of models have this issue, no biggie. The haze looks great, will this feature be used for underwater as well?

Imagine a leviathan form emerging from the murky depths. A few bugs: Once in a while a tiny will appear to fall through the map or something, causing a giant in 'stomp everything' or 'stomp and grow' mode to forever seek them, trying to stomp 'through' the ground but never killing them resulting in an endless loop, even if you direct them to another tiny at first, they will beeline straight for the same one from across the map.

Still having some weird collision bugs with climbing now, I can't climb on the giants' bodies as easily. Furthermore, sometimes putting them into stomp mode will make their entire body temporarily a kill plane for some reason, trying to land on them causes me to get 'crushed' with the sound and everything. Also climbing on their foot when they're stomping on people causes me to float above the foot, then fall through it. I have no idea why it happens, but I decided to try and replicate your bug.

I set three models down, and set two to grow using normal methods, and the third using your bug. The first to start growing was the blond in the striped bikini using the 'Grow (Continuous)' option. The second set to grow was the silver-haired model, using 'Grow (Spurt)', and the last one set to grow was the dark skinned model using the method of alternating quickly between 'Grow (Continuous)' and 'Grow (Spurt)', then finally stopping on (Spurt). Final sizes Dark skinned: 1,600 km Blond: 13.39 km Platinum: 276.47 m The bugged method is Quite fast You have me curious, SP Now I must investigate. I'm really liking the current build. Crushing with other parts of the giantesses body (tits) seem to work much better than in previous builds, which I absolutely love.

The movement handles are useful, but at the moment I seem to keep grabbing them by accident when interacting with other parts of the interface, i.e. The animation speed slider. If you lower the giantess too much the horizontal translation handles are concealed beneath the ground, but you can still grab them by accident and move her unintentionally when clicking on menus etc. Definitely my favourite build so far, and I can't wait to see the new atmospheric effects in action.

It can be confusing to the users that don't understand the scientific notation I can add hands but without any interaction they will be useless. And very few users have access to them, many VR users are just using their phones, so right now is not a priority. You might be right, i feel if i do those requests people will stop doing that kind of requests, and then i can start focusing in some of the more core aspects. But then, sometimes it let's me focus on something when i feel stuck in one area. I will change the way that the giantess choses targets i hope it will work better.

Think about what vore entails: - picking up someone - making sure they're small enough to fit in your mouth - opening your mouth - forcing the person inside your mouth - forcing them down your throat into your stomach Now consider what's in the game right now. Only a few of the actions above are even partially possible. This isn't magic (although sometimes aiiko makes it seem like it is). It will take a lot of development and testing to make something as complicated as Vore work.

Aiiko has said several times that vore is planned eventually. But try to understand that it will take time for it to be implemented, and try not to act surprised or impatient that it isn't done already. It's true that working on the core of the game is important. And there are so many requests now, there is a risk that they could become overwhelming and distracting, especially for a one-person team but at the same time, aiiko has said he sometimes needs to take a break from features that are frustrating or boring. And it seems that getting the crush system working the way everyone wants has been a little frustrating so please trust aiiko to work on what he thinks is best for the game, or what he wants to work on to keep from getting burned out on development. That said, a central bug tracker could help keep these requests and issue reports from getting out of hand, and might cut down on the duplicate reports so they're easier to diagnose and fix. If anyone can recommend a simple, online issue tracking system that users can submit bugs to, that could be very helpful for everyone.

Hello, i have a new updated for Sizebox. Here is the list of new features and fixes: - You are able to import custom animations (check the new version of the Model Importer and the updated tutorial). - Space Map: a new map that is based on the space, note that this map is empty, for now is a basic version and you will need to add custom props, but in the future i will include a full space map with planets and everything. - VR Mode: i'm starting to include a very basic VR functionality, it has support for both Oculus and Steam VR. I'm also added some features for people who has 3d displays that support it.

Note that this can be buggy as I don't have a VR headset myself so is difficult to debug, but at least you have the option to try it. - Heartbeat sounds: for models with properly configured chest bone, if you are close enought you can hear the heartbeats. - I addded a new visual effect that creates and atmosperic haze when something is far away, to give a better sense of scale.

- Now, with the stomp behaviour, giantess will choose the closest target to their position, and will not inmediately follow the player. - The model imported is also been updated, now it suports more formats like.fbx,.obj,.3ds,. Jensen Xa 1120 Manual Arts. dae, so now can import more props into the game. Download the new build here. Yeah, i think we're describing two different experiences. There seems to be a bug associated with the grab command. Whenever the command 'grab' is executed the giantess attempts to pick up the micro player, but fails to actually pick the player up. Should the player decide to jump onto the massive hand, the giantess seems to immediately forget the micro player's presence and places their hand to their side.

This particular occurrence mitigates the immersive feature of this amazing project. On the other hand, this is an awesome work of art that continues to broaden the dimensions of potential with each passing update. I want to thank Aiiko for his tremendous endeavor in perfecting this project, which continues to baffle and excite. ~Best wishes. Is anyone else out there running the linux build?

Having briefly played the windows build to test some models I was fiddling with in PMXEditor, it became apparent that I wasn't seeing any of the odd graphical glitches I'd come to accept. For example when flying around at low level on the island stage I get random shadows flickering all over the ground as per the example image, it only goes away when I get outside shadow rendering range. I'm running in Debian stable with a GTX 780ti and the current nvidia driver from stable repos, and it appears in both Fantastic and Beautiful graphics settings. I'm just wondering if this is a general linux bug or something to do with my setup. I think i have neat idea for a feature: user defined chains of actions that can be interpreted and played out by a giantess.

The actions would be based on things that they can already perform like growing and wandering. The chains of actions could be written in a XML file (or whatever it is most convenient). For example, let's say that you load a XML file that has this: Crossarms continous player Lie Down 2 If you were to load the file and apply the chain of actions to a giantess it would set a crossarms animation, apply continous growth to her for 30 seconds, after that time she will try to crush the player for a minute and finally she will go into a lie down animation. All of this withowt having to manually change things one after the other. Do you guys think it would be useful or just a waste of aiiko's time? I'm having doubts about continuing with Patreon, this is due to a few reasons. It's all about whatever makes you feel comfortable, man.

Some of us are cool giving you money even if nothing comes out that month. If someone isn't happy with it, they can stop giving you money at any time.

But again, what's important is how you feel about it. I don't think anyone ever felt they wanted to give you money to speed up development or buy a product.

They wanted to give you money because they liked what you've built so far and wanted a tangible way of saying thank you. Regarding the models, I think you're fine. If you were taking private models and converting them and including them in the builds themselves instead of having just a few open source models, it's be a different beast. But fans importing and converting models to work in your game shouldn't be an issue, particularly when the game is free.

Yeah, there's no paywall to play the game, and since the models are free and the game is free there's no 'profiting.' There's plenty of examples of other people doing something in someone else's IP, and receiving donations through Patreon or some other source and being completely fine. Patreon is just a way for fans to say they support the work; I find having a Patreon to be a bit of a 'motivator' and a 'stressor' because I feel like I'm expected to do things, but it doesn't really work like that. They only expect what you say you'll offer, and if that's what you've always been doing then there's no pressure! >>7958 I was getting slightly worried about the potential problem of modelers getting upset eventually. And since you are making importers to make their work function in your game, it could tie you in a compromising position legally. I think rather than a Patreon, maybe a 'Donate' button would be more appropriate?

With Patreon, it's a monthly dedicated amount that people have to commit to, but with donations it can happen whenever someone feels the want to do so. And donations can also be more anonymous than Patreon, since Patreon itself as a project funding site has been becoming pretty prominent. I think the only loss would be nice interface it provides for consolidated updates and community conversation. But I think we've started to work that out on our own via Discord.

Either way, it's however you want to approach it aiiko, this is your baby, not ours. The less fun you have making it because of others' expectations, the more stressed you're going to become because it starts to feel more like a job than a hobby, and a labor of love should never devolve to that.

Whichever way you go, I know we'll support you. Well, for now I will keep the Patreon, I don't want to take desitions very quickly, at least I cleared up some things.

On another note, some users have noticed that the game can't handle more than 2 GB of RAM and then crashes. Currently the build is for 32 bit system, because i'm trying to keep compatibility for most of the computers. I have 2 solutions to avoid those crashes, improve the memory management to use less ram and optimizing the game, and two, make a 64 bit build and let the game use as many ram as it needs, the caveat is that i need to do a third build, well, i don't need to do it for every single build, since is still in beta, but for more stable builds. Linux doesn't have this problem because comes with support for both architectures in the same build. I made a poll to have a better idea of what architecture you are running the game. For anyone who hasn't joined the discord yet () here is the contest info.

We extended the deadline another week (to 2/5/2017) to give people more time to submit entries. We are currently selecting images to be used as: - an App Icon for the game - a Splash Screen for the game - a Server Icon for this Discord server Submit your applications on this channel. There will be prizes for each winning image (TBD). Limitations: - Submitted images should be your own creation. However, you can incorporate imagery found online as long as it has been made available for free public use.

- App Icon must be a square image up to size 512x512. Try not to make it overly detailed, because it will need to scale down to 16x16. - Splash Screen can be any normal fullscreen resolution image (ideally 1920x1080) - Discord Icon must be a Square image at least 128x128. Prizes (WIP) - Winning App Icon entrant will be able to suggest a MINOR feature that Aiiko will add to the game (If you pick something too complicated, we will ask you to choose something else) - Winning Splash Screen and Discord Icon entrants will be able to request an SFM model that SP will convert for use in the game (if it can't be converted, we'll ask you to choose a different model) The final prizes & selection process will be announced before the contest is over on 2/5/2017. I have some basic suggestions, should mostly just be extensions of things already done - have a way to edit with the player cam. Free camera should not go away, but a toggle could be good. Would allow the player to change animations without losing sight of their character.

- optional ragdoll physics for objects. It was done before with buildings in cities so adding a toggle to other objects does not seem too out difficult.

- might be harder than the other two, but a settings option for auto-apply morphs. Makes sense to not enable it by default for weaker PCs. Could have it only update the mesh while a morph slider is selected to avoid a wide range performance hit. Would be good for models that have some basic animation morphs. I'm advancing more with the scripting system for new commands, I need now to polish the system, and there is something else i can improve. I have two ideas, that i can implement now, that is, the queue of commands (that will cover the request of creating waypoints to walk), and i will also add a loop system, to start again when the queue ends.

That will also make the custom command scripting more simple, unless you want to create something more complicated. I'm also adding a simple console to debug for those who want to experiment with the scripting system. Just tested this on my Vive. Thank you for fulfilling one of my VR dreams. I didn't expect this one to happen so soon. One thing I noticed though: The keyboard controls seem to ignore which way the headset is currently facing, so it's a bit of a guessing game which key will make you walk forwards.

More of an annoyance than a problem once you figure it out, but I doubt it's intended. Speaking of movement, how about some alternative movement system for VR with motion controllers? I think there's a premade teleportation system in a toolkit somewhere, and it would be a lot more comfortable than having to find the keyboard while blindfolded everytime you want to move longer distances. About the AI, i'm getting close to the final design on how the AI will work in this game. My objectives are, to be simple to add new behaviors, include customization, not only by me but from the player, it should for different kind of objects (for example, an helicopter using the current wander function instead of making a new one from scratch), and the script are not necessarily inside the character (i.e. That make possible to import a spoon object, with a internal script called 'grab me').

Well, that is the half of the AI system, a list of commands that will be chosen by the player, but, what about a computer controlled commands? That is the second part of the system, and will use the same principles, the computer will need to choose commands on their own, this will be a setting, sometimes want to have full control, and sometimes them to have free will. So this actions need to be chosen, the easiest thing is to choose one at random, or maybe chosen the closest objects and micros, and then choose a random command. But it can be better, so each command can have a score, the higher the score, most likely the giantess can choose the action to take, it can be a score from distance to the target, or and score telling if the target is visible or not. But, for making it better, here will be the personality traits system, each trait will modify those score, for example, the crush command will have a high score for a evil or angry giantess, while it also have a negative score for a gentle or careful giantess. I will include some randonmness, they will not always choose the highest score, but, the score will act as a probability to choosing such action.

This is known as utility AI. So, if you want to add a new command, you will need only to program the sequence of actions to take, and the scores of such action.

I will document everything and explain what each action and score will do. I've been researching everything to make sure that this will be the best approach, because at this point, i don't think i will replace it, only improve upon it, so i want to build it good from the start, to avoid making big changes later, specially with scripts made by you, breaking them is not a good idea. So that's why it's taking a bit of time, it's easier to hardcode things, but having a scripting system takes more time, but in the end, adding new things will be even faster. All of this sounds very interesting to me. And it would also give many of us the possibility to help out with requested features as people will publish scripted solutions for that. First of all however I'd like to tell that I play a round of the game almost every evening. I'm missing some VR gear, but the game is exciting anyway.

The improvements of stomping and motion speed worked out. Selecting an appropriate size difference will give a good experience. A thought I'd like to get out is about a gts wandering the city streets. To achive that the script would have to access the roads or rather the crossings like nodes. A simple script would simply keep a giantess wandering from crossing to crossing and keep her mostly on the streets that way. The script would reach a crossing and get the information which crossings are connected to the current one. Simply selecting the next crossing by random she wouldn't wander off too far - an attractive way to let her encounter tinies and other city objects.

Do you think that would be possible? Will the city object be accessible in the necessary depth by the scripting commands?

I'm working in the AI system, for now, i was working in the micro ai, as is more simple. Currently there are two stats, the first is 'fear', it is calculated in based to two factor, the size of the giantess, and the distance (that also relative to the size), the effect of 'fear' is that increases the chances of running scared.

The second stat is 'curiosity', his main effect is decreasing the chances of having fear, and micros with this stat will try to walk closer to the giantess, they can also wave and make things to try to get the attention of the giantess. So now there is a mix of micros wandering, micros trying to get close to the giantess, and micros running scared. Now, i need to make a list of traits that will be useful to giantess, to try to cover every scenario. So i'm open to suggestions, let's make a list, and then, i will select of those what traits/stats will be most useful, and which others can be just calculated as combinations of them.

Here are some suggestions for giantess AI: Friendly - Won't attack or harm micros, when they make gestures towards her, she will make happy gestures towards them. If a micro dies (by accident) she will make sad gestures and stay sad, not chasing the micros untill one comes over to her and cheers her up. Hostile - May or may not act friendly at first, but ultimately will go on a rampage and stop, buttcrush and kill all the micros in any way possible, making laughing (or something like that) gestures while doing so.

Shy - Will act friendly with few micros around, but if the numer gets too large she will try to run away, possibly crushing some of them as she runs. Curious - Will act unaware to most micros, make gestures of simply looking around the map, she may notice a micro in which case she will either pick it up or act friendly for a short time and walk away. Selective - Will pick one micro (maybe the player) she will act friendly towards, making gestures towards them, all other micros she will kill.

Potential Giantess AI interactions with micro: Kicks any micro scattered about the floor launching them a reasonable distance away. When the giantess plants her foot on a micro she twists her foot, grinding the micro into the ground. When picking up the micro she places the micro she picked up and places him in her other hand which closes afterwards holding the micro hostage while she continues searching for more micros running aboutonce 3 or more have been collected, she then proceeds to squeeze the micros, causing certain death.

Amazing game! I love trying to helplessly trying to outrun their feet seeing that I'm barely moving to them! It'd be nice if it were possible to make them lean a bit forward while stomping, so that their faces can be seen (it'd give a more playful feeling) Two thing's that could add the sense of scale are clouds (can we add them without collision as objects?) and the delay of sound. As the sounds travel around 340 meters per second, the delay between their stepping and the sound arriving would give an even bigger sense of distance. Maybe by instantiating an audio source object near their foot, with a coroutine set to activate after a calculated time? New Testing Build: Changes: - Improved micro AI, it is good for now, i can focus now on giantess AI.

- Footstep sounds and eartquakes fixed. You don't hear big footstep sounds when the giantess is normal sized, and now the earthquakes also increase the magnitud depended on the giantess size. This changes are relative to the player size, to make more sense in micro scenarios.

For objects with no collisions, would need to have something to configure objects, i haven't decided how, but maybe adding some scripts to customize it in the future. Like, object.usercolliders = false. Having sound distance is simple, I have a sound manager, so i can make a list of sounds to be played, that will activated as soon as the time passes. This option will be optiona. Maybe i can output the speed to the new console (with f12 key). But also i think i will tweak the speed. I forgot to add the animations, i will see if i add it soon.

This is interesting. Maybe there should be a range limit for agent.findClosestMicro() because I watch strange leg distortions and assume it happens if the first targeted micro dies before she can stomp.

The function will select a micro quite far away and the character will act strange to reach it. Thinking about it the stomp should be cancelled if the tiny leaves a stomping distance relative to the gts size and maybe adjustable to each model. As I write this there comes another thought: A preset store for each model. The number of parameters grows and a preset storage could hold values like the vertical offset, the aggressiveness, the stomp range I was talking about and so on.

And putting them into a file or anywhere not attached to the model would keep those values without touching the existing huge selection of models. I like the idea of a more complex AI, hopefully it works out! One thing I noticed though is there's no (clear) way to stop growing/shrinking once you start it. It also seems like stomp+grow has been removed. Was that intentional?

Also, with regards to the AI, it seems like their default behavior is to follow and stomp you when you spawn them. The easy solution is to just make them idle as soon as you're spawned, but then they don't go around stomping on people. Actually, a neat option might be stomp everyone BUT the player. That way you can be near the action without halting it. New build for testing. Mainly for scripters: - I changed the behaviors to be Object Oriented so you will need to rewrite the scripts.

Check the examples for more information, there are some syntax differences that you need to know. - New animations. (note the Behavior:Exit() is not working correctly right now) Note: is a testing build, so the interactions are broken, but i'm working on the underlying system to support scripting.

The last 'stable' build was the one of January 17th. Also, i'm defining how the scripting will be, so everything is changing an being broken so don't put too much effort in scripting, just try to learn the basics until they become stable. I would assume with the many of the crappy mmd videos on youtube, they are linking back to here. Thus, these retards watch it, and come back here and start wrecking the place. Ultimately they are going to cause the project to fail because of the selfish and rude attitudes.

Especially the 'suggestions' that is overly specific to what they want, no help on how to do it, and they put a smiley emoji at the end to cap it off. Stupid kids ruining a great thing for everyone else. Sorry for the rant.

Aiiko, you are doing fine, thanks for the work you have done so far, and I mean that. I think I speak for everyone when I say, we just appreciate the effort you have already put forward without anyone asking and we thank you for it.

I have to study because i'm having exams, so i will be taking 2 or 3 weeks. Before that i will release a stable build for all platforms, so this i a candidate to that build but it needs some bugfixes, so if you can find important bugs just tell me. For things like spurt and BE there are not by default but they can be added with scripting.

Things new since the last test build: - Increased the number of apis for behavior scripting. - Line of Sight Checks. - VR camera fixes (move in the direction you are looking). Changelog since the Build 2017-01-17: - Support for 64 bit Windows OS. - Support for Mac OS. It's not very simple, you have to give execution permission and then give the game admin privileges. Also make sure that you have the option to run unverified apps.

I never used a Mac so I can't troubleshoot, but maybe an Internet search will give you the answers, look for 'how to run unity game on mac'. - The commands are now implemented with Lua scripts. Note that I had to rewrite some scripts by scratch and the functionality is still not the same as the previous builds. Somer users won't like that but keep in mind that this game is still in pre-alpha and there are big changes so if something works can stop working because of refactoring and changing the way it loads. - The Lua scripts can be modified, and is possible to create new Lua scripts, that means that new interactions can be created by the community and extend the game.

At the moment is a bit limited but the goal is increase the functionality to create any kind of interaction. The files and documentation can be found in 'Sizebox_Data StreamingAssets lua' (in Mac is ' Contents Resources Data StreamingAssets lua'). The behaviors itself must be placed inside the 'behaviors' subfolder. - Added a log console to see error messages to debug the Lua script, but also can give you hints of what kind of error are happening inside the game. To access it and close it press the F12. Also, if you are debugging scripts, restarting the scene will reload all the scripts. Support for subfolders in Models.

In the game, the models will appear ordered by the name of the folder, you can organize better your characters. - I made a prototype of an AI system that lets the player choose their actions based in a series of scores. Is still very early, and i was working more in the behaviors than this, but for now, this are the behaviors: micros will wander, and then stop to perform idle animations, some micros will walk towards a giantess, but if there is danger they will runaway scared. The giantess will wander, do idle animations, and then crush and grab micros. This is turned on by default but in future build i will make it optional, giving an animation or command to a giantess will stop their AI. - I revised a little bit the earthquake and footstep sounds.

I make sure that it doesn't sound loud when the giantess is the same size of the player, same for the earthquake, which now depends on the giantess size. I changed the grab functionality. At least works but it needs improvements, like a better animation. But it will be the base for future interactions. - Lot's of new animations, including some expressions, walk animations, dances, and replaced some of the buggy animations for others that works better. Hopefully with the ai scripting they can be used for new interactions.

- Line of Sight for NPCs. They are being used in the LookAt, but also it can be used for new ai behaviors.

Is new so is not widely used in the game yet. - Virtual Reality: I fixed some of the camera issues, in the first person mode the vertical aim is disabled and reset to the default position, and the walk works properly moving forward in the direction in wich the head is looking. - Other minor bugfixes related to camera, npc, and other things.

Virtual reality positional tracking seems to work better, maybe you fixed it in a previous version but it seemed wonky before. I'm using Oculus and Oculus mode doesn't seem to track position but Steam VR mode works just fine. Glad to the plugging away at the grabbing, maybe you or someone else will figure out a cool way to do it, being picked up in VR will be the best. When I load into the indoor area and I set myself to first person mode, my head seems to be in the ceiling in VR rather than the location of my character.

So that could be something that needs tweaking unless its just something off with my VR setup, maybe someone else can check. I did a test on multiplayer. I have a demo: I realized that i don't need to have multiple computers or having fast internet to test the multiplayer, a basic local multiplayer is easy to start. To make it online i guess you can use Hamachi and have a group of friends to join. This one is mostly testing until the giantess are properly implemented and controllable by a player. - Connect multiple players via LAN - Players are in sync (animation, position and scale). - Player skins are not in sync, all the players will have random characters - You can use localhost to test multiple players in your own computer (like pic related) - The default port is 7777 - NPC and objects are not shared.

Anything that you spawn in your computer will only exist for you. - Single Scene (new UI is required). - Player scripts won't work (anything that uses the player variable). Here's some shit I threw together: Tell a giantess to Explore 'n Stomp and she'll wander and look for micros to stomp on intermittently. It uses senses / line of sight to see who it can stomp and if she loses sight of who she was trying to stomp she'll move to where she last saw them and give up if she can't find them again.

She'll try to stomp a few times before giving up too to prevent issues where the poor gts can't land the stomp. Has some simple animations for successful stomps, give ups, failures, and messing about. Will work with the player (make sure the Ignore Player when Crushing box isn't checked) or micros sometimes. Still needs work. I couldn't find a way for a gts to tell if she was looking at another gts and not chase them or to stop looking at a target if she loses them and will default to the player. I also can't find a way to tell when a gts kills micros besides seeing if the target died after a stomp action. Goal was to make a kind of gts game where multiple gts explore a defined area and stomp tinies and keep score, maybe grow w/ successful stomps.

Hopefully better tracking of gts actions and what entities are what will help. Open the log to get a bunch of random debug messages. Spawning micros seems to flood it with null reference exceptions though so it's impossible to find anything. It's actually affecting both the default city model, as well as large city models I've taken from the model thread. I've fiddled around a bit more, the white stage causes the floor of the city to constantly flicker on and off, as does the island stage.

If I stick a city in the space stage there's simply no floor visible to the city at all, just the buildings floating in space. Basically imagine the model quickly shifting between these three pics several times a second every time the camera moves. This isn't a problem I had with the last build I used, maybe 2 or 3 builds back and nothing has changed with my computer so I wonder if it's just a random graphics issue with my card or something as a result of one of the updates. This is amazing, great software there. I'll upload what i have so far. Changes: - Pathfinding system: previously models just walked toward the direction of the target, but that is not perfect and many times the get stuck and spinning around. With the pathfinding the npc can look forward to obstacles in the way before walking to the target, so they can found a better path.

Currently the implementation is basic because they will use only 1 frame to plan the path, and maybe is not enought time to find the best path, so they will be replanning again once they finish the first path and didn't reach the goal. Sometimes they will still get stuck due to error calculating obstacles of the complexity of the map, but it still an improvement over the 'walk towards the direction of the target'. The custom pose system, is still buggy, and enabled by default. I have to add a button to explicitly tell to customize the pose, and only choosing the bones that you want to edit. - Reset: now it properly works so the scripts will be reloaded as they should and the giantess can be placed again in position. I haven't changed the scripting api yet so you can still use to do scripts for the last previous build if you want.

- I changed the behaviors of stomp and grab to automatically choose new targets once the first target is finished, but, grab is broken in this builds. If you want move the gts_grab.lua to the disabled folder. - About the scripts, the pathfinding is only calculated in the moveTo() method. So if you want to use follow or anything you can first use moveTo() and then the proper seek().

- I included a new car. This uses a different car controller than the first, and the interesting things is that this makes the car destructible. Instead of spawning multiple cars (because it gets broken a lot) press the Left Ctrl key to reset the car. - Minor changes in the LAN, now it haves is menu and works with any map. Still buggy anyway. Remember that this is a test build and those things that i'm working are still unfinished, and this is only a Windows x64 build.

New test build: 2 little changes - Control a giantess, for this build the giantess catalog acts as a character select menu. Not much control for the moment: walk and run, grow and shrink. The animation is buggy so change the character in the menu. And delete it to go back to the original player. I think a better approach will be to create a proper animation controller for the giantess instead of using the one that the ai uses, that way i can tune and blend different animations and handle better the transitions.

- Some camera improvements regarding collsion, the transition will be smoother. I dont know if im doing something wrong or not but with the second to newest version (Not the brand new one with giantess control) the giants seemed to only be able to take one command at a time.

If i tell them to grow, they will stand in place or be stuck in a walk cycle that doesnt go anywhere and grow. And if i tell them to do anything else theyll do it but then stop growing. Like they can only do a single thing at a time. Anyone else have this issue or am i just being stupid and doing something wrong?